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....................... COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA


Academic year: 2022

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COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA Volume 29, Number 6,2001


Some Results of Regularity for Severi Varieties of Projective

Surfaces . . . 2297 F. Flamini

Overgroups of Symplectic Group in Linear Group over

Local R i n g s . . . 2313 H. You and B. Zheng

The Special Algebras of Cartan Type in Characteristic 0 . . . 2319

W. Jeon

Cofinite M o d u l e s . . . 2333

S. Yassemi

On Generalized Orthogroups. . . . 2341 X. M. Ren and K. P. Shum

Jordan Canonical Form of a Partitioned Complex Matrix and

Its Application to Real Quaternion Matrices . . . 2363

F. Zhang 'and Y. Wei

A New Generalization of the Center of a Near-Ring with

Applications to Polynomial Near-Rings . . . 2377 M. Farag

Modules Whose Maximal Submodules Have Supplements . . . 2389 R. Aliwde, G. Bilhan, and P. F. Smith

-On X-Extending and X-Continuous Modules . . . 2407 Z. Liu

w-Dimension of Domains. II . . . 2419 F. Wang

Weakly Continuous and C2-Rings . . . 2429 W. K. Nicholson and M. F. Yousif

Perfect rpp Semigroups . . . 2447 X. J. Guo, K. P. Shum, and Y. Q. Guo


vi CONTENTS On the Structure of Regular Crypto Semigroups . . . 2461 X. Z. Kong and K. P. Shum

The Nichols Zoeller Theorem for Hopf Algebras in the

Category ofYetter Drinfeld Modules . . . 2481 B. Scharfschwerdt

The Regularity Degree and Epimorphisms in the Category of

Commutative R i n g s . . . 2489 W. D. Burgess and R. Raphael

Finite Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Algebras with Isomorphic

Maximal Subalgebras . . . 2501 K. Holrnes and E. Stitzinger

Morphisms of Double Frobenius Algebras. I I . . . 2523 M. Koppinen

On a Dade's C o n j e c t u r e . . . 2541 C. Nastasescu and L. Daus

Three Notes on Nice Extension Domains . . . 2553 L. J. Ratliff, Jr.

Stacked Bases for Homogeneous Completely Decomposable

Groups . . . .~. . . . . 2575 L. Saice and L. Striin^mann

Extensions of Clean Rings . . . 2589 J. Han and W. K. Nicholson

Multiplication Modules . . . 2597 S. Singh and Y. Al-Shaniafi

Embedding Modules in Graded Modules over a Semigroup-

Graded R i n g . . . 2611 G. Abrams and C. Menini

Pentagon Equation and Matrix B i a l g e b r a s . . . 2627 A. A. Davydov

Pi Incidence Algebras and Capelli Polynomials . . . 2651

E. Spiegel

On Nonabelian Tensor Product Modulo q of Groups . . . 2657

N. Inassaridz.e

Groups of Type E^ over Arbitrary Fields . . . 2689 R. S. Garibaldi


CONTENTS vii On Filtrations Having Small Analytic Deviation . . . 2711 K. Nishida

Uniform Filters and Semi-compatibility . . . 2731 M. Garcia Roman and A. Verschoren



viii CONTENTS Finite Two-Arc Transitive Graphs Admitting a Ree Simple

CONTENTS ix Skew Dual Bases and the Quasitriangular Structure of B

Projective Dimension over Certain Weakly Triangular

In this article, the ideals of an F -split toric algebra that are fixed by certain Cartier algebra are described, extending the result for normal toric algebras in the author’s

One-Relator Products Induced from Generalized Triangle Groups 2505

3-Graded Lie Algebras with Jordan Finiteness Conditions 3807

Infinite-Dimensional Modular Odd Hamiltonian Superalgebras 2341 W. Liu and

Normal Hilbert Functions of One-Dimensional Local