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A Research of the extension education department and its personnels in universities in a changing world -a case study o 吳奇乘、朱寶青


Academic year: 2022

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A Research of the extension education department and its personnels in universities in a changing world -a case study o


E-mail: 9022026@mail.dyu.edu.tw


ABSTRACT The rapid development of information technique in recent years, not only speed up the society’s changing, but also make the traditional education system can not meet the requirement of the society. That’s why the new idea of lifelong education.

Lifelong education is the trend, and also the ideal education system for the countries all over the world. The extension education becomes a main issue in the ministry of education, but also a main issue in improvement of university education. Especially, in the recent years, there are many important environmental changes occurring internally and externally; e.g., a new ruling party in 2000 after the 50 years political dominance by KMT, big shifts in government policy, complicated relations between Taiwan and Mainland China, political instability, economic recession and associated impacts on industries, industry moving abroad, issues of joining WTO, increasing competition in higher education, frequent changes in education policy-making, the influence of social values and value of diploma. These factors make the management of extension education much more difficult. As a result, there is a strong need for a systematic design and evaluation as well as strategy development in order to respond to external and internal environmental changes. Those factors invoke my motivations for this study. Hope to increase the professional knowledge of the staff, in extension education department for every university and to satisfy the requirement of continuing education from the society after this study, and win both between the extension education department and all the participants. The purposes of this study are as following: 1.To evaluate the role of the staff in extension education department in university. 2.To evaluate the position and functionary of department and staff in the organization for extension education. 3.To evaluate the effects of internal and external environment factors on the extension education department in the university. 4.To evaluate integral planning and expedient policy for extension education department in university. And the conclusions of this study are as following: 1.Ministry of education should let all the staff who taking charge of extension education well known the regulations of extension education in university and the project inspection process. 2.Ministry of education should provide clear regulations as soon as possible for universities which provide the extension education in mainland China 3.Promote the department of extension education to first level in the university

organization, and let it operate by the target of organization, management policy 4.University should provide the credit class (under graduate and graduate school) special course according to the needs of students. 5.University should provide the non-credit class (short course) special course according to the needs for public. 6.The courses should include the enterprise training, the training appointed by government and all second professional training. 7.For teachers in element and junior high schools, university should provide the second professional training courses and other courses. 8.For the coming year of professional licenses, university should provide the courses in their professional specialty. 9.Attach the importance to the requirements, reactions and evaluation processes of student. 10.Having the initiative to realize the course requirements for every fields 11.Attach the importance to “class management

” and taking care of students and teachers. 12.Correct courses sales policy and the method for recruiting students. 13.Establish the well relationship with every organizations, factories and students. 14.Notice the quality of education is the way for running a business forever. 15.Administration process must be aid by computer and information technique. 16.To enhance the training at work and professional training for administrators. 17.To enhance the communications and correspondence between administrators. 18.The mutual support and correspondence between the department of administration and education in university.

Keywords : university extension education ; Life-long education ; continuing education Table of Contents

目 錄 封面內頁 授 權 書---iii 中文摘要---iv 英文摘

要---vii 誌 謝---x 目 錄---xii 圖 目 錄---xvi 表 目 錄---xvii 第一章 緒

論---1 第一節 問題背景---2 第二節研究動機與重要

性---5 第三節 名詞釋義---8 第四節 研究方法、範圍與限制---10 一

、研究方法---10 二、研究範圍---12 三、研究限 制---13 第二章文獻探討---14 第一節 系統理論基


礎---14 第二節 組織變革之探討---16 一、組織定義---16 二、

變革定義---16 三、組織變革定義---16 四、組織變革與組織改變之差

異---17 五、學者對組織變革的定義---18 第三節 影響組織變革的因素---19 一、

就業人口本質改變---19 二、技術改變---20 三、經濟衝

擊---20 四、社會趨勢---20 五、國際局勢---21 六

、競爭---21 第四節 組織的因應措施---21 一、內部的結構改

革---22 二、技術改革---22 三、人員改革---22 第五節 組 織變革與組織發展之相關連性---23 第六節 本章小節---26 第三章研究設計與實

施---27 第一節 研究架構---28 一、個案分析法---29 三、

個案研究法---30 第二節 資料分析---31 一、資料整

理---31 二、資料內容分析---31 三、詮釋資料---32 第 三節 預施訪談對象---32 第四節 預施訪談結果---33 第五節 施測個案對 象---33 第六節 研究流程--- 34 第四章我國大學推廣教育的現階段概

況---35 第一節 現況的統計數字---35 第二節 現行的教育政策---42 第三節 環 境對大學推廣教育的政策---45 第四節 大學在推廣教育的行政業務上之情形---47 第五節 本章小

節---48 第五章 訪談結果的分析與討論---50 第一節 各校背景分

析---50 第二節外部環境之變化及因應方式---53 一、教育政策 ---53 二、經濟---55 三、社會---56 第三節 內部環境之變化及因應方 式---57 一、個人---57 二、組織---60 第四節 結

果---64 一、角色扮演---64 二、階段性目標---65 第六 章 結論與建議---71 第一節 修正本研究架構---71 第二節 研究結

論---73 一、外部環境之變化及因應方式---73 二、內部環境之變化及因應方 式---73 三、結果---74 四、研究結論小節---75 第三節 建 議---76 第四節對後續研究之建議---78 參考文

獻---80 附錄一 預測訪談題綱(初稿)---88 附錄二 施測訪談題 綱---90


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