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REAL-TIME UPPER BODY POSE ESTIMATION FROM DEPTH IMAGES Ming-Han Tsai, Kuan-Hua Chen, I-Chen Lin National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


Academic year: 2022

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National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan


Estimating upper body poses from a sequence of depth im- ages is a challenging problem. Lately, the state-of-art work adopted a randomized forest method to label human parts in real time. However, it requires enormous training data to obtain favorable results. In this paper, we propose using a novel two-stage method to estimate the probability maps of upper body parts of users. These maps are then used to eval- uate the region fitness of body parts for pose recovery. Ex- periments show that the proposed method can obtain satis- factory outcome in real time and it requires a moderate size of training data.

Index Terms—Pose estimation, depth image, arm pose, randomized forest


Tracking human poses is one of the most important issues regarding depth image analysis. Former research treated depth images of a subject as a combination of 3D compo- nents, and employed silhouette regression [1], model fitting [4] or other methods to fit parts for a depth image. Other research introduced statistical or learning methods, such as associate Markov network [3] or randomized forest [6,7], to label the foreground pixels with respect to each body part.

For each pixel, they usually took the part of maximum like- lihood as its label and then identified the location of each body part by pixel clustering.

In this paper, we focus on the upper body pose estima- tion. That is because most of the commands and interactions through depth cameras are regarding the upper body pos- tures. The positions of human hands, elbows, and shoulders are crucial to all of above applications. In our early trial, we found that existing classification algorithms usually calcu- lated the per-pixel probability of each part and labeled the pixels in one step. However, to concurrently identify nu- merous body parts, the classifiers are prone to be sensitive to different or noise-disturbed data. For instance, when a user sit, the probabilities for arms or legs are usually close to each other and it results in ambiguity. To tackle this prob- lem, the related methods required more than hundred thou- sands of training poses to obtain favorable results.

By contrast, we propose a two-stage classification mod- els. After we obtain (segment) the full human body depth

data, our system divides the target regions in a depth map into upper and lower body parts in advance, and then the extracted upper body region is further processed by the sec- ond randomized decision forest model. In the second classi- fier, the upper body part is divided into eight detailed parts.

These parts are the head, torso, left shoulder, right shoulder, left upper arm, right upper arm, left forearm, and right fore- arm. In order to achieve real-time performance, the cascad- ing two-stage classifiers are performed on graphics pro- cessing units (GPU).

With the two-stage approach, we turn a depth map into probability maps with respect to multiple upper body parts.

However, when using only a moderate size of training data, the probability maps are still noisy. If we would like to re- trieve the skeletons and joints of these parts by intuitive line fitting or region segmentation, the skeletons and joints will frequently jitter. Therefore, we further formulate objective functions with respect to multiple probability maps to more reliably estimate the joints and skeletons. A random sample consensus (RANSAC) method is used to efficiently approx- imate the optimal skeletons according to the objective func- tions. At last, the estimated skeleton poses are checked and rectified. The experiment demonstrates that the proposed approach outperforms the related method under a moderate size of training data. The flowchart of our system is shown in Fig. 1.


The randomized forest [8] is an ensemble classifier contain- ing multiple decision tree models. Component trees within a forest are usually randomly different from one another. This leads to no correlation between the trees. In recent years, this classifier has been proved to be effective for labeling various subjects from images. Shotton et al. [6,7] proposed an efficient framework for recognizing human parts from depth images. In their decision forest, they generated a large amount offset vectors for each pixel to find a set of vectors with distinct separation. However, when the classifier at- tempts to separate multiple small body parts, the offset vec- tors usually has to be small. In other words, they focus more on local variations, and it results in ambiguous situations between upper and lower limbs.

As mentioned above, we propose using two stages of randomized decision forests: one for rough upper/lower


Fig.1 System overview.

Acquire depth data from a depth sensor

Divide the full body region into two parts

Recognize body parts from the upper

body region

Estimate joint positions

Skeleton error correction and obtain final result Obtain

probability maps from recognized



Fig.2 An example of probability maps of eight body parts.

head torso left shoulder right shoulder

left upper arm left forearm right upper arm right forearm

body segmentation, and the other one for detailed upper body part segmentation. The first forest can employ offset vectors of a larger range to roughly separate upper and low- er bodies, and the second forest then employs vectors of relatively smaller ranges for detail classification. Therefore, we can use fewer levels of decision trees to achieve higher recognition accuracy under identical training data. By intro- ducing GPU acceleration, the total computation time of the two-stage approach is less than 1 millisecond for a single user, and it is extendable to multiple users.

Besides, different to method by Shotton et al. [6,7]

where a pixel is directly assigned a label, in our framework, the outputs of random decision forest become several prob- ability maps associated with body parts. The eight probabil- ity maps (shown in Fig. 2) are then used in the following skeleton extraction. For simplicity, we abbreviate the index of body parts left shoulder, right shoulder, left upper arm, right upper arm, left forearm, and right forearm to ls, rs, lu, ru, lf and rf in the following discussion.


This section introduces the objective functions based on the aforementioned probability maps, and describes a random

sample consensus (RANSAC) process for posture approxi- mation in real time.

3.1. Objective functions of body parts

Our idea is inspired by the pictorial structure [5,9,10,11].

Pictorial structure estimates the linkage of body parts as a concatenation of conditional probabilities. Our goal is to efficiently estimate the upper body postures, especially the critical forearm poses. Unlike the limb-based representation in conventional pictorial structure, we calculate the skele- tons through joint representation. Given the probability map set M = {Mhead, Mtorso, Mls, Mrs, Mlu, Mlf, Mru, Mrf } as in Fig. 2, an initial thought is that the correct skeleton position should be located at the center of the region with highest probabilities. For example, consider the right shoulder cen- ter position Prs and its neighbor region Rrs, we define the objective function (response) Srs of joint rs as the sum of the pixel probability values within region Rrs .



p rs

rs M p

S ( ), (1) When a pixel is located at the correct position, it should have a high response value. The functions about the head, torso and right shoulders can be represented in a similar way;

we retrieve the best Phead, Ptorso Pls and Prs from the posi- tions with maximum of Shead, Storso, Sls and Srs.

By contrast, because an arm consists of two linked and movable parts, i.e. upper arm and forearm, we have to con- currently consider the two probability maps Mru and Mrf or Mlu and Mlf. In the following explanation, we take Fig. 3 as an example for right arm evaluation, and evaluation for the left arm is similar.

Given fixed shoulder position Prs calculated in (1), the next target is to find the best locations of right elbow and hand, Pre and Prh. These two variable points are drawn in red in Fig. 3. Based on a pair of Pre and Prs, we can define an approximate upper arm region Rru(the purple ellipse in Fig.3). Similarly, a pair of Prh and Pre can define an approx- imate forearm region Rrf (the blue ellipse in Fig.3).

To find the upper arm region Rru and forearm region Rrf, we define an objective function Srarm.



rf ru


p rf rf


p ru ru


p M W

p M W S

) (


( , (2)

where Wru and Wrf are anisotropic Gaussian fields deter- mined by region Rru and Rrf. They can be regarded as varia- ble templates of the upper arm and forearm. The two terms in (2) evaluate the correlations between the variable tem- plates and the underlying probabilities of corresponding parts. In the first row of Fig. 3, the elbow Pre is not at a cor- rect position and Srarm is lower. In the second row, both the


Fig.5 Classified result images of two methods at sitting poses. We illustrate the most probable part of each pixel.

A color represents a certain body part. The upper row is estimated by a single-stage random forest. The lower row is estimated by the two-stage method.

elbow and hand positions are correct and they generate ade- quate Rru and Rrf. The Srarm value is higher.

In practice, the per-pixel estimation of forearm proba- bilities by a random forest method is usually disturbed by other regions, especially the other hand’s forearm. To ad- dress this problem, we included a complementary penalty term and rewrote the estimated function (2):

( )

− +



rf rf



p rf rf


p rf rf


p ru ru


p M w p

M w

p M W S

) ( 1 )


) ( '

λ , (3)

where Mrf( p) is the sum of all other parts’ probabilities at position p except the left forearm and right forearm. λ con- trols the weight.

For example, in a hand-crossing case, the left and right forearm regions are mixed together, Eq. (2) generates short- ened arms because the pixels of high forearm probabilities are separated. The complemental term helps the algorithm to find a dominating skeleton which covers the whole mixture region. Fig.4 shows an example with the complementary term.

3.2. Pose Approximation by RANSAC

Among the aforementioned objective functions, it is rela- tively straightforward to estimate individual joints, includ- ing head, torso and left/right shoulder joints. Their proce- dures are similar to the mean-shift algorithm [12], and the estimated points iteratively shift their positions toward cen- ters of high probability regions.

By contrast, for the arm posture estimation, there are two variables Pre and Prh which can concurrently move. For efficiency and avoidance of trapping into the local minimum, we chose RANSAC algorithm to solve the corresponding objective functions. We randomly select two points from the upper-body region extracted in the first stage and calculate S'rarmiteratively until an adequate result is retrieved. In practice, the possible position candidates are restricted only at positions with high probabilities with respect to the fore- arm. That is because when an upper arm and forearm over- lap in a depth image, the forearm is mostly in front of the upper arm such that the upper arm region is partially oc- cluded. Thus, elbow and hand joints should locate at the forearm region. The default iteration number of RANSAC is 1000.


Few failure cases may still occur with the above method and the estimated skeletons need to be rectified. Two additional steps are applied to keep the pose within reasonable scope.

First, the estimated postures are projected into subspace generated by principal component analysis (PCA). Besides, our system amends unreasonable lengths of skeletons and invalid angles of human limbs.

It also checks whether the templates of the estimated body parts are able to fully cover the input depth regions, especially the arm parts. When low coverage situations oc- cur, the proposed system automatically adjusts the elbow joints, and it increases the coverage between the synthetic and input regions.

Fig. 3. Right arm fitting by an objective function. Blue point: the given shoulder point; red point: variable posi- tions of the elbow and hand; purple ellipse: upper arm region according the current shoulder and elbow posi- tions; blue ellipse: forearm region according to the elbow and hand positions.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 4. Effect of complementary term. (a) Mtorso. (b) Esti- mated forearm (red) without the complementary term. (c) Estimated forearm (yellow) with the complementary term.



The proposed method is designed for one- or multi-user skeleton estimation. Running on a desktop with Intel i7 CPU and Nvidia GTX770 GPU, our system can calculate more than two users’ skeletons in real time.

We compared the performance of the single-stage ran- dom forests classifier and our two-stage method for upper body estimation. For the single-stage random forest method, we adopted approximately 30,000 synthesized depth images, of which the postures were acquired from the CMU mocap database [2] to train this classifier. For the two-stage estima- tion model, we firstly employed about 10,000 synthesized images to train the first upper and lower body classifier. For the second phase, we adopted about 20,000 images to train the detailed upper-body-part classifier.

We tested two pose datasets from CMU mocap database [2]: one contains standing actions, and the other contains sitting actions. Each dataset has around 1000 frames. We compared the classified results with the ground truth body part regions and calculated the accuracy. Fig. 5 shows sev- eral examples. Table I lists the per-pixel accuracy of label- ing according to the maximum probability. In standing pos- es, both methods perform acceptably in accuracy, but in sitting poses, the two-stage model outperforms the single- stage one in arm regions, especially in forearm region which is important in gesture/motion tracking. We would like to stress that our skeleton extraction uses all the probability maps instead of the labels of maximum probability. Fig. 6 shows examples of the proposed upper body skeleton esti- mation from a live depth camera.


This paper aims at estimating upper body postures from a sequence of depth images. In order to improve the per-pixel classification accuracy with only a moderate size of training data, we propose a two-stage classification model. The probability maps estimated by the classifiers are applied to objective functions for skeleton extraction, where a RANSAC method is used to estimate approximate results.

The proposed framework is adapted to parallel computing with GPU acceleration, and therefore, it can estimate multi- user poses in real-time as Fig.6.

There are two main contributions in this paper. First, the two-stage method generates more stable results under the condition of compact training data. Second, the objective functions based on probability maps are presented to make the estimated pose more reliable, while per-pixel labeling methods usually fail due to self-occlusion and noise. One possible future work is to utilize temporal coherence or mo- tion patterns [13] to further improve the estimation results.


Authors would like to thank Josh Shu and Jing-Cheng Li for their help in data collection and GPU coding. This project was partially supported by Ministry of Science and Tech- nology, Taiwan under grant no. NSC 102-2221-E-009-081- MY3 and MOST 104-2218-E-009-008.

8. REFERENCE Standing

Poses head torso Left

shoulder Left upper

arm Left fore-

arm Right

shoulder Right upper

arm Right fore- Single stage 0.862249 0.901332 0.819069 0.583980 0.892386 0.795690 0.681857 0.856755 arm Two stage 0.871207 0.928993 0.737761 0.612904 0.869445 0.762663 0.564690 0.762886


Poses head torso Left

shoulder Left upper

arm Left fore-

arm Right

shoulder Right upper

arm Right fore- Single stage 0.662479 0.684488 0.639641 0.403708 0.302592 0.526079 0.493677 0.211280 arm Two Stage 0.86800 0.906886 0.684056 0.670106 0.592193 0.535756 0.598233 0.506838 Table I. The per-pixel labeling accuracy of each body part. A pixel is assigned to the body part of the maximum proba- bility. The two-stage model generates more accurate results on the forearm regions in sitting poses.

Fig.6 Upper body posture estimation from a live depth camera. In the first case, the lower body is even partial- ly occluded.


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Fig.  3.  Right arm fitting by an objective function. Blue  point: the given shoulder point; red point: variable  posi-tions  of  the  elbow and hand; purple ellipse: upper arm  region according the current shoulder and elbow   posi-tions; blue ellipse: fo



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