Make a big picture and a small picture for some vocabulary words from books one and two. Students can practice saying the sentences or playing a matching game.
Useful phrases: Which one is big?” “This one is big.” “It is a big dog.”
Big and Small
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Practice the words.
Get a couple of fly swatters and have two volunteers come up to the front. Lay out two pictures: one big, one small. Have students try to be the first to hit the picture the teacher requests.
Useful Phrase: “Hit the big elephant.”
Draw a picture on the board. Invite a volunteer to come up and draw a bigger one. Discuss the pictures and repeat with different words.
Useful phrases: “Which one is bigger?” “This one is bigger.”
Which one is big? Put a sticker on it. Look at the picture. Draw a bigger one.
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
Get a couple of fly swatters and have two volunteers come up to the front. Lay out two pictures: one big, one small. Have students try to be the first to hit the picture the teacher requests.
Useful Phrase: “Hit the big elephant.”
Draw a picture on the board. Invite a volunteer to come up and draw a bigger one. Discuss the pictures and repeat with different words.
Useful phrases: “Which one is bigger?” “This one is bigger.”
Which one is big? Put a sticker on it. Look at the picture. Draw a bigger one.
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
sticker sticker
Draw pictures or shapes on the board. Invite volunteers to draw smaller pictures or shapes on the board.
Useful phrases: “Which one is smaller?” “This one is smaller.” Make a fishing game with big fish and small fish using magnets or hooks. The big fish can be two points and the small fish one point. Have students race to get as many fish as they can, saying what they got with each fish.
Useful phrase: “I got a big fish.”
Look at the picture. Draw a smaller one. Circle the small ones.
Draw pictures or shapes on the board. Invite volunteers to draw smaller pictures or shapes on the board.
Useful phrases: “Which one is smaller?” “This one is smaller.” Make a fishing game with big fish and small fish using magnets or hooks. The big fish can be two points and the small fish one point. Have students race to get as many fish as they can, saying what they got with each fish.
Useful phrase: “I got a big fish.”
Look at the picture. Draw a smaller one. Circle the small ones.
Have students each come up and put a word or picture on their forehead. Then send them around to ask what it is using only yes or no questions. Variation: Put a picture on one student’s forehead at the front of the class and ask questions to the class.
Useful phrase: Is it a big bird?
Hide big toy bugs and small toy bugs and have students find them and sort them into a big cage and a small cage. Then count and compare the number of bugs in each cage.
Useful phrases: “I found a big bug.” “There are more small bugs.”
Put the big fish in the big fish bowl. Put the small fish in the small fish bowl.
Help the students catch the bugs, big bugs with the big net,
little bugs with the little net.
Have students each come up and put a word or picture on their forehead. Then send them around to ask what it is using only yes or no questions. Variation: Put a picture on one student’s forehead at the front of the class and ask questions to the class.
Useful phrase: Is it a big bird?
Hide big toy bugs and small toy bugs and have students find them and sort them into a big cage and a small cage. Then count and compare the number of bugs in each cage.
Useful phrases: “I found a big bug.” “There are more small bugs.”
Put the big fish in the big fish bowl. Put the small fish in the small fish bowl.
Help the students catch the bugs, big bugs with the big net,
little bugs with the little net.
Make two posters: one with a big dog house and one with a small dog house. Have students draw and cut out a big dog and a small dog and paste it onto the right poster. Then have them introduce their dogs.
Useful phrases: “Whose dog is this?” “That is my big dog.”
Give the students a piece of paper. Have them draw two stick people, one short and one tall. Then have students cut the paper in half and practice this and that.
Useful phrases: “This boy is tall.” “That girl is short.”
The big dog needs a big dog house. Connect the dots and practice the words.
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Tall and Short