Anxiety, Depressive Symptom and Suicide Ideation of Outpatients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
強迫症是一種相當常見的慢性焦慮性疾患,患者經常因為強迫症狀嚴重影響日常 生活,繼而引發焦慮、憂鬱之情緒,甚而進一步產生自殺意念。自殺意念為自殺 企圖、自殺行為之前趨因素,故臨床上不能忽視此議題之重要性。近幾年來強迫 症相關之研究越來越多,但是對於患者強迫症狀與焦慮、憂鬱症狀及自殺意念間 之關係卻很少同時被探討,本研究主要目的為瞭解強迫症患者:1.高強迫症狀組 與低強迫症狀組之人口學差異。2.高強迫症狀組與低強迫症狀組在主要研究變項 差異。3.自殺意念預測因素。
本研究採描述性研究法,研究樣本為 128 位臺北市某區域教學醫院門診強迫症患 者,研究工具包括:1.個人基本資料表 2.貝克焦慮量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory;
BAI)3.貝克憂鬱量表(Beck Depression Inventory II; BDI-II )4. 耶魯-布朗強 迫症量表(Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale; Y-BOCS) 5. 貝克自殺意念量 表(Beck Scale for Suicide Ideatio; BSS)。本研究依照樣本所得 Y-BOCS 得分分為 兩個群體,分數大於 15 分者,為高強迫症狀組; 分數小於或等於 15 分者,為低 強迫症狀組。所得資料以描述性及推論性統計進行分析,以皮爾森相關積差了解 強迫症狀與焦慮、憂鬱症狀及自殺意念彼此間之關係,並以複迴歸(Multiple regression)探討焦慮、憂鬱及強迫症狀對自殺意念的影響。
研究結果發現門診強迫症患者中:1.高強迫症狀組中,未婚者人數明顯比低強迫症 狀組多,即未婚者強迫症狀比已婚者嚴重。2.高強迫症狀組中,初罹病年齡越輕 者比低強迫症狀組多,即越早發病者強迫症狀越嚴重。3.高強迫症狀組患者之強 迫症狀、焦慮、憂鬱症狀、自殺意念得分明顯高於低強迫症狀組 4.強迫症患者自 殺意念之預測因子為焦慮及憂鬱程度。研究結果可提供精神衛生護理專業人員,
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common chronic anxiety disorder, which often significantly affects patients’ daily life. Patients with OCD often accompany with anxiety, depression and even suicide ideation. Since suicide ideation is the preceding factor of further suicide attempt, the importance of the issue cannot be ignored. However, there have been very few studies to explore the relationship among anxiety, depressive symptoms and suicide ideation for patients with obsessive-compulsive disorders. The main purposes of this study are to explore
1.the demographic differences between high obsessive-compulsive symptoms and low obsessive-compulsive symptoms for patients with OCD; 2.the differences in the major study variables between patients with high obsessive-compulsive symptoms and low obsessive-compulsive symptoms for patients with OCD; 3.predictors of suicide idea for patients with OCD.
This study employed a descriptive cross-sectional research design. A sample of 128 patients with OCD was recruited from the outpatients of a medical teaching hospital in northern Taiwan. The research instruments include: 1.Demographic
characteristics questionnaire; 2.Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), 3.Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II ), 4.Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), 5.Beck Scale for Suicide Ideatio (BSS). In this study we divided patients into two groups. Patients with Y-BOCS score higher than 15 is in high obsessive-compulsive symptoms group, Patients with Y-BOCS score lower than and equal to 15 is in low obsessive-compulsive symptoms group. Statistics methods include descriptive statistics, Pearson''s product-moment correlation, independent samples t-test, chi-square test, and multiple regressions.
The results revealed that patients with high Y-BOCS scores were at a higher rate of being with single marital status, earlier onset age, as well as higher levels of anxiety, depressive symptoms, and suicide ideation. The predictors of suicide ideation were anxiety and depressive symptoms. Results from this study can provide important implications to psychiatric mental health nurses for assessing and preventing suicide risk for outpatients with OCD.