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e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme


Academic year: 2022

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Quality Education Fund

e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme




QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme

 Two-pronged approach

 Examples of Deliverables

 Facilitation measures for applicants

 Assessment and Monitoring

 How to apply and application cycle

 Support for Grantees


Quality Education Fund (QEF)

• Established in October 1997 with an allocation of $5 billion to finance projects for the promotion of quality education in Hong Kong.

• Mainly caters for worthwhile non-profit making initiatives within the ambit of school education, i.e. kindergarten, primary, secondary and special education.

• Trustee of QEF: Permanent Secretary for Education Incorporated


e-Learning initiatives in Policy Address 2020

• $2 billion is set aside in QEF for a three-year programme.

Aims: Ensuring all students will have equal opportunities in accessing e-learning and supporting the provision of ancillary facilities for implementation of e-learning.

(a) $ 1.5 billion:

(b) $ 500 million:

Mobile computer device

(loan to students)

Wi-Fi routers &

Mobile data card

Launched in May 2021

Development of Launched on

20 October


The QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme

Two pronged approach is proposed for this $500 million pilot initiative:- A. Support further development or dissemination of previously

approved e-learning projects funded by QEF (Development &

Dissemination Scheme)

B. New projects / initiatives related to e-learning (New Project Scheme)



Develop and provide e-learning ancillary facilities that would have positive impact in enhancing e-learning

in school sector through fostering in-depth collaboration between the school sector, tertiary institutions,

educational and professional organisations as well as

business sector.


A. Development & Dissemination Scheme

Selection criteria of project

• Previously approved e-learning projects funded by QEF;

• Commenced or completed in recent five school years (from 2016/17 to 2020/21 school year);

• Elements that may fill a gap in e-learning arena or complement existing e- learning platforms, apps, resources or services;

• Technically feasible and cost-effective to expand user pool or distribution channel of the deliverables ;

• Good track record of grantee (implementation, management, sustainability);

• Tangible deliverables in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning through e-learning or blended learning mode;

• Demand from education sector or good potential of building up a pool of


A. Development and Dissemination Scheme

Shortlisting mechanism:

Project selection

• The QEF Secretariat will work with Curriculum Development Institute (CDI) and IT in Education (ITE) Section of EDB to identify projects for the Task Force’s consideration.


• The Secretariat will invite the selected grantees to submit a proposal with reference to the comments and advices of CDI, the ITE Section and the Task Force.

• The proposals will be submitted to the Task Force for assessment.


Timing for issuing invitations

• Selected grantees would be invited within November 2021

• The announcement period will be posted on the QEF’s website

• Selected grantees would receive the invitation by email and by post


B. New Project Scheme

• Bring about innovative pedagogical or assessment changes and encourage sharing of resources;

• Enhance education quality with positive impact in supporting blended mode of learning and teaching;

• Support in-depth collaboration among the school sector, tertiary

institutions, academic, IT professional, and IT business sectors on e- learning;

• Develop deliverables in e-learning conducive to more teacher-student or peer interactions, or self-directed learning ; and

• Foster synergy with existing teaching and learning platform and

leverage on or enriching existing resources of the EDB (including the

A pilot scheme for tertiary institutions / school sponsoring bodies


Priority will be given to those projects which could support the implementation and enhance the

quality of e-learning on an infrastructural level

which involves the development / enhancement of

systems, platforms and/or tools.


• Applicants are encouraged to visit the QEF Cyber Resource Centre (QCRC) to identify and leverage on suitable QEF funded projects for developing new concepts for the New Project Scheme

• QCRC: https://qcrc.qef.org.hk/en/index.html


• e-Platforms for supporting learning, teaching and assessment for individuals

• Database / e-Platforms providing learning analytics

• Education-related software applications (including mobile applications)

• e-Tools (e.g. teaching software) for promoting interactive learning

• Educational games

• Online self-directed learning programmes

• ……….

Examples of Deliverables


• Projects that involve production of learning and teaching materials, such materials should be in electronic mode

(preferably interactive), align with the curriculum and be

organised in a manner that could be hosted on, interfaced

with or connected to the platform of Hong Kong Education

City Limited (HKECL)


School sector

Tertiary institutions



IT Business SSBs

Foster in-depth



Creating impact

School 1

School 2 School 5 Tertiary

institution or


• Should benefit at least five schools

• Potential collaboration partners:

- IT companies, - NGOs,

- Business associations,

- Educational or Professional associations.

Other partner(s)


For tertiary institutions/SSBs…

• Work out the project ideas

• Identify 5 local schools to work together

• Identify one more collaborative party, e.g. IT company, educational, professional or business organisation, NGO…

• Prepare and submit the application…

Note: Each department of a tertiary institution and each SSB may submit one application under the New Project Scheme in each application cycle.

Try HKECL’s matching platform!


For a school with a project idea…

• Inform the SSB or work with tertiary institution [Lead applicant]

• Identify four other local schools to work together [Total five schools!]

• Identify one more collaborative party, e.g. IT company, educational, professional or business organisation, NGO…

• Prepare and submit the application through SSB or tertiary institution…

Try HKECL’s matching


For a school that wants to participate in others’ project…

• Proactively submit a post at HKECL’s matching platform!

• Browse the post of project proponents and initiate to join!


There is no quota on the number of projects which a school can participate in.

However, schools need to take their development

needs, their own administrative and management

capacity into consideration.


Facilitation measures for



Relaxation of Policy and Requirement

Relaxation of Intellectual Property (IP) rights

• Grantees shall own the IP rights of the projects and deliverable(s).

• The publicly-funded schools should be allowed to use part of or all deliverables at a rate sponsored by the QEF for a designated period of three years (begin only after the launch of the deliverable(s)).

Relaxation of “Non-profit-making”


• Grantees will be allowed to generate income from their projects during and after the project period to ensure project sustainability.

• The income generated during the project period shall be spent on the project where applicable.

• The Task Force will consider the benefit-sharing proposal on a case by case basis (if applicable).



• Deliverables with impact

• Shared use of resources

• Ensuring sustainability of deliverables (without compromising accessibility due to pricing)


Assessment and Monitoring


Assessment Criteria

Criteria Proposed key descriptions Mark

Project needs Demand, complementary effect, fill a gap 20 Project feasibility Technical feasibility, capacity of project team 20 Sustainability Recurrent funding source, refinement 10 Project outcome Impact or benefit to the sector 20 Budget Commensurate with outcome, justifications 15

Dissemination Scalability, feasible channels 15

For projects which could support the implementation and enhance the quality of e- learning on an infrastructural level which involves the development/ enhancement of


Task Force on QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme



Task Force on QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme

Composition (15 Members and 8 Ex-officio Members):

• IT experts

• Representatives from secondary and primary school sectors

• Academia

• Representatives from business/professional sector Ex-officio members

• Representative(s) of EDB

• Hong Kong Education City

• Innovation and Technology Bureau


Terms of Reference

• To assess applications for Development and Dissemination Scheme and the New Project Scheme of the QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme

• To recommend to the QEF Steering Committee / QEF Trustee, in order of priority, where appropriate, applications that are worthy of support, the appropriate funding levels, refinements of applications and any special conditions attached to the disbursement of funding

• To monitor the progress and effectiveness of the funded projects

Task Force on QEF e-Learning Ancillary Facilities Programme


Key Financial Principles

One-off Non-recurrent Time-limited for

three years


Grantees should submit

• reports for project monitoring purpose on a regular basis during the project period

• a final report and an end of-project financial report upon completion

• interim financial reports(if applicable) in accordance with the latest financial monitoring mechanism

• an audited report upon completion of the project

• the EDB/ Task Force/ QEFSC/ authorised agent(s) of the QEF may arrange on-site visits to understand the actual implementation of the Key Monitoring Principles


Role of Grantee

• Responsible for the recurrent cost (e.g. use of Cloud services) after the end of the project

• Specify funding source with estimated cash flow

• Set out elements that require payment to test the sector’s response

• Designated bank account for financial contribution & project income

• Return all unspent funding provided by the QEF


How to apply?


• For the 2021/22 cohort, application for the Programme is open in October 2021 and will be closed by the end of February 2022

• The PDF files of the application form and project proposal should be submitted through the EPMS on the QEF website


• All applications will be submitted to the Task Force for assessment


For the New Project Scheme, each department of a tertiary

institution and each SSB may submit one application in each application cycle only.

For the present purpose, a “department” includes a department of a tertiary institution and its centre, division, unit and

laboratory, which shall collectively count as one “department”.

Nevertheless, if a faculty of a tertiary institution does not have a department, its centre, division, unit, laboratory, etc. are also

eligible to apply for the New Project Scheme provided that they

are directly under the charge of the faculty concerned and are of

a role / function equivalent to a department.


Application Cycle

Open for application once a year

Development & Dissemination Scheme

New Project Scheme

• By invitation only.

• 3 months will be given for grantees to prepare their application.

• QEF Secretariat would invite the selected grantees within

November 2021

• Application is open from October 2021 to February 2022.

Aim to process all applications and release the funding by August 2022.


At the end of the 2021/22 cohort, the QEF will

review the need to implement the second and/ or the third call, taking into account the response

and implementation of the schemes.


Support for Grantees


Support for Grantees

Support provided by HKEdCity:

• Provide an information web page(matching web page) to facilitate applicants to identify collaborative partners for the proposals

• Provide online facilities for displaying the deliverables for promotion and dissemination purposes

• Provide a platform for hosting the deliverables (if applicable) during and beyond the project period

• Provide subscription functions for Grantee to test the sector’s response and manage income of the project

• Provide a list of the common industry standards to facilitate hosting and interconnection of the e-Deliverables to platforms (e.g. HKECL)


Matching Platform

Project Proponents Local Schools


Project Proponent List


Interested School List

Display according to Key Stages of Learning, Key Learning Areas / Subjects / Areas and Project Deliverables for Trial Use


Support for Grantees

Support by the Secretariat/ITE Section

• Relay Grantee’s questions on technical and strategic issues to Task Force members for advice

• Sponsoring publicly-funded schools to trial use the deliverables at a cost approved by the QEF Secretariat. The sponsorship period will last for three years and begin only after the launch of the deliverable(s)

• QEF will pay for the subscription fee (sponsorship) based on the actual subscription of the deliverables.


Illustration of the development and testing period of the New Project Scheme

D/T: Development and Testing L : Launch of deliverable(s) TU: Trial use

*: Deliverable(s) fully tested by participating schools could be launched for trial use by other publicly- funded schools with sponsorship provided by QEF. Applicants should limit the development and testing


• The information on the Programme and application details are available on the QEF webpage (https://www.qef.org.hk).

• For enquiries, please contact the following colleagues of the IT in Education Section of the EDB and HKEdCity.

• Enquiry on matters related to schools’ participation in the Programme:

Mr Jimmy WAN (Tel. No.: 3698 3603) or Ms Connie YONG (Tel. No.: 3698 3667) Email: ite@edb.gov.hk

• Enquiry on the technical support for the “matching” platform of HKEdCity, common standards for hosting deliverables on

HKEdCity and collaboration with HKEdCity:







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