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Chapter 8 An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure


Academic year: 2022

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Chapter 8

An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure




• A healthy and vibrant economy

requires a financial system that moves funds from people who save to people who have productive investment



Learning Objectives

• Identify eight basic facts about the global financial system.

• Summarize how transaction costs affect financial intermediaries.

• Describe why asymmetric information leads to adverse selection and moral hazard.

• Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced.


Learning Objectives

• Recognize the principal-agent problem arising from moral hazard in equity

contracts and summarize the methods for reducing it.

• Summarize the methods used to reduce moral hazard in debt contracts


Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World

• This chapter provides an economic

analysis of how our financial structure is designed to promote economic efficiency.

• Figure 1 shows how American businesses financed their activities using external

funds (those obtained from outside the business itself) in the period 1970–2000 and compares U.S. data to those of

Germany, Japan, and Canada.


Figure 1 Sources of External Funds for Nonfinancial Businesses: A Comparison of the United States with

Germany, Japan, and Canada

Source: Andreas Hackethal and Reinhard H. Schmidt, “Financing Patterns: Measurement Concepts and Empirical Results,” Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Working Paper No. 125, January 2004. The data are from 1970–2000 and are gross flows as percentage of the total, not including trade and other credit data, which are not available.


1. Stocks are not the most important sources of external financing for businesses.

2. Issuing marketable debt and equity

securities is not the primary way in which businesses finance their operations.

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


• 貨幣機構:銀行、基層金融、中央信託局

• 非貨幣機構:郵匯局、信託投資公司、保 險公司



綜合證券商 - 承銷、經紀、自營、投顧、代客操作


3. Indirect finance is many times more important than direct finance

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World



直接金融 間接金融

市場參與者 主要參與的金融機構是

證券商及票券商 僅有銀行可以辦理收受 存款業務,再加上放款 授信業務後,銀行也就 成為間接金融中最主要 的金融機構


級市場流通性 具次級市場流動性,而 且金融工具次級市場的 交易熱絡與否,常是影 響初級市場承銷發行成 功與否的重要因素

幾乎不具有次級市場流 動性


Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World

由金融中介機構所為的間接金融,無論在扮 演降低交易成本,期限及風險轉換的功能 上,均較金融市場所為的直接金融為佳,

間接金融具以下優點 :

• 降低融資成本

• 分散融資風險

• 提高資金流動性

• 承辦長期融資

• 促進證券多樣化



Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


4. Financial intermediaries, particularly

banks, are the most important source of external funds used to finance businesses.

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


美國 台灣 監理機構 聯邦準備銀行、聯邦存

保公司、金融局或其他 相關機構。美國金融監 理之檢查與執行乃歸屬 於同ㄧ單位。

金融檢查與執行分別隸屬 於金融監督管理委員會下 檢查局及銀行局。此外,

金管會與財政部之職權可 能需要重新考量以提高金 融監理之效率。

監理方式 多元監理 自行政院金融監督管理委 員會設立後,台灣之金融 監理乃從多元機構負責改 為單一機構監理。

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World

5.The financial system is among the most heavily regulated sectors of the economy.


Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


6. Only large, well-established corporations have easy access to securities markets to finance their activities.

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


7. Collateral is a prevalent feature of debt contracts for both households and


8. Debt contracts are extremely complicated legal documents that place substantial

restrictive covenants on borrowers.

Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout the World


Summarize how transaction costs affect financial intermediaries

• 隨著金融中介機構的功能不斷進化,得以 降低交易成本

• 規模經濟

• 專業知識


• 搜尋成本:商品信息與交易對象信息的搜 集。

• 訊息成本:取得交易對象訊息與和交易對 象進行資訊交換所需的成本。

• 議價成本:針對契約、價格、品質討價還 價的成本。

• 決策成本:進行相關決策與簽訂契約所需 的內部成本。

Summarize how transaction costs affect financial intermediaries


• 開放線上申辦業務

• 修正金管會法規及銀行公會自律規範

• 強化消費者保護措施

• 加強資訊安全措施

• 交易程序簡化


Summarize how transaction costs affect financial intermediaries



• 逆選擇發生在交易之前

• 在交易成立後,道德危機也隨之升高

• 以委託代理理論分析道德危機是如何影響 經濟行為

Describe why asymmetric information leads to adverse selection and moral hazard.



• 從事經濟活動者,在追求自身最大利益或 便利的過程中,做出不利於他人的自私行 為。

• 例如,買了巨額保險金的駕駛人開車,通 常較未投保或投保金額較少的人不遵守交 通規則,或較不在意行車安全。

Describe why asymmetric information leads to adverse selection and moral hazard.



• 加強稽核動作

• 自負額的建立

• 薪資給付制度的設計

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced


• 逆選擇

是指由於交易雙方訊息不對稱和市場 價格下降產生的劣質品驅逐優質品,進而出現 市場交易產品平均質量下降的現象。


由於賣方比買方擁有更多的關於商品質量的信 息,買方由於無法識別商品質量的優劣,只願 根據商品的平均品質付款,這就使優質品價格 被低估而退出市場交易,結果只有劣質品成 交,進而導致交易的停止。

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced


檸檬問題:逆選擇是如何影響金融結構 的

• 如果品質無法被評估,那買家會選擇買那些 價格反映在平均品質的商品

• 賣家不會想要用平均品質的價格賣出那些好 品質的商品

• 買家不會買那些在市場上的商品,因為那些 商品的品質並不好

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced


• 檸檬車泛指有瑕疵的新二手車,常用來解 釋資訊不對稱的情形。

• 逆選擇是在資訊不對稱的情形下,劣幣驅 逐良幣的一種現象。

• 金融市場的逆選擇指市場上那些最有可能 造成不利(逆向)結果(即造成違約風 險)的融資者。

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced


逆選擇 次級房貸

• 對信用較差的借款人所承作的房貸稱為次 級房貸

• 金融機構將次級房貸包裝成信評量的債權 賣出

• 資訊不對稱即有違約風險

• 造成次貸危機及金融風暴

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced



• 私有財以及販賣資訊

- 取得資訊是需要付出成本的 ( 交易成本 ) - 產權私有化,避免搭便車的問題

• 透過政府管制來揭露資訊 - 法律保護

- 商品認證制度

Recognize adverse selection and summarize the ways in which they can be reduced


How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts

Equity Contracts ( 股權合 約 )

• 股東擁有分享公司盈 利和資產的請求權

• Ex: 普通股、特別股

• 企業透過何種方式容易 籌得資金 ?

Debt Contracts( 債權合約 )

• 規定借款人需定期向 債權人支付一定金額 之契約性合約


How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts

• 股權合約容易受到道德風險影響

• 委託人( principal )與代理人( agent ) 之間因目標不一致,而產生利益衝突之情 事。

- 委託人:較少的資訊 ( 股東 ) - 代理人:較多的資訊 ( 管理人 )

• 分散公司的所有權跟控制權

- 管理人追求個人的利益大於公司的利益


How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts

投資冰淇淋店100萬元 經營者只有10萬元



How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts

• 假定無代理人問 題:

盈餘為 50 萬元

• 投資人

• 分得 45 萬元

• 經營者

• 分得 5 萬元

• 有代理人問題

• 盈餘不確定

• 經營者

• 追求自己利益最大

• 投資人

• 將蒙受巨大損失


How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts

• 實例:

• 2001 年美國安隆( Enron )財務醜聞案

• 2007 年台灣發生力霸與嘉食化重整重大事件,集 團董事長王又曾潛逃海外

• 2007 年遠東航空爆發總金額高達 23 億元的掏空 案,公司一度停飛,前財務長等判刑 7 年、須賠 償 7.4 億元


Tools to Help Solve the Principal- Agent Problem


• 方法 1 : Monitoring

缺點:花費大量時間與金錢 – Free-rider problem

• 方法 2 : Government regulation to increase information



Tools to Help Solve the Principal- Agent Problem


• 方法 3 : Financial Intermediation

• Ex: 風險投資公司 ( 創業投資公司 )


Tools to Help Solve the Principal- Agent Problem


• 方法 4 : Debt Contracts

• 平時無須查核公司盈利情況,僅在違約情事發生 時須維護債權時查核,成本低於股權合約。


How Moral Hazard Influences

Financial Structure in Debt Markets

• Borrowers have incentives to take on

projects that are riskier than the lenders would like.

• 債權人僅收取固定之利息但需承受本金損 失之風險


Tools to Help Solve Moral Hazard in Debt Contracts


• 方法 1 : Net worth and collateral

• 方法 2 : Monitoring and enforcement of restrictive


• 方法 3 : Financial intermediation


Summary Table 1 Asymmetric Information Problems and Tools to Solve Them





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• Summarize the methods used to reduce moral hazard in debt contracts... Basic Facts about Financial Structure Throughout

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