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國立空中大學 94 學年度下學期期中考試題【正題】 科目:英文文選


Academic year: 2022

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國立空中大學 94 學年度下學期期中考試題【正題】


壹、閱讀方法測驗-40%。(每題 5 分)

文選課本的序中說明了本課程的重點之一是句子的結構,在教學節目第一講中就用 了穿衣服的比喻來說明讀句子結構的方法,「正統的」文法課本不教這些,可是不分輕 重地一次要處理整個長句子是很混亂的,對經驗不足的同學更是嚴重的打擊。

第一大題就是針對如何解讀句子的結構,請依據題目的意思選擇最恰當的答案,請 不要浪費時間將句子翻成中文。

分段是正確解讀句子的第一步,請將第一和第二題的句子分成六段﹝提示:如果有 子句或介系詞片語,請務必單獨分成一段﹞,請將每一段抄在答案紙上,長的段落只要 寫下開頭和結尾的字即可。

1. The only good thing about it being so common is that it makes things a little easier on the children.

2. By the questions they asked, it was clear that they cared about every detail of his life.

3. I believe we may hurt others more by the words we do not say than by the words we do say.


4. Tell him that talking about his emotions for her is a way to show the magic word.

這個句子中有個名詞子句,請﹝一﹞找出這個子句的主詞和動詞;﹝二﹞說明這個 子句在這個句子中有甚麼功用?

5. Ah, I thought to myself, since today is St. Valentine’s Day, and she’s been married all those years, she’ll be able to tell me a lot about romance.

請問﹝一﹞這句話中的連接詞 and 是連接那二段話?只要寫出每段開頭和結尾的 字即可;﹝二﹞這句話的「主要結構」是那一段話?只要寫下開頭和結尾的字即可。

6. Whenever someone brings up in conversation something that is unlucky, such as death, he or she might add, “knock on wood!”

請問﹝一﹞這句話中的「主要結構」請整段抄下;﹝二﹞, such as death, 在這句話中 是用來修飾甚麼?

7. Before the homecoming game, and even during and after, you can see many people, wearing their team’s colors, milling around their trucks and cars in the parking lot.

﹝一﹞這句話中的「主要結構」請整段抄下;﹝二﹞wearing 和 milling 這二個字各 自所引導的一段話在句中有何功能?

8. And yet, after everything he told me, I couldn’t help thinking that all the horrible things I had heard about American family values were true.






請依據題目 的意思選擇最恰當的答案,除非另有說明,請不要浪費時間將句子翻成中文。

1. Burton: This would be one of Aunt Betty’s fruit cakes. It is only good for one thing late at night—as a weapon against muggers.

Anne: No, that’s not true. It’s great when you have to stay up all night studying. The heartburn makes it impossible to sleep.

Burton: I think it was developed by the early European settlers in America, because it could be used as a weapon or as a building material. And in emergencies, it might even be used as food. It is a holiday tradition, though no one likes it.

Kay: Now, you two, be nice. Betty goes to a lot of trouble to make those things every year.

依據這一段的對話,請問:﹝一﹞Burton 和 Anne 對 fruit cakes 所做的說明是認真 的還是開玩笑的?﹝二﹞Burton 說 fruit cakes 可以當做 a weapon or as a building material 這是指 fruit cakes 的甚麼特性?﹝三﹞照 Burton 的意思,fruit cakes 主要 的功能是當食物還是當武器或建材?【本題十五分】

2. Too often we intrude on people’s privacy by either asking too many questions about

people’s personal lives or assuming that almost everyone lives a “normal” lifestyle. I made mistakes on both counts.

最後一句說的 both counts 是指那二件事情?請用中文說明

3. Some guys feel they have to be strong all the time and that means not admitting any weakness.

這段話中用了 that,請問是指的甚麼?

4. Wei: Yeah, I know what you meant. Isn’t that even more amazing?

Chen: You can say that again.



5. As I was doing 65 in a 55 mile zone, a car passed me by to my right. It swung in and out of different lanes, with varied speeds.

請問第二句是說那輛車在高速公路上是怎麼飆車的﹝請注意 speeds 是複數﹞請用 中文說明

6. As we approached their house, I braced myself. I expected his sister to be aggressive and selfish, and that his parents would be cold and distant.

依據上下文的意思,作者在第一句說:I braced myself,他這時是一種甚麼樣的心情?


7. Doctor: Your husband’s appendix had become badly infected, and we need to take it out.

Chung Chien-Yi: Has it, how do you say, exploded?

Doctor: We say “ruptured.” You do have a fever, so it is possible that it has ruptured, but I cannot know for certain until I open you up.


醫生第一句中說的 take it out 和第二句中說的 open you up 各是甚麼意思?請用中 文說明

8. They were extremely efficient. They examined me briefly, deciding quickly that I needed to be moved to a hospital. While Mei-Hua gathered the most important gear, the

paramedics moved me onto a stretcher and carried me down to the boat that was waiting at the shore. No sooner had we arrived at the clinic than I was transferred to a waiting

helicopter. Mei-Hua climbed in beside me and we took off, flying all the way to Laramie.

從這一段的上下文舉出至少二個明顯的例子可以證明第一句話說的:They were extremely efficient. 請用中文說明(不是要你翻譯)【本題十分】。

9. And yet, there is much less attention paid to Jesus than to Santa Claus, a fat saint who children believe brings presents to them on Christmas eve. A lot of the decorations show Jesus and angels and such, but very few Christmas rituals are specifically religious.

請簡短說明這段話中作者對現代社會看待 Christmas 的看法(不是要你逐句翻



壹、閱讀方法測驗(每題 5 分,40 分)

1.The only good thing about it being so common is that it makes things a little easier on the children.

2.By the questions they asked, it was clear that they cared about every detail of his life.

3.I believe we may hurt others (more by the words) we do not say than by the words we do say. 括號中的 可有可無

4.(1)S.-- talking about his emotions for her V.—is (2)作動詞tell的受詞 5.(1) since today is St. Valentine’s Day, and she’s been married all those years,

(2) I thought to myself

6.(1) he or she might add; (2) something that is unlucky 7.(1) you can see many people; (2) 都在說明 many people 8.(1) he told; (2) all the horrible things, were; (3) I had heard 貳、閱讀測驗(60 分)

1.﹝一﹞是開玩笑的﹝二﹞這種食物很堅硬﹝三﹞是當武器或建材(15 分)

2.問了太多別人的私事和認定每個人都過著同樣的「正常」生活(5 分)

3.they have to be strong all the time(5 分)

4.意思是說我非常同意(5 分)

5.快速且在以各種不同的車速在車道中穿來穿去(5 分)

6.緊張、恐慌(5 分)

7.開刀將它拿出來和將你切開(5 分)

8.﹝一﹞二位醫護簡短的檢查完後決定要將傷者後送醫院;﹝二﹞到達診所後立即轉到已經在等待 的直昇機(10 分)

9.耶誕節主要的是為了禮物而已,商業氣息濃厚(5 分)
