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The Study of Knowledge Service-Oriented Recommendation and Navigation Mechanism - A Case of E-learning Platform 劉建宏、晁瑞明


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of Knowledge Service-Oriented Recommendation and Navigation Mechanism - A Case of E-learning Platform


E-mail: 9314352@mail.dyu.edu.tw


With the continuous development of communication technology and internet, by the digital learning approaches, the learners can create a self leaning environment without physical limitation. In addition to the fashion of electronic learning, organizations devote a lot of funds and related services of knowledge intensive to keep the human resources advantage and R/D of new technologies. Based on the existing digital platform with some restricts, learners acquire knowledge that lack for integrity and suitability. For reaching in appropriate timing and sending the appropriate knowledge to suitable person with the opinions of electronic learning and knowledge intensive service. This research is going to create knowledge-integrated service platform to reach the purpose of personalized knowledge service. In addition, through the integration of recommended and navigated mechanism, this research is going to make a transformation from the traditional education to the knowledge-oriented intensive service portal. This research has reached that expected results as the following descriptions: 1. To collect related literature reviews about electronic learning and knowledge intensive service, also, create the preliminary structure of knowledge intensive service portal. 2. Combine the cluster analysis, curriculum mining process and knowledge refinement technology to provide an appropriate knowledge recommendation service for personalization. 3. Use the function of navigating to construct the personalized knowledge map with the visualized hierarchical map of diagram displaying to present the natural ontology.

Keywords : Knowledge Service ; Knowledge Service Platform ; Personalized Knowledge Recommendation ; Knowledge Navigation Table of Contents

目錄 封面內頁 簽名頁 授權書 iii 中文摘要 v ABSTRACT vi 誌謝 viii 目錄 ix 圖目錄 xiii 表目錄 xv 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背 景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究架構 5 1.5 研究流程 7 1.6 研究範圍與限制 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 2.1 數位學習 11 2.1.1 學習名詞的定義 11 2.1.2 數位學習之簡介 13 2.2 知識密集服務 14 2.2.1 知識供應鏈 14 2.2.2 知識服務模式 16 2.3 推薦 系統 19 2.3.1 資訊檢索與資訊過濾 19 2.3.2 推薦系統概述 20 2.3.3 推薦之相關議題 21 2.4 資料探勘 27 2.5 類神經網路 31 2.5.1 類神經網路之概念 31 2.5.2 類神經網路之相關理論 31 2.5.3 適應共振理論 33 2.5.4 適應共振理論之網路架構 34 2.6 購 物籃分析與關聯法則 36 第三章 系統架構設計 38 3.1 推薦與領航系統架構 38 3.2 推薦系統處理流程 40 3.3 各項子模組之介 紹 42 3.3.1 群集分析者 43 3.3.2 課程探勘者 48 3.3.3 內容篩選者 53 3.3.4 知識推薦者之處理程序 57 3.3.5 知識領航之概念 58 第四章 推薦暨領航系統 61 4.1 系統前置處理介面 61 4.1.1 群集分析者 61 4.1.2 課程探勘者 65 4.1.3 內容篩選者 68 4.2 使用 者操作介面 72 4.2.1 知識推薦者 72 4.2.2 知識領航者 74 4.3 結果分析與限制 76 第五章 使用者滿意度測試 80 5.1 研究對象 80 5.2 問卷設計 80 5.3.1 個人基本資料描述 82 5.3.2 個人化知識推薦 83 5.3.3 個人化知識領航 85 5.3.4 系統整體滿意度評估 86 5.4 使用者建議事項 89 第六章 結論與建議 91 6.1 研究結論 91 6.2 研究建議與後續研究 92 參考文獻 95 附錄一 依學習者 屬性分群分佈狀況 (ρ=0.5) 101 附錄二 關聯法則一覽表 (Conf.=0.5) 103 附錄三 文章及教材結果一覽表 104 附錄四 使用者 滿意度測試問卷 108


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