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People who married are better than unmarried


Academic year: 2022

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Behavior of joss paper users in terms of environmental conservation : 以彰化縣員林鎮南東社 區為例 / 陳淑玟 撰 .- 彰化縣大


E-mail: 352580@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of this study is the researcher explored the influence of behavior, knowledge, and attitude of people on using Joss paper in the same community. We also studied the connections of their environments where people using Joss paper. We wish others could study further.

Questionnaire survey carried on people who living in South-East Community of Yuanlin town in Changhua county. 420

questionnaires were recovered, recovery rate 83.4%, after that we analysised the question using with SPSS. Analysis results are as follows:

In terms of knowledge: the gender of people, male is better than female. People who married are better than unmarried. The best educational background is the master degree. In terms of religion, Yit Kuan tao is better than Buddhism and Taoism. People who lived here more than 31 years can understand the knowledge about environmental protection better.

In terms of attitude: people who have higher education can respect environmental protection very well. The master degree is better than elementary school and senior high school. About occupation, soldiers, government employees, and teachers are better and students and the service sectors. The range of monthly income from 40001-50000 is the best.

In terms of behavior: the action of people who have higher education have better environmental behavior. About the religion, the Buddhish acting better than Yit Kuan and Taoism. Focus on the family, people who live alone are better than small families and big families.

Knowledge, attitude and behavior have their different correlations. People who use Joss paper know the benefits well, their attitude and behavior are better as well.

Keywords : joss paper、people folk belief、environment protection、air pollution Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 iii ABSTRACT iv 誌謝 v

目錄 vi 圖目錄 ix 表目錄 x 第一章 緒論

1.1 研究的背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3

1.3 研究的對象及範圍 4 第二章 文獻探討 5

2.1 金銀紙的起源和傳說 5 2.1.1 金銀紙的起源 5 2.1.2 金銀紙的傳說 6 2.2 金銀紙的分類 8 2.3 金紙的名稱與用途 9 2.3.1 銀紙的名稱與用途 11 2.3.2 紙錢的名稱與用途 12 2.3.3 新式補運錢、發財金 13

2.4 金銀紙的基本特性與節令中的使用 14


2.4.1 金銀紙在歲時節令祭祀中的使用 15 2.4.2 燃燒金銀紙造成的環境污染 17 2.4.3 臺灣地區不燒金銀紙的案例 19

2.5 以實驗法探討金銀紙之論文相關的研究 21 2.5.1 文獻分析、田調法探討金銀紙之研究 23 2.5.2 金銀紙書籍之相關研究 25

第三章 研究方法 29 3.1 本社區的地理位置 29

3.1.1 社區結構、族群、人文景觀分析 29 3.2 研究架構 30

3.3 研究流程 32

3.4 研究對象與抽樣方式 34 3.5 研究工具 34

3.5.1 專家效度審查 34

3.5.2 預試問卷的實施及試題分析 35 3.6 問卷內容及計分方式 39

3.6.1 資料處理與統計方法 41 第四章 結果與討論… 43 4.1 樣本背景資料分析 43 4.2.2 婚姻狀態 49 4.2.3 年齡 51 4.2.4 學歷 54 4.2.5 職業 59 4.2.6 宗教信仰 62 4.2.7 月收入 65 4.2.8 居住時間 67 4.2.9 居住成員 70 4.2.10結論 73

4.3 金銀紙使用行為的知識、態度、行為之相關分析 73 4.3.1 居民對金銀紙使用行為問卷的整體表現 73 4.3.2 金銀紙知識、態度、行為之相關情形 77 4.3.3 結論 78

第五章 結論與建議 79 5.1 結論 79

5.2 建議 81

5.3 後續研究之建議 82 參考文獻 83

附錄一 常用的金紙名稱及用途 89 附錄二 專家審查結果 92

附錄三 研究問卷(預試) 95 附錄四 研究問卷(正式) 99 REFERENCES

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