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臺灣菸酒股份有限公司 108 年從業職員及從業評價職位人員甄試試題 甄試類別【代碼】:從業評價職位人員/訪銷【N6101-N6106】、推廣【N6109-N6111】、

事務管理【N6112-N6115】 、印刷技術【N6116】 、駕駛【N6117-N6119】 儲運【N6120-N6124】 、儲酒【N6125】 、化工【N6126-N6128】 、資訊技 術【N6129-N6130】 、農化【N6131-N6134】、機械【N6135-N6139】、

鍋爐【N6140-N6142】 、環保【N6143-N6144】 、冷凍【N6145-N6146】電子電機【N6147-N6149】 、電氣【N6150-N6152】、木工

【N6153-N6154】 、土木【N6155】 、水電【N6156】 、事務管理-身心障 礙組【N6201-N6202】、儲運-身心障礙組【N6203】、護理【N6204】



注意:作答前先檢查答案卡,測驗入場通知書編號、座位標籤、應試科目是否相符,如有不同應立即請監試人員 處理。使用非本人答案卡作答者,不予計分。

本試卷一張雙面,四選一單選選擇題共 50 題,每題 2 分,共 100 分。限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答,




外接插卡、攝(錄)影音、資料傳輸、通訊或類似功能),且不得發出聲響。應考人如有下列情事扣該節 成績 10 分,如再犯者該節不予計分。1.電子計算器發出聲響,經制止仍執意續犯者。2.將不符規定之電子 計算器置於桌面或使用,經制止仍執意續犯者。


壹、國文【第 1-25 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


時光「荏」苒﹙ㄖㄣˋ﹚ 過蒙拔「擢」﹙ㄓㄨㄛˊ﹚

挑撥離「間」﹙ㄐㄧㄢˋ﹚ 老少「咸」集﹙ㄒㄧㄢˊ﹚


公益團體 憂柔寡斷 事必躬親 嬌生慣養







惻隱 羞惡 辭讓 是非



甲、河漢清且淺,相去復幾許 乙、纖纖擢素手,札札弄機杼 丙、終日不成章,泣涕零如雨


甲乙丙 乙丙甲 丙甲乙 丙乙甲


遊人之盛 桃花之美 朝暮之景 待月之情


很多 什麼 嚴重 過分



借代 排比 譬喻 誇飾


生命是一襲華美的袍,爬滿了蚤子 「人性」是最有趣的書,一生一世看不完

因為愛過,所以慈悲;因為懂得,所以寬容 一個人在戀愛時,最能表現出天性中崇高的品質



仍活在過去 生活的奢華 積極追求功利 榮華難以維持

【3】11.黃春明〈戰士,乾杯〉中寫道——杜熊的外祖父曾說:「我們燒死一窩螞蟻,然後你又在別的地方看到 螞蟻的時候,你就知道剛才那一窩螞蟻,並沒有被燒死。」杜熊外祖父的話,暗合下列哪一選項的道理?

成事不足,敗事有餘 循序漸進,經久不輟

留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒 欲窮千里目,更上一層樓


形如搖籃的華麗島/是 母親的另一個/永恆的懷抱




【2】13.《莊子‧外篇‧山木篇》「昨日山中之木,以不材得終其天年;今主人之雁,以不材死」,旨在凸顯何 種道理?

自我的主體性 處世的兩難困局 超越世俗價值的自在 萬物相通天地與我齊一

【3】14.陳火泉〈人人有臉,樹樹有皮〉:「生活不全都是愉快的,但你必須盡可能使自己快樂。有快樂就有力 量,這是關鍵所在,但是人常常忽略了這一點,而陷入痛苦的深淵。」由此可知,作者認為人應該以下列何 種態度來面對人生與生活?

及時行樂 樂善好施 樂觀豁達 安貧樂道

【1】15.「那一雙傲慢的靴子至今還落在/高力士羞憤的手裡,人,卻不見了/把滿地的難民和傷兵/把胡馬和 羌馬交踐的節奏/留給杜二去細細地苦吟/自從那年賀知章眼花了/認你做謫仙,便更加佯狂/用一隻中了 魔咒的小酒壺/把自己藏起,連太太都尋不到你/怨長安城小而壺中天長/在所有的詩裡你都預言/會突然 水遁,或許就在明天/只扁舟破浪,亂髮當風/—— 而今,果然你失了蹤」此詩是在歌詠何人?

李白 杜甫 白居易 劉禹錫

【1】16.宋僧志南〈絕句〉「古木陰中繫短篷,杖藜扶我過橋東。沾衣欲濕杏花雨,吹面不寒楊柳風」,其中「吹 面不寒楊柳風」是那一季的景致?

春 夏 秋 冬


初一 老三 五年級 七本書


名詞 冠詞 動詞 副詞







【2】20.范仲淹〈岳陽樓記〉「登斯樓也,則有心曠神怡,寵辱偕忘,把酒臨風,其喜洋洋者矣」,其中「寵辱 偕忘」的「偕」字,其音義正確的選項是:

ㄐㄧㄝ/比 ㄒㄧㄝˊ/皆 ㄐㄧㄝ/劃一 ㄒㄧㄝˊ/共同







端木遺風:商界 忠勤足式:政界 萬古流芳:師長 伊人宛在:同學


大塊「假」我以文章 大臣犯法無所寬「假」

晉侯復「假」道於虞以伐虢 「假」輿馬者非利足也而致千里


臥薪嘗膽,生聚教訓 孤芳自賞,珍惜自己

戰戰兢兢,怕遭受辭退 追先帝之殊遇,欲報之於陛下







貳、英文【第 26-50 題,每題 2 分,共計 25 題,佔 50 分】


【3】26. You should call the police or the firefighters in case of _________ .

 democracy  variety  emergency  opportunity

【1】27. _________ children can normally score more than 130 in the IQ tests.

 Gifted  Naughty  Athletic  Sensitive

【2】28. Kelly’s boyfriend always gets _________ and angry when he sees Kelly chatting and laughing with other men.

 fluent  jealous  diligent  patriotic

【3】29. This room is so dark that I can _________ see anything.

 frankly  absolutely  scarcely  eventually

【2】30. My brother would _________ at me behind my parents as a sign for me to keep silent about his wrongdoing.

 spit  wink  argue  knock

【2】31. Anyone between 25 to 35 and with two years of marketing experience is _________ for this job interview.

 identical  qualified  abstract  considerable

【2】32. Employees tend to leave their jobs and look for new places to work if they don’t feel at home with their current _________.

 capital  employer  radiator  demonstrator

【1】33. In today’s rapidly changing world, it is _________ that organizations hire the smartest, most capable people possible.

 essential  consent  potential  resistant 二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】

【4】34. Since you sit by the air conditioner, do you mind _________ to cool down the classroom?

 open it  opening it  turn it on  turning it on

【1】35. The terrorists demand that the government _________ their leader immediately.

 release  releases  released  releasing

【4】36. After having _________ 10 songs, she felt tired and thirsty.

 sing  singed  sang  sung

【2】37. Despite _________, John still married a woman 15 years older than he.

 his parents disapproved  his parents’ disapproval

 disapproving his parents  disapprove by his parents

【1】38. In 2017, the number of wage and salary workers _________ to unions increased to 14.8 million.

 belonging  belong  belonged  belongs

【4】39. _________ into nothing, Barnum is a lowly servant with big dreams working in a wealthy household.

 Bore  Birth  Bear  Born

【3】40. Little _________ why the new manager decided to fire Paul and hire John.

 did know us  we did know  did we know  we know 三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】

Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States as a national holiday dedicated to being with family and friends to give thanks for all of the blessings received throughout the previous year. The holiday is 41 to have been celebrated first in 1621 when the Plymouth settlers enjoyed a fall feast to celebrate a 42 harvest with the local Wampanoag Indians.

43 to the event that is believed to be the first Thanksgiving, harvest feasts were practiced in New England, though they did not catch on as a yearly event. According 44 most historians, the tradition of having these harvest feasts came over to America with the Puritan and Pilgrim settlers from England. 45 this first feast, the attendees dined on pumpkin, turkey, goose, corn and other items that are now common at Thanksgiving dinners.

【1】41.  believed  enhanced  included  increased

【3】42.  misery  meager  bountiful  scant

【2】43.  Due  Prior  Inferior  Cater

【4】44.  with  in  on  to

【1】45.  During  Between  After  With


In the late 1910s, behavioral scientist John B. Watson was studying whether emotional reactions could be conditioned in humans, after the manner of Pavlov’s dogs. One of his subjects was a baby named Albert, aged nine months. Albert was exposed to a series of stimuli, including a white rat, a rabbit, a monkey, masks, and burning newspapers. Initially, Albert showed no fear of any of these objects. Then, as Albert was exposed to the rat, Watson made a loud noise by hitting a metal pipe with a hammer, whereupon Albert cried. After being repeatedly presented the white rat followed by the loud noise, Albert began to cry as soon as he saw the rat.

Watson must have conducted the experiment many times because he collected enough data to discover that not only did the kid cry at white rats, but he also began to cry at anything that might possibly look like a rat, including a variety of white objects and an equally large assortment of furry objects (including, at one point, a Santa Claus beard). Even those objects which he had previously played with began to frighten him if they bore any resemblance to a rat (or if they were handed to him by a man wielding a hammer).

Watson didn’t bother to decondition Little Albert at the end of the experiment, and it is unknown whether his fear of white rats, loud noises, or psychologists remained with him. Sadly, Albert died at the age of six. It is unknown whether his mother, who was paid a grand total of $1 for his participation, ever realized what they were doing when they came to play with her son.

【3】46. What did John B. Watson want to find out from baby Albert?

 Whether Albert was able to react to different objects.

 Why Albert was not afraid of little animals.

 Whether Watson could condition human’s emotional reaction.

 Whether Albert’s emotional condition was normal.

【2】47. Which of the following was NOT used to stimulate Albert’s emotion?

 Burning newspapers.

 A cat.

 A rat.

 A rabbit.

【4】48. Why did Albert begin to cry whenever he saw the white rat?

 Because the rat was scary and offensive.

 Because it reminded him of a hammer.

 Because he always heard a loud noise right before he saw the white rat.

 Because in the past, whenever the white rat appeared, he would hear a loud noise.

【4】49. From this experiment, we know that Albert was afraid of the following things except _______.

 a Santa Claus beard

 a rat

 a rat-sized white object

 a monkey

【2】50. The word “resemblance” in line 10 is closest in meaning to _________.

 assembly

 similarity

 responsibility

 difference



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