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Academic year: 2022



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COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA Volume 27, Number 9,1999


Unique Addition Modules . . . 4103 B. van der Merwe

Actions of Multiplier Hopf A l g e b r a s . . . 4117 B. Drabant, A. Van Daele, and Y. Zhang

On the Schur Multiplier o f / ? - G r o u p s . . . 4173 G. Ellis

Compatible Orders on the Bicyclic Semigroup . . . 4179 D. B. McAlister

Related Comparability over Exchange R i n g s . . . 4209 H. Chen

On the Normalizer Property for Integral Group R i n g s . . . 4217 Y. Li, S. K. Sehgal, and M. M. Parmenter

Torsion in Class Groups of Modules over Certain One-Dimensional

R i n g s . . . 4225 C. J. Pappacena

On C*-Quasiregular S e m i g r o u p s . . . 4251 K. P. Shum, X. M. Ren, and Y. Q. Guo

On Regular Semigroups with Orthodox Transversals... 4275 J. Chen

Some Remarks on Lie Bialgebra Structures on Simple Complex

Lie Algebras . . . 4289 A. Stolin

On a Problem of 0 - L i m i t s . . . 4303 A. Laradji

Actions of the Dipper-Donkin Quantization GL^ on the Clifford

Algebra C ( l , 3 ) . . . 4307 S. Rodriguez-Romo

A Generalization of Curve Genus for Ample Vector Bundles. I... 4327 H. Ishihara



viii CONTENTS Derived Dynkin E x t e n s i o n s . . . 4337 P. Draxler and A. Krause

Remarks on the Length of Conjugacy Classes of Finite Groups... 4347 J. Cossey and Y. Wang

Level Two Vertex Representations of G^ . . . 4355 N. Jing and C. M. Lyerty

Lattices of Classes of Modules . . . 4363 J. Dauns

Crossed Products for Pointed Hopf A l g e b r a s . . . 4389 R. Glinther

Skew Polynomial Rings over 2-Primal R i n g s . . . 4411 G. Marks

Inbreeding Depression in a Zygotic A l g e b r a . . . 4425 J. A. Vargas and R. F. del Castillo

Almost Maximal Priifer Domains . . . 4433 B. Olberding

Remarks on the Pluricanonical and the Adjoint Linear Series on

Projective Threefolds . . . 4459 S.Lee

Bernstein Superalgebras of Low D i m e n s i o n . . . 4477 S. Gonzalez, C. Lopez-Diaz, and C. Martinez

Projective Characters of Direct Products of Certain p-Groups... 4493 R. J. Higgs andJ. F. Humphreys

5-Semipermutability and Abnormality in Finite G r o u p s . . . 4515 Q. Zhang

The Derived Subgroup of a Group with Commutators of Bounded

Order Can Be Non-periodic . . . 4525 G. S. Deryabina and P. A. Kozhevnikov

Prime Ideals in Serial Rings . . . 4531 F. Guerriero and B. J. Muller

Dominions in Finitely Generated Nilpotent G r o u p s . . . 4545 A. Magidin

A General Construction of Ockham Algebras . . . 4561 H. J. Silva


CONTENTS ix Internal Characterizations of Non-prime Dedekind O r d e r s . . . 4569 R. Lissaman

Code Vertex Operator Algebras Under Coordinates Change . . . 4587 C. H. Lam

Upper Bounds for the Betti Numbers of Graded Ideals of a Given

Length in the Exterior Algebra . . . 4607 M. Crupi and R. Utano


COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA Volume 27, Number 10,1999


Indecomposables in the Composition Algebra of the Kronecker

A l g e b r a . . . 4633 P. Zhang

On Subfields of Radical E x t e n s i o n s . . . 4641 F. Barrera Mora

Presentation of Orthogonal Groups over a F i e l d . . . 4651 H. You and Y. Chen

Pliicker Formula and the Equisingularity Set of a Linear System . . . 4661 J. Garcia

The Number of Generators for an Ideal and Its Dual in a

Numerical S e m i g r o u p . . . 4673 K. Herzinger

The Automorphism Group of a Graph Product of G r o u p s . . . 4691 M. R. Pettet

Irreducible Modules of Quantized Enveloping Algebras at Roots

of 1. I I . . . 4709 N.Xi

Projective Dimension of the Universal Modules for the Product of

a Hypersurface and Affine T-Space ... 4737 N. Cimen and A. Erdogan

Dual-Bimodules and AB5* Condition... 4743 7. Kurata and K. Hashimoto

Algebraic Aspects of Zariski's Equisingularity in Codimension 1 . . . 4753 A. Gran/a and M. C. Martinez

A Generalization of Hopf Crossed Products... 4779 P. Schauenburg

(n-4)-Filiform Lie A l g e b r a s . . . 4803 J. M. Cabezas andJ. R. Gomez



viii CONTENTS Pointed Hopf Algebras with Large Coradical . . . 4821 S. Dascalescu

Higher Order Dual Varieties of Projective Surfaces . . . 4827 A. Lanteri and R. Mallavibarrena

Power Automorphisms of Finite p-Groups . . . 4853 M. Morigi

Frobenius Functors: A p p l i c a t i o n s . . . 4879 F. Castano Iglesias, J. Gomez Torrecillas, and C. Nastasescu

On the Lie and Associative Codimensions G r o w t h . . . 4901 Y. Bahturin, S. Mishchenko, and A. Regev

Minimal Identities of Algebras of Rank 3 . . . 4909 0. F. Giuliani and L. A. Peresi

On Coquasitriangular Bialgebras . . . 4919 K. Schmiidgen

Quasitriangular Structures for Some Pointed Hopf Algebras of

Dimension 2" . . . 4929 F. Panaite and F. Van Oystaeyen

Caracterisation de Certaines Classes d'Anneaux par des

Proprietes des Endomorphismes de Leurs M o d u l e s . . . 4943 A. Haily andE. A. Kaidi

Remarks on Maximal Ideals of Torus-Extensions... 4953 S. OdaandJ. Sato

Complete Noetherian Serial Rings Have a Self-Duality... 4961 A. Rosenthal

Homological Finiteness Conditions for Pro-p Groups . . . 4969 J. D. King

Undecidable Existential Theories of Polynomial Rings and

Function F i e l d s . . . 4993 T. Pheidas and K. Zahidi

A Class of Noncommutative and Noncocommutative Hopf

Algebras: The Quantum V e r s i o n . . . 5011 H.-X. Chen

Cohomology of Lie Algebras in the Tensor Category of Linear

M a p s . . . 5033 R. Kurdiani


CONTENTS ix On a Class of Finite R i n g s . . . 5049 C. J. Chikunji

Orderings of Higher Level on Noetherian R i n g s . . . 5083 J. CimpriC

Twisted Tensor Product Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups . . . 5097 M. Schqffer



viii CONTENTS Finite Two-Arc Transitive Graphs Admitting a Ree Simple

CONTENTS ix Skew Dual Bases and the Quasitriangular Structure of B

Projective Dimension over Certain Weakly Triangular

In this article, the ideals of an F -split toric algebra that are fixed by certain Cartier algebra are described, extending the result for normal toric algebras in the author’s

One-Relator Products Induced from Generalized Triangle Groups 2505

3-Graded Lie Algebras with Jordan Finiteness Conditions 3807

Infinite-Dimensional Modular Odd Hamiltonian Superalgebras 2341 W. Liu and

Normal Hilbert Functions of One-Dimensional Local