外 國 留 學 生 、 僑 生 及 華 裔 學 生 工 作 許 可 申 請 書 Application Form of Work Permit for Foreign Students,
Overseas Chinese Students and Ethnic Chinese Students
Categories of application: (Please check one)
□外國留學生foreign students
□僑生overseas Chinese students
□華裔學生ethnic Chinese student s(□港澳生□海青班)
申請項目:(請擇一勾選)Types of application (Please check one)
□工作許可 work permit □補件document supplement
□補發許可permit re-issue □其他other
Name of applicant (Chinese)
性 別 Gender 申請人姓名(英文)
Name of applicant (English)
國 籍
Nationality 護照號碼
Passport number
居留證統一證號 ARC ID number 出 生
年 月 日 Date of birth
年(Y) 月(M) 日(D) 聯絡電話 Phone number 就讀學校
School attended
日夜別 Day/
就讀系所 Faculty
年級 Grade
通訊地址 Mailing address
縣(County) 鄉鎮(Town) 村(Vil.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 市(City) 市(City) 路(Rd.) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 區(District) 街(St.) 樓(F.) 申請許可期間
Application time
年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)至 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)
(許可期間最長六個月)(valid for six months maximum)
(免附,填表 範例請參閱背後說明) Receipt for application fee (needn’t submit ; reference on the back as for how to fillin the form )
Payment date
年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)
Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)
Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits)
申請人簽章 Signature or stamp of
以下欄位由學校勾選確認並核章(第 1 項必填,第 2、3 項視學生身分勾選)
1 學生已完成註冊。(__________學年度□ 上學期 □下學期) □ 是 □否
(外 國 留 學 生 包 含 學 位 生及就讀語言課程者需勾選)
□ 財力無法繼續維持其學業及生活,並能提出具體證明。
□ 就讀學校之教學研究單位須外國留學生協助參與工作者。
□ 具語文專長,入學後於各大專校院附設語文中心或外國在華文教機構附設之語文中心 兼任外國語文教師,並經教育部專案核准。
□ 具語文專長,入學後協助各級學校語文專長相關教學活動,並經教育部專案核准。
□ 就讀研究所,並經就讀學校同意從事與修習課業有關之研究工作者。
學習語言課程已有 1 年以上。□ 是 □否
申請當期之註冊期間 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)至 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D) 就讀學校同意證明
Approved by the Dept./Inst.
(Stamp is necessary)
學生輔導單位主管 簽章 Dep./Inst. Director’s
Signature or Stamp
□欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自取件聲明書】。Please Check if pick-up in person (with declaration sheet)
收 文 章 Filing stamp
收 文 號 Filing number
編號 L-00
審查費(100 元)收據分為電腦收據(白色)及臨櫃繳款收據(綠 色 )2 種,填寫如下:
(1) 電腦收據(各郵局開具之白色收據):
範例 00000425 104/08/12 10:28:24 00000425 104/08/12 030118 1A4 578109
填寫 繳費日期:104 年 08 月 12 日,郵局局號:030118,劃撥收據號碼(8 碼):00000425 (2) 臨櫃繳款收據(郵局派本機關駐點開具之綠 色 收據):
範例 右上角 E-8038482,經辦局章戳
填寫 交易序號(9 碼):E-8038482,繳費日期:104 年 8 月 18 日,郵局局號:000100-6
※ Examples of how to fill in the form
There are two kinds receipt of the application fee (100 NTD each case)
(1)If the applicant pay the fee at the post office before submitting the application (a WHITE slip)
00000425 104/08/12 10:28:24 00000425 104/08/12 030118 1A4 578109
030118 fill in the form as follow
payment date: 104 y 08 m 12 d ; branch code: 030118 ; receipt No.(8 digits): 00000425
(2)If the applicant pay the fee at the counter while submitting the application in person (a GREEN slip)
example upper right corner E-8038482;
with the stamp of the post office
fill in the form as follow transaction No.(9 digits): E-8038482 ; payment date: 104 y 08 m 18 d ; branch code: 000100-6
branch code
000100-6 104.8.18 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)
000100-6 104.8.18
receipt No.(8 digits)
branch code
payment date
Documents for application and notice for students
一、 適用對象:
Applicable objects:
1. 依「外國學生來臺就學辦法」且就讀於公立或已立案私立大專校院之外國留學生。
Foreign students studying in the public or registered private colleges in accordance with International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.
2. 依「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」規定輔導入學之僑生。
Overseas Chinese students studied and consulted in accordance with Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan.
3. 依「香港澳門居民來臺就學辦法」規定入學之港澳生或就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之技術訓練班學生。
Hong Kong and Macau students studied in accordance with Regulations Regarding Study for Hong Kong and Macau Residents in Taiwan.Or students enrolled in a technical training class conducted by the OCAC.
二、 應備文件:
Documents for application :
1. 申請書。(申請許可須經學校同意與確認學生資格,並於申請書上加蓋學校輔導單位戳章及單位主管簽 章)
Application form. (Application shall be approved and Confirmed student qualifications by the school with seal of counseling unit and signature of unit officer of the school.)
2. 有效期間之護照影本。
A photocopy of valid passport.
三、 申請補發工作許可檢附文件:
Documents for application of work permit replacement:
1. 申請書。
Application form.
2. 補發事由切結書(請加蓋學校輔導單位戳章)。
Declaration of replacement with seal of counseling unit of the school.
3. 申請人有效期間之護照影本。
A photocopy of valid passport of the applicant.
四、 申請方式:
Application method:
1. 網路傳輸方式申請:現行外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生申請工作許可申請案件依法應採全面線上申辦方式 辦理,網址:https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/。
Application via internet: Foreign students, overseas Chinese students, and ethnic Chinese students shall apply for a work permit through the Internet in accordance with the law. The address: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/.
2. 例外採書面送件方式申請:
Paper application is acceptable in exceptional circumstances:
(1) 申請案件由專人送至機關收件櫃台辦理(地址:100413 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓收件櫃台)。
By visiting counter in the agency at 10F., No. 39, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, 100413.
(2) 利用掛號郵寄申請,郵寄地址:100413 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓,收件人註明:勞動力發展署
By registered mail to Workforce Development Agency (application of work permit of foreign students, overseas Chinese students and ethnic Chinese students) at 10F., No. 39, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City, 100413.
五、審查費繳交方式(每人新臺幣 100 元整):
Examination Fee Payment Methods: (NTD$100 per person.)
1. 網路傳輸方式申請:
Application via internet:
(1) 利用郵政劃撥後至系統填寫收據資料(劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:
Fill in the receipt information on line after postal remittance (Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No.: 19058848).
(2) 使用台灣 Pay 繳費。
Payment via Taiwan Pay.
(3) 使用 ATM 繳費。
Payment via ATM.
2. 書面送件方式申請:
Application via written correspondences:
(1) 利用郵政劃撥,劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848。
Via postal remittance, Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No:19058848.
(2) 至機關收費櫃台現場繳交。(臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓)
Payment to the Reception Counter. (Address: 10F., No. 39, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)
Other relevant regulations:
1. 外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生申請工作許可,許可期間最長為 6 個月,其工作時間除寒暑假外,每星期最 長為 20 小時。
The maximum approved period for work permit application of foreign students, overseas Chinese students and ethnic Chinese students is 6 months. The longest hours per week are 20 hours except for winter and summer vacation.
2. 未依前項規定者,機關得依就業服務法規定廢止其工作許可,而未依規定申請工作許可,即受聘僱為他人 工作者,依就業服務法規定,處新臺幣 3 萬元以上 15 萬元以下罰鍰。
For those applicants who are against the above regulations, the agency may revoke their work permits in accordance with Employment Service Act. Further, for those who work for others without applying for work permit by regulations will be fined between NTD$30,000 and $150,000 in accordance with Employment Service Act.
3. 資料及證明文件係為影本者,應加註「與正本相符」之文字,並由申請人蓋章或簽名。
The words of “This document is in conformity with original” shall be noted on the photocopy of information document and certificate with seal or signature of the applicant.
4. 於上學期申請者,工作許可證之期限至次學期 3 月 31 日止,於下學期申請者,工作許可證之期限至同年 9 月 30 日止;惟跨學期或學年度申請工作證,另檢附經學校註冊組加蓋申請期間次學期註冊章之學生證影本 或提供註冊證明者,不受前述申請期間限制,許可期間最長為 6 個月。
The validity of work permit applied at the first semester is 31 March at the second semester. The validity of work permit applied at the second semester is 30 September at the same year. However, the work permit application for semesters or
school years for which a photocopy of student ID with registration seal of next semester under application period or registration proof is not subject to the period limitation mentioned above. The longest approved period can be 6 months.
5. 申請單位(人)如要親自取件,須填具「親自領件聲明書」,並至機關指定櫃檯送件申請,於指定期限內憑 收件回條至機關指定櫃台領取,逾期機關將以掛號寄出。(臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓)
Those applicants who would like to pick up in person shall fill out the Statement of Personally Picking Up, submit application and pick it up with pick up receipt at designated counter in the agency at 10F., No. 39, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City. The overdue one will be mailed by registered mail by the agency.
6. 查詢電話:(02)89956000。註:依「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」輔導入學之僑生倘自行轉讀或升讀補習或 進修學校、進修部、空中大學或空中專科學校(含各級學校夜間部)者,不得申請工作許可。
Please call (02) 89956000 for any enquiry. Note: Based on Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan, overseas Chinese students who voluntarily transfer to other schools or take further study at cram or continuation school, continuation education department, Open university or college (night school included) shall not apply for work permit.
7. 外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生申請工作許可,自 107 年 3 月 23 日起免附申請書及護照影本外之應備文件,
From 23/03/2018, for student work permit application, documents other than application form and photocopy of passport may be exempted. However, it shall be subject to the case and overseas Chinese and foreign students may be asked to attach it.