1. How do you approach teaching grammar?
2. What problems do you have teaching grammar?
3. What areas of grammar pose a problem for your students?
4. Have you used any online resources or
apps to help you? Why? OR Why not?
• Part 1 Introduction to the Module
• To consider how grammar can be taught with the use of e-resources.
• To consider the purpose of the task-based approach and the inductive approach in the learning and teaching of grammar at the secondary level.
• To take part in demonstrations and activities which illustrate how to incorporate e-learning into grammar learning activities.
• To consider the ‘flipped classroom’ in the learning and teaching of grammar.
Times and Content
1. Introduction 09.00 – 09.50/14.00-14.50
2. The Flipped Classroom 09.50 – 11.00/ 14.50 – 16.00
3. Break 15 minutes
4. Designing Tasks 11.15 – 12.10/16.15 – 17.10
The Task-based Cycle
• Pre- Task
• Task
• Language Focus
Do you use the task based approach?
How do you structure or sequence your tasks?
Using modals,
appropriate forms and formulaic expressions to
make suggestions/give
According to KLA Curriculum Guide 2004 (p.128), a good learning task should:
• Have a purpose which involves learners in the use of English for the various purposes in the Learning Targets and Objectives;
• Have a context in which the purpose for using English emerges;
• Involve learners in a mode of thinking and doing;
• Require learners to draw upon their framework of knowledge and skills in the process; and
• Engage learners in carrying out a purposeful activity leading towards a product.
The Inductive Approach or Consciousness Raising True/False Quiz. Try the activity.
1. Why is this approach called CR?
2. What are the features of the activity that make it inductive rather than deductive?
3. How explicitly do you present grammar rules?
The Inductive Approach or Consciousness Raising
Follow up Tasks
•Write your own Quiz
•Discussion 1 – New Laws
•Discussion 2 – School Rules
Perspectives from Hong Kong
Research done by Carless (2007) with Hong Kong secondary school teacher educators and teachers recommends that a number of
factors be taken into consideration.
Please discuss the statements on the cards.
What do you think of these suggestions?
Flipping your Classroom
What could this be?
Running Dictation.
Take turns to run to the text and complete your definition.
Flipping your Classroom
In flip teaching, the students first study the topic by
themselves, typically using video lessons prepared by the teacher or third parties.
In class students apply the knowledge by solving problems and doing practical work.
The teacher tutors the students when they become stuck, rather than imparting the initial lesson in person.
Source: Wikipedia
Flipping your Classroom
Could this approach be useful? How?
How might this approach change things?
Learner Autonomy
Flipping your Classroom
British Council Grammar Videos (Learn English Teens) https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar-
Grammar Snack - Rules
Check your grammar - grouping
Check your Grammar - multiple choice Check your grammar - Error Correction Worksheets
Open your laptop and have a look at the site
How would you use
this resource ?
Flipping your Classroom
BBC Learning English – Online Course Material
http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english /course/lower-intermediate/unit-
CR A Task
Can you find either of these in unit 9?
How could you use this material?
Flipping your Classroom
BBC World Service – Grammar Challenge
An example - Future Plans
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningengli sh/radio/specials/1530_gramchallenge32/
• Student Diary
• Explanation and Table
• MP3 file
Flipping your Classroom
Grammar Reference Sites/Apps
What do you do if you don’t know a grammar rule?
Look it up!
British Council
http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar University sites
An example of an app which can be used for self-study/self- testing.
Flipping your Classroom
Presenting Grammar
Powerpoint and Sonicpics
Explain Everything
Flipping your Classroom
Flipping your Classroom
Explain Everything
Designing Tasks
Do you design tasks? Can you give us an example?
How did you support your task?
What input did you give?
What makes a task successful?
Agree or Disagree
Designing Tasks
Good tasks should....
Allow the students to rehearse, in class, communicative skills they require in the real