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A Case Study on Cultural Background, Crea-tive Personality and Creative Teaching for Foreign Children English Teachers o 蔡雯如、杜強國、樊晉源


Academic year: 2022

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A Case Study on Cultural Background, Crea-tive Personality and Creative Teaching for Foreign Children English Teachers o


E-mail: 374770@mail.dyu.edu.tw


In a great majority of Children English Cram Schools, we have noticed teachers teach children in a vivacious, interesting and life-oriented way, guiding children to learn amidst the joys of plays. In the present study, we adopted the methodology of case study among qualitative studies. By means of data collection, interview, classroom observation, we selected one native teacher and one foreign teacher in an English cram school located in Bade City of Taoyuan County as the subjects of case study in an attempt to probe into the relationship be-tween the two teachers’ cultural background, creative personality and creative teaching. The results of the case study indicate that the var-ied cultural backgrounds where they have grown up would have an impact upon the teachers

’ creative personality characteristics. Like-wise, their creative personality characteristics would have an impact upon their

performances in creative teaching. Finally, we’d like to offer the results of the present case study to English cram schools and future researchers as the hands-on suggestions.

Keywords : Cultural Background、Creative Personality、Creative Teaching Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 V 目 錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 2 第一節 研究背景與動 機 2 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第四節 研究對象、範圍與限制 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 兒童美語補習班 9 第 二節 文化背景的相關理論 12 第三節 創意人格特質的理論與研究 16 第四節 創意教學的理論與研究 30 第三章 研究設計 37 第一節 研究方法 37 第二節 研究流程 39 第三節 資料蒐集與整理 40 第四章 個案分析 44 第一節 個案介紹 44 第二節 個案分 析 46 第五章 結論與建議 61 第一節 結論 61 第二節 建議 65 參考文獻 68 一、中文部份 68 二、英文部份 76 附錄 80 附錄一

:訪談題目大綱(外籍教師) 80 附錄二:訪談題目大綱(中籍教師) 82 附錄三:創意人格特質量表 83 附錄四:資料蒐 集之紀錄單 84 附錄五:外籍教師第一次訪談內容 85 附錄六:外籍教師第二次訪談內容 89 附錄七:本土教師第一次訪談 內容 92 附錄八:本土教師第二次訪談內容 94 附錄九:學生的訪談內容 96 附錄十:邀請函 97


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Encouraging students to think purposefully about what they want, and how they’re getting there, is a great way to make creative writing assessable.. One more

To enable the research team to gain a more in- depth understanding of the operation of the Scheme, 40 interviews were conducted, including 32 in eight case study

Looking at both sets of findings together, the research team concluded that the ENET Scheme overall has a positive impact on English language teachers’ pedagogical practices

3 The teaching modes of ELA in English include collaboration between non-language subject teachers and English Language teachers to conduct cross-curricular English

(1) Western musical terms and names of composers commonly used in the teaching of Music are included in this glossary.. (2) The Western musical terms and names of composers

“In assessing the impact of the PNET Scheme on the professional development of local teachers, the centralised seminars have made a significant contribution and their value should

(a) The principal of a school shall nominate such number of teachers of the school for registration as teacher manager or alternate teacher manager of the school as may be provided

NETs can contribute to the continuing discussion in Hong Kong about the teaching and learning of English by joining local teachers in inter-school staff development initiatives..