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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告


Academic year: 2022

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嬰幼兒特殊表情動作影像分析擷取 研究成果報告(精簡版)

計 畫 類 別 : 個別型

計 畫 編 號 : NSC 98-2221-E-216-029-

執 行 期 間 : 98 年 08 月 01 日至 99 年 10 月 31 日 執 行 單 位 : 中華大學資訊工程研究所

計 畫 主 持 人 : 黃雅軒

計畫參與人員: 學士級-專任助理人員:黎竹芸

碩士班研究生-兼任助理人員:彭國達 碩士班研究生-兼任助理人員:陳禹仲 碩士班研究生-兼任助理人員:歐志鴻 碩士班研究生-兼任助理人員:王勻駿

報 告 附 件 : 出席國際會議研究心得報告及發表論文

處 理 方 式 : 本計畫涉及專利或其他智慧財產權,2 年後可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 100 年 01 月 12 日



父母希望能隨時紀錄小寶貝成長過程中點點滴滴,同時也希望能捕捉記錄小朋友除了一般正常攝 影外,更多不同角度的可愛模樣與特殊情境,包括:不預期的、已知的,但具不同視角的各類喜 怒哀樂珍貴又驚喜的真實紀錄。若攝影設備能在自然環境下,辨識嬰幼兒的一些特殊表情動作,

並可自動取景攝影並挑選值得保留的相片,則能讓父母從此不會再有「來不及」捕捉小寶貝可愛 模樣的失落感。本計劃應此需求,進行相關核心技術的研發。

2. 研究目的


已知的但具不同視角的各類喜怒哀樂、珍貴又驚喜的真實紀錄等,均能被有效的捕捉和記錄。主 要的研發項目包含 (1)嬰幼兒臉部表情影像資料庫建立,(2)嬰幼兒臉部影像偵測,(3)嬰幼兒臉部 影像光線補償,(4)嬰幼兒臉部特徵點抽取,和(5)嬰幼兒臉部表情辨識。

3. 文獻探討

表情辨識不僅具有學術研究價值,亦具有高度的商業價值,其廣泛性的應用,在生活中亦可 隨處可見,如應用在醫院裡,可以檢視病人的狀況,當病人痛苦的時候,表情辨識系統可以判斷 患者的表情,並立即發出警訊,防止意外發生;應用在嬰幼兒的玩具上時,可以自動偵測嬰幼兒 的表情,當嬰幼兒大笑或哭鬧時,可以自動拍照,或發出訊息通知父母有異常情況,讓父母親能 注意他(她)們。表情辨識系統應用在日常生活中的例子,可以說不勝枚舉。從另一個觀點來看,

人跟人之間溝通,表情也佔據一個很重要的因素,從對方的表情變化中,我們可以觀察出對方的 心情狀況,並可視情況來做回應;在人機介面上,如果能讓電腦辨識出人類的表情變化,並且適 時地做出回應,那將使現今一般人對電腦冷冰冰的印象改觀。為了能使電腦認識人類的表情變 化,已有許多學者投入大量的心力在電腦視覺研究上,並致力於能讓電腦理解人類的表情。在近 幾年來,表情辨識已經成為一個熱門的課題,因此有許多學者提出各種方法,來對表情進行辨識。

表情辨識方法主要可以分成兩種, 其中一種是使用Facial Action CodingSystem(FACS)[1][2][3] , 另一種則是以特徵為基礎(Feature-based) [24][5][6][7][8][9][10]的辨識方法。

FACS是Ekman和Friesen於1978 年所提出用於人臉表情描述的編碼系統,在這套系統中,會依據 人臉肌肉的分佈,以及一些肌肉群的運動狀況,定義出動作單元(Action Units),每個動作單元表 示臉部上特定區域的移動狀況,如眉毛上升、嘴角上揚等,共定義了44 種動作單元(如圖一所示),

透過動作單元的組合,來進行表情判斷。Tian[2]等人發展出一套自動臉部分析系統(Automatic Face Analysis,AFA),能依照人臉上永久或暫時性的特徵,對人臉正面影像序列進行分析,辨識出每 種單獨的動作單元。Donato[3]等人發現使用GaborWavelet來進行特徵擷取,再進行上半部和下半 部人臉的FAUs分類,比傳統的幾何方法可以達到更好的效果。

除了基於動作單元的表情辨識方法之外,也有基於紋理特徵等方法的表情辨識研究。Bartlett 和 Littlewort[4]等人將輸入的影像序列,偵測出正面的人臉位置,並經過Gabor Wavelet 擷取出紋理 特徵,最後再使用一連串的SVM 分類器來分類出7 種不同的主要表情(包含自然、生氣、猶豫、

恐懼、快樂、悲傷和驚訝)。Ma 和Khorasni[5]則使用離散餘弦轉換(Discrete Cosine Transform)對 整張影像進行特徵偵測和抽取,並使用前饋式類神經網路(Feedforward NeuralNetworks)來進行辨 識。Dubuisson 和Davoine[6]等人則先利用主成分分析法(Principal Component Analysis)和



3D(Model Template-Based)的表情辨識方法[7][8][9][10],這些方法計算於3D 模型中,特徵點的幾 何變化或是對應於2D 的紋理特徵變化,最後再經過辨識器,進行表情辨識。


1. P. Ekman and W.V Freisen, “The facial action coding system: a technique for the measurement of facial movement”, San Francisco: Consulting Psychologists Press, 1978.

2. Y-L. Tian, T. Kanade, J.F. Cohn, “Recognition action units for facial expression analysis”, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(2) (2001) 87-115.

3. G. Donato, M.S. Bartlett, J.C. Hager, P. Ekman, T.J. Sejnowski, “Classifying facial actions”, IEEE Trans.. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(10)(1999) 974-985.

4. M.S. Bartlett, G. Littlewort,I. Fasel, and J.R. Movellan, “Real time face detection and facial expression recognition: Development and applications to human computer interaction,” in Proc.

Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop, Madison, WI, Jun. 16-22, 2003, vol. 5, pp. 53-58.

5. L. Ma and K. Khorasani, “Facial expression recognition using constructive feedforward neural networks,” IEEE Trans. Syst., Man, Cybern. B, Cybern., vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 1588–1595, Jun. 2004.

6. S. Dubuisson, F. Davoine, and M. Masson, “A solution for facial expression representation and recognition,” Signal Process.: Image Commun., vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 657–673, Oct. 2002.

7. I. A. Essa and A. P. Pentland, “Facial expression recognition using a dynamic model and motion energy,” presented at the Int. Conf. Computer Vision, Cambrdige, MA, Jun. 20–23, 1995.

8. M. Pantic and L. J. M. Rothkrantz, “Expert system for automatic analysis of facial expressions,”

Image Vis. Comput., vol. 18, no. 11, pp. 881–905, Aug. 2000.

9. Irfan A. Essa, “Coding, analysis, interpretation, and recognition of facial expressions,” IEEE Trans.

Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 19, no. 7, pp.757–763, Jul. 1997.

10. M. S. Bartlett, G. Littlewort, B. Braathen, T. J. Sejnowski, and J. R. Movellan, “An approach to automatic analysis of spontaneous facial expressions,” presented at the 5th IEEE Int. Conf.

Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Washington, DC, 2002.

4. 研究方法


因此本計劃自行建立了一套以嬰幼兒為主的臉部表情影像資料庫。表情的種類分成六個部分,分 別為自然表情(Natural)、哭(Cry)、笑(Smile)、生氣(Angry)、驚訝(Surprise)和討厭(Disgust)。建立用 的攝影裝置採用微軟網路攝影機 VX-6000,配合使用自行編寫的應用程式,拍攝環境以室內為主,

但不限於同一地點;被拍攝者與攝影機的距離約為 60 公分至 120 公分;影像存檔以 JPEG 格式為 主,影像大小為 640*480。嬰幼兒臉部表情影像資料庫共有 47 人,其中 25 個男生、22 女生;每 個人的表情影像張數不全相同。經過整理,共有 9259 張嬰幼兒表情影像,詳細數據如下表格一,


人數 張數

自然表情(Natural) 44 3037

生氣(Angry) 21 1349

哭(Cry) 21 1216



驚訝(Surprise) 18 1105

討厭(Disgust) 12 736




(1) 嬰幼兒臉部偵測

嬰幼兒臉部偵測是嬰幼兒表情辨識的首要環節,其處理的問題是確認輸入影像中是否存在 嬰幼兒臉部影像,如果存在,則對其進行定位。嬰幼兒臉部偵測的正確性將大幅影響之後嬰幼 兒表情辨識的結果,故在此本計畫選擇使用 Adaboosting 學習演算法,特徵則使用海爾(Haar) 特徵,利用其對於邊緣、線段較為敏感的特性,來提升嬰幼兒臉部偵測的正確性及可靠度。

在訓練嬰幼兒臉行偵測器時,以 3800 張的嬰幼兒臉部影像作為正向樣本與 2048 張不包含 嬰幼兒臉部影像的圖片作為負向樣本來訓練 Adaboost。測試設備為個人電腦,CPU 是 Intel Core2 Q9400 2.66GHz,記憶體是 3GB,軟體平台為 Windows XP。第一組測試樣本共有 3227 張嬰幼 兒臉部影像,實驗數據如表二所示。


第二組測試影像,依照表情分類,每種表情各 300 張樣本,實驗數據如表三所示。




(2) 嬰幼兒臉部影像光線補償

我們所提出光線補償的做法主要包含三個步驟:(1)同態濾波(Homomorphic Filtering)、(2) 非等方向平滑化(Anisotropic Smoothing)和(3)統計資料正規化。此技術使得在不同光線環境中均 能產生光線分布較均勻的嬰幼兒人臉影像,對後續的分析幫助很大。相關技術已發表在 the 17th International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM-2011) , 論 文 題 目 為 An Effective Illumination Compensation Method for Face Recognition。另外,此技術也已分別向中華民國和美 國提出專利申請。

(3) 嬰幼兒臉部特徵點抽取

本計畫以動態形狀模型(Active Shape Models)來做臉部特徵點的定位,它包含了眼睛、眉 毛、鼻子、嘴巴以及臉部輪廓等特徵點,總共包含 50 個特徵點點。我們也提出多種改良方法,


相關技術已發表在 CVGIP2010,論文題目為 An Improved ASM-based Facial Feature Locating Method。圖二為一般的角點特徵點偵測結果。

圖二、一般的角點特徵點偵測結果 (4) 嬰幼兒臉部表情辨識

當前大部分的機器學習方法,皆是依靠樣本的學習來建立樣本模型,若輸入資料與樣本 模型差異過大時,往往無法正確的辨識物件,因為此類方法欠缺對輸入資料的歸納性與根據過 去的學習來幫助學習新物件的能力。所為輸入資料的歸納性是定義為對全新樣本歸類的能力,

因此歸納性越佳的演算法,對未知的樣本,越能得到正確的分類結果。基於上述的原因,於去 年度的計畫中,選擇了 HTM 演算法作為表情辨識的核心演算法,著眼於其優越的資料歸納性;

HTM 能借由時間的資訊進行非監督式學習來歸納訓練資料,再以分群運算來產生時序相近的



過往訓練所得到的結果,在新的樣本加入學習時,一起做為學習網路的輸入資料進行歸納與學 習,讓過去的學習經驗夠幫助網路來學習新的事物。

本計畫已將訓練用的連續表情資料透過 ASM 臉部特徵點抽取,將其具有表情變化的主要 特徵區域〈即雙眼、鼻子與嘴唇〉轉換成感測向量來訓練 HTM 模型。而 ASM 特徵區域與感 測向量的轉換可用下圖 A 來說明,根據 ASM 所偵測到的雙眼位置、鼻子與嘴唇位置來裁切出 四個矩形區域,依序將左眼、右眼、鼻子與嘴唇矩形內的影像灰度值並串接起來,作為感測向 量來訓練 HTM 模型。

5. 實驗結果

嬰幼兒臉部表情辨識實驗,採用兩個表情資料庫來進行效能的評估,第一組資料庫為自行拍攝 的嬰幼兒表情資料庫,另一組資料庫則為成人的表情資料庫 Cohn-Kanade Facial Expression

Database。由於嬰幼兒的表情不似成人般,具有豐富且細膩的變化,因此在經過評估後,嬰幼兒的 表情主要分成三大類,第一類是自然表情(無表情),第二類是高興表情,最後一類是驚訝表情。一 開始,我們會將嬰幼兒資料庫分成三等份,並且採用 3-load 的驗證方式,來對資料庫進行評測,每 次取一等份來當測試資料,其餘兩等份當訓練資料,如此重複三次,交互驗證,最後取其平均來當 做整體的辨識率。實驗結果如圖三所示。整體平均辨識率為 91.5%,其中有些情形,如表情變化幅 度太小和表情不明確等(圖四),皆是主要造成辨識率下降的主因。辨識率計算公式如下:


Input Happiness Neutral Surprise Happiness 87.58% 7.07% 5.35%

Neutral 4.56% 90.11% 5.33%

Surprise 6.57% 9.90% 95.85%

圖三、三類表情的 Confusion-Matrix。

原始表情 高興 高興

辨識表情 驚訝 無表情


另一實驗資料庫我們採用 Cohn-Kanade 臉部表情資料庫,Cohn-Kanade 表情資料庫現今多



段影像序列 ,剔除掉人眼無法直接辨識表情的序列後,最後我們採用 93 人 325 段影像序列來 當作演算法的效能的評估。和嬰幼兒資料庫一樣,一開始會將資料庫分成五個部分,接下來採 用 5-load 的做法,一次拿其中的一部分當測試資料,其餘當訓練資料,重複五次,最後取其平 均的結果來當作最後的效能。實驗結果如圖四十八所示。Cohn-Kanade 資料庫平均辨識率為 85%,其中厭惡(Disgust)、高興(Happiness)和驚訝(Surprise)表情最容易辨識成功,因其表情變



Input Anger Disgust Fear Happiness Sadness Surprise Anger 71.4% 1.7% 5.1% 5.1% 13.7% 2.9%

Disgust 5.5% 91.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.5% 0.0%

Fear 6.5% 6.5% 60.0% 11.0% 14.0% 2.0%

Happiness 2.8% 1.5% 2.4% 92.0% 1.3% 0.0%

Sadness 9.3% 0.0% 5.6% 2.3% 79.1% 3.7%

Surprise 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 3.0% 95.6%

圖四十八、Cohn-Kanade 資料庫之六類表情 Confusion-Matrix。

6. 結果與討論

本計畫發展完成的內容包含有(1)嬰幼兒臉部表情影像資料庫建立,(2)嬰幼兒臉部影像偵 測,(3)嬰幼兒臉部影像光線補償,(4)嬰幼兒臉部特徵點抽取,(5)嬰幼兒臉部表情辨識,與(6) 實驗結果。嬰幼兒臉部表情影像資料庫建立,在計畫初定之時,即開始進行建立與收集,時 至今日,已完成相當數量的資料可供各項相關技術發展使用;嬰幼兒臉部影像偵測已達到可 接受的正確率;嬰幼兒臉部影像光線補償已完成演算法架構的設計,且已將此模組整合至嬰 幼兒臉部表情辨識系統的應用之中;嬰幼兒臉部特徵點抽取的發展進度,雖然其中遇到多次 的困難,但現今已一一克服,已順利達成計畫目標。


 “An Effective Illumination Compensation Method for Face Recognition,” MMM, 2011. (EI Index)

 “A Novel ASM-Based Two-Stage Facial Landmark Detection Method,”

Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, 2010. (EI Index)

 “Facial landmark detection by combining object detection and active shape model,”

Third International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, 2010. (EI Index)

 “Facial Expression Recognition Based on Fusing Weighted Local Directional Pattern and Local Binary Pattern,” CVGIP, 2010.

 「影像紋理信號的萃取方法、影像識別方法與影像識別系統」和「Method and system for image extraction and identification」已分別向中華民國(申請案號:09114876)和美國(申請 案號:12/835263)提出專利申請。

下列為二篇論文(“An Effective Illumination Compensation Method for Face Recognition”

和 ”A Novel ASM-Based Two-Stage Facial Landmark Detection Method”)的內容。


G. Qiu et al. (Eds.): PCM 2010, Part II, LNCS 6298, pp. 526–537, 2010.

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

Detection Method

Ting-Chia Hsu, Yea-Shuan Huang, and Fang-Hsuan Cheng Computer Science & Information Engineering Department,

Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Abstract. The active shape model (ASM) has been successfully applied to locate facial landmarks. However, in some exaggerated facial expressions, such as surprise, laugh and provoked eyebrows, it is prone to make mistaken detection. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a two-stage facial landmark detection algorithm. In the first stage, we focus on detecting the individual salient corner-type facial landmarks by applying a commonly-used Adaboosting-based algorithm, and then further apply a global ASM to refine the positions of these landmarks iteratively. In the second stage, the individual detection results of the corner-type facial landmarks serve as the initial positions of active shape model which can be further iteratively refined by an ASM algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve very good performance in locating facial landmarks and it consistently and considerably outperforms the traditional ASM method.

Keywords: Active Shape Model, Facial Landmark Location.


Facial feature extraction is a very popular research field in the recent years which is essential to various facial image analyses such as face recognition, facial expression recognition and facial animation. In general, based on different kinds of information extraction, the technology of facial feature extraction can be divided into two categories. First, local method, which is to detect local face components such as eye pupils, eye corners, mouth corners, etc. Secondly, global method, which makes use of the whole geometric structure of face components to locate the interested facial landmarks. In local method, because the feature models of facial landmarks are mutually independent, the detection result is easy to be affected by the variation of lighting and poses. In global method, because it uses a set of feature landmarks to form a global facial structure model, it usually has more ability to endure the detection error of individual landmark. Therefore, the global method generally obtains better performance in locating facial landmarks. At present, three kinds of the most commonly-used methods are deformable templates (DT) [1], active shape models (ASM) [2][3][4] and active appearance models (AAM) [5]. Both ASM and AAM are provided by Cootes, they iteratively decrease an energy function to obtain the optimized facial landmark locations.


In recent years, ASM has been successfully applied to medical image analysis, such as computed tomography (CT), and it also can be applied to locating facial feature landmarks. However, the accuracy of the facial feature localization is still a problem because face images are much complex than medical images. Therefore, researchers keep on proposing new methods to improve its performance, such as Haar-wavelet ASM [6], SVMBASM [7] and ASM based on GA [8]. In general, these new methods have better accuracy than the original ASM, but they all are still prone to make mistaken detection in exaggerated facial expressions.

In this paper, we present a novel two-stage algorithm to improve the performance of facial landmark detection. The traditional method of ASM uses the average facial shape template to initialize the positions of facial landmarks, and it iteratively finds the best landmark positions only along the normal direction of edge contours. This process may contain two kinds of drawbacks. First, the average facial shape template may deviate considerably from the genuine landmark positions, therefore the landmarks are not able to be found correctly. Secondly, the genuine landmark position may not be located on the normal direction of edge contour, which will accordingly produce unsatisfactory landmark positions. Furthermore, when people have made exaggerated facial expressions, the traditional ASM often performs poorly because the shapes of exaggerated facial expressions usually are very different from the average facial shape. However, through analyzing the structure of human face compositions, we can understand the shape variation of human face mainly depends on the positions of the left/right eye inner and outer corners, the left/right inner and outer eyebrow corners and the left/right mouth corners. If these corner positions can be found correctly at the first stage, it will be able to set more approximate initial positions for the facial landmarks. Accordingly, better landmark locations can be found through ASM iteration and the accuracy of landmark detection can be much improved. From the above discussion, an improved landmark detection method is proposed which detects the corner-type landmark first, uses the detected corner-type landmarks to initialize the facial feature positions in the second stage, and then applies ASM to obtain the final landmark positions.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the classical ASM method and Section 3 describes the proposed two-stage ASM. Experimental results are given in Section 4, and finally, conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2 Review of the Active Shape Model (ASM)

ASM is one of statistical models, which contains a global shape model and a lot of local feature models. Section 2.1 decides the shape model; Section 2.2 describes the local feature models and Section 2.3 describes the ASM algorithm.

2.1 The Shape Model

Suppose there are n facial feature points and each one is located at obvious face contour. The positions of these n points are arranged into a shape vector X, that is

, , , , … , , , … , , (1)


where and are the horizontal coordinate and the vertical coordinate of the kth feature point respectively.

Using the PCA operation, the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix corresponding to main shape variations can be generated. Then, a shape model can be represented as:

(2) where is the mean shape model, … is the eigenvectors corresponding to the t largest eigenvalues, and is the shape parameter which is the projection coefficient that X projects onto P. Usually, is constrained within the range of 3 , so that a constructed face shape will not degenerate too much.

2.2 The Feature Model

In general, we suppose a landmark is located on a strong edge. According to the normal direction of a landmark, we can get m pixels on both sides of this landmark.

So, for each landmark, there are in total 2m+1 gray-level values which form a gray- level profile g g , g , … , g , where i is the landmark index. In order to capture the frequency information, the first derivative of profile dg is calculated as

, , … , . (3)

In order to lessen the influence of image illumination and contrast, is normalized as

| |, where . (4)

The feature vector is called “grayscale profile”.

2.3 ASM Algorithm

The ASM searching algorithm uses an iteration process to find the best landmarks which can be summarized as follows:

1. Initialize the shape parameters to zero (the mean shape).

2. Generate the shape model point using the . 3. Find the best landmark by using the feature model.

4. Calculate the parameters b as . 5. Restrict parameter b to be within 3 .

If | | is less than a threshold value, then the matching process is completed;

else , and return to step 2.

3 The Proposed Method

The traditional ASM only uses the grayscale profile as its feature model. However, the grayscale profile is inherently a one-dimensional feature which in general is too simple to represent the distinct information of a landmark point. Basically, there are


two other drawbacks of th points only from the candi target point is not located i incorrect. The second is it But, different landmarks in different variation extents.

In general, the facial fe type landmarks and edge-t left/right eye inner/outer co but the edge-type landmark unique 1-D shapes shown landmarks and edge-type la easier to detect than the ed novel two-stage facial land corner-type landmarks, and by using the locations of th initial positions of ASM. In which are the left/right eye outer corners, and the left/r the traditional ASM is to landmarks according to the positions of an edge-type la be accordingly large. On th very stable, the correspond method will be introduced i

Fig. 1. Examples of the corner corner-type landmarks and ‘□

3.1 The First Stage Adaboosting algorithms hav obtain outstanding detectio we used the Adaboosting Samples of the 10 corner-ty indicate the corner represen the center of the image bl defined different search rang

he traditional ASM. The first is that it selects the tar idates along the normal direction of edge contour. If in the candidate points, it will cause the found target po t uses a fixed search range for different landmark poi

fact may require different search ranges because they h ature landmarks can be attributed into two types: corn type landmarks. The corner-type landmarks (such as orners) have very unique 2-D shapes looked like corn ks (such as the landmarks of eyelid or mouth lip) have n n as a line. Fig. 1 shows some examples of corner-t andmarks. Obviously, the corner-type landmarks are m dge-type landmarks. Therefore, in this paper we propos dmark detection algorithm. The first stage is to locate d the second stage is to locate the whole facial landma he detected corner-type landmarks in the first stage as n this study, we define a total of 10 corner-type landma e inner and outer corners, the left/right eyebrow inner

right mouth corners. Another difference of our method o define variable search ranges for different edge-t eir variation degrees. That is if from the training data andmark differ a lot, the search range of this landmark w he contrary, if the positions of an edge-type landmark ding search range will be relatively small. The propo in the following.

r-type landmarks and the edge-type landmarks, where ‘◦’ den

’ denotes edge-type landmarks

ve been extensively used for object detection and they of on performance. Therefore, for each corner-type landm algorithm [9] to construct a detector in the first sta ype landmarks are shown in Fig. 2 in which the black sp ntative positions and they are not necessary to be located locks. In order to improve the issue on search range,

ges for different corner-type landmarks in Fig. 3.

rget the oint ints.

have ner-

the ners, non- type much se a the arks the arks and d to type the will are osed


ften mark age.

pots d at we


Fig. 2. Image samples of corner-type landmarks

Fig. 3. The two-dimensional search ranges of 10 corner-type landmarks

With a constructed Adaboost-based detector, it may obtain several candidates of one landmark in the defined search range, and accordingly it is necessary to select the correct one among them. Because different corner-type landmarks are located at different facial geometric compositions (i.e. eyebrow, eye and mouth), their candidate selections should be designed according to their own affecting external factors (such as hair and glasses). With the above understanding, we categorized the 10 facial landmarks into three groups (eyebrow, eye and mouth) based on their functions and their geometric positions. Let e(x,y) be the edge strength of pixel (x,y) and s(x,y) be the detection score of a specific Adaboost-based corner-type landmark detector. Then, each group has its own candidate selection design as described in below.

3.1.1 Candidate Selection of Eyebrow Corners

Conceptually, an eyebrow corner should have a strong horizontal edge strength and a weak vertical edge strength. But, because the eyebrow may be covered by hair, just using the edge strength cannot get good candidate selection result. Instead, a HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) [12] feature is also used to select the eyebrow corners. Therefore, in order to select the correct candidate, three factors are taken into consideration as

, , , 1

, (5)

where α, β and γ are three weight parameters, s is the detection score of the Adaboost- based eyebrow detector, e is the edge strength and h is the Mahalanobis distance of the HOG features between the corresponding eyebrow model and the eyebrow candidate at pixel (x,y). Among the eyebrow corner candidates, the one having the largest is the selected candidate.

3.1.2 Candidate Selection of Eye Corners

Because an eye corner and its near pupil present a rather stable distance, this property can be used to select the eye corners. Since our face detection algorithm can detect


not only face positions but be roughly estimated from candidates, the one closest example of eye corner selec

Fig. 4. An example of eye cor

’ denotes the estimated eye c

3.1.3 Candidate Selection Because the mouth corner corners or at the facial wri ineffective if the edge stren However, the two kinds of mouth corner has a larg understanding, , truly a mouth corner as are weight parameters candidates, the one having t Sometimes, especially w mightily; the largest F mouth is widely opened, it the current mouth image d and sometimes even all th corner. Similarly, when on wrinkle corner may be lar further proposed a method t 3.1.4 Further Improveme If the angle between the lin corner candidates is larger inconsistent to the curren composition. Therefore, it w that a wrongly selected can showed when encountering corner candidate (called ‘ca

‘candidate B’) is incorrectly of candidate B by using th pupils are easier to detect t accuracy. So we can remed eye pupils. First, from the which one is correct and w

also both pupil positions, both eye corners accordingly m the detected pupil positions. Among the eye cor to its estimated eye corner is selected. Fig. 4 displays ction.

rner selection, where ‘ ’ denotes an eye corner candidate, an corner

n of Mouth Corner

candidates usually are located either at the correct mo inkle corners with medium-large edge strengths, it will ngth is used to select the correct mouth corner candid candidates have very different variances. In general, a t ger variance than a wrinkle corner does. With is designed to reflect the possibility that a candidate

, , , , where

s, is a variance function. Among the mouth cor the largest is selected to be the correct one.

when one opens his/her mouth widely or compresses his may correspond to a wrong candidate. In fact, whe is difficult to detect by an adaboost-based detector beca deviates significantly from the normal mouth appearan he detected candidates do not contain the correct mo ne compresses his/her lip mightily, the variance of a fa

ger than that of the correct mouth corner. Therefore, to improve the correctness of mouth corner selection.

ent of Mouth Corner Selection

ne passing two eye pupils and the line passing two mo than a threshold, it indicates the current mouth directio nt eye direction and this constitutes an abnormal f will be very useful for us to make a certain modification ndidate can be updated to a correct one. Our experime g an abnormal face composition, most probably one mo andidate A’) is correctly selected and the other one (cal y selected. Therefore, we try to predict the correct posit he correct candidate A. Experiments showed the two than the two mouth corners and they have higher detect dy the wrongly detection mouth corners from the detec two selected mouth corner candidates, we need to dec which one is incorrect. To serve this end, we simply se

can rner s an

nd ‘

outh l be date.

true this e is and rner s lip en a ause nce, outh acial we

outh n is face n so ents outh lled tion eye tion cted cide lect


the candidate with the larg the incorrect one. The selec two detected pupils, a midd distance to the two pupils. T an “anchor point” located a The base point and the anc line. Then, a segment can b 1/3 length of the distance parallel to the two pupils candidate is obtained by th can be defined, one is in the true mouth corner candida pixels which is called “lip contains a large portion o (SASB). Basically, the m conditions. First, the intens corresponding SASB. Seco larger than that of the corre not necessary to explicitly SASB. Instead, this can composition of the current corresponds to a left mouth block is the LASB. On the to a right mouth corner, the SASB. Therefore, for a true

Here, Var and Avg denote block, respectively. If there the one having the largest most appropriately predicte In Fig. 5, the square poin left mouth corner and the ri the found anchor point and range of which the most app decided.

Fig. 5. An illustrati

ger detection score as the correct one and the other one cted correct candidate is called the “base point”. From dle separating line can be constructed which has the sa Then, from the “base point” and the middle separating l at the other side of the middle separating line can be fou chor point have the same distance to the middle separat be defined by taking the anchor point as its center, hav between two pupils, and being along the line direct . Within the segment, the most appropriately predic he following design. For each candidate C, two sub-blo e left side of C and the other is in the right side of C. Fo ate, one of its sub-blocks contains a large portion of

-attributed sub-block” (LASB), and one of its sub-blo f skin pixels which is called “skin-attributed sub-blo most appropriately predicted candidate C satisfies t

sity of the corresponding LASB is smaller than that of ond, the intensity variance of the corresponding LASB esponding SASB. However, for each pixel candidate, i y decide which sub-block is the LASB and which is easily be decided by simply considering the phys processing candidate. If the candidate under considerat h corner, the left sub-block is the SASB and the right s contrary, if the candidate under consideration correspo e left sub-block is the LASB and the right sub-block is e mouth corner candidate, it must follow



the intensity variance and the average intensity of a s e are more than one candidate meet the above conditio

sum of Var(LASB) and Var(SASB) is selected to be ed candidate.

nt and the circle point denote the selected candidates of ight mouth corner, respectively. The triangle point deno d the line segment passing the triangle point is the sea propriately predicted candidate of the right mouth corne

ive graph for further improving mouth corner selection

e as the ame ine, und.

ting ving tion cted ocks or a f lip ocks ock”

two the B is it is the ical tion sub- onds


(6) sub- ons,

the f the otes arch er is


3.2 The Second Stage This second stage is to d locations of the corner-type the second-stage ASM mo eyebrows and mouth, the n new composition of eye co the 4 corner-type landmark corner, the left mouth corne shape is computed as a re estimated by the following Step 1. Compute the new

obtained from the firs Step 2. Compute the displ reference point, i.e.

Step 3. Shift each nose lan

Fig. 6 shows the initializati the reference point, the blu being processed face, the triangle denotes the re-initia

(a) Fig. 6. Initialization of As for defining the app standard deviation of its po into six groups, as shown i Group 2 denotes the eye-r side-related landmarks; Gro Group 5 denotes the upper- related landmarks. On purp range which is defined

detect the whole facial landmarks by using the detec e landmarks from the first stage as the initial positions odel. Beside the initialized landmark positions of ey nose landmark positions are also initialized according t orners and mouth corners. The average position (Sx, Sy) ks (including the left-eye inner corner, the right-eye in

er and the right mouth corner) taken from the average f eference point. The new nose landmark positions can

three steps:

average position (Cx, Cy) of the 4 corner-type landma st stage;

lacement (dx, dy) between the reference point and the n , Cx-Sx , Cy-Sy)

ndmark position by , , i.e , , landmarks of nose

ion method of nose landmarks, and the blue solid circl ue hollow circle is the new reference point of the curren

black triangle denotes the original nose shape, the alized nose shape after the displacement of dx and dy.


f nose landmarks (a) average shape;(b)result of first stage

propriate search range of each edge-type landmark, osition is adopted. First, the feature landmarks are divi

in Fig.7. Group 1 denotes the eyebrow-related landmar related landmarks; Group 3 denotes both side nose-bo oup 4 denotes the bottom nose-bottom-related landmar -lip-related landmarks; and Group 6 denotes the lower- pose, all the landmarks in the same group use a same sea


cted s of yes, to a ) of nner face n be

arks new

le is ntly red

the ided rks;

oth- rks;

-lip- arch


1 (7)

(8) where k is the group index, j is the landmark index, is the average position of the jth landmark, and is the standard deviation of the jth landmark position.

Fig. 7. A illustrative diagram of the six-groups facial landmarks

4 Experimental Results

We use the well known BioID face database and a part of the Cohn Kanade database to train the ASM shape model and the 10 corner-type Adaboost-based detectors. In total, there are 3016 BioID face images (include mirrored images) and 6588 Cohn Kanade face images used in the training stage. Because the Cohn Kanade database in total contains 9005 face images, the remaining 2417 face image is used to test the performance of landmark localization. Fig. 8 shows some samples of both databases.

The 50 landmark points are manually labeled for all the images.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. (a) Examples of the BIOID database, and (b) Examples of the Cohn Kanade database The hit rate of each corner-types landmark is calculated and is listed in Table 1. In this paper, the hit rate of each landmark is defined as

% ∑

100% (9)

1 , if | | 0.3 and

1.5 1.5 ;

0 , otherwise (10)

where N is the total number of test images, is the manually marked position of this landmark of the i-th image, is the representative position of the detected landmark


block of the i-th image, image, and is the width Table 1. The hit rates of di eyebrow corner, the index 3/4 outer/inter eye corner, the ind right/left mouth corner.

Index 1 2

Hit rate(%) 97.4 94.9 For evaluating the accura


where is the detected p the manually marked positi distance between the two pu

The overall performan traditional ASM are compa Fig. 9.

Fig. 9. The error rate of each c No.1~No.12 correspond to th eye-related landmarks, No.28~

correspond to mouth-related la

There are several impro effectiveness, several expe the proposed methods. M1 landmarks with the Adabo edge-type landmarks witho

is the width of the detected landmark block of the of the manually marked landmark block.

fferent corner landmarks. The index 1/2 is the left outer/i is the right outer/inter eyebrow corner, the index 5/6 is the r dex 7/8 is the left outer/inter eye corner, the index 9/10 is

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 93.9 99.3 96.3 96.6 98.8 98.4 94.7 98.

acy of landmark localization, the error rate E is defined

_ 100% (

position of the j-th landmark of the i-th image, _ ion of the j-th landmark of the i-th image, and is upils of the i-th image.

nce of the proposed two-stage ASM method and ared by showing their individual errors of each landmark

corner landmark. The horizontal axis is the corner index in wh he eyebrow-related landmarks, No.13~No.27 correspond to

~No.36 correspond to nose-related landmarks, and No.37~No andmarks. The vertical axis indicates the error rate.

ovements proposed in this paper. In order to verify th eriments are conducted by using different combination

1 denotes using the first stage to locate the corner-t ost-based detectors and the traditional ASM to locate out initializing the nose shape, M2 denotes using the f


inter right the

.2 as


is the the k in

hich the o.50

heir n of type

the first


stage 1 to locate the corner-type landmarks and the improved ASM to locate the edge- type landmarks with initializing the nose shape, and M3 denotes using the first stage to locate the corner-type landmarks and the improved ASM to locate the edge-type landmarks by using both nose shape re-initialization and different landmark-related search ranges.

Form Fig. 9 we can see the error of M1 in the nose part is larger than traditional method. Because when we initialized the eye, eyebrow and mouth without initialized the nose, sometimes it would undermine the overall facial structure. Therefore, it will cause large errors. But in M2, because we using the eye corner and mouth to initialize the nose position, the error rate in nose can be reduced.

Obviously, M3 performs much better than the traditional ASM. This reveals that both the Adaboost-based corner-type landmark detectors and the variable rectangular search ranges are very useful in detecting the corner-type landmarks of eyebrow, eye and mouth, such as the 1th, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 23th, 37th and 41th landmarks in Fig. 9. When a human face has made an exaggerated facial expression, due to the two-stage ASM design, most landmarks can still be detected correctly. By using different search ranges for different landmarks can also improve the landmark localization accuracy. Although none of nose-related landmarks belongs to the corner- type landmark, they can still using the eye corner and mouth corner to improvement.

Fig. 10 shows the detected positions of 50 landmarks by using the traditional and the proposed two-stage ASM methods, individually, the first row is the processed results of the traditional ASM, and the second row is the processed results of the proposed method M3. Obviously, the proposed method M3 gets much better results than the traditional ASM.

Fig. 10. Some results on the Cohn Kanade database. The top row shows the detected landmarks by the traditional ASM method and the bottom row shows the detected results by the proposed ASM method.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed a two-stage ASM method to improve the facial landmark detection. The first stage uses an Adaboosting algorithm to locate 10 corner-type landmarks, which are attributed into three classes (i.e., eyebow, eye and mouth) and each class has its own candidate selection method from the detected candidates. The second stage is to detect the whole facial landmarks by using the


locations of the detected corner-type landmarks in the first stage as the initial positions of ASM, and different facial landmarks correspond to different search ranges based on their variation extents. From the experimental results, it demonstrates clearly that the proposed method outperforms the traditional ASM algorithm, especially in corner-type landmarks. In the future work, we will try to design a 2D feature model instead of the tradition 1D feature model for the edge-type landmarks.

Expectedly, it can further improve the accuracy of localizing facial landmarks.

Acknowledgments. This research is supported by Taiwan NSC under contract NSC 98-2221-E-216-029.


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Face Recognition

Yea-Shuan Huang, Chu-Yung Li

CSIE Department, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 707, Sec.2, WuFu Rd., Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.

e-mail: yeashuan@chu.edu.tw

Abstract. Face recognition is very useful in many applications, such as safety and surveillance, intelligent robot, and computer login. The reliability and accuracy of such systems will be influenced by the variation of background illumination. Therefore, how to accomplish an effective illumination compensation method for human face image is a key technology for face recognition. Our study uses several computer vision techniques to develop an illumination compensation algorithm to processing the single channel (such as grey level or illumination intensity) face image. The proposed method mainly consists of four processing modules: (1) Homomorphic Filtering, (2) Ratio Image Generation, and (3) Anisotropic Smoothing. Experiments have shown that by applying the proposed method the human face images can be further recognized by conventional classifiers with high recognition accuracy.

Keywords—Face Recognize, Illumination Compensation, Anisotropic Smoothing, Homomorphic Filtering.

1. Introduction

In recent years, digital video signal processing is very popular because digital audio and video technology have made a lot of progress, the price of large data storage is lower and the cost of the optical photographic equipments also decreases. Most importantly, artificial intelligence and computer vision technology are getting mature.

So intelligent video processing systems gain much attention to the public, especially it has become a very important role in the safety monitoring field. In this field, the accuracy of face recognition is an essential goal to pursue, so we address this issue here, and hope to be able to develop a high accuracy of face recognition.

For face recognition, there are several problems which will affect the recognition accuracy. Among them, ambient lighting variation is a very crucial problem because it will affect the system performance considerably. Currently, most face recognition methods assume that human face images are taken under uniform illumination, but in fact the background illumination is usually non-uniform and even unstable. Therefore, the face images of the same person often have very different appearances which make face recognition very difficult. Furthermore, slanted illumination probably produces different shadows on face images which may reduce the recognition rate greatly. So


this research focuses on this topic and proposes an illumination compensation method to improve the recognition accuracy under different background illumination.

There are many approaches have been proposed already, such as Retinex [1], Illumination Cone [2], Quotient Image [3], Self-Quotient Image [4], Intrinsic Illumination Subspace [5] , Columnwise linear Transformation [6], Logarithmic Total Variation model [7] , Discrete Cosine Transform [8] algorithm and Gradient faces [9]

method. Retinex is an algorithm to simulate human vision which main concept is the perception of the human eye will be affected by the object reflectance spectra and the surrounding lighting source. Therefore, in order to get the ideal image it computes each pixel’s albedo by subtracting the intensity of this pixel and those of its surrounding eight pixels, which results in the original Retinex algorithm, also called Single Scale Retinex, SSR. In recent years, several algorithms based on this concept but using more neighboring pixels also were proposed and they proclaimed to produce better performance than Retinex, just like Multi-Scale Retinex, MSR [10] and Multi- Scale Retinex with Color Restoration, MSRCR [10]; Illumination Cone constructs a specific three-dimensional facial model for each person, then various illuminated two- dimensional images of one person can be constructed from his own three-dimensional facial model. All of Quotient Image, Self-Quotient Image and Intrinsic Illumination Subspace adopt an image preprocessing. Quotient Image (QI) has to input at least three images under different background illumination in order to remove the information of lighting source. Self-Quotient Image (SQI) is derived from Quotient Image and it needs only one input image to perform lighting compensation. Therefore, it is easily applied to all kinds of recognition systems. Being similar to QI and SQI, Intrinsic Illumination Subspace first uses a Gaussian Smoothing Kernel to obtain the smoothed image, and then it reconstructs an image with the basis of the intrinsic illumination subspace. Columnwise linear Transformation assumes that by accumulating each column of each human face image the intensity distributions of different persons are very similar. So, the average intensity distribution A nontrivial is computed from all the training face images first, and the intensity distribution B of the current processed face image is also computed, then by transforming B to A, a compensated face image can be derived. The Logarithmic Total Variation (LTV) model is derived from the TV- L1 model [11] and the TV-L1 model is particularly suited for separating “large-scale”

(like skin area) and “small-scale” (like eyes, mouth and nose) facial components. So the LTV model is also retain the same property. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) algorithm transforms the input image from spatial domain to frequency domain first. Finally, Gradient faces method use Gaussian kernel function to transform the input image to gradient domain and get the Gradient faces to recognition.

However, these methods still have their shortcomings and deficiencies. For example, both Illumination Cone and Quotient Image require several face images of different lighting directions in order to train their database; all of Retinex, Self- Quotient Image, Intrinsic Illumination Subspace , Columnwise linear Transformation, LTV model, DCT algorithm and Gradient faces method cannot tolerate the face angle deviation and certain coverings (such as sunglasses) on faces. For the above reasons, our approach references the previous approaches to propose a novel illumination compensation method. The proposed method is based on “combination” and

“complementarity” two key ideas to combine three distinct illumination compensation methods. It can efficiently eliminate the effect of background lighting change, so a subsequent recognition system can accurately identify human face images under different background illumination.


This paper is arranged into 4 sections. Section 2 describes the concept and the processing steps of the proposed compensation algorithm; Section 3 describes the testing database and experimental results; finally, conclusion is drawn in Section 4.

2. The Proposed Illumination Compensation Method

In order to eliminate the effect of background lighting, we assume that is the coordinate of an image pixel P, is the gray value of P. So based on a Lambertian model [12], can be expressed by the multiplication of two functions [2, 3, 12], which is

. (1)

In this function, is the illuminance of P and is the reflectance of P. In general, the illumination values of neighboring pixels are similar to each other, so can be regarded as one kind of low-frequency signal in an image. However, the reflectance will show the contrast arrangement of different composite materials (such as skin, eyebrows, eyes and lips, etc.) of this image. Therefore, can be regarded as a high-frequency signal which closely corresponds to texture information of face.

Based on this understanding, our research uses the digital filtering approach to reduce the low frequency signal, and emphasize the high frequency signals of a face image at the same time. We expect to decrease the influence of background lighting on facial analysis and recognition. So the facial texture features can be strengthened to achieve the better face recognition accuracy.

The proposed illumination compensation method consists of (1) Homomorphic Filtering, (2) Ratio Image Generation, and (3) Anisotropic Smoothing, which are shown in Fig.1.

Fig. 1. The processing diagram of the proposed method.


2.1 Homomorphic Filtering

In reality, face images are influenced to many conditions and factors (such as lighting and face angle), so an original image may contain lot of noises. Therefore, we use a homomorphic filtering to adjust the image intensity by strengthening the high- frequency signal and decreasing the low-frequency signal.

First, we adopt the logarithm operation to separate the illumination and reflection coefficient from image, that is,

(2) Next, we adopt the Fourier Transform to compute the left and right sides of the above equation,

where , and are the Fourier Transform results of , and respectively. Then, we use a low-frequency filtering function H (u, v) to multiply the above formula and get

(3) Furthermore, we use an inverse Fourier Transform to get



Finally, we apply the exponential operation to the above formula and obtain


After performing all of the above steps, is the final filtered image. Because of is a low-frequency filtering function, it will significantly reduce the intensity of low-frequency signal. So can not only effectively preserve the high-frequency texture information, but also reduce the impact of illumination variation.

In general, can be designed as



where , , and is a cut-off frequency. The constant c is a parameter to control the increasing degree of the exponential function. Figure 2 shows an illustrating graph of H (u, v).

D (μ,ν) Fig. 2. A low-frequency filtering function .

The low-frequency signal not only includes the illumination information but also includes the texture information of human face image. So the should be set to a small value but not zero, if we want not destroy the texture information of face image.

Because of above reason, in order to remove the illumination information, we proposed the second steps: Ratio Image Generation.

2.2 Ratio Image Generation

We have used the homomorphic filter to reduce the influence of illumination, but we cannot eliminate all low-frequency signals because the low-frequency signal may also contain some facial features which are useful to recognition. So instead of setting = 0 to completely eliminate the low-frequency signal, is set to be 0.5.

Consequently, the filtered image still contains part of illumination information. For further reducing the illumination information, a second operation called “Ratio Image Generation” is proposed to eliminate the low-frequency signal. From the experiment, it clearly shows that using both of Homomorphic Filtering and Ratio Image Generation outperform than using Homomorphic Filtering only.

Since denotes the value of a filtered image pixel, based on a Lambertian model [8], it can also be formulated as


where is the albedo, and is the illumination value of pixel (x, y). As described before, denotes the texture information of the image and denotes the low-frequency information. Let be a smoothed image information by convoluting with a Gaussian function . That is

. (8)

Basically, the lighting factor can be implicitly attributed to . Because both and correspond to the low frequency signal of an image at pixel (x, y), we can use to present the approximate relationship between both low-


frequency data and c is a constant value. If is divided by , a new image can be constructed which inherently reveals the high frequency attribute . That is


where N can effectively reflect the intrinsic information of an image, which is called the ratio image.

2.3 Anisotropic Smoothing

While a ratio image N can effectively reflect the high-frequency signal of image, but it is very sensitive to noise. Therefore, we use an anisotropic smoothing operation to reduce the interference of noise. However, the general smoothing algorithms will not only reduce noise, but also undermine the image texture characteristics because they belong to high frequency signal. In order to reduce the noise effect and avoid the degeneration of normal texture information, we purposely design an anisotropic smoothing algorithm to produce the smoothed image. Here, some variables about the anisotropic smoothing operation are defined as below:

is the image value of pixel (x, y) in a ratio image


, , and represent respectively the 4-directional image differences between pixel (x, y) and its adjacent image pixels. During the smoothing operation, a large degree of smoothing will be executed on the uniform parts of image, but a much small degree of smoothing will be executed on the boundary of image. Consequently, the smoothed image will preserve its boundary information effectively. To serve this purpose, a weighting function based on image difference is designed as

(11) where is the bandwidth parameter to control the change rate of the exponential function. Then, the smoothed image are computed by

(12) where is the image value of pixel (x, y) after t times smoothing operations.

Finally, in order to obtain more consistently filtered face images, a histogram equalization operation is applied to the anisotropic smoothed image.


3. Experimental Results

In order to estimate the performance of the proposed method, the present study uses two famous face databases (Banca [13] and Yale database B [14]) to evaluate the recognition rate. The Banca database contains human frontal face images grabbed from several sections to reflect different variation factors. Among all sections, the section 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the “controlled” classification are used in our experiment. In each section, there are 10 images for each person, and in total there are 52 persons (26 males and 26 females), therefore it consists of 2,080 images in total. For performance comparison, we adopted three pattern matching methods (RAW, CMSM [15] and GDA [16]) to evaluate the recognition accuracy. RAW refers to the nearest-neighbor classification based on the image value in the Euclidean distance metric. CMSM (Constrained Mutual Subspace Method) constructs a class subspace for each person and makes the relation between class subspaces by projecting them onto a generalized difference subspace so that the canonical angles between subspaces are enlarged to approach to the orthogonal relation. GDA (Generalized Discriminant Analysis) adopts kernel function operator to make it easy to extend and generalize the classical Linear Discriminant Analysis to a non-linear one. Because CMSM needs to construct a mutual subspace, the images of 12 persons are selected to serve this end. Therefore, the face images of the rest 40 persons are used to test the recognition performance in this experiment. By randomly separating the 40 persons, different enrollment and unenrollment sets are constructed. An enrollment set contains the face images of the persons which have enrolled themselves to the recognition system and an unenrollment set contains the face images of the persons which have not enrolled to the system.

During each random separation, there are 35 persons are selected in the enrollment set and 5 persons are in the unenrollment set. With this design, hundreds of experiments can be easily performed. Among the four sections, only the first section is used for serving the training purpose, and the other three sections are for testing. As for the Yale database B, it contains 5760 single light source images of 10 subjects each was taken pictures under 576 viewing conditions (9 poses x 64 illumination conditions).

For every subject in a particular pose, an image with ambient (background) illumination was also captured. Hence, the total number of images is in fact 5760+90=5850. But we only test 1 pose (pose 0) of them; it means we only use 640 images to test the recognition rate. Then these 64 images are further separated into 6 sections (about 10 images per section), and only the first section is used for serving the training purpose, and the other five sections are for testing. Among 10 peoples, 5 of them are selected for enrollment, and the other 5 are for unenrollment.

The specific settings of parameters in our experiments are , , , and . For CMSM, the base number is set 1000, and for GDA, the kernel sigma is set 4400 and its feature dimension is 200. Figure 3 shows some images examples of which the first row is the original images, the second row is the images after applying the homomorphic filter, the third row is the ratio images, and the fourth row is the images operated by the anisotropic smoothing algorithm which indeed are the output images of our illumination compensation method.


Fig. 3. Image examples of different processing steps, from the first row to the fifth row: input images, hormomorphic filtered images, ratio images, and anisotropic smoothed images.

Table 1 lists the recognition results of three different pattern matching methods, and FAR, FRR, and RR denote false accept rate, false rejection rate, and recognition rate individually. From this table, it shows all the recognition rates of the three recognition methods are larger than 90%, and the recognition rate of CMSM even is up to 95%.

Thus, this experiment demonstrates that the compensated image by using the proposed approach can be further recognized by general recognition methods.

Table 1. The recognition results of three different pattern matching methods on the compensated Banca face database.


FAR 4.6% 6.7% 6.1%

FRR 4.8% 7.3% 6.5%

RR 95.1% 92.6% 93.4%

In addition, this study also compared the recognition rates with eight other illumination compensation methods: (1) Original, means we used original image to processing image without illumination compensation, (2) HE, means Histogram equalization method, (3) Retinex, (4) DCT means the Discrete Cosine Transform algorithm, (5) RA, means that we used ratio image generation + anisotropic smoothing, (6) HA is means homomorphic filtering + anisotropic smoothing, (7) LTV means Logarithmic Total Variation model, and (8) Gradient faces method. Besides, the recognition result of the original images is listed as a reference. Table 2 shows the experimental results to compare our algorithm with other compensated algorithms.

Obviously, our method outperforms the other methods.


Table 2. Recognition results of different illumination compensation algorithms adopt Banca database.

Illumination Compensation Method CMSM RAW GDA

Original 88.2% 57.6% 60.3%

Histogram equalization 88.5% 60.1% 64.3%

Retinex 81.5% 65.0% 75.4%

DCT 88.3% 85.1% 82.0%

RA 89.1% 88.3% 84.1%

HA 91.8% 85.0% 81.7%

LTV 92.3% 90.0% 90.6%

Gradient faces 92.5% 87.4% 90.7%

The proposed method 95.1% 92.6% 93.4%

Because the Banca database does not contain images with significant illumination variation, we purposely used a few human face images from the Yale Face database [16] to demonstrate the effectiveness of our illumination compensation method.

Visually, from Figure 4, the original images in the first row show different appearances, but the final output images in the fourth row in fact appear quite similar to each other. Table 3 lists the recognition rates of our proposed method and the other illumination compensation algorithms with the Yale database B.

Fig. 4. Image examples from Yale faces database. The first column to the third column is respectively “central-light source image”, “left-light source image”, and

“right-light source image”.


Table 3. Recognition results of different illumination compensation algorithms and different databases.

Illumination Compensation Method CMSM RAW GDA

Original 90.0% 82.6% 92.2%

Histogram equalization 96.1% 91.6% 97.9%

Retinex 95.8% 87.8% 97.8%

DCT 94.0% 88.0% 100.0%

RA 93.9% 83.7% 95.9%

HA 92.1% 87.6% 97.8%

LTV 86.2% 93.0% 98.2%

Gradient faces 94.1% 93.8% 100.0%

The proposed method 97.8% 95.6% 100.0%

In Table 3, We can find the recognition rate of Yale database B can be up to 100%.

It’s because the Yale database B contains variation only in illumination and keeps other conditions (ex. background, pose, expression and accessory) the same. However, the recognition rate of Banca database is lower (at most 95.1%) because it basically contains more variation and more peoples than Yale database B. So we can say the recognition of Banca database is more difficult than that of Yale database B. From the above experiments, it obviously shows that our purposed method consistently performs best than the other commonly used illumination compensation methods for the Banca, and Yale B face databases.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a set of illumination compensation technique use for human face recognition. The proposed technique uses digital filtering to reduce the low-frequency signal and strengthen the high-frequency signal to reserve the facial texture information. And the proposed technique also can reduce the effect of background lighting change to increase the accuracy of face image recognition.

Experiments have shown that the proposed method can achieve very promising recognition accuracy for the Banca database and Yale B faces database of each recognition method. It confirms the proposed algorithm is indeed more feasible and applicable. Actually, the proposed method is a general lighting compensation method which is not only limited in recognizing human faces. In the future, we will try to apply this method to other applications (such as OCR and Video surveillance).



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