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應用問題導向學習於護理倫理教學成效之探討 The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Nursing Ethical Teaching


Academic year: 2021

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The Effectiveness of Problem-Based Learning on Nursing Ethical Teaching




題導向學習法於護理倫理教學之成效,採多元研究法設計,於2003 年 8 月 1

日至2004 年 7 月 31 日,分二階段進行,第一階段主要在於,1.設計傳統教學 法和問題導向學習法的護理倫理課程,2.發展護理倫理教學成效評量工具(醫學 倫理辨識力量表、教學(學習)滿意度量表和紙筆測驗題目);第二階段採類實驗 研究設計,實驗組採用問題導向學習法和控制組採用傳統教學法,進行護理倫 理教學介入,並在學期結束時評量其教學成效。

問題導向學習法採小組討論,傳統教學法採講授法,授課內容大綱設計,兩種 教學法的課程宗旨、學習目標、教學大綱、授課方式、學習評量、課程進度和參考 資料等,採一致性設計,並通過專家效度檢定後定案。護理倫理教學評量工具有

三:一、「醫學倫理辨識力量表」,採專家效度檢定,以重要性之CVI 值大於

0.86 做為選定標準,再測信度為 0.95,最後確定為 9 個情境 41 題目;二、

「教學(學習)滿意度量表」,採專家效度檢定,以重要性之 CVI 值大於 0.80 做

為選定標準,最後確定為3 題開放式題目、6 題封閉式題目,內在一致性


以重要性之CVI 值大於.80 做為選定標準,最後確定為 2 題情境題。

本研究對象採立意取樣,為某醫學大學之護理學系大學部四年級和二技二年級 修習護理倫理課程之所有學生,以隨機抽樣各抽出一半學生編入實驗組和控制 組。二組學生的人口學資料,除了宗教信仰外,其餘各項都未呈現統計學上的顯 著差異。最後進行宗教信仰與醫學倫理辨識力的相關性檢定,發現兩者並無相關 於護理倫理教學介入前後,進行醫學倫理辨識力調查,結果發現護理倫理教學 法介入後,學生的「醫學倫理辨識力」呈現顯著性改變。同時發現不同教學介入 後,實驗組和控制組的組內和組間都呈現統計學上的顯著差異。課程結束後,進 行學生教學滿意度調查,發現教學方法的滿意程度,控制組高於實驗組。自我主 動學習、自我品行培養、護理倫理議題了解、應用批判性思考能力和啟發思考等 五項的滿意程度,則實驗組高於控制組。其中自我主動學習,二組呈現<.01 的 統計學上顯著差異;應用批判性思考能力的滿意程度,呈現<.001 的統計學上

顯著差異。另舉行紙筆測驗,結果:實驗組學生總平均為84.6 分;控制組學生

則為70.8 分,亦呈現統計學上的顯著差異。





比傳統教學法顯著。以上結果希望能提供各學校護理倫理教學之參考,並繼續驗 證應用問題導向學習法於護理倫理教學之成效。


Nursing ethics is the behavioral norm of nursing practices. Whether nurses can practice appropriately hinges upon whether the methods of nursing ethics teaching are appropriate. This study aims at exploring the effects of applying traditional teaching and problem-based learning on nursing ethical teachings from August 2003 to July 2004. The study included two stages. The first stage was the design of the curriculum and the measurement tools of students’ performance. The second stage was

implementing a quasi-experiment study in nursing ethical teaching and conducting the evaluation of teaching effectiveness in final program. The experimental group was problem-based learning, control group was traditional teaching.

The problem-based learning was based on small group discussion, traditional teaching by teacher to teach. The nursing ethics curriculum was validated by experts. Both have the same curriculum objectives, learning goals, instruction outlines, instruction methods, performance assessment, schedule of curriculum and references, etc. There were three performance assessment tools. The first one was the biomedical ethical judgment questionnaire, the second one the satisfaction of teaching survey, and the third one the situation examination. The performance measurement tools were ascertained via expert validity and the inclusion criteria were set at CVI (content validity index) greater than 0.86. In addition, the test and retest reliability of the biomedical ethical judgment questionnaire reaches 0.95. The final content of the biomedical ethical judgment questionnaire included 9 situations and 41 items. The satisfaction of teaching tool were ascertained via expert validity and the inclusion criteria were set at CVI greater than 0.80, the reliability coefficients reaches 0.80, split-half reliability reaches 0.76. The final content of the satisfaction of teaching questionnaire included 3 open questions and 6 items. The situation examination tool were ascertained via expert validity and the inclusion criteria were set at CVI greater than 0.80. The final content of the situation examination questionnaire included 2 situations.

Purposive sampling has been used for this study. The sample consisted of senior students of a 4 year program and second year students of a 2 year program, who took a nursing ethics course, in the nursing department of some medical university. The whole sample was divided into two groups by random sampling: one group for experiment and the other for control. There is no difference in students’ background in the two groups except religion factor. No association has been found between biomedical ethical judgment and religion in the end.


Significant changes on biomedical ethical judgment have been found after the nursing ethics teaching intervention. In the meantime, significant changes between and within the two groups have also been demonstrated for the two different teaching methods.

After the course was completed, the satisfaction rate on teaching methods was higher for the control group than the experiment group. But the experiment group scored higher than the control group on five items: self-learning motivation (p < .01), good conduct self cultivation, understanding of nursing ethical issues, critical thinking (p

< .001) and creative thinking. A statistically significant difference has also been seen in the scores of the writing test, 84.6 for the experiment group and 70.8 for the control group.

Two conclusions were drawn: 1. The traditional teaching method and the problem- based learning method are both effective, and yet the problem-based learning method has shown more significant effects; 2. Both methods can improve students’

biomedical ethical judgment ability, but problem-based learning was found to be more effective. Hopefully, the results of this study can provide valuable references for nursing ethics instruction in the schools and verification effects of nursing ethical teaching with problem-based learing



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