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Welcome to Think and WriteGuide to Think and Write


Academic year: 2022

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Welcome to Think and Write

Guide to Think and Write


1. What foods do you like?

2. Have you ever read the ingredient labels on cans or packets of food?

3. What are some junk foods that you should eat less of?

Circle the best words.

A Reading Comprehension

Baskin Robbins is the biggest ice cream store franchise

in the world. Cousins Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins opened their first ice cream store in 1945. They opened many more ice cream stores after that.

Burt Baskin died at a young age. His nephew, John Robbins, found out that his uncle died because he often ate ice cream as a main meal. Too much ice cream caused him to have a heart attack.

After he found this out, John decided not to sell ice cream. He left home and stopped earning money from ice cream. Now, John writes books about diet and health. He even became a vegetarian to stay away from processed food.

On a TV show, John said ice cream is not good for our health. It can cause heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes. It is processed food with a lot of fats and oils. He feels that people should find out about the ingredients of the food they are eating. He says,

“People should know what kinds of foods are good for health.” To live a healthier life, we should read what our foods are made of by reading the ingredient lists on food cans and packets.

1 This story tells us about not eating bad food / ice cream stores / TV shows .

2 Burt Baskin ate ice cream as a main meal / only for desert / once a week .

3 Eating too much salad / fat and oil / fruit can cause bad health.


People used to __________________ that elevators in tall buildings were too slow. Engineers tried to __________________ the problem, but could not make elevators faster without expense and risk to __________________ . Instead of making the ride shorter, thought one engineer, why not make it so passengers could do something while waiting and riding? Mirrors were __________________ in elevators, and passengers began to find ways to __________________ the ride.

Use the words below to complete the summary.

Match the words with the right definitions.

ice cream earning junk ingredients healthier write books fats and oils find out diseases

It is easy to eat delicious food like _____________________________ . However, eating too much

____________________ food can cause bad health and sometimes ____________________ . One man gave up his successful ice cream company and wrote books about good food. He says we should

____________________________ about the ____________________________ of food by reading the labels on food cans and packets. He says we should not eat processed food because it has a lot of

_____________________________________ .

B Vocabulary Practice

1 I shouldn’t eat ________________________________________ .

2 She is a ________________________ . She doesn’t eat hamburgers or steaks.

3 My grandfather passed away because of a __________________________________ .

4 Mom usually checks the ____________________________________ before she buys something.

5 I ____________________________ why my sister was angry with me.

6 He wanted to ________________________ a lot of money to buy a sports car.

Complete the sentences with the words above. Change the form if necessary.

C Summary

a someone who does not eat meat or fish

b food that is not natural and is mixed with other food and chemicals in factories

c gain by making an effort or working d what food is made of

e discover by looking or asking questions f a disease that stops the heart

_____ find out

_____ heart attack

_____ earn

_____ vegetarian

_____ processed food

_____ food ingredients

1 2 3 4 5 6

processed food e

ice cream


Good Food and Bad Food

I usually like ice cream and fast food. This afternoon I had a snack of potato chips and mint chocolate ice cream. It was so delicious.

Later, Mom was too tired to cook. We ordered pizza for dinner.

After dinner, we sat on the sofa and watched TV.

There was a TV program about how bad ‘junk food’ is. There were many people who said they should have eaten better food because they now have junk food-related illnesses. Some people died at a young age because they ate bad food.

Mom was so surprised. She said we shouldn’t eat junk foods like

pizza ever again. I realized that I usually eat bad snack foods. I decided not to eat fatty junk food anymore. Mom said she will try hard to make healthy food for our family so that we stay healthy and well.

Eating too many fatty foods is not good for you. Junk food makes our health worse and worse. I want to be a healthy girl and live a long and happy life.

Circle the best words.

A Reading Comprehension


1 Jenny ate potato chips and ice cream for a snack / dinner / breakfast .

2 Mom ordered pizza because we had a party / she was tired / she likes pizza . 3 The TV program was about how bad / salty / delicious ‘junk food’ is.

4 Many people have no illnesses / sicknesses / muscles because of junk food.

5 When you’re healthy, you can live a long life / eat junk food / go on TV .


I usually eat cookies for a snack.

1 I eat usually cookies for a snack.


2 Mom wants to cooks delicious food.


3 I should have finish my homework.


4 He became a vegetarian that he wouldn’t eat meat.


5 I realized that I eat many too snacks during the day.


6 I will trys to do my best at school.


7 They now has a junk food-related illness.

This afternoon I had a snack of mint chocolate ice cream.

1 mint chocolate / This afternoon / a snack of / I had / ice cream / .


2 sofa / on the / We sat / a movie / and watched / .


3 eaten / He / better food / have / should / .


4 ever again / we shouldn’t eat / like pizza / junk foods / She said / .


5 our health / makes / and worse / Junk food / worse / .


Find the mistakes and correct the sentences below.

C Sentence Correction

Unscramble the words to write the correct sentences.

B Sentence Practice


Answer the questions with your own ideas. Write in complete sentences.

A Personal Focus Questions

Let’s plan our writing for “Food I Eat.”

B Writing Starter

I usually eat cookies for a snack.

1 What do you eat for snacks?


2 When do you usually eat snacks?


3 What kind of ice cream do you like?


4 What are some different junk foods?


5 What junk foods do you dislike and why?


6 What vegetables do you dislike and why?


7 Do you ever read labels on the back of food boxes? What are some ingredients you see?


What are some good foods that you eat?




What are some bad foods that you eat?




When was a time you felt sick from eating?




When do you usually eat junk food?




What food will you try in the future?





Revised Copy: Write your revision.

Draft Copy: Let’s write for “Food I Eat.”

C My Writing

PPeeeerr CChheecckk:: Exchange drafts with a partner. Check for and correct any mistakes.




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