原文題目(出處): Panoramic Radiography in the Diagnosis of Carotid Artery Atheromas and the Associated Risk Factors. The Open Dentistry Journal, 2011,5,79-83
原文作者姓名: João César Guimarães Henriques et al.
通訊作者學校: School of Dentistry, Universidade Estadual Paulista de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil
報告者姓名(組別): 黃慷慧 Intern C 組
報告日期: 2011/11/07
1. What are atheroma and atherosclerosis?
Atheroma:calcified plaques especially composed of lipids and fibrous tissue deposited on the walls of blood vesselstrigger atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerosis:a chronic inflammatory disease of an immunological nature, characterized by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls, associated with the presence of atheromas.
When affect the carotids (supply the brain)strokes
when affect the coronary (supply the heart) myocardial infarction
result in the death of thousands of people all over the world
2. Etiopathogenesis
metabolic, nutritional, hypertensive abnormalities, and even viral and bacterial infections
vascular endothelium injured
inflammatory environment developed: multiple interactions among platelets, T lymphocytes, macrophages, smooth muscle cells, adhesion molecules and genetic components
propagate the pathological condition
accumulation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) in the intimate layer of the endothelium atheromatous plaque
superimposition of calcium deposits
3. Risk factors
Diabetes mellitus
complex metabolic disturbance
complications: Coronary artery diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, peripheral vascular diseases, difficulty in wound healing and in terms of
oral manifestations, xerostomia and greater susceptibility to developing periodontal disease
the high risk of stroke in diabetic patients is irrespective of the treatment modality used
atherosclerosis presents as early as the first decade of life
habits normally present in society nowadays have determined the increase in obesity parallel to atherosclerotic disease
Arterial hypertension
favoring a quantitative increase in bad cholesterol(LDL) and diminishing good cholesterol (HDL)
increase blood carbon monoxide elevating the risks of lesions to the lining of the arterial wall
play a very antagonistic role, favoring atherosclerosis
in moderate quantity has a protective action
Inadequate diet and eating habits
high levels of cholesterol
fatty acids saturated ↑total cholesterol and LDL levels
unsaturated mono- anti-atherogenic effects poly-
anti-atherogenic effects: ↓plasmatic LDL ,↑HDL ,
↑vasodilatation, and↓platelet aggregation
Chronic renal disease
The reduced estrogen hormone levels and the other aging processes associated with menopause increase
the stroke risks in women
sedentarism, stress, hyperhomocysteinemia, radiotherapy of the head and neck, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, aging and being of the male gender
more risk factors present => greater chance of atherosclerosis 4. Panoramic radiography and atheromas in carotid artery
even partial calcifications can be observed in pano. radiographs
One of the image exams most requested in dentistry
one or more irregular RO
eventually punctuated by vertical-linear radiolucent areas,
with single or multiple affections, of varied sizes,
localized approximately 2.5 cm posterior and inferior to the mandibular
angle, adjacent to the space between vertebrae C3 and C4,
uni- or bilaterally
Why is PANO?
low doses of radiation, low cost and has technical simplicity
normally deposited along the ascendant trajectory of the common
carotid artery that bifurcates into internal and external carotid arteriescomprised within the area of coverage
D.D. the triticeal cartilages
between the hyoid bone and the thyroid cartilage
on the posterior free edge of the lateral thyro-hyoid ligaments
The function is believed to strengthen the thyro-hyoid ligament
of a hyaline nature and calcified as the individual aging
findigs:homogeneous RO when calcified,
regular oval shapes,approximately 2 to 4 mm wide, 7 to 9 mm long, usually superimposed on the airspace of the pharynx close to the superior portion of vertebra C4
the atheromas have a more lateral anatomic localization
the best way to differentiate:The antero-posterior radiograph
taken by means of the Modified Towne technique atheromas disposes laterally to the vertebrae, whereas the triticeal cartilages will practically not be observed
The precision of the pano in detecting carotid artery atheromas has been continually tested
5. More specific imaging exams
The thermograph and computerized tomography:the real extension and localization of calcifications with precision, as well as the degree of
obliteration of the carotid artery involved
Ultrasonography with Doppler:the gold standard, noninvasive and inexpensive , with very low morbidity
6. Conclusion
When dentists are faced with a suspicion of the presence of carotid artery atheromas in panoramic radiographs, they play a important role in guiding and immediately referring their patients to doctors for adequate medical treatment, thus contributing to many lives possibly being saved.
題號 題目
在 Pano 片中,哪個解剖構造最需要跟頸動脈粥狀硬化斑塊做 D.D.?(A) Calcified Stylohyoid Chain (B) Calcified Triticeous Cartilage
(C) Calcified Superior Cornu of the Thyroid Cartilage (D) Calcified Tonsils
答案(B) 出處:Soft Tissue Calcifications in the Neck:
Maxillofacial CBCT Presentation and Significance (From the Spring 2010 AADMRT Newsletter)
William C. Scarfe et al. University of Louisville School of Dentistry http://www.aadmrt.com/static.aspx?content=currents/scarfefarman_spring_10
題號 題目
如果發現 pano 中疑似頸動脈粥狀硬化斑塊的 RO,有 risk factors,但是難以跟Calcified Triticeous Cartilage 分辨時,首先要考慮以哪種影像作確認?
(A) Thermograph (B) CT
(C) Ultrasonography with Doppler
(D) PA view x-ray with Modified Towne technique 答案(D) 出處:本文