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聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A01-營繕工程或建築技術工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal 案件資訊 Application Information

工作類別 Category


Specialized or technical work 申請項目 Application


(單選 Choose One)

□ 新聘 New Hire

□ 展延 Extension

□ 補件 Supplement

□ 提前解聘 Early Dismissal

□ 其他 Other:

工作項目 Job Item


Civil engineering or practice of architecture

□ 本案若申請適用「在臺畢業僑外生評點新制」,請勾選並加附工作評點表。

Please check if this case is applying with “Comment System for Overseas Chinese/Foreign Student Graduated in Taiwan”, and the Comment System Form is required.

繳費資訊 Application fee

繳費日 Payment date

年 月 日 (Y) (M) (D)

郵局局號 Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits) 本申請案回函

投遞地址 Application Return Address




鄉鎮(Town)/市(City) 區(District)

路(Rd.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 樓(F.) 街(St.)

□ 本申請案若係委託私立就業服務機構辦理,請勾選,並填寫以下欄位資料。

Please check if this application has been entrusted to a private employment services agency and please fill out the following information.


Name of commissioned private employment services agency 2.許可證字號 License No.:

3.專業人員 Specialist:

(須親自簽名 must sign personally)

4.聯絡電話 Contact Tel:

(單位圖記 Chop)

□ 本申請案回函欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自領件聲明書】。

Check for in-person document pickup and attach【In-person Document Pickup Declaration】

收文專用區 Document Reception Use Only

收 文 章

收 文 號

負 責 人 章


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A01-營繕工程或建築技術工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

雇主資訊 Employer Information

單位名稱 Entity Name 單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.

單位章及負責人章 Seals of Entity and Owner

負責人 Owner


Industry Category Code


Employer Qualification

□ 取得目的事業主管機關許可、登記之營造業者

Construction enterprises that have obtained permits and have registered with the competent governing authorities.

□ 取得建築師開業證明及二年以上建築經驗者

Architects who have obtained operation certificates and have more than 2 (two) years' experiences in the construction field.

連絡人 Contact

姓名 Name

電話 Tel

傳真 Fax 姓名


電話 Tel

傳真 Fax Email:


Specific reasons for this hiring case and explanation of the positive benefits of hiring foreigner (not necessary for hiring extension):

負 責 人 章


受聘僱外國人名冊 (A01-營繕工程或建築技術工作專用)

Employed Foreign Worker Name List

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


填表及書面送件須知 (A01-營繕工程或建築技術工作專用)

Guidance Notes

申請書 Application Form

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

單位(雇主)名稱 Entity Name


Please enter full entity name in Chinese. In the case where the employer is an architect, enter his/her full name with title as ○○○建築師.

申請項目 Application Type


If you apply for changing information, please tick “other” and include the reason.

繳費資訊 Application fee

單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.


In the case where the employer is an architect, enter the ID no. or ARC no. of the architect.

負責人 Owner


Please enter the ID number or ARC number of the owner.

行業類別代碼 Industry Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial

& Occupational Classification.

受聘僱外國人名冊 Employed Foreign Worker Name List

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

工作內容 Job Description

請具體描述外國人所擔任職務之工作內容,並應符合「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六 條第一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 8 條之 1 規定。

Please describe specifically the tasks or duties of the position. It should be in accordance to the article 8.1 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial & Occupational Classification.

每月薪資 Monthly Salary

1.應與聘僱契約書所載一致,並不得低於本部依「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第 一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 8 條規定公告之數額。

2.如係 1 個月以下之短期工作,請填寫本次聘期薪資給付總額。

1. The payment amount should be consistent to the contract, which shall not be less than the amount announced by the Ministry of Labor according to article 8 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

郵局局號 Branch code 繳費日期 Payment date

交易序號 transaction No. 郵局局號 Branch code

繳費日期 Payment date 郵局收據編號 (8 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits)


2. Employment less than one month, please enter the total payment amount.

工作地址 Working Address

請填寫外國人在臺主要之工作地點。若工作地址與雇主單位設立地址不同,應檢附該地 址係雇主合法使用之相關證明文件(例如辦公室租賃契約、工廠登記等)。

Please enter the main working address in Taiwan. If the address is not the registered address of the entity (employer), supporting documents proving legitimate use are required (such as lease contract of the office, factory registration certificate).

其他注意事項 Others

申請方式 Methods of application




(2)利用掛號郵寄申請,郵寄地址:100 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓,收件人 註明:勞動力發展署(申請聘僱外國專業人員)收。

(3)相關申請書表可至「外國人在臺工作服務網」>「申請表件」下載,或至機關收件櫃 台索取。


1. Application via internet: Please use the on-line application function in Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional, the address: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/.

2. Application via written correspondences:

i. Personally delivered Application to Reception Counter No. 6 for processing.

ii Mail application via registered mail.

iii. Related application forms can be downloaded from EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms or obtained from the agency Reception Counter.

3. Application can be completed personally or entrusted to a private employment service agency.

申辦作業時間 Application processing time

1.網路傳輸方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部系統收件次日起 7 個工作日。

2.書面送件方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部收受案件次日起 12 個工作日。

1. Application submitted online

7working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given


all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria.

2. Application submitted in person

12 working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given that all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria

審查費繳交 Examination fee payment

(每案新臺幣 500 元)

1.利用郵政劃撥。劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848 2.至機關收件櫃台現場繳交。

(NT $500 per case)

1. Via postal remittance, Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No.: 19058848).

2.Payment to the Reception Counter.

應備文件 Documents required


2.書面送件所附相關資料係為影本者,應加註「與正本相符」之文字,並加蓋申請單位 及負責人印章。


1. Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Foreign Professionals to Work in Taiwan.

2. If you apply for the use of written submittals, information and certification documents are copies, they should be marked with the words: “same as originals” and stamped with the seal of applicant entity and owner.

親自取件 In-person Document



2.於案件核准後,請憑收件(親取)回條並黏貼取件人身分證(護照或居留證)正、反面影 本親自領取,倘於指定期限內未親自領取者機關將以掛號寄出。

1. If you wishes to pick-up documents in-person, “In-person Document Pick-up Declaration”

must be filled-out, and you should submit application to the agency Reception Counter.

2. After application approval, a copy of ID (passport or ARC) and pick-up documents in-person with a receipt slip shall be attached. If documents have not been picked-up within the specified time limit, agency will mail out documents via registered mail.

申辦進度查詢 Application status


You can check the status at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Status.

機關網站與聯繫 Officail Websites

& Contact

1.勞動部勞動力發展署 Workforce Development Agency, MOL https://www.wda.gov.tw

2.外國人在臺工作服務網 EZ Work Taiwan https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw

3.外國專業人員工作許可申辦網 Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw

4.諮詢電話 Support Hotline:(02)89956000

5.機關收件櫃台:臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓

Reception Counter:No.39 Zhonghua Rd., Sec. 1, 10 Fl., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A02-交通事業工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal 案件資訊 Application Information

工作類別 Category


Specialized or technical work 申請項目 Application


(單選 Choose One)

□ 新聘 New Hire

□ 展延 Extension

□ 補件 Supplement

□ 提前解聘 Early Dismissal

□ 其他 Other:

工作項目 Job Item


Communications and transportation

□ 本案若申請適用「在臺畢業僑外生評點新制」,請勾選並加附工作評點表。

Please check if this case is applying with “Comment System for Overseas Chinese/Foreign Student Graduated in Taiwan”, and the Comment System Form is required.

繳費資訊 Application fee

繳費日 Payment date

年 月 日 (Y) (M) (D)

郵局局號 Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits) 本申請案回函

投遞地址 Application Return Address




鄉鎮(Town)/市(City) 區(District)

路(Rd.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 樓(F.) 街(St.)

□ 本申請案若係委託私立就業服務機構辦理,請勾選,並填寫以下欄位資料。

Please check if this application has been entrusted to a private employment services agency and please fill out the following information.


Name of commissioned private employment services agency 2.許可證字號 License No.:

3.專業人員 Specialist:

(須親自簽名 must sign personally)

4.聯絡電話 Contact Tel:

(單位圖記 Chop)

□ 本申請案回函欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自領件聲明書】。

Check for in-person document pickup and attach【In-person Document Pickup Declaration】

收文專用區 Document Reception Use Only

收 文 章

收 文 號

負 責 人 章


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A02-交通事業工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

雇主資訊 Employer Information

單位名稱 Entity Name 單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.

單位章及負責人章 Seals of Entity and Owner

負責人 Owner


Industry Category Code


Employer Qualification


Have acquired the following business license issued by the authority concerned at the central government level(Choose One)

□ 陸運事業 Land Transportation

□ 航運事業 Sea Transportation

□ 郵政事業 Postal Industry

□ 電信事業 Telecommunications

□ 觀光事業 Tourism Industry

□ 氣象事業 Meteorology industry

連絡人 Contact

姓名 Name

電話 Tel

傳真 Fax 姓名


電話 Tel

傳真 Fax Email:


Specific reasons for this hiring case and explanation of the positive benefits of hiring foreigner (not necessary for hiring extension):

負 責 人 章


受聘僱外國人名冊 (A02-交通事業工作專用)

Employed Foreign Worker Name List

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


填表及書面送件須知 (A02-交通事業工作專用)

Guidance Notes

申請書 Application Form

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

單位(雇主)名稱 Entity Name


Please enter full entity name in Chinese.

申請項目 Application Type


If you apply for changing information, please tick “other” and include the reason.

繳費資訊 Application fee

負責人 Owner


Please enter the ID number or ARC number of the owner.

行業類別代碼 Industry Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial

& Occupational Classification.

受聘僱外國人名冊 Employed Foreign Worker Name List

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

工作內容 Job Description

請具體描述外國人所擔任職務之工作內容,並應符合「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六 條第一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 10 條規定。


Please describe specifically the tasks or duties of the position. It should be in accordance to the article 10 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.



oreigner is engaging chef work, Foreign Chef Employment Application “Specific Reasons and Positive Benefits” Supplemental Explanation is required.

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial & Occupational Classification.

每月薪資 Monthly Salary

1.應與聘僱契約書所載一致,並不得低於本部依「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第 一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 8 條規定公告之數額。

2.如係 1 個月以下之短期工作,請填寫本次聘期薪資給付總額。

1. The payment amount should be consistent to the contract, which shall not be less than the amount announced by the Ministry of Labor according to article 8 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

郵局局號 Branch code 繳費日期 Payment date

交易序號 transaction No. 郵局局號 Branch code

繳費日期 Payment date 郵局收據編號 (8 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits)


2. Employment less than one month, please enter the total payment amount.

工作地址 Working Address

請填寫外國人在臺主要之工作地點。若工作地址與雇主單位設立地址不同,應檢附該地 址係雇主合法使用之相關證明文件(例如辦公室租賃契約、工廠登記等)。

Please enter the main working address in Taiwan. If the address is not the registered address of the entity (employer), supporting documents proving legitimate use are required (such as lease contract of the office, factory registration certificate).

其他注意事項 Others

申請方式 Methods of application




(2)利用掛號郵寄申請,郵寄地址:100 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓,收件人 註明:勞動力發展署(申請聘僱外國專業人員)收。

(3)相關申請書表可至「外國人在臺工作服務網」>「申請表件」下載,或至機關收件櫃 台索取。


1. Application via internet: Please use the on-line application function in Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional, the address: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/.

2. Application via written correspondences:

i. Personally delivered Application to Reception Counter No. 6 for processing.

ii Mail application via registered mail.

iii. Related application forms can be downloaded from EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms or obtained from the agency Reception Counter.

3. Application can be completed personally or entrusted to a private employment service agency.

申辦作業時間 Application processing time

1.網路傳輸方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部系統收件次日起 7 個工作日。

2.書面送件方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部收受案件次日起 12 個工作日。

1. Application submitted online

7working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given


all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria.

2. Application submitted in person

12 working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given that all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria

審查費繳交 Examination fee payment

(每案新臺幣 500 元)

1.利用郵政劃撥。劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848 2.至機關收件櫃台現場繳交。

(NT $500 per case)

1. Via postal remittance, Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No.: 19058848).

2.Payment to the Reception Counter.

應備文件 Documents required


2.書面送件所附相關資料係為影本者,應加註「與正本相符」之文字,並加蓋申請單位 及負責人印章。


1. Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Foreign Professionals to Work in Taiwan.

2. If you apply for the use of written submittals, information and certification documents are copies, they should be marked with the words: “same as originals” and stamped with the seal of applicant entity and owner.

親自取件 In-person Document



2.於案件核准後,請憑收件(親取)回條並黏貼取件人身分證(護照或居留證)正、反面影 本親自領取,倘於指定期限內未親自領取者機關將以掛號寄出。

1. If you wishes to pick-up documents in-person, “In-person Document Pick-up Declaration”

must be filled-out, and you should submit application to the agency Reception Counter.

2. After application approval, a copy of ID (passport or ARC) and pick-up documents in-person with a receipt slip shall be attached. If documents have not been picked-up within the specified time limit, agency will mail out documents via registered mail.

申辦進度查詢 Application status


You can check the status at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Status.

機關網站與聯繫 Officail Websites

& Contact

1.勞動部勞動力發展署 Workforce Development Agency, MOL https://www.wda.gov.tw

2.外國人在臺工作服務網 EZ Work Taiwan https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw

3.外國專業人員工作許可申辦網 Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw

4.諮詢電話 Support Hotline:(02)89956000

5.機關收件櫃台:臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓

Reception Counter:No.39 Zhonghua Rd., Sec. 1, 10 Fl., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A03-財稅金融服務工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal 案件資訊 Application Information

工作類別 Category


Specialized or technical work 申請項目 Application


(單選 Choose One)

□ 新聘 New Hire

□ 展延 Extension

□ 補件 Supplement

□ 提前解聘 Early Dismissal

□ 其他 Other:

工作項目 Job Item

03.財稅金融服務工作 Tax and financial services

□ 本案若申請適用「在臺畢業僑外生評點新制」,請勾選並加附工作評點表。

Please check if this case is applying with “Comment System for Overseas Chinese/Foreign Student Graduated in Taiwan”, and the Comment System Form is required.

繳費資訊 Application fee

繳費日 Payment date

年 月 日 (Y) (M) (D)

郵局局號 Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits) 本申請案回函

投遞地址 Application Return Address




鄉鎮(Town)/市(City) 區(District)

路(Rd.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 樓(F.) 街(St.)

□ 本申請案若係委託私立就業服務機構辦理,請勾選,並填寫以下欄位資料。

Please check if this application has been entrusted to a private employment services agency and please fill out the following information.


Name of commissioned private employment services agency 2.許可證字號 License No.:

3.專業人員 Specialist:

(須親自簽名 must sign personally)

4.聯絡電話 Contact Tel:

(單位圖記 Chop)

□ 本申請案回函欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自領件聲明書】。

Check for in-person document pickup and attach【In-person Document Pickup Declaration】

收文專用區 Document Reception Use Only

收 文 章

收 文 號

負 責 人 章


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A03-財稅金融服務工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

雇主資訊 Employer Information

單位名稱 Entity Name 單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.

單位章及負責人章 Seals of Entity and Owner

負責人 Owner


Industry Category Code


Employer Qualification

(單選 Choose One)

□ 取得中央目的事業主管機關核發經營證券、期貨事業之證明

Have acquired the business license about securities, futures trading issued by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 取得中央目的事業主管機關核發經營金融事業之證明

Have acquired the business license about financial industry issued by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 取得中央目的事業主管機關核發經營保險事業之證明

Have acquired the business license about insurance industry issued by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 取得會計師執業登記

Have acquired the CPA's practice registration.

連絡人 Contact

姓名 Name

電話 Tel

傳真 Fax 姓名


電話 Tel

傳真 Fax Email:


Specific reasons for this hiring case and explanation of the positive benefits of hiring foreigner (not necessary for hiring extension):

負 責 人 章


受聘僱外國人名冊 (A03-財稅金融服務工作專用)

Employed Foreign Worker Name List

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


填表及書面送件須知 (A03-財稅金融服務工作專用)

Guidance Notes

申請書 Application Form

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

單位(雇主)名稱 Entity Name


Please enter full entity name in Chinese. In the case where the employer is a Certified Public Accountant, enter his/her full name with title as ○○○會計師.

申請項目 Application Type


If you apply for changing information, please tick “other” and include the reason.

繳費資訊 Application fee

單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.


In the case where the employer is a Certified Public Accountant, enter the ID no. or ARC no. of the Certified Public Accountant.

負責人 Owner


Please enter the ID number or ARC number of the owner.

行業類別代碼 Industry Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial

& Occupational Classification.

受聘僱外國人名冊 Employed Foreign Worker Name List

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

工作內容 Job Description

請具體描述外國人所擔任職務之工作內容,並應符合「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六 條第一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 21 條規定。

Please describe specifically the tasks or duties of the position. It should be in accordance to the article 21 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial & Occupational Classification.

每月薪資 Monthly Salary

1.應與聘僱契約書所載一致,並不得低於本部依「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第 一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 8 條規定公告之數額。

2.如係 1 個月以下之短期工作,請填寫本次聘期薪資給付總額。

1. The payment amount should be consistent to the contract, which shall not be less than the amount announced by the Ministry of Labor according to article 8 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6

郵局局號 Branch code 繳費日期 Payment date

交易序號 transaction No. 郵局局號 Branch code

繳費日期 Payment date 郵局收據編號 (8 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits)


of the Employment Service Act.

2. Employment less than one month, please enter the total payment amount.

工作地址 Working Address

請填寫外國人在臺主要之工作地點。若工作地址與雇主單位設立地址不同,應檢附該地 址係雇主合法使用之相關證明文件(例如辦公室租賃契約、工廠登記等)。

Please enter the main working address in Taiwan. If the address is not the registered address of the entity (employer), supporting documents proving legitimate use are required (such as lease contract of the office, factory registration certificate).

其他注意事項 Others

申請方式 Methods of application




(2)利用掛號郵寄申請,郵寄地址:100 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓,收件人 註明:勞動力發展署(申請聘僱外國專業人員)收。

(3)相關申請書表可至「外國人在臺工作服務網」>「申請表件」下載,或至機關收件櫃 台索取。


1. Application via internet: Please use the on-line application function in Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional, the address: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/.

2. Application via written correspondences:

i. Personally delivered Application to Reception Counter No. 6 for processing.

ii Mail application via registered mail.

iii. Related application forms can be downloaded from EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms or obtained from the agency Reception Counter.

3. Application can be completed personally or entrusted to a private employment service agency.

申辦作業時間 Application processing time

1.網路傳輸方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部系統收件次日起 7 個工作日。

2.書面送件方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部收受案件次日起 12 個工作日。

1. Application submitted online

7working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given


all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria.

2. Application submitted in person

12 working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given that all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria

審查費繳交 Examination fee payment

(每案新臺幣 500 元)

1.利用郵政劃撥。劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848 2.至機關收件櫃台現場繳交。

(NT $500 per case)

1. Via postal remittance, Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No.: 19058848).

2.Payment to the Reception Counter.

應備文件 Documents




required 及負責人印章。

1. Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Foreign Professionals to Work in Taiwan.

2. If you apply for the use of written submittals, information and certification documents are copies, they should be marked with the words: “same as originals” and stamped with the seal of applicant entity and owner.

親自取件 In-person Document



2.於案件核准後,請憑收件(親取)回條並黏貼取件人身分證(護照或居留證)正、反面影 本親自領取,倘於指定期限內未親自領取者機關將以掛號寄出。

1. If you wishes to pick-up documents in-person, “In-person Document Pick-up Declaration”

must be filled-out, and you should submit application to the agency Reception Counter.

2. After application approval, a copy of ID (passport or ARC) and pick-up documents in-person with a receipt slip shall be attached. If documents have not been picked-up within the specified time limit, agency will mail out documents via registered mail.

申辦進度查詢 Application status


You can check the status at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Status.

機關網站與聯繫 Officail Websites

& Contact

1.勞動部勞動力發展署 Workforce Development Agency, MOL https://www.wda.gov.tw

2.外國人在臺工作服務網 EZ Work Taiwan https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw

3.外國專業人員工作許可申辦網 Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw

4.諮詢電話 Support Hotline:(02)89956000

5.機關收件櫃台:臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓

Reception Counter:No.39 Zhonghua Rd., Sec. 1, 10 Fl., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A04-不動產經紀工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal 案件資訊 Application Information

工作類別 Category


Specialized or technical work 申請項目 Application


(單選 Choose One)

□ 新聘 New Hire

□ 展延 Extension

□ 補件 Supplement

□ 提前解聘 Early Dismissal

□ 其他 Other:

工作項目 Job Item


Practice of real estate agency

□ 本案若申請適用「在臺畢業僑外生評點新制」,請勾選並加附工作評點表。

Please check if this case is applying with “Comment System for Overseas Chinese/Foreign Student Graduated in Taiwan”, and the Comment System Form is required.

繳費資訊 Application fee

繳費日 Payment date

年 月 日 (Y) (M) (D)

郵局局號 Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits) 本申請案回函

投遞地址 Application Return Address




鄉鎮(Town)/市(City) 區(District)

路(Rd.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 樓(F.) 街(St.)

□ 本申請案若係委託私立就業服務機構辦理,請勾選,並填寫以下欄位資料。

Please check if this application has been entrusted to a private employment services agency and please fill out the following information.


Name of commissioned private employment services agency 2.許可證字號 License No.:

3.專業人員 Specialist:

(須親自簽名 must sign personally)

4.聯絡電話 Contact Tel:

(單位圖記 Chop)

□ 本申請案回函欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自領件聲明書】。

Check for in-person document pickup and attach【In-person Document Pickup Declaration】

收文專用區 Document Reception Use Only

收 文 章

收 文 號

負 責 人 章


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A04-不動產經紀工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application 雇主資訊 Employer Information

單位名稱 Entity Name 單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.

單位章及負責人章 Seals of Entity and Owner 負責人



Industry Category Code

雇主資格 Employer Qualification

□ 本國公司、外國公司在臺分公司或大陸地區公司在臺分公司。

Domestic company, foreign branch company established in the Republic of China or Mainland China branch company established in the Republic of China.

□ 外國公司代表人辦事處或大陸地區公司在臺辦事處。

Representative office of a foreign company or a Mainland China company, approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 經中央目的事業主管機關核准設立之研發中心、企業營運總部。

Research and development center, or a corporate operation headquarter, and its establishment has been approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 財團法人、社團法人或依法設置之行政法人。

Juridical person, Juridical association or the administrative juridical person established pursuant to laws.

□ 國際非政府組織:經中央目的事業主管機關許可設立之在臺辦事處、秘書處、總會或分會。。

A representative office, secretariat, headquarter, or branch in Taiwan of a non-government organization, and its establishment was or is approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 「具創新能力之新創事業認定原則」之事業單位。

The startup businesses recognized as capable of innovation.

□ 「推動五加二產業創新計畫」之事業單位。

The qualified businesses of The 5+2 Industrial Transformation Plan.

□ 對國內經濟發展有實質貢獻,或因情況特殊,請勞動部會商中央目的事業主管機關專案認定。

Has made substantial contribution to the domestic economic development,or special circumstance and should be treated as a special case ( MOL will consult with the authority concerned at the central government level).

連絡人 Contact

姓名 Name

電話 Tel

傳真 Fax 姓名


電話 Tel

傳真 Fax Email:


Specific reasons for this hiring case and explanation of the positive benefits of hiring foreigner (not necessary for hiring extension):

負 責 人 章


受聘僱外國人名冊 (A04-不動產經紀工作專用)

Employed Foreign Worker Name List

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


填表及書面送件須知 (A04-不動產經紀工作專用)

Guidance Notes

申請書 Application Form

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

單位(雇主)名稱 Entity Name


Please enter full entity name in Chinese.

申請項目 Application Type


If you apply for changing information, please tick “other” and include the reason.

繳費資訊 Application fee

負責人 Owner


Please enter the ID number or ARC number of the owner.

行業類別代碼 Industry Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial

& Occupational Classification.

受聘僱外國人名冊 Employed Foreign Worker Name List

欄位 Field 填寫方式及說明 Guidance

工作內容 Job Description

請具體描述外國人所擔任職務之工作內容,並應符合「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六 條第一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 22 條規定。

Please describe specifically the tasks or duties of the position. It should be in accordance to the article 22 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code


Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms > Code of Standard Industrial & Occupational Classification.

每月薪資 Monthly Salary

1.應與聘僱契約書所載一致,並不得低於本部依「外國人從事就業服務法第四十六條第 一項第一款至第六款工作資格及審查標準」第 8 條規定公告之數額。

2.如係 1 個月以下之短期工作,請填寫本次聘期薪資給付總額。

1. The payment amount should be consistent to the contract, which shall not be less than the amount announced by the Ministry of Labor according to article 8 of Qualifications and Criteria Standards for foreigners undertaking the jobs specified under Article 46.1.1 to 46.1.6 of the Employment Service Act.

2. Employment less than one month, please enter the total payment amount.

工作地址 Working Address

請填寫外國人在臺主要之工作地點。若工作地址與雇主單位設立地址不同,應檢附該地 址係雇主合法使用之相關證明文件(例如辦公室租賃契約、工廠登記等)。

郵局局號 Branch code 繳費日期 Payment date

交易序號 transaction No. 郵局局號 Branch code

繳費日期 Payment date 郵局收據編號 (8 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits)


Please enter the main working address in Taiwan. If the address is not the registered address of the entity (employer), supporting documents proving legitimate use are required (such as lease contract of the office, factory registration certificate).

其他注意事項 Others

申請方式 Methods of application




(2)利用掛號郵寄申請,郵寄地址:100 臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓,收件人 註明:勞動力發展署(申請聘僱外國專業人員)收。

(3)相關申請書表可至「外國人在臺工作服務網」>「申請表件」下載,或至機關收件櫃 台索取。


1. Application via internet: Please use the on-line application function in Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional, the address: https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw/.

2. Application via written correspondences:

i. Personally delivered Application to Reception Counter No. 6 for processing.

ii Mail application via registered mail.

iii. Related application forms can be downloaded from EZ Work Taiwan > Application Forms or obtained from the agency Reception Counter.

3. Application can be completed personally or entrusted to a private employment service agency.

申辦作業時間 Application processing time

1.網路傳輸方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部系統收件次日起 7 個工作日。

2.書面送件方式申請:若資料齊全,且雇主及外國人均符合所訂定的資格及條件,自本 部收受案件次日起 12 個工作日。

1. Application submitted online

7working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given


all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria.

2. Application submitted in person

12 working days (counting from the next day when the application has been received), given that all the documents are complete and both the employer and employee have met the criteria

審查費繳交 Examination fee payment

(每案新臺幣 500 元)

1.利用郵政劃撥。劃撥戶名:勞動部勞動力發展署聘僱許可收費專戶,劃撥帳號:19058848 2.至機關收件櫃台現場繳交。

(NT $500 per case)

1. Via postal remittance, Account name: Work Permit Account of Workforce Development Agency, Account No.: 19058848).

2.Payment to the Reception Counter.

應備文件 Documents required


2.書面送件所附相關資料係為影本者,應加註「與正本相符」之文字,並加蓋申請單位 及負責人印章。

1. Look it up at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Foreign Professionals to Work in Taiwan.

2. If you apply for the use of written submittals, information and certification documents are copies, they should be marked with the words: “same as originals” and stamped with the seal


of applicant entity and owner.

親自取件 In-person Document



2.於案件核准後,請憑收件(親取)回條並黏貼取件人身分證(護照或居留證)正、反面影 本親自領取,倘於指定期限內未親自領取者機關將以掛號寄出。

1. If you wishes to pick-up documents in-person, “In-person Document Pick-up Declaration”

must be filled-out, and you should submit application to the agency Reception Counter.

2. After application approval, a copy of ID (passport or ARC) and pick-up documents in-person with a receipt slip shall be attached. If documents have not been picked-up within the specified time limit, agency will mail out documents via registered mail.

申辦進度查詢 Application status


You can check the status at the website of EZ Work Taiwan > Application Status.

機關網站與聯繫 Officail Websites

& Contact

1.勞動部勞動力發展署 Workforce Development Agency, MOL https://www.wda.gov.tw

2.外國人在臺工作服務網 EZ Work Taiwan https://ezworktaiwan.wda.gov.tw

3.外國專業人員工作許可申辦網 Work Permit Application Webpage for Foreign Professional https://ezwp.wda.gov.tw

4.諮詢電話 Support Hotline:(02)89956000

5.機關收件櫃台:臺北市中正區中華路一段 39 號 10 樓

Reception Counter:No.39 Zhonghua Rd., Sec. 1, 10 Fl., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A05-移民服務工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal 案件資訊 Application Information

工作類別 Category


Specialized or technical work 申請項目 Application


(單選 Choose One)

□ 新聘 New Hire

□ 展延 Extension

□ 補件 Supplement

□ 提前解聘 Early Dismissal

□ 其他 Other:

工作項目 Job Item

05.移民服務工作 Immigration services

□ 本案若申請適用「在臺畢業僑外生評點新制」,請勾選並加附工作評點表。

Please check if this case is applying with “Comment System for Overseas Chinese/Foreign Student Graduated in Taiwan”, and the Comment System Form is required.

繳費資訊 Application fee

繳費日 Payment date

年 月 日 (Y) (M) (D)

郵局局號 Branch code 劃撥收據號碼(8 碼)或交易序號(9 碼)

Receipt No.(8 digits) or transaction No.(9 digits) 本申請案回函

投遞地址 Application Return Address




鄉鎮(Town)/市(City) 區(District)

路(Rd.) 段(Sec.) 巷(Lane) 弄(Alley) 號(No.) 樓(F.) 街(St.)

□ 本申請案若係委託私立就業服務機構辦理,請勾選,並填寫以下欄位資料。

Please check if this application has been entrusted to a private employment services agency and please fill out the following information.


Name of commissioned private employment services agency 2.許可證字號 License No.:

3.專業人員 Specialist:

(須親自簽名 must sign personally)

4.聯絡電話 Contact Tel:

(單位圖記 Chop)

□ 本申請案回函欲親自取件者請打「ˇ」並加附【親自領件聲明書】。

Check for in-person document pickup and attach【In-person Document Pickup Declaration】

收文專用區 Document Reception Use Only

收 文 章

收 文 號

負 責 人 章


聘僱外國專業人員工作許可申請書 (A05-移民服務工作專用)

Foreign Professional Personnel Employment Work Permit Application 雇主資訊 Employer Information

單位名稱 Entity Name 單位統一編號 Entity Tax ID No.

單位章及負責人章 Seals of Entity and Owner 負責人



Industry Category Code


Employer Qualification:The immigration service organization and choose one of the following options

□ 本國公司、外國公司在臺分公司或大陸地區公司在臺分公司。

Domestic company, foreign branch company established in the Republic of China or Mainland China branch company established in the Republic of China.

□ 外國公司代表人辦事處或大陸地區公司在臺辦事處。

Representative office of a foreign company or a Mainland China company, approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 經中央目的事業主管機關核准設立之研發中心、企業營運總部。

Research and development center, or a corporate operation headquarter, and its establishment has been approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 財團法人、社團法人或依法設置之行政法人。

Juridical person, Juridical association or the administrative juridical person established pursuant to laws.

□ 國際非政府組織:經中央目的事業主管機關許可設立之在臺辦事處、秘書處、總會或分會。。

A representative office, secretariat, headquarter, or branch in Taiwan of a non-government organization, and its establishment was or is approved by the authority concerned at the central government level.

□ 「具創新能力之新創事業認定原則」之事業單位。

The startup businesses recognized as capable of innovation.

□ 「推動五加二產業創新計畫」之事業單位。

The qualified businesses of The 5+2 Industrial Transformation Plan.

□ 對國內經濟發展有實質貢獻,或因情況特殊,請勞動部會商中央目的事業主管機關專案認定。

Has made substantial contribution to the domestic economic development,or special circumstance and should be treated as a special case ( MOL will consult with the authority concerned at the central government level).

連絡人 Contact

姓名 Name 電話 Tel 傳真 Fax

姓名 Name 電話 Tel 傳真 Fax



Specific reasons for this hiring case and explanation of the positive benefits of hiring foreigner (not necessary for hiring extension):

負 責 人 章


受聘僱外國人名冊 (A05-移民服務工作專用)

Employed Foreign Worker Name List

單位(雇主)名稱: 單位印章:

Entity(Employer)Name Entity Seal


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note


英文姓名 English Name


Given name

性別 Gender


Nationality (or region)

出生日期 Birthday


年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


Chinese Name 最高學歷

Highest Level of Education

□ 博士 Ph.D □ 碩士 MA

□ 學士 BA □ 專科 Vocational

□ 高中(含)以下 High School or less 護照號碼

Passport No.

申請聘僱期間 Employment Period

起 From 迄 To

年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)~ 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)

職稱 Job Title

職業類別代碼 Occupation Category Code

每月薪資 Monthly


新臺幣 NT$

工作內容 Job Description

工作地址 Working Address 備註 Note




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