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Academic year: 2022



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Volume 27, Number 7, 1999


Properness, Strictness, and Nilness in Jordan Systems . . . 3041 K. McCrimmon

Strict Proper Nilness Modulo an Absorber . . . 3067 K. McCrimmon

Henselian Valued Quasi-local Fields with Totally Indivisible

Value Groups . . . 3093 /. D. Chipchakov

Automorphism and Similarity Groups of Forms Determined by

the Characteristic Polynomial . . . 3109 A. Wesotowski

Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing and Quint-Canonical Map of a

Complex T h r e e f o l d . . . 3117 M. Chen

On Derivations of Prime R i n g s . . . 3129 M. Bresar, M. A. Chebotar, and P. Semrl

Star Operations and Primitive Polynomials . . . 3137 D. D. Anderson and M. Zafrullah

On Finite Groups with Few Non-normal Subgroups . . . 3143 H. Mousavi

The Half-Factorial Property in Integral E x t e n s i o n s . . . 3153 J. Coykendall

On Radicals of a Left-Symmetric A l g e b r a . . . 3161 K. S. Chang, H. Kirn. and H. C. Myung

Complementation and Chief Factors. Ill . . . 3177 H. Bechtell

The Herzog-Vasconcelos Conjecture for Affine Semigroup Rings.... 3197 G. Muller and D. P. Patil



viii CONTENTS Diagrams for Symplectic Type Configurations . . . 3201 H. Cardenas, E. Lluis, A. G. Raggi-Cdrdenas, and

R. San Agustin

Sur la Complexite du Calcul des Projections d'une Courbe

P r o j e c t i v e . . . 3211 /. Bermejo and M. Lejeune-Jalabert

Stability of Associated Primes and Equality of Ordinary and

Symbolic Powers of I d e a l s . . . 3221 S. Morey

The Centralizer Algebras of Lie Color Algebras... 3233 D. Moon

New Asymptotics for the Existence of Plane Curves with

Prescribed S i n g u l a r i t i e s . . . 3263 C. Lossen

Coinduction for Semigroup-Graded Rings . . . 3283 G. Abrams and C. Menini

Branching Rules for Two Row Partitions and Applications to the

Inductive Systems for Symmetric G r o u p s . . . 3303 J. Sheth

On the Regular Radical of a Group Ring . . . 3317 M. M. Parmenter and E. Spiegel

On the Determinant Class of an Algebra with Unitary Involution... 3329 A. Queguiner

Local Bijective Gabriel Correspondence and Relative Fully

Boundedness in -r-Noetherian Rings . . . 3339 P. Kirn and G. Krause

Group Actions in a Unit-Regular Ring... 3353 J.Han

Partial Character Degrees and Length of Soluble Groups: The

/^-Length 1 Case . . . 3363 M. Cazzola

Local Representation Theory and Mobius Inversion... 3377 L. Barker

On Algebras of Rank Three . . . 3401 S. Walcher


CONTENTS ix Spherical Orbits and Quantized Enveloping Algebras . . . 3439 N. Cantarini

A Free Resolution of a Binomial I d e a l . . . 3459 K.Eto

A Note on Generic Splitting of Quadratic Forms . . . 3473 R. Aravire and R. Baeza

On Pi-Algebras in Positive C h a r a c t e r i s t i c . . . 3479 D. Rumynin

On the Existence of Components of the Hilbert Scheme with the

Expected Number of Moduli. II . . . 3485 A. F. Lopez

Rings of Quotients of^-Rings by Gabriel Filters of I d e a l s . . . 3495 J. Martinez and W. W. McGovern

Vector Bundles on the Projective Line over a Discrete Valuation

Ring and the Cohomology of Canonical S h e a v e s . . . 3513 R. Hilbl and X. Sun

Certain Cyclically Presented Groups Are I s o m o r p h i c . . . 3531 D. L. Johnson, A. C. Kirn, and E. A. 0 'Brien

Injective Modules Graded by G-Sets ... 3537 D. Bulacu

Group Algebras and Enveloping Algebras with Nonmatrix and

Semigroup Identities... 3545 D. M. Riley and M. C. Wilson

Products of Idempotents of Defect 1 in Certain Semigroups of

Transformations... 3557 X. Yang


COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA Volume 27, Number 8,1999


The Wedderburn-Malcev Theorem for Comodule Algebras . . . 3569 D. §tefan and F. Van Oystaeyen

Strongly Clean Rings and Fitting's Lemma . . . 3583 W. K. Nicholson

Vertex Operator Representations for Toroidal Lie Algebra of

Type B, . . . 3593 S. Tan

Groups with Exponent S i x . . . 3619 G. Havas, M. F. Newman, A. C. Niemeyer, and C. C. Sims

Non-cancellation for Certain Classes of Groups . . . 3639 P. J. Witbooi

On an Approximation Theorem for Krull Rings with Zero

D i v i s o r s . . . 3647 E. Osmanagic

The General Radical Theory of Incidence A l g e b r a s . . . 3659 S. Veldsman

A Link Between a Natural Centralizer and the Smallest Essential

Ideal in Structural Matrix R i n g s . . . 3675 L. Van Wyk

Generalized Twisted Group Rings of Finite G r o u p s . . . 3685 E. Nauwelaerts and F. Van Oystaeyen

The Albert Algebra of Generic Matrices... 3703 H. P. Petersson

Quadratic Forms for A-Good Module Categories of Quasi-

hereditary A l g e b r a s . . . 3719 S. Liu and C. Xi

Finite Two-Arc Transitive Graphs Admitting a Suzuki Simple

Group . . . 3727 X. G. Fang and C. E. Praeger



viii CONTENTS Finite Two-Arc Transitive Graphs Admitting a Ree Simple Group.... 3755 X. G. Fang and C. E. Praeger

On the Density of Ratios ofChern Numbers of Embedded

Threefolds . . . 3771 M.-C. Chang

The Product of an Integrally Closed Ideal with Its Inverse . . . 3777 P. Constapel

Modules with Null Delta Invariants . . . 3781 Y. Yoshino

Richman Extensions of an Integral Domain . . . 3801 N. Onoda, T. Sugatani, and K. Yoshida

Universal Central Extension and the Second Invariant of

Homology of Crossed Modules in Lie A l g e b r a s . . . 3811 J. Af. Casas

Reduction Number One for Finitely Generated Torsion-Free

Modules . . . 3823 J.-C. Liu

Anneaux Noetheriens de H i l b e r t . . . 3833 A. Ayache andP.-J. Cahen

Central Internal Algebras and Varieties . . . 3851 A. V. Kelarev and T. Stokes

Semisimple Artinian Graded R i n g s . . . 3863 J. Cazaran and A. V. Kelarev

When Is the CS Condition H e r e d i t a r y ? . . . 3875 G. F. Birkenmeier, J. Y. Kirn, andJ. K. Park

A Going-Up Theorem for Arbitrary Chains of Prime I d e a l s . . . 3887 D. E. Dobbs

On the Rank of a Product of Two Finite p-Groups and Nilpotent

/^-Algebras . . . 3895 B. Amberg and L. S. Kazarin

Pfaffian Ideals of Linear Type . . . 3909 C. Baetica

Preinjective Modules and Finite Representation Type of Artinian

R i n g s . . . 3921 N. V. Dung


CONTENTS ix Asymptotic Prime Ideals Related to Exact Functors . . . 3949 K. Divaani-Aazar and M. Tousi

On Rings in Which Every Maximal One-Sided Ideal Contains a

Maximal I d e a l . . . 3969 K Lee and C. Huh

Verma Type Modules for Toroidal Lie A l g e b r a s . . . 3979 V. Futorny and I. Kashuba

Classification of Simple Space Curve S i n g u l a r i t i e s . . . 3993 A. Friihbis-Kruger

Geometrical Equivalence of G r o u p s . . . 4015 B. Plotkin, E. Plotkin. and A. Tsurkov

Injectivity of Functors to Modules and DGA's . . . 4027 M. Golasiriski

Invariance of Dimension of^-Subspaces in Bernstein Algebras . . . 4039 R. Costa and J. Picanqo

Generalized Derivations of Left Faithful R i n g s . . . 4057 T.-K. Lee

On Commutative Noetherian Rings Which Satisfy the Generalized

Radical F o r m u l a . . . 4075 S. H. Man

A Classification of Maximal Inverse Subsemigroups of the Finite

Symmetric Inverse Semigroups . . . 4089 X. Yang

Hodge Numbers of Nodal Double O c t i c s . . . 4097 S. Cynk



Irreducible Modules of Quantized Enveloping Algebras at Roots.

On Derived Categories of Modules over 2-Vertex Basic Algebras...

Indecomposable Representations, of Generalized Weyl Algebras.. viii CONTENTS Power-Substitution, Exchange Rings and Unit II-Regularity. Kuzmanovich.. Explicit Representation Theory

CONTENTS ix Skew Dual Bases and the Quasitriangular Structure of B

Projective Dimension over Certain Weakly Triangular

One-Relator Products Induced from Generalized Triangle Groups 2505

3-Graded Lie Algebras with Jordan Finiteness Conditions 3807

CONTENTS ix On Functional Identities and (/-Free Subsets of