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UNIX Basics + 
 shell commands


Academic year: 2022

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 shell commands"


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UNIX Basics + 
 shell commands

Michael Tsai 2016/03/02


Where UNIX started

Multics OS project (1960s) @ Bell Labs

UNIX on scavenged PDP-7 (1969)

Space Travel game

Good environment to do programming + a

“fellowship” could form.

B —> C (1971 - 1973)

Reading: http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch02s01.html


Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie


Where LINUX started

Linus Torvalds: announced the Linux project (1991)

- high cost of Sun’s Unix

Parallel: 386BSD

Linux has Internet capability & X (1993)

GNU toolkit

“20 years of open-source software in different UNIX platforms”

A ”cheap UNIX system for everyone” Linus Benedict Torvalds Richard Stallman & FSF


Linux flavors





SSH to remote system


Make sure your terminal handles 中⽂文 well
 keyword: encoding, UTF-8, or Big5

Choose a good font. Make the font size larger.


Exercise 1: SSH login 
 without password

Make sure 中⽂文 is displayed correctly.


do NOT copy your private key over the network!

do this ONLY on your own computer!

keyword: ssh-keygen


MAN: your online manual

Your first man: man man

Sections 1-9 of the man pages

[] 可有可無

| 選⼀一個

… 重複

man -k 要找的東⻄西 —> 列出所有相關的


Choose your editor

Standard editor: Vim

For beginner: nano or joe


Pipes and redirection


> : STDOUT 到檔案 (覆蓋)

>>: STDOUT 到檔案 (加到尾巴)

 2>: STDERR 到檔案

<: 檔案餵給STDIN


Example: echo “test message” > /tmp/blahblah

Example: find / -name core 2> /dev/null




/ : 根⺫⽬目錄, 以及分隔. e.g., /home/hsinmu

~: 我的家⺫⽬目錄

~hsinmu: hsinmu這個帳號的家⺫⽬目錄


Some commands to learn

檔案管理: ls, cd, mkdir, rm, mv, cp, find, pwd

⽂文字檔案處理: cat, less, tail

程序管理: ps, kill, top

寫shell script常⽤用: grep, sort, wc, cut, echo, tee


File attributes


ls -ld dsa/

drwxr-xr-x 2 hsinmu users 4096 10⽉月 14 2010 dsa1/

ld -l tmp

-rw-r--r-- 1 hsinmu users 12 3⽉月 9 16:08 tmp

Role: owner, group owner, and others

檔案: x: 執⾏行, w: 寫⼊入, r: 讀取


x: 可以進去, r:列出裡⾯面的檔案, 



Change file permission/


chmod: change file permission


chmod u+w blah

chmod 755 blah (7=rwx, 5=r-x)
 chmod ug=rw,o=r blah

chmod a-x blah
 chmod g=u blah

chown: change file ownership


chown nobody:nobody blah


More advanced permission control: 

access control list (ACL)

OS & filesystem dependent

Identify user/group and then apply the permission

POSIX-style ACLs are supported by ext* + a few other filesystems on Linux


Possible ACL entries

Format Example Sets permissions for

user::perms user::rw- The file’s owner

user:username:perms user:htlin:rw- A specific user

group::perms group::r-x The group that owns

the file

group:groupname:perms group:users:rw- A specific group

other::perms others::--- All others

mask::perms mask::rwx All but owner and other


ACL examples

getfacl: get file access control lists
 Example: getfacl tmp

setfacl: set file access control lists

setfacl -m user::r,user:htlin:---,group:users:rw tmp
 setfacl -x user:htlin tmp



We will teach bash “the Bourne-again shell”

Default login shell on most systems

Check if it is your current shell:

echo $SHELL

If not, you need to change it.

Temp solution: bash -l 

(run the shell as if it is a login shell. 


Commands are either shell built-in or a script/executable


&& 和 ||

&&: 前⾯面執⾏行成功了, 後⾯面才會執⾏行

||: 前⾯面執⾏行失敗了, 後⾯面才會執⾏行

Example 1: 

lpr /tmp/t2 && rm /tmp/t2

Example 2: 

cp —preserve —recursive /etc/* /spare/backup \

|| echo “Did NOT make backup”




Example: hsinmu_dir=‘/nfs/home/hsinmu’


Example: echo $hsinmu_dir


Example: echo ${hsinmu_dir}-dir

‘’: 照著印出所有

“”: 替換裡⾯面該被執⾏行的部分或變數

``: 執⾏行裡⾯面的指令,並將output放在這個位置
 Example 1: echo ‘my current work dir is `pwd`’

Example 2: echo “my current work dir is `pwd`”


Example: showusage

Elements to learn:


if else fi elif

$# $0 $1 $2: command-line argument

$#: 有幾個argument, 

$0: 指令本⾝身,

$1, $2, …: 第幾個參數

function裡⾯面: $# 有幾個參數, $1, $2, 第幾個參數



String Numeric True if

x=y x -eq y x is equal to y x!=y x -ne y x is not equal

to y

x<y x -lt y x is less than y x<=y x -le y x is less or

equal to y x>y x -gt y x is greater

than y

x>=y x -ge y x is greater or equal to y

-n x x is not null

-z x x is null

-d file file exists and is a directory -e file file exists

-f file file exists and is a regular file -r file you have read

permission on -s file file exists and file

is not empty -w file you have write

permission on file1 -nt file2 file1 is newer file

than file2 file1 -ot file2 file1 is older

than file 2

Example: if [ $message_leve -le $LOG_LEVEL ]; then


Example: str_and_number

$((var)): 把var裡⾯面的東⻄西當作數學式⼦子計算並替換 a=1

b=$((2)) c=$a+$b



List of other things 
 you can read

Regular expression: very powerful tool (with grep)!

(Hint: HW1)

In bash shell script:

while and for loop



File attributes: setuid, setgid, and sticky bit





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