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When someone tells me how to do something in class, I learn it better


Academic year: 2021

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Appendix A

The Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire (English Version, Reid, 1987)





1. When the teacher tells me the instructions I understand better.

2. I prefer to learn by doing something in class.

3. I get more work done when I work with others.

4. I learn more when I study with a group.

5. In class, I learn best when I work with others.

6. I learn better by reading what the teacher writes on the chalkboard.

7. When someone tells me how to do something in class, I learn it better.

8. When I do things in class, I learn better.

9. I remember things I have heard in class better than things I have read.

10.When I read instructions, I remember them better.

11. I learn more when I can make a model of something 12. I understand better when I read instructions.

13. When I study alone, I remember things better.

14. I learn more when I make something for a class project.

15. I enjoy learning in class by doing experiments.

16. I learn better when I make drawings as I study.

17. I learn better in class when the teacher gives a lecture.

18. When I work alone, I learn better.

19. I understand things better in class when I participate in role-playing.


20. I learn better in class when I listen to someone.

21. I enjoy working on an assignment with two or three classmates.

22. When I build something, I remember what I have learned better.

23. I prefer to study with others.

24. I learn better by reading than by listening to someone.

25. I enjoy making something for a class project.

26. I learn best in class when I can participate in related activities.

27. In class, I work better when I work alone.

28. I prefer working on projects by myself.

29. I learn more by reading textbooks than by listening to lectures.

30. I prefer to work by myself.


Appendix B

Motivational Intensity Questionnaire From Motivation Intensity Questionnaire (English Version, Gardner, 1985)

1. If English were not taught in school, I would try to obtain lessons in English somewhere else.

2. When it comes to English homework, I just skimmed over it.

3. Considering how I studied English, I can honestly say that I do just enough to get along.

4. If my teacher wants someone to do an extra English assignment, I would definitely not volunteer.

5. After I get my English assignment/tests back, I always rewrite them, correcting my mistakes.

6. I try to use English in my daily life.

7. I plan to continue studying English for as long as possible.

8. I look for as many opportunities to use English as I can.

9. I try to learn English not only in the classroom but also from other resources, such as radio, English TV programs, newspapers, magazines, and movies.

10. I spend extra time to improve my English.


Appendix C

Textbook Activity Preference Questionnaire





1. I like to practice reading the dialogue with CD.

2. After teaching the dialogue, I like to answer true or false questions recorded on the CD.

3. I like to practice the dialogue by doing role-play.

4. Before beginning a lesson, I like to guess its content according to the beginning pictures or introduction questions.

5. I like to read the lesson aloud by myself in class.

6. After teaching reading, I like to do cloze test practice designed according to the reading text.

7. While doing sentence pattern practice, I like to look at a picture, make a sentence according to it, and write it down.

8. While doing sentence pattern practice, I like to look at a picture, make a sentence according to it, and read it to the class.

9. When practicing pronunciation, I like to repeat after the CD or after the teacher’s demonstration.

10. While doing pronunciation practice, I like to find out by myself a pair of words that have the same pronunciation among a group of words.

11. While doing pronunciation practice, I like to do tongue twisters.

12. I like to read aloud the reading text together.

13. I like to learn English by listening to English songs.


14. I like to practice reading irregular verb conjugation by listening to CD.

15. I like to practice English sentence intonation by listening to the CD.

16. I like to make up a short story according to the picture and present it in front of the class.

17. I like to choose proper information and fill it in a chart by observing the data provided in the textbook.

18. I like to write a short paragraph in English by themselves according to a picture.

19. I like to describe a picture.

20. I like to introduce to the class my favorite singers or movies in English.

21. I like to match the words on the CD to the pictures on the textbook.

22. When a western holiday is coming, I like to take part in activities, such as writing a Christmas card in English.

23. I like to play English games or activities.

24. When seeing a sentence, such as “You did a good job,” I like to figure out a proper response by myself and write it down.

25. I like to fill in charts or diagrams with the information that I have to look for after class.

26. I like to make up a short story in English according to a picture, and present it to the class together with my partners.

27. I like to write a short paragraph in English and write it down together with my partners.

28. I like to learn English by singing English songs.

29. Before reading, I like to discuss questions about the topic of the reading.

30. After reading, I like to answer reading comprehension questions.

31. I like to play crossword games to find out the vocabulary I just learned.


33. I like to imitate the examples on the textbook and write with my partners a short paragraph in English, such as writing an introduction of a new cell phone and introduce it to the class.

34. I would have a clearer understanding when learning verb tenses by using charts or diagrams in the tense descriptions.


Appendix D 英語學習調查表 親愛的同學:

你好。本研究目的在於了解目前國中生學習英語情形。問卷資料僅供學術研究 參考之用,不須具名,同時所有作答答案將保密,故請放心作答。

趙雲華老師敬上 第一部分 基本資料

1. 性別: F男 F女

2. 我的英語到目前為止學了____年

3. 我除了在學校以外,還有在校外補習英語: F 是 F 否 4. 我的英語成績在班上排名: F前十名 F中間 F倒數十名


請閱讀以下各個題目,依你的直覺判斷以下各項敘述是否符合你的真實狀況(而 不是依你認為[我應該如何寫] 或 [別人會怎麼寫] 來回答) 。

如果該項敘述幾乎完全不符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 1 (非常不同意) 。 如果該項敘述多半不符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 2 (不同意) 。

如果該項敘述大約一半符合、一半不符合你的狀況,請圈選 3 (介於兩者 間) 。

如果該項敘述多半符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 4 (同意) 。

如果該項敘述幾乎完全符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 5 (非常同意) 。 每一項題目並沒有所謂的正確答案,請按順序寫完每一題。



1. 學英文時,如果有老師作口頭講解,我能學得比較好。 1 2 3 4 5

2. 在課堂上,我比較喜歡透過實際的動作或活動來學英文。 1 2 3 4 5

3. 當我和同學一起合作做指定的作業時,我的效率會比較 好。

1 2 3 4 5

4. 和同學一起讀英文時,學習效果比我獨自一人讀要更好。 1 2 3 4 5

5. 在英文課上,和同學一起研究討論,我可以學的最好。 1 2 3 4 5

6. 英語老師如果把上課內容寫在黑板上給我看,我可以學的 比較好。

1 2 3 4 5

7. 上英語課時,有人口頭解說,比我自己閱讀指示說明,學 習效果會更好。

1 2 3 4 5

8. 上英語課時,如果有動態的學習(如演戲或唱歌),我可 以學的更好。

1 2 3 4 5

9. 我比較記得住在英語課時聽到的部分,比較記不住自己閱 讀的部分。

1 2 3 4 5

10. 對我來說,學英語時,透過閱讀文字說明,比聽老師或同 學口頭講解,更能幫助我記憶。

1 2 3 4 5

11. 透過動手製作一個和英語課程內容相關的東西(如聖誕卡 片或單字卡等),我的學習效果會比較好。

1 2 3 4 5

12. 我自己閱讀書面文字,比聽別人講解,更能了解文章內 容。

1 2 3 4 5

13. 當我自己一個人讀英語時,我對文章內容會背的更牢。 1 2 3 4 5

14. 做英語專題報告時,如果能自己動手做與報告內容相關的 實物(如自己製作餐廳的英文菜單),我的學習效果會較 好。

1 2 3 4 5


15. 在課堂上,我比較喜歡藉著實際操作演練來學英語,例如 老師教我們自己用英語模擬問路的情況。

1 2 3 4 5

16. 讀英語時,一邊讀一邊畫一邊寫,我會學的比較好。 1 2 3 4 5

17. 聽老師口頭講解比看老師寫黑板,我的學習效果更好。 1 2 3 4 5

18. 獨自一人學英語時,我的學習效果比較好。 1 2 3 4 5

19. 上英語課若能參與角色扮演的活動,與同學演練對話,我 比較能了解教材內容。

1 2 3 4 5

20. 在課堂上,我聆聽與課文內容有關的口頭講解時,比閱讀 課文的學習效果好。

1 2 3 4 5

21. 我喜歡和兩、三個同學一起合作完成作業。 1 2 3 4 5

22. 透過動手製作與英語課內容相關的東西(如復活節時製作 復活節彩蛋),我對所學的東西記得比較牢。

1 2 3 4 5

23. 我比較喜歡和別人一起研讀英語。 1 2 3 4 5

24. 我靠閱讀書面教材(如書本、雜誌、報紙等)來學習英語 的效果,比聆聽錄音帶或收聽廣播來得好。

1 2 3 4 5

25. 作英語專題報告時,我喜歡動手做一些與報告內容相關的 東西。

1 2 3 4 5

26. 上英語課時,如果能親自參加一些與學習內容相關的活動


1 2 3 4 5

27. 上課時,我獨自做功課的成效比和同學一起做來得好。 1 2 3 4 5

28. 我比較喜歡靠自己來完成英語的專題報告,而不是和同學 在一起做。

1 2 3 4 5

29. 學英語時,我閱讀課本的學習效果比聽別人講解更好。 1 2 3 4 5

30. 我比較喜歡靠一己之力去進行或完成一項英語作業。 1 2 3 4 5

31. 如果學校沒有英語課,我會想辦法到別的地方學英語。 1 2 3 4 5


32. 做英語作業時,我很隨便。 1 2 3 4 5

33. 老實說,我在學英語時沒有盡全力,只求過關就好。 1 2 3 4 5

34. 如果老師要找人做額外的英語作業,我絕對不會自願。 1 2 3 4 5

35. 英語作業或考卷發回來後,我一定會訂正每一個錯誤。 1 2 3 4 5

36. 我儘可能的在日常生活中使用英語。 1 2 3 4 5

37. 我打算能學多久英語就學多久。 1 2 3 4 5

38. 我盡可能的利用各種機會練習英語。 1 2 3 4 5

39. 除了上課外,我還透過其他的方式學英語,例如收聽英語 廣播、收看電視節目或電影、及閱讀英語報章雜誌。

1 2 3 4 5

40. 我會花額外的時間增進自己的英語能力。 1 2 3 4 5

41. 我喜歡上英語課時自己跟著 CD 朗讀對話。 1 2 3 4 5

42. 我喜歡上完對話之後,做分辨句子對或錯 (T or F) 的聽力 練習。(p. 7)

1 2 3 4 5

43. 我喜歡和同學一起做角色扮演,練習對話。 1 2 3 4 5

44. 我喜歡在老師開始教每一課前,根據每課第一頁的圖片或 問題,任意以英文猜測本課的內容。(p. 17)

1 2 3 4 5

45. 我喜歡在上英語課時一個人朗讀課文。 1 2 3 4 5

46. 上完課文閱讀後,我喜歡根據課文內容做填充練習。(p.


1 2 3 4 5

47. 在做句型練習時,我喜歡看圖造句,並寫下來。(p. 50) 1 2 3 4 5

48. 在做句型練習時,我喜歡看圖說出所造的句子。(p. 27) 1 2 3 4 5

49. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡聽 CD 或老師示範,再跟著唸出 來。(p. 26)

1 2 3 4 5

50. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡從一群單字中,自己找出發音相 同的一組單字。(p. 13)

1 2 3 4 5


51. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡做繞口令的練習。 1 2 3 4 5

52. 我喜歡和同學一起朗讀課文。 1 2 3 4 5

53. 我喜歡藉著聽英語歌曲來學英語。 1 2 3 4 5

54. 我喜歡聽 CD 並跟著練習念英語課本上的詞類變化,如形 容詞的比較級變化。(p. 66)

1 2 3 4 5

55. 我喜歡藉著聽 CD 來練習英語句子的語調變化。(p. 52) 1 2 3 4 5

56. 我喜歡看圖片自己來編故事,並說給大家聽。 1 2 3 4 5

57. 我喜歡根據課本提供的資料,自己觀察並填寫表格所需的 資料,例如看 Mike 的減重計畫,填入適合他吃的三餐食 物。

1 2 3 4 5

58. 我喜歡看圖片自己編寫一段英語短文。 1 2 3 4 5

59. 我喜歡看圖片,說出圖中的人在做什麼事情。 1 2 3 4 5

60. 我喜歡用英語向班上介紹喜歡的事物,如電影或歌手。 1 2 3 4 5

61. 我喜歡聽錄音帶並看圖填入相關的回答,例如將聽到的感 恩節食物名稱填入圖片中對應的地方。

1 2 3 4 5

62. 在西方節日到來時,我喜歡自己動手做一些相關的活動,


1 2 3 4 5

63. 我喜歡在上英語課時和同學作一些英語遊戲或活動,例如 用英語詢問同學的生日,並與生日月份相同的同學組成一 組,按生日順序排列。

1 2 3 4 5

64. 我喜歡根據題目的句子,自己思考並寫下適合的句子來回 應,例如當有人說”You ate my cake!”時,我該如何回答。

1 2 3 4 5

65. 我喜歡在課後,去調查世界各地的氣候,再填入課本的圖 片及表格內。

1 2 3 4 5

66. 我喜歡看圖片和同學來編故事,並一起說給大家聽。 1 2 3 4 5


67. 我喜歡看圖片和同學一起編寫一段英語短篇。 1 2 3 4 5

68. 我喜歡藉著唱英語歌曲來學英語。 1 2 3 4 5

69. 在閱讀文章之前,我喜歡先回答一些和文章內容有關的問 題,如在讀討論 921 地震的文章前,先和老師和同學討論 地震的話題或自己的經驗。

1 2 3 4 5

70. 我喜歡在閱讀一篇文章之後,回答相關的問題。 1 2 3 4 5

71.我喜歡做練習英語單字的填字遊戲,如在字母表圈出學過 的單字。

1 2 3 4 5

72. 我喜歡照課本的例句寫正確的句子,作句型練習。 (p. 92) 1 2 3 4 5

73. 我喜歡仿照課本的例子,和同學一起完成一段英文,例如 為新上市的手機,寫一段英文介紹它的功能給大家知道。

1 2 3 4 5

74. 看著課本的圖解來做英語的時態練習,我可以有更清楚的 了解,例如看下圖來學習過去式、現在式、未來式。

---now--- -- -- -- - - -Î

1 2 3 4 5

75.請簡單說明你特別不喜歡或喜歡某項課本活動的原因 (自由回答):





Appendix E

教科書教學活動意見調查表 親愛的老師:

你好! 非常感謝你撥空填寫此問卷。本研究目的在了解國中英語教科書中各項教 學活動的使用情形。資料僅供學術研究參考,所有的問卷不須具名,同時所有 作答答案將予以保密,故請放心作答,謝謝你的合作。

趙雲華老師敬上 作答說明:

請閱讀以下各個題目,依你的直覺判斷以下各項敘述是否符合你的真實狀況(而 不是依你認為[我應該如何寫] 或 [別人會怎麼寫] 來回答) 。

如果該項敘述幾乎完全不符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 1 (非常不同意) 。 如果該項敘述多半不符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 2 (不同意) 。

如果該項敘述大約一半符合、一半不符合你的狀況,請圈選 3 (介於兩者 間) 。

如果該項敘述多半符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 4 (同意) 。

如果該項敘述幾乎完全符合你的真實狀況,請圈選 5 (非常同意) 。 每一項題目並沒有所謂的正確答案,請按順序寫完每一題。

1. 我喜歡讓學生自己跟著 CD 一起朗讀對話。 1 2 3 4 5

2. 我喜歡讓學生上完對話之後,做分辨句子對或錯 (T or F) 的聽力練習。

1 2 3 4 5

3. 我喜歡讓學生們一起做角色扮演,練習對話。 1 2 3 4 5

4. 我喜歡在開始教每一課前,讓學生依照課前的圖片或問 題,任意以英文猜測本課的內容。

1 2 3 4 5


5. 我喜歡讓上英語課時讓學生一個人朗讀課文。 1 2 3 4 5

6. 上完課文閱讀,我喜歡讓學生根據課文做填充練習。 1 2 3 4 5

7. 在做句型練習時,我喜歡讓學生看圖造句,並寫下來。 1 2 3 4 5

8. 在做句型練習時,我喜歡讓學生看圖說出所造的句子。 1 2 3 4 5

9. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡讓學生聽 CD 或由老師示範,再 讓他們跟著練習唸出來。

1 2 3 4 5

10. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡讓學生從一群單字中,自己找 出發音相同的一組單字。

1 2 3 4 5

11. 在做發音練習時,我喜歡讓學生做繞口令的練習。 1 2 3 4 5

12. 我喜歡讓學生和同學一起朗讀課文。 1 2 3 4 5

13. 我喜歡讓學生藉著聽英語歌曲來學英語。 1 2 3 4 5

14. 我喜歡讓學生聽 CD,並跟著練習念英語課本上的詞類 變化,如過去式的動詞變化。

1 2 3 4 5

15. 我喜歡讓學生藉著聽 CD 練習英語句子的語調變化。 1 2 3 4 5

16. 我喜歡讓學生看圖片自己來編故事,並說給大家聽。 1 2 3 4 5

17. 我喜歡讓學生根據課本提供的資料,自己觀察並填寫表 格所需的資料,例如看 Mike 的減重計畫,填入適合他吃 的三餐食物。

1 2 3 4 5

18. 我喜歡讓學生看圖片自己編寫一段英語短文。 1 2 3 4 5

19. 我喜歡讓學生看圖片,說出圖中的人在做什麼事情。 1 2 3 4 5

20. 我喜歡讓學生用英語向班上介紹自己喜歡的事物,如電 影或歌手等。

1 2 3 4 5

21. 我喜歡讓學生聽錄音帶並看圖填入相關的回答,例如將 聽到的感恩節食物名稱填入圖片中對應的地方。

1 2 3 4 5


22. 在西方節日到來時,我喜歡讓學生自己動手做一些相關 的活動,例如用英語寫聖誕卡或感恩節時寫一篇感謝 語。

1 2 3 4 5

23. 我喜歡在上英語課時讓同學作一些英語遊戲或活動,例 如用英語詢問同學的生日,並與生日月份相同的同學組 成一組,按生日順序排列。

1 2 3 4 5

24. 我喜歡讓學生根據題目的句子,自己思考並寫下適合的 句子來回應,例如當有人說”You ate my cake!”時,他該 如何回答。

1 2 3 4 5

25. 我喜歡在課後,去調查世界各地的氣候,再填入課本的 圖片及表格內。

1 2 3 4 5

26. 我喜歡讓學生看圖片和同學編故事,並說給大家聽。 1 2 3 4 5

27. 我喜歡讓學生看圖片和同學一起編寫一段英語短篇。 1 2 3 4 5

28. 我喜歡讓學生藉著唱英語歌曲來學英語。 1 2 3 4 5

29. 在閱讀文章之前,我喜歡讓學生先回答一些和文章內容 有關的問題,如在讀討論 921 地震的文章前,討論地震 的情形或自己的經驗。

1 2 3 4 5

30. 我喜歡讓學生在閱讀一篇文章後,回答相關的問題。 1 2 3 4 5

31. 我喜歡讓學生做英語單字的填字遊戲,如在字母表中圈 出學過的單字。

1 2 3 4 5

32. 我喜歡讓學生仿照課本上的例句寫出正確的句子,作句 型練習。(p. 92)

1 2 3 4 5

33. 我喜歡讓學生仿照課本的例子,和同學一起完成一段英 文,例如為新上市的手機,寫一段英文介紹它的功能給 大家知道。

1 2 3 4 5


34. 看著課本的圖解來做英語的時態練習,可以讓學生有更 清楚的了解,例如看下圖來學習過去式、現在式、未來 式。---now--- -- -- -- - - -Î

1 2 3 4 5

35. 你是否曾因有段考的時間壓力而省略某些活動不做?

____ 是 ____ 否,我曾省略的課本活動有_____________________________。





Appendix F

Interview With Three English Teachers About Difficult Activities

Item 11 (Tongue twister)

--Teacher 1: I think Item 11 is difficult for students because students have to be very familiar with the sounds of English and have to pronounce the sentence very fluently.

--Teacher 2: I think students have to be able to articulate the words and sentences very fluently in order to perform well in the activity.

--Teacher 3: Some students may not like to do it because they are afraid of not being able to do it well or being laughed.

Item 16 (Story-telling based on pictures by oneself)

--Teacher 1: I think it is hard for students to make up a story in English by themselves. Some of them can’t even make a correct sentence.

--Teacher 2: I seldom let students do it in class, but ask them to prepare their story after class and present it in class. It would take too much time if I let them complete the whole activity in class.

--Teacher 3: Me, either. And I found that in my class only about one third of the students have the ability to participate in this activity. Since I do not have enough time to ask all of the students present their work in class, I often let volunteer students to do it. However, there are usually the same students that volunteer to present their work.

Item 18 (Write a passage by a picture alone)

--Teacher 1: This activity requires students’ better writing competence. They have to write more than two sentences and organize them into a passage.

--Teacher 2 & 3: This is very difficult for students because junior high school


students now do not pay much attention to writing; they think it is not important because the BCT does not test them on writing.

Item 20 (Oral presentation of one’s favorite)

--Teacher 2: This activity also requires students to present orally information about their favorite, which may be difficult for many students.

--Teacher 1 & 3: But I think students may be more interested in it than in the former two activities because they can talk about their favorite singers, movies, etc.

Item 26 (Story-telling in groups based on pictures)

--Teacher 1: Similar to Item 16, students have to make up a story in English, which is difficult for many students in my class

--Teacher 2: In fact, if most of the students in my classes had enough English proficiency, I think I’ll exert these activities more often because I think this kind of activity could get students more involved in the learning, and it would be interesting to appreciate students’ creative works.

--Teacher 3: I agree, but I still hope all of my students can participate in the classroom activities, not just a few of them.

Item 27 (Paragraph writing in groups about pictures)

--Teacher 1: Me, too. But some students often complained that they always had to take care of the most part of the group work because some of their teammates said that they could not write or even did not care about the assignment or their grades.

--Teacher 2, 3: This activity is similar to Item 18, which requires student to write beyond sentence level. Sometimes, I would skip this activity or ask students to do it after class in advance and present their work in class in


Item 33 (Group writing following examples)

--Teacher 1: Like Item 27, it is more difficult for students to write beyond sentence level, and it would take a long time for students to complete the activities --Teacher 2: And group work could often become the work of one or two students in a group, especially when they could do it after class without teachers’


--Teacher 3: But I think this activity should be easier than Items 18 and 27 because in this activity, students could write following the sample writing in the textbook.


Appendix G

The Teacher Questionnaire About the Activities English Teachers Skipped

Item 10 (Classify words based on phonics)

--I think this activity is too easy for students because the answers are just above the questions (Teacher 7).

--I think it’s meaningless to do this activity because the answers are provided above and the activity is not challenging for students (Teachers 4, 5).

Item 11 (Tongue twister)

--I would skip this activity if I want my students to have more time for sentence pattern practice or to prepare for the monthly exam (Teacher 5).

--In fact, I think it’s fun to do tongue twisters in class, but it seems difficult for some of my students (Teacher 6, 7).

Item 14 (Read word conjugation after CD)

-- Although I often asked students to do such kind of activity in order to let them get more familiar with the language components, I myself don’t like it because it was boring to do this kind of repetitive mechanical activity (Teacher 11).

Item 16 (Story-telling based on pictures)

--I think it is nearly impossible for most of my students to look at a picture and tell a story at once. Sometimes they just remain silent on the stage. Therefore, if I had time to do this activity, I would usually ask some high-achievers to demonstrate in front of the class (Teachers 1, 6, 10).

--Although I seldom do this activity in class because of the time limit, I think this kind of activity is good for students because they can develop students’ creativity and can give students more opportunities to practice speaking English (Teachers 2, 3).


Item 23 (Games in groups)

--I seldom let students play English games in groups because I’m afraid that the class would be in a mess (Teachers 4, 6, 10).

--It’s natural for students to make some noises while playing games, but it’s also difficult to draw them back to formal classroom learning after that (Teacher 1, 6).

--If there were time pressure, I would skip this activity first (Teacher 7).

Item 25 (Survey after class and fill in tables)

--I often skip this kind of activity because there are always some students that don’t do their assignments after school and just copy the work of others (Teacher 5).

--In this activity, students have to spend extra time finding the needed information on the Internet. However, some students said that they didn’t have computers at home and some students said that they didn’t have time because they have to go to cram school after school and get home after ten at night (Teacher 11).

Item 26 (Story-telling in groups based on pictures)

--I don’t like students to do such kind of group activity in class because it is time- consuming to wait for them to complete the activity and some students would start to chat or make noises instead of discussing their work (Teachers 1, 10).

--I feel it hard to divide students in appropriate groups because if it’s a homogeneous group, students that of the same competence in a group, some groups would perform well; however, some groups might achieve nothing because they don’t know have enough competence. If it’s a heterogeneous group, the heavy load may be put on only a few students in the group that have enough competence (Teachers 2, 7, 9).

--Some students are not able to or are afraid to talk in English in front of the class, and they might be very passive in the activity (Teacher 8).


Item 27 (Paragraph writing in groups about pictures)

--Writing beyond sentence level is difficult for many students in my classes, and it would take a long time for them to think and finish writing (Teachers 6, 7).

--Since it’s time-consuming to do this activity, I usually skip it and ask students to do it as homework (Teachers 3, 11).

--I seldom do this activity in class, but sometimes I’ll encourage students that have enough English proficiency to do it by adding extra points in their course grades (Teacher 5).

Item 33 (Group writing following examples)

--I think in junior high school in Taiwan, both students and parents do not care about students’ writing skill development because the BCT doesn’t test them on it. As a result, many students don’t think writing is important and are often impatient when writing (Teachers 3, 9).

--Since there are also few activities in the textbook that teach students how to write well, many students’ writing skills are not good enough to write a paragraph by themselves or in groups in a short time (Teacher 4).


Appendix H

The Student Questionnaire About the Favored and Disliked Activities

I. Favored Activity

Item 2 (True or false listening practice)

--The true and false listening practice is really easy because it’s right after the dialogue and the questions are all about the main ideas of the dialogue.

--There is only two possible choices in this activity, and I can have one second possibility to guess the right answer even though I don’t understand the questions.

Item 9 (Repeat words after CD or the teacher)

--I can learn how to pronounce the words more correctly by listening and repeating after CD or the teacher.

--I feel easy and relaxed when doing this kind of activity because I just have to repeat after CD or the teacher.

Item 12 (Read aloud together)

--I can learn how to read the dialogue or reading text by listening to my classmates.

--I will not be easily noticed by the teacher and fell more relaxed when we read aloud together.

Item 13 (Listen to English songs together)

--I always feel relaxed and happy when listening to music in the class, but I don’t like to sing in class.

--Listening to English songs can give me a break among all the practice and tests the teacher gave us.

--I hope the teacher can give us more opportunities to listen to English songs.

Item 20 (Oral presentation of one’s favorite)


--I like to introduce my favorite singers to the class, share the information about them, and let other classmates know more about them.

--It’s good to share my favorite movie to the class, but sometimes I don’t know how to express myself in English.

Item 23 (Games in groups)

--I think it’s fun to play games in class.

--I feel relaxed and don’t have to care about grades or making mistakes when playing games.

Item 24 (Responded to questions with provided sentences)

--This activity is really easy because the answers are provided above.

--I don’t know how to spell the words or write the sentences, but I can copy them down from the provided answers.

--The questions are simple and can easily found in the book.

Item 28 (Sing English songs together)

--I like to singing songs, either in English or in Chinese.

--I feel happy when I sing songs with my classmates.

--I like singing songs, but I hope the teacher can find more popular songs for us instead of the childish chants in the textbook.

Item 31 (Cross-word games)

--I think it’s fun and challenging to play crosswords.

--I think it is easy and fun to play crosswords because I don’t have to spell the words by myself; I just need to circle the words I find out.

--I like to do this activity because it’s interesting and different from the sentence or grammar practice we usually did in class.

Item 34 (Graphic illustration of grammar)


--I think it’s easier for me to learn grammar through charts or illustrations because I can have a clearer understanding of it.

II. Disliked activity

Item 3 (Role-play the dialogue)

--I don’t like to act, especially in front of the class.

--I‘ll forget what to say when I stand in front of the class.

--I can’t remember the dialogue in the textbook.

Item 5 (Read aloud alone)

--I prefer reading aloud together with my classmates to reading aloud alone because I dare not speak English in front of the class.

--I always feel uneasy and nervous when reading aloud alone in class.

--The teacher or classmates would easily find that I couldn’t read well if I read aloud alone, and this would embarrass me a lot.

Item 11 (Tongue twister)

--It’s difficult for me to practice the tongue twister; I can’t speak as fast as the CD or the teacher.

--I don’t like to do it because I’m afraid of being laughed by my classmates.

--I’d rather repeat the pronunciation of words rather than read aloud the tongue twister;

it more difficult.

Item 18 (Write a passage by a picture alone)

--It is hard for me to write a paragraph in English; I can’t even make a correct sentence.

--I don’t like to write a passage alone; I hope I can ask the classmates whose English is better than mine to help me.

--I think it’s boring to write by myself in class.


Item 22 (Write a Christmas card)

--I can’t make a Christmas card, or draw, or something else.

--I don’t know how to write in English, so I don’t like to make a card in English.

Item 23 (Games in groups)

--I don’t like to play games in class because the class is always in a mess and very noisy.

--I think it’s time wasting to play games in class and I can learn nothing from it; I’d like the teacher to give us more grammar practice for the monthly exam.

Item 25 (Survey after class and fill in tables)

--I don’t have time to do this kind of assignment at home because I have to go to cram school right after school.

--I don’t know why so many teachers like to ask us to do homework on the computer.

I don’t have a computer at home, so I have to go to other classmate’s house to do my homework. If I don’t have time, I will sometimes just copy the answers from my classmates.

Item 8 (Sentence-making with pictures and reading aloud)

--I like to make sentences, but I don’t like to read them aloud in class.

--I think it’s boring to do so many sentence pattern practices.

--It’s boring for me to make sentences in class because it’s too easy for me; I have already learned about them in cram school.

Item 16 (Story-telling based on pictures)

--I am always afraid to speak English in front of others because I can’t speak English well.

--I am sacred of making a mistake and being laughed by other classmates.

--When I look at the picture, I can’t think of any sentences to describe it at once; it’s


--Although I know what the picture is about, I don’t know how to speak out because there are so many words that I can’t pronounce.

Item 27 (Paragraph writing in groups about pictures)

--I don’t like the teacher to ask us to do assignments in groups because I’m always the one that has to do most of the work.

--I don’t know why the teacher ask us to write so many things because the BCT won’t ask us to write anything. I think the teacher should give us more reading assignments in order to prepare for the BCT.

Item 33 (Group writing following examples)

--I often feel angry when I work with my teammates because some of them don’t care about their grades and just do nothing, and I have to work harder with the other teammates because we want to get good grades.

--I don’t like to write, it’s too difficult for me.

--I don’t know what to do in a group because I can’t catch up with the other teammates.



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