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Dynamic group-based differential evolution using a self-adaptive strategy for global optimization problems


Academic year: 2021

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DOI 10.1007/s10489-012-0393-5

Dynamic group-based differential evolution using a self-adaptive

strategy for global optimization problems

Ming-Feng Han· Shih-Hui Liao · Jyh-Yeong Chang · Chin-Teng Lin

Published online: 1 November 2012

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012

Abstract This paper describes a dynamic group-based dif-ferential evolution (GDE) algorithm for global optimization problems. The GDE algorithm provides a generalized evo-lution process based on two mutation operations to enhance search capability. Initially, all individuals in the population are grouped into a superior group and an inferior group based on their fitness values. The two groups perform differ-ent mutation operations. The local mutation model is applied to individuals with better fitness values, i.e., in the superior group, to search for better solutions near the current best position. The global mutation model is applied to the infe-rior group, which is composed of individuals with lower fit-ness values, to search for potential solutions. Subsequently, the GDE algorithm employs crossover and selection oper-ations to produce offspring for the next generation. In this paper, an adaptive tuning strategy based on the well-known 1/5th rule is used to dynamically reassign the group size. It is thus helpful to trade off between the exploration ability and the exploitation ability. To validate the performance of the GDE algorithm, 13 numerical benchmark functions are tested. The simulation results indicate that the approach is effective and efficient.

M.-F. Han (

)· S.-H. Liao · J.-Y. Chang · C.-T. Lin

Institute of Electrical Control Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, 1001 University Road, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan, ROC e-mail:ming0901@gmail.com S.-H. Liao e-mail:liao622@gmail.com J.-Y. Chang e-mail:jychang@mail.nctu.edu.tw C.-T. Lin e-mail:ctlin@mail.nctu.edu.tw

Keywords Evolutionary algorithm (EA)· Differential evolution (DE)· Adaptive strategy · Optimization

1 Introduction

Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have become a popular op-timization tool for global opop-timization problems [1–7]. The optimization processes the EAs usually adopt are stochastic search techniques that work with a set of individuals (i.e., solutions) instead of just a single solution, using evolution operators to naturally produce offspring for the next genera-tion. Algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GAs) [8–13], evolutionary programming (EP) [14], evolution strategies (ESs) [15], particle swarm optimization (PSO) [9–11,16– 20] and differential evolution (DE) [21–28] are well-known, effectual and classical evolutionary methods.

Among EAs, differential evolution has interested re-searchers [29–42] in recent years. The DE algorithm pro-posed by Storn and Price [21,22] is an efficient and effec-tive global optimizer in the continuous search domain. It has been shown to perform better than genetic algorithms or par-ticle swarm optimization in several numerical benchmarks [21,22,36,43]. The DE algorithm employs the difference between two randomly selected individuals as the source of random variations for a third individual. It can be applied to difficult optimization problems [21,22]. However, the DE algorithm may favor the exploitation ability or the explo-ration ability [31,32]. To address this problem, Rahnamayan et al. [40] proposed a faster global search and optimization algorithm, called the opposition-based differential evolution (ODE). The ODE employed opposition-based learning to choose better solutions by simultaneously checking the fit-ness of the opposite solution in the current population. ODE processes can increase the diversity of the population. In [30,


41,44], the researchers proposed a modified differential evo-lution (MODE) for an adaptive neural fuzzy network and a locally recurrent neuro-fuzzy system design. MODE pro-vides a cluster-based mutation scheme to prevent the algo-rithm from being trapped in local optima of the search space. The concept of balancing the exploration and exploitation abilities was proposed by Das et al. [31]. These authors de-signed a novel mutation operator, the neighborhood-based mutation operation, to handle the problem of stagnation. In their study, they utilized a new mutation strategy with the ring topology of the neighborhood to find potential indi-viduals in the population. Noman and Iba [37] proposed an adaptive crossover operation with local searching (XLS) to increase the exploitation ability of the DE algorithm. The adaptive XLS uses a simple hill-climbing algorithm to adap-tively determine the search length for the crossover process. These authors successfully trained the DE algorithm to ef-fectively explore the neighborhood of each individual and locate the global optimum at a minimum solution.

Unlike previous studies, this study develops a new pro-cess without depending on other learning algorithms to solve the imbalanced evolution problem. This process employs the inherent properties of the DE algorithm. The process com-bines two classical mutation strategies instead of a single mutation model. The DE/rand/bin approach has a powerful exploitation ability, and the DE/best/bin approach has an ef-ficient exploration ability. The approach in this study com-bines the two operations to achieve a balance between the exploration ability and the exploitation ability.

In this study, a group-based DE (GDE) algorithm is proposed for numerical optimization problems. The GDE model is a new process based on two mutation operations. Initially, all individuals in the population are grouped into a superior group and an inferior group, based on their fitness values. The superior group uses the DE/rand mutation oper-ation to search potential solutions and maintain populoper-ation diversity. The inferior group employs the DE/best mutation model to increase convergence. Subsequently, the crossover and selection operations are employed for offspring produc-tion. A self-adaptive strategy based on the 1/5th rule for au-tomatically tuning group size is then applied in the proposed process. Finally, the proposed GDE algorithm is applied to 13 well-known numerical benchmark functions, including unimodal and multimodal function problems. The contribu-tions of this study are summarized as follows:

(1) The proposed GDE algorithm employs the inherent properties of the DE algorithm to solve the evolution imbalance problem. The GDE algorithm combines two mutation operations to balance the exploration ability and the exploitation ability.

(2) A self-adaptive strategy based on the 1/5th rule is pro-posed to automatically tune the group size without prior user knowledge, improving the robustness of the algo-rithm.

(3) Thirteen well-known numerical benchmark functions are used to validate the performance of the GDE algo-rithm. In statistical tests, the GDE algorithm shows sig-nificantly better performance than other EAs.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section2 describes the basic procedure of differential evolution. The GDE flow chart and details of the adaptive group size control strategy are presented in Sect.3. Simulation results compar-ing GDE with other evolutionary algorithms are presented in Sect.4. Concluding remarks are presented in Sect.5.

2 Differential evolution

This section introduces a complete DE algorithm. The pro-cess of the DE algorithm, like other evolutionary algorithms, produces offspring of the next generation by mutation oper-ations, crossover operations and selection operations. Fig-ure1shows a standard flow chart of the DE algorithm.

Initially, a population of NP D-dimensional parameter vectors, which represent the candidate solutions (individu-als), is generated by a uniformly random process. All in-dividuals and the search space are constrained by the pre-scribed minimum Xmin= (x1,min, x2,min, . . . , xD,min) and maximum Xmax= (x1,max, x2,max, . . . , xD,max) parameter bounds. A simple representation of the ith individual at the current generation, Gen, is shown as follows:

Fig. 1 The flow chart of basic DE algorithm. Gen is the generation


Xi,Gen= (xi,1,Gen, xi,2,Gen, xi,3,Gen, . . . ,

xi,D−1,Gen, xi,D,Gen). (1)

After the first NP individuals are produced, the fitness eval-uation process measures the quality of the individuals to cal-culate the individual performance. The succeeding steps, in-cluding mutation, crossover and selection, are described in the following sections.

2.1 Mutation operation

Each individual in the current generation is allowed to breed through mating with other randomly selected individuals from the population. The process randomly selects a par-ent pool of three individuals to produce an offspring. For each individual Xi,gen, i= 1, 2, . . . , NP, where gen denotes

the current generation and NP is population size, three other random individuals, Xr1,gen,Xr2,genand Xr3,genare selected from the population such that r1, r2 and r3∈ {1, 2, . . . , NP} and i= r1 = r2 = r3. In this way, a parent pool of four in-dividuals is formed to produce an offspring. The following are different mutation strategies frequently used in the liter-ature:

DE/rand/1: Vi,gen= Xr1,gen+ F (Xr2,gen− Xr3,gen) (2) DE/best/1: Vi,gen= Xgbest,gen

+ F (Xr1,gen− Xr2,gen) (3) DE/target-to-best:

Vi,gen= Xr1,gen+ F (Xgbest,gen

− Xr1,gen)+ F (Xr2,gen− Xr3,gen) (4) DE/rand/2: Vi,gen= Xr1,gen+ F (Xr2,gen− Xr3,gen)

+ F (Xr3,gen− Xr4,gen) (5) DE/best/2: Vi,gen= Xgbest,gen+ F (Xr1,gen

− Xr2,gen)+ F (Xr3,gen− Xr4,gen) (6) where F is the scaling factor∈ [0, 1] and Xgbest,gen is the

best-so-far individual (i.e., Xgbest,gen stores the best fitness

value in the population up to the current time). The DE al-gorithm usually employs a different mutation strategy, de-pending on the problem being solved. The “DE/rand/1” and “DE/rand/2” mutations, with more exploration abil-ity, are suitable for multimodal problems. The “DE/best/1”, “DE/best/2” and “DE/target-to-best/1” mutations, which consider the best information in the generation, are more suitable for unimodal problems.

2.2 Crossover operation

After the mutation operation, the DE algorithm uses a crossover operation, often referred to as discrete recombi-nation, in which the mutated individual Vi,genis mated with

Xi,gen and generates the offspring Ui,gen. The elements of

an individual Ui,gen are inherited from Xi,gen and Vi,gen,

which are determined by the parameter crossover probabil-ity (CR∈ [0, 1]), as follows:


Vi,d,gen, if rand(d)≤ CR

Xi,d,gen, if rand(d) > CR (7)

where d= 1, 2, . . . , D denotes the dth element of individual vectors, D is total number of elements of the individual vec-tor and rand (d)∈ [0, 1] is the dth evaluation of a random number generator.

2.3 Selection operation

The DE algorithm applies the selection operation to deter-mine whether the individual survives to the next genera-tion. A knockout competition occurs between each individ-ual Xi,gen and its offspring Ui,gen, and the winner, selected

deterministically based on objective function values, is then promoted to the next generation. The selection operation is described as follows:


Xi,gen, if fitness(Xi,gen) <fitness(Ui,gen)

Ui,gen, otherwise (8)

where fitness(z) is the fitness value of individual z. After the selection operation, the population gets better or retains the same fitness value, but never deteriorates.

3 Group-based differential evolution

This section describes the GDE learning process. This learn-ing process groups the population into a superior group and an inferior group. The two groups perform different muta-tion operamuta-tions to produce offspring for the next generamuta-tion. An adaptive group size tuning strategy is also applied to find a suitable group size.

3.1 GDE algorithm

In the DE algorithm, the mutation operation is a kernel oper-ator that acts on all individuals to search potential solutions and leads to successful evolution performance. For various problems, different mutation strategies are often employed in the DE algorithm. Choosing the correct mutation strategy to model a practical problem is difficult, however. Therefore, in this study, a GDE model is proposed with exploration and exploitation abilities. The model combines the two muta-tion strategies to enhance performance for solving practical problems. A flow chart of the GDE algorithm is shown in Fig.2.

In the first step of the GDE, a population of NP D-dimensional individuals is generated by a uniformly ran-dom process, and the fitness value of all individuals is deter-mined. A sorting process is used to arrange all individuals


Fig. 2 The flow chart of GDE

algorithm. Gen is the generation counter

based on increasing fitness, i.e., fitness1<fitness2<· · · < fitnessN P−1<fitnessN P for minimum objective problems. According to the fitness values, we group all individuals into an inferior group and a superior group, called Group A and Group B. Group A, containing GS individuals with the low-est fitness values, performs a global search to increase the diversity in the population and widely seek potential solu-tions. The other (NP− GS) individuals composing Group B perform a local search to actively detect better solutions near their current best position. A complete mutation operation based on Group A and Group B is shown as follows: Group A: Vi,gen= Xi,gen+ Fa(Xr1,gen− Xr2,gen),

i= 1, 2, . . . , GS (9)

Group B Vj,gen= Xgbest,gen+ Fb(Xr3,gen− Xr4,gen),

j= 1, 2, . . . , (NP − GS) (10) where Faand Fbare scale factors; GS indicates group size; Xr1,gen,Xr2,gen,Xr3,genand Xr4,genare random individuals selected from the population; and i= r1 = r2 and r3 = r4. Next, crossover and selection operations are performed, as

shown in Sect.2for the traditional DE process. All steps are repeated until the process reaches the terminal condition. 3.2 Self-adaptive strategy based on the 1/5th rule

Parameter control, which can directly influence the conver-gence speed and search capability, is an important task in the evolutionary algorithm [39, 45]. Previously, the trial-and-error method for choosing suitable parameters was used, re-quiring multiple optimization runs. For this model, however, a self-adaptive approach is proposed based on the 1/5th rule for dynamic group size tuning. The 1/5th rule [46,47] is a well-known method for parameter tuning and is usually used in evolution strategies for controlling the mutation strength. The idea of the 1/5th rule is to balance local searching and global searching based on the probability of success, P . If P >1/5, then the algorithm increases the global search ca-pability; otherwise, if P > 1/5, the algorithm increases the local search capability. If P = 1/5, the algorithm stays the same. Based on this concept, a group size with similar char-acteristics is adapted by the 1/5th rule to balance the ex-ploration and exploitation abilities in GDE. A larger GS


Fig. 3 1/5th rule algorithm for group size tuning in the GDE algorithm

means that the GDE favors exploration to increase the pop-ulation diversity. A smaller GS means that the GDE favors exploitation to actively search for better solutions near the current best position. Therefore, the 1/5th rule is an appro-priate parameter tuning strategy for the GDE. The complete self-adaptive parameter tuning strategy, based on the 1/5th rule, is shown in Fig. 3. In this process, the probability of success is calculated by counting the successful instances updating the best solution. The group size is adjusted by an adjustment factor β. In (17), round(.) is to set the value to the nearest integer.

When GS= NP, the mutation operation completely fa-vors global information for evolving a better individual. In this case, the GDE algorithm equals the traditional DE algo-rithm with the DE/rand/1 mutation operation. At the other extreme, when GS= 0, the GDE algorithm completely fa-vors local information, which equals the traditional DE al-gorithm with the DE/best/1 mutation operation.

4 Simulation results

To verify the performance of the new algorithm, a set of thirteen classical benchmark test functions [14,48, 49] is used for comparison. The analytical form of these functions is given in Table1, where D denotes the dimensionality of the problem. Based on their properties, the functions can be divided into unimodal functions and multimodal functions. The functions f1through f4are continuous unimodal func-tions; f5is a discontinuous step function; f6is a noisy quar-tic function; f7is the Rosenbrock function; which is a mul-timodal function problem for D > 3 [48]; and f8 through

f13are multimodal functions, with number of local minima increasing exponentially with the problem dimension [49]. In addition, f8is the only boundary-constrained function in-vestigated in this study. All these functions have an optimal value at zero.

The GDE algorithm is compared with three classic DE al-gorithms, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1, and DE/target-to-best. For comparison, the parameters of the GDE algorithm are fixed at Fa= 0.5, Fb= 0.8, CRa= CRb= 0.9, initial group size

GS= NP/2, adjustment factor β = 0.9 and Gp = 20 in all

simulations. The parameter settings for the three classic DE algorithms are recommended and used as follows:

DE/rand/1: F = 0.5 and CR = 0.9 [22,35,50] DE/best/1: F = 0.8 and CR = 0.9 [31]

DE/target-to-best/1: F = 0.8 and CR = 0.9 [33].

Many authors report success with these parameter set-tings. In all simulations, the population size, NP, is set to 100 and 300 in the cases of D= 10, and D = 30, respec-tively. The maximum number of function evaluations (FEs) is set to 100,000 when solving 10-D problems, and 300,000 when solving 30-D problems. All results are based on 50 independent runs. Section4.3demonstrates the significant difference between the methods based on a statistical com-parison process. An additional simulation based on a two-difference vector is discussed in Sect.4.4.

4.1 Results for the 10-D numerical function problem In this simulation, the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms are applied to 10-dimensional problems on 13 benchmark test functions. Table 2 shows the detailed performance of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms, including the mean and STD performance for 50 independent runs. From this ta-ble, the proposed GDE achieves better performance than the other algorithms and obtains the best results for nine of the thirteen functions. When comparing only the three traditional DE algorithms, the DE/target-to-best/bin algo-rithm often performs better than either the DE/rand/bin or the DE/best/1 algorithm for the benchmark test functions. The DE/best/1 algorithm shows different behavior from the other three traditional DE algorithms when applied to f11. The learning curves of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms for all 13 test functions for low dimensional (D= 10) problems are shown in Fig. 4. Based on the results, GDE converges faster than the other algorithms for all 13 benchmark test functions.

4.2 Results for the 30-D numerical function problem To verify the capability of the algorithm on 30-dimensional problems, the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms are applied to the 13 benchmark test


Table 1 Benchmark functions. D is the dimensional of the function

Group Test functions Search range D Optimal value

Unimodal f1= D  i=1 (xi)2 [−100, 100]D 10 and 30 0 f2= D  i=1|xi| + D  i=1|xi| [−10, 10] D f3= D  i=1  i  j=1 xi 2 [−100, 100]D f4= max i |xi| [−100, 100] D f5= D  i=1 (xi+ 0.5)2 [−100, 100]D f6= D  i=1 ix4 i+ rand[0, 1) [−1.28, 1.28]D Multimodal f7= D  i=1  100xi+1− xi2 + (xi− 1)2 [−30, 30]D f8= D  i=1−xisin √ |xi| + D · 418.98288727243369 [−500, 500]D f9= D  i=1  xi− 10 cos(2πxi)+ 10 [−5.12, 5.12]D f10= −20 exp  −0.2 1 D D  i=1 x2 i  − exp  1 D D  i=1 cos(2π xi)  + 20 + e [−32, 32]D f11=40001 D  i=1 xi2− D  i=1 cos xii + 1 [−600, 600]D f12= π D  10 sin2(πy1)+ D−1 i=1 (yi− 1)2  1+ 10 sin2(πyi+1) + (yD− 1)2  + D  i=1 u(xi,10, 100, 4) where yi= 1 + 1 4(xi+ 1) and u(xi, a, k, m) = k(x i− a)m, if xi> a k(−xi− a)m, if xi<−a 0, otherwise [−50, 50]D f13= 1 10  sin2(3π x1)+ D−1 i=1 (xi− 1)2  1+ sin2(3π xi+1) + (xD− 1)2  1+ sin2(2π xD)  + D  i=1 u(xi,10, 100, 4) where u(xi, a, k, m)= k(x i− a)m, if xi> a k(−xi− a)m, if xi<−a 0, otherwise [−50, 50]D


Table 2 Experimental results of the GDE, DE/rand/bin, DE/best/bin and DE/target-to-best/bin algorithms for 10 dimensional problems, averaged

over 50 independent runs

Function Max.FEs GDE DE/rand/1 DE/best/1 DE/target-to-best/1

Mean (STD) f1 100,000 4.821e-46 (1.137e-45) 1.382e-36 (1.193e-36) 1.602e-39 (1.392e-39) 2.954e-41 (2.694e-41) f2 100,000 2.875e-21 (4.999e-21) 7.475e-19 (3.587e-19) 4.291e-20 (3.637e-20) 9.352e-21 (3.646e-21) f3 100,000 1.338e-24 (2.777e-24) 1.168e-20 (9.579e-21) 1.084e-22 (1.351e-22) 4.685e-24 (3.772e-24) f4 100,000 1.042e-14 (2.914e-14) 3.048e-13 (2.354e-13) 2.683e-14 (2.802e-14) 3.943e-15 (1.695e-15) f5 100,000 1.325e-15 (3.371e-15) 2.325e-12 (3.350e-12) 2.278e-21 (3.287e-21) 5.986e-22 (1.260e-22) f6 100,000 0.000e+00 (0.000e+00) 0.000e+00 (0.000e+00) 0.000e+00 (0.000e+00) 0.000e+00 (0.000e+00) f7 100,000 1.329e-03 (6.047e-04) 1.78e-03 (6.776e-04) 2.011e-03 (8.390e-04) 1.694e-03 (7.761e-04) f8 100,000 2.787e+02 (1.871e+02) 2.460e+02 (3.611e+02) 6.664e+02 (3.734e+02) 5.012e+02 (1.347e+02) f9 100,000 5.597e+00 (1.570e+00) 1.882e+01 (3.235e+00) 6.467e+00 (1.641e+00) 2.192e+01 (3.391e+00) f10 100,000 7.993e-15 (2.901e-15) 4.440e-15 (0.000e+00) 5.151e-15 (1.497e-15) 4.440e-15 (0.000e+00) f11 100,000 8.883e-02 (4.691e-02) 1.819e-02 (9.154e-02) 1.219e-02 (1.021e-01) 3.127e-02 (8.615e-02) f12 100,000 4.7116e-32 (1.153e-47) 4.7116e-32 (1.153e-47) 4.711e-32 (1.153e-47) 4.711e-32 (1.153e-47) f13 100,000 1.349e-32 (2.884e-48) 1.349e-32 (2.884e-48) 1.349e-32 (2.884e-48) 1.349e-32 (2.884e-48) Average Rank 9/13 4/13 4/13 6/13

functions. Table 3 shows the detailed performance of the GDE, DE/rand/bin, DE/best/bin and DE/target-to-best/bin algorithms, including the means and STD performance for 50 independent runs. As shown in the table, the GDE al-gorithm performs better than the other alal-gorithms on the 13 benchmark test functions. In 30-dimensional problems, the traditional DE algorithms have problems obtaining bet-ter solutions. The GDE algorithm results in the best solution for thirteen out of thirteen functions. Comparing only the three traditional DE algorithms, the DE/target-to-best/1 al-gorithm shows very different behavior when applied to f4 and f12. The DE/target-to-best/1 algorithm performs bet-ter overall from among the three traditional DE algorithms. The learning curves of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms for the 13 test functions ap-plied to the 30-dimensional problems are shown in Fig.5. This figure shows that GDE converges faster than the other

algorithms on both unimodal and multimodal function prob-lems.

4.3 Statistical comparison using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test

To understand the significant difference between the GDE and the traditional DE algorithms applied to multiple test functions, a statistical procedure based on the Wilcoxon signed ranks test [51, 52] is performed. This test, a non-parametric alternative to the paired t-test, ranks the differ-ences in performance of two models for each data set, ignor-ing the signs, and then compares the ranks for the positive and the negative differences. In this study, the GDE is cho-sen as the control algorithm to compare with the traditional DE algorithms. The performance of an algorithm differs sig-nificantly if the corresponding statistic z differs by at least


Fig. 4 The best learning curve of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and

DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms on 13 test function for 10 dimensional problems. (a) Function 1: f1; (b) Function 2: f2; (c) Function 3: f3;

(d) Function 4: f4; (e) Function 5: f5; (f) Function 6: f6; (g)

Func-tion 7: f7; (h) Function 8: f8; (i) Function 9: f9; (j) Function 10: f10;

(k) Function 11: f11; (l) Function 12: f12; (m) Function 13: f13

the critical value,−1.96. The statistic z is calculated as fol-lows: z=Min(R+, R−) − 1 4N (N+ 1)  1 24N (N+ 1)(2N + 1) , (11)

where N is the number of test functions, R+ is the sum of ranks for the data sets on which the second algorithm outper-formed the first, and R− is the sum of ranks for the opposite case.

Statistical comparisons are performed for both 10- and 30-dimensional problems and N = 26. Table 4 presents a complete set of results for the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The statistic z= −2.73, −3.50 and −2.82 for GDE versus DE/rand/1, GDE versus DE/best/1 and GDE versus DE/target-to-best/1, respectively. For all cases, the statistic

z is smaller than the critical value, which means that the GDE is significantly better than DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 in this simulation.

4.4 Comparison with other algorithms

Further results regarding the comparison of the GDE algo-rithm with other evolutionary algoalgo-rithms is presented in this section. These algorithms include CEP [53], ALEP [54], BestLevy [54], NSDE [55] and RTEP [53]. Table5shows the comparative results with respect to 30-dimensional prob-lems. The GDE algorithm showed the best results for five of eight functions, i.e., Function 1, Function 3, Function 10, Function 12 and Function 13. The overall results show that


Fig. 4 (Continued)

the GDE algorithm is a more effective algorithm than other competitive algorithms.

5 Conclusions

This study has proposed a group-based DE algorithm for numerical optimization problems. The GDE algorithm per-forms two mutation operations based on different groupings to effectively search for the optimal solution. This algorithm, which has both exploitation and exploration abilities, is a generalized DE model. In addition, an adaptive parameter tuning strategy based on the 1/5th rule is used to dynami-cally adjust the group size. The simulation results demon-strate that the GDE method performs better than other EAs for optimization problems.

Two advanced topics on the proposed GDE should be ad-dressed in future research. First, the GDE may adopt other further learning methods to improve performance. For ex-ample, Norouzzadeh [17] used a fuzzy logic to enhance performance in PSO. This method increases the possibili-ties when searching potential solutions. Additionally, future simulations will include applying the GDE to neuro-fuzzy system optimizations.

Acknowledgements This work was supported by Department of Industrial Technology under grants 100-EC-17-A-02-S1-032, by the UST-UCSD International Center of Excellence in Advanced Bioengi-neering sponsored by the Taiwan National Science Council I-RiCE Program under Grant Number NSC-100-2911-I-009-101 and by the Aiming for the Top University Plan of National Chiao Tung Univer-sity, the Ministry of Education, Taiwan, under Contract 100W9633 & 101W963.


Table 3 Experimental results of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms for 30 dimensional problems, averaged over

50 independent runs

Function Max.FEs GDE DE/rand/1 DE/best/1 DE/target-to-best/1

Mean (STD) f1 300,000 6.074e-24 (8.536e-24) 1.355e-03 (5.304e-04) 4.968e-04 (3.323e-04) 1.096e-04 (4.7257e-05) f2 300,000 1.759e-07 (4.185e-07) 2.130e-01 (7.311e-02) 2.882e-02 (7.528e-03) 2.040e-02 (8.340e-03) f3 300,000 1.746e-02 (2.105e-02) 1.314e+03 (3.752e+02) 4.742e+02 (1.814e+02) 2.692e+02 (7.346+01) f4 300,000 3.256e-01 (2.675e-01) 2.813e+00 (3.646e+01) 1.000e+00 (3.224e-01) 8.337e-01 (1.919e-01) f5 300,000 5.217e+00 (5.189e+00) 2.722e+01 (6.322e-01) 3.384e+01 (2.827e+01) 2.856e+01 (2.035e+01) f6 300,000 1.557e-23 (2.651e-23) 1.363e-03 (3.836e-04) 6.735e-04 (3.156e-04) 1.032e-04 (3.624e-05) f7 300,000 1.899e-02 (6.103e-03) 2.483e-02 (6.148e-03) 2.759e-02 (6.852e-03) 2.029e-02 (5.103e-03) f8 300,000 2.897e+03 (8.860e+02) 7.000e+03 (2.866e+02) 3.097e+03 (7.152e+02) 4.377e+03 (1.338e+03) f9 300,000 4.745e+01 (1.201e+01) 1.964e+02 (7.629e+01) 1.106e+02 (1.898e+01) 2.019e+02 (6.946e+00) f10 300,000 2.129e-10 (1.127e-10) 1.796e-02 (3.406e-03) 8.160e-03 (2.819e-03) 3.603e-03 (9.845e-04) f11 300,000 8.127e-03 (9.785e-03) 7.260e-03 (2.931e-03) 5.785e-03 (5.361e-03) 4.030e-03 (3.991e-03) f12 300,000 6.133e-21 (7.051e-22) 5.678e-04 (2.638e-04) 1.191e-04 (7.364e-05) 3.317e-05 (3.053e-05) f13 300,000 5.541e-23 (9.190e-23) 2.508e-03 (9.607e-04) 1.401e-03 (3.463e-03) 1.024e-04 (7.882e-05) Average Rank 13/13 0/13 0/13 0/13

Table 4 Result of Wilcoxon signed ranks test for numerical function problems

Algorithm Min(R+, R−) z Critical value Final result

DE/rand/1 48 −2.73 −1.96 Rejected the hypothesis

DE/best/1 43 −3.50 Rejected the hypothesis

DE/target-to-best/1 52 −2.82 Rejected the hypothesis

Table 5 Comparison with other evolutionary algorithms (D= 30), including GDE, CEP [53], ALEP [54], BestLevy [54], NSDE [55] and RTEP [53]

Function GDE CEP [53] ALEP [54] BestLevy [54] NSDE [55] RTEP [53]


f1 6.07e-24 9.10e-04 6.32e-04 6.59e-04 7.10e-17 7.50e-18

f3 1.74e-17 2.10e+02 4.18e-02 3.06e+01 7.90e-16 2.40e-15

f7 1.89e-02 8.60e+01 4.34e+01 5.77e+01 5.90e-28 1.10e+00

f9 4.74e+01 4.34e+01 5.85e+00 1.30e+01 – 2.50e-14

f10 1.62e-10 1.50e+00 1.90e-02 3.10e-02 1.69e-09 2.00e-10

f11 8.12e-03 8.70e-00 2.4e-02 1.80e-02 5.80e-16 2.70e-25

f12 6.13e-21 4.80e-01 6.00e-06 3.00e-05 5.40e-16 3.20e-13


Fig. 5 The best learning curve of the GDE, DE/rand/1, DE/best/1 and

DE/target-to-best/1 algorithms on 13 test functions for 30 dimensional problems. (a) Function 1: f1; (b) Function 2: f2; (c) Function 3: f3;

(d) Function 4: f4; (e) Function 5: f5; (f) Function 6: f6; (g)

Func-tion 7: f7; (h) Function 8: f8; (i) Function 9: f9; (j) Function 10: f10;



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Ming-Feng Han received the M.S.

degree in electrical engineering from the National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 2008. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical Control Engineering form National Chiao Tung Univer-sity, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. His current research interests are evo-lutionary algorithm, machine learn-ing, neuro-fuzzy system design and optimization techniques.

Shih-Hui Liao received the B.S.

de-gree from the Department of Mecha-tronics Engineering, Changhua Uni-versity of Education, Changhua, Taiwan, in 2007 and the M.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 2009. She is currently working to-ward the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Control Engineering at National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Her research interests in-clude machine learning, soft com-puting, and fuzzy systems.

Jyh-Yeong Chang received the

M.S. degree in electronic engineer-ing in 1980, from National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, in 1987. During 1976–1978 and 1980–1982, he was a Research Fel-low at Chung Shan Institute of Sci-ence and Technology, Lung-Tan, Taiwan. He is a Professor in the De-partment of Electrical and Control Engineering. His current research interests include neural fuzzy systems, video processing and surveil-lance, and bioinformatics.

Chin-Teng Lin received the B.S.

degree in control engineering from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1986, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Pur-due University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1989 and 1992, respectively. He is currently the Chair Professor of electrical and computer engineering with NCTU. His research interests include biologically inspired infor-mation systems, neural networks, fuzzy systems, multimedia hard-ware/software, and cognitive neuroengineering. Dr. Lin was an As-sociate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cyber-netics, Part II. He currently serves as the EIC of the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems.


Fig. 1 The flow chart of basic DE algorithm. Gen is the generation
Fig. 2 The flow chart of GDE
Fig. 3 1/5th rule algorithm for group size tuning in the GDE algorithm
Table 1 Benchmark functions. D is the dimensional of the function



The results contain the conditions of a perfect conversion, the best strategy for converting 2D into prisms or pyramids under the best or worth circumstance, and a strategy

Numerical experiments are done for a class of quasi-convex optimization problems where the function f (x) is a composition of a quadratic convex function from IR n to IR and

Then, it is easy to see that there are 9 problems for which the iterative numbers of the algorithm using ψ α,θ,p in the case of θ = 1 and p = 3 are less than the one of the

A derivative free algorithm based on the new NCP- function and the new merit function for complementarity problems was discussed, and some preliminary numerical results for

In section 4, based on the cases of circular cone eigenvalue optimization problems, we study the corresponding properties of the solutions for p-order cone eigenvalue

Taking second-order cone optimization and complementarity problems for example, there have proposed many ef- fective solution methods, including the interior point methods [1, 2, 3,

For finite-dimensional second-order cone optimization and complementarity problems, there have proposed various methods, including the interior point methods [1, 15, 18], the

For problems 1 to 9 find the general solution and/or the particular solution that satisfy the given initial conditions:. For problems 11 to 14 find the order of the ODE and