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A Study of the Effects of Organizational Culture and Strategy on Business Applications of Electronic Commerce 龔詩哲、紀文章


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Effects of Organizational Culture and Strategy on Business Applications of Electronic Commerce


E-mail: 8809539@mail.dyu.edu.tw


 This study explores the influence of organizational culture types and business strategy types on the application of electronic commerce, the EC benefits and EC difficulties. A questionnaire was used to gather data from the information officers of the companies which have implemented some forms of EC applications. The research hypotheses were tested with One-Way ANOVA, Interaction with Two Factor ANOVA, Fish''''s LSD Test, Pearson Correlation ,and Canonical Correlation Analysis. The main findings are as follows:  The difference of four types (bureaucratic, supportive innovative, effective ) organizational culture on the application, benefits and difficulties of EC are not reaching significace level. But the innovative and effective culture that extroverted, acceptting new things culture have higher application then others. And the effective culture who emphasizes effective, cost and performace control has better benefits then others. Besides , control oriented culture like effective and bureaucratic have less difficulties.  About business strategy: four types(prospector, defender analyzer, reactor) on the application of EC are not

significantly different, but innovative prospector have higher application then others. However the difference of four strategy types on EC benefits and difficulties are reaching significace level. The reactor who has no complete palns and following times blindly are less benefits then others, but analyzer has better. Prospector who is innovative and fexible has less difficulties , but defender has higher difficulties. Besides, the difference of all interaction between organizational culture and business strategy on the application, benefits and difficulties of EC are not reaching significance level.  The measure of correlation the application of EC and the benefits are reaching significance level. Especilally AD and promotion, online ordering, information collecting on Internet will make the cost of postage , paper, communication and manpower down, and more products turnover and sale, and the quality of custom service will improve, can also observe competitors movement.By Intranet to sharing information in company and using GDSS will make communication cost down, and employees to understand each other. Intergrading enterprise process will drop the cost of manpower, improve working process and internal performance , making better decisions. Using Extranet will make cost down, and quick response to change marketing planning.  The measure of correlation the application of EC and the difficulties are not reaching significance level , except Intranet. It means corporates recognize the importance of EC, and develop it. But lacking training, technology support and infrastructure of network will influence the development of Intranet.

Keywords : organizational culture ; business strategy ; EC ; Internet ; Intranet ; Extranet Table of Contents

第一章 緒 論...1 第一節 研究背景與動

機...1 壹、 研究背景...1 貳、 研究動 機...2 第二節 研究目的...5 第三節 研究範圍...5 第四節 研究流程...6 第 二章 文獻探討...8 第一節 組織文

化...8 壹、 組織文化的定義...8 貳、 組織 文化的內容及層次...13 參、 組織文化的形成、維持與變革...21 肆、 組 織文化的類型...25 伍、 組織文化與組織績效之關係...35 第二節 經營策略...42 壹、 策略的涵義...42 貳、

策略型態...46 參、 經營策略與經營績效之關係...56 第三 節 電子商務...57 壹、 電子商務的定義...57 貳、 電子商務的分類與架構...59 參、 企業在Internet上的電子商務應

用...65 肆、 企業在Intranet上的電子商務應用...66 伍、 企業在Extranet上的電子商務 應用...68 陸、 企業推行電子商務的效益...69 柒、 企業推行電子商務的障 礙...74 第三章 研究設計與方法...79 第一節 研究架 構...79 第二節 研究假設...80 第三節 研究變數、操作型定義與問卷設計...84 第四節 研究對象與抽樣設計...90 第


五節 信度與效度分析...90 壹、 信度分析...90 貳、 問卷效度...92 第六節 資料分析方

法...92 第四章 資料分析與結果...94 第一節 基 本資料分析...94 壹、 公司產業別...94 貳、

成立年數...95 參、 員工人數...95 肆、

87年度總營業額...97 伍、 87年度總資產額...97 第二 節 組織文化與電子商務應用之關係...98 壹、 組織文化類型與產業別...98 貳、 組織文化類型與電子商務應用程度...99 參、 組織文化類型與企業採用電子商務之效益...104 肆、 組織文化類型與企業採用電子商務之障礙...107 第三節 策略型態與電子商務應用之關

係...109 壹、 策略型態與產業別...110 貳、 策略型態與電子商務應用程 度...111 參、 策略型態與企業採用電子商務之效益...113 肆、 策略型態與企業採用電子 商務之障礙...116 第四節 組織文化、策略型態與電子商務應用之關係...119 壹、 組織文化類型,策略 型態與電子商務應用...119 貳、 組織文化類型,策略型態與電子商務效益...120 參、 組織文化類型,策 略型態與電子商務障礙...121 第五節 電子商務應用及其效益...122 壹、 企業電子商務 的應用現況...122 貳、 企業發展電子商務所獲得的效益...125 參、 電子商務應 用與效益的關係...127 肆、 電子商務應用與效益之典型相關分析...131 第六節 電子商 務應用與障礙之關係...136 壹、 企業發展電子商務所遭遇的障礙...136 貳、 電子 商務應用與障礙的關係...137 第五章 結論與建議...142 第一 節 結論...142 壹、 研究假設的檢定結果...142 貳、 組織文化與電子商務應用之關係...144 參、 經營策略與電子商務應用之關係...147 肆、 企業推行電子商務應用與其獲得的效益...149 伍、 企業推行電子商務應用與其遭遇的障礙...151 第二節 研究建議...152 壹、 對實務界的建

議...153 貳、 對政府的建議...154 參、 對後續研究 的建議...155 第三節 研究限制...156 參考文 獻...157 壹、 中文部分...157 貳、 英文部分...162 附錄一 問


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