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The Relationships of Achievement Goal Orientation、Strategy Use、Test anxiety and Academic Achievement in accounting ... 簡子超、邱垂昌


Academic year: 2022

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The Relationships of Achievement Goal Orientation、Strategy Use、Test anxiety and Academic Achievement in accounting ...


E-mail: 9607899@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The study proceed from students of department of accounting in universities, treating the relationship among achievement goals, strategies use, accounting test anxiety and learning achievements. The subject of study is students of department of accounting in 12 universities, which set up accounting department and related departments, in central Taiwan. The formal examples are added up to 482 copies. The conclusions of the study are: 1. The orientations of achievement goals are plural for students of department of accounting in universities, but it much tent to orientations of approach-performance and avoidance-mastery. Students of department of accounting in universities use strategies commonly, and their cognitive anxiety is more evident. 2. The more the students of department of accounting in universities tend to avoidance-mastery and avoidance- performance, the higher the students have test anxiety. 3. To construct the SEM, which is fit for students of department of accounting in universities, to exam the causal relation among achievement goals, strategies use, accounting test anxiety and learning achievement. The study found that, the more students of department of accounting tend to the orientations of approach-mastery and approach-performance, the more they use strategies to help themselves learning in accounting area. And students of department of accounting who know how to use strategies have apparent promoting influences in accounting tests; the more students of department of accounting tend to orientations of

avoidance-mastery and avoidance-performance, the higher accounting cognitive and emotionality anxiety they have. And when they face to accounting tests, the students who have higher cognitive anxiety would get low scores.

Keywords : achievement goals ; strategies used ; test anxiety ; learning achievements Table of Contents

內 容 目 錄 中文摘要 ................. i i i 英文摘要 ................. i v 誌謝 辭 .................. v i 內容目錄 ................. v i i 表目錄 ......

............ i x 圖目錄 .................. x i 第一章 緒論...........

..... 1 第一節 研究背景及動機........... 1 第二節 研究目的.............. 3 第三 節 研究流程.............. 5 第四節 論文架構.............. 6 第二章 文獻探討...

........... 7 第一節 成就目標.............. 7 第二節 認知與後設認知策略......

... 15 第三節 考試焦慮.............. 21 第四節 成就目標、策略使用、考試焦慮與學習    成就 之間的相關性...........24 第三章 研究方法.............. 27 第一節 研究架構.....

......... 27 第二節 研究假設.............. 28 第三節 研究對象............

.. 32 第四節 研究工具.............. 33 第五節 資料分析.............. 42 第四章 研 究結果與討論........... 44 第一節 大學會計系學生在成就目標、策略使用、 會計考試焦慮之現況....

..... 44 第二節 不同背景變項之下的成就目標、策略使用、 會計考試焦慮之差異情形....... 47 第三節 高 低考試焦慮在成就目標、策略使用、會 計考試焦慮、學習成就之差異情形... 52 第四節 大學會計系學生在成就目標、

策略使用、 會計考試焦慮與學習成就之徑向分析.. 56 第五章 研究結論與建議........... 76 第一節 研究 結論.............. 76 第二節 建議................ 78 參考文獻 ........

......... 81 附錄A 會計系學生學習現狀調查問卷..... 91 附錄B 大學會計系學生在成就目標、策略使用

、會 計考試焦慮與學習成就相關分析.... 96 附錄C 考試焦慮量表使用同意證明...... 99 REFERENCES

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