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A Study of the Veterans’s Work Value among Drawing Monthly Pensions and Re-employed —an Example of the Middle Area in T 楊忠偉、陳月娥


Academic year: 2022

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A Study of the Veterans’s Work Value among Drawing Monthly Pensions and Re-employed

—an Example of the Middle Area in T 楊忠偉、陳月娥

E-mail: 9501984@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT Due to the government to set into action picked troops of case. Most of officer and sergeant to face to early retire.

Have a dilemma must be once again to get a job. The veterans’ drawing monthly pensions and re-employed. Main factor to influence on e-employed?What connotation of work value? The purpose of the study the veterans drawing monthly pensions and re-employed. Probe for depth to work value constructions. An essay are reached by using quality research by interview. Interview 12 retired the veterans. Include 6 retired officer and 6 retired sergeant.,Retire of the Army, Navy, Air force. The age among 38 to 57 . By narrative analysis, main of study to discover: I. The veterans re-employed work value and general college student apparent difference: (I)At purpose value a side in work value. Main of selfhood to grow, selfhood to achieve, dignity, (II)At tool value a side in work value. Main of society interaction, organization security and economical, stable and no to feel anxious, leisure time health and traffic. II. Veterans re-employed of basic characteristic and work value to be connected a side: (I) Front to be demobilized function of office a side, Most of retired officer belong to purpose value in work value. Retired sergeant is belong to tool value in work value. (II)Veterans re-employed of work overtake 3 years. In organize a sense security importance to degree over other people。 (III)One’s count of year, Retired sergeant in meridian of life consideration at work to choose on promote family livelihood quality and traffic. middle and high of year of officer, Main of health and human relationship. (IV)Armed services, the official rank, the educational and work value is related unapparent. The further study in the future. Separately suggest to policy and follow-up to study: I. Suggest to policy: Suggest to the Ministry of National Defense, Face to officer and sergeant expire of retire every year. To provide work工作values list of measure. Reduce obstacle to process in the veteran look for a job. Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan R.O.C should be constructive guidance and assistance the veterans to work. II. Follow-up to study in the future. In connection with middle area, All of veterans and re-employed to proceed question volume examine. To understand each county and city the veterans’ work value among drawing monthly pensions and re-employed, An area is difference.To suggest the Veterans Affairs Commission, Executive Yuan R.O.C Overall to check in the light of drawing monthly pensions and

re-employed. To provide service an armyman important according to re-employed in the future. Key Words:monthly pensions, re-employed, veterans, work value

Keywords : monthly pensions ; re-employed ; veterans ; work value

Table of Contents

目 錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 ……….iii 中文摘要 ………

………....iv 英文摘要………... vi 誌謝 ………

………. iii 目錄 ………. ix 圖目錄 ………

………. xi 表目錄 ………. xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究背景……… 1 第二節 研究動機……… 3 第三節 研究目的……

……… 5 第四節 名詞解釋……… 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 工作價值觀

……… 9 第二節 工作價值觀之相關研究……… 12 第三節 工作價值觀的測度………

……… 18 第三章 研究設計與方法 第一節 分析架構……… 24 第二節 研究對象……

……… 27 第三節 研究方法……… 29 第四章 發現與分析 第一節 樣本工 作價值觀內涵………... 32 第二節 個人基本特徵與工作價值觀之關聯性……… 58 第三節 影響榮民就業其他因 素之分析………... 65 第四節 研究後分析架構……… 70 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論…………

……….…... 72 第二節 建議……….…... 79 參考文獻………

………... 81 附錄一行政院國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會統計處……… 88 附錄二訪談大綱………

……… 92 附錄三個別訪談逐字稿………. 93 圖目錄 圖3.1 研究前分 析架構圖………. 26 圖4.1 研究後分析架構圖………. 71 表目錄 表1.1 近 七年來榮民就業狀況統計表……….. 4 表2.1 國內工作價值觀之相關研究……….. 14 表3.1 受 訪者個人基本資料表……….. 28 表4.1 受訪者與工作價值觀構面之關聯性……….. 57



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