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Academic year: 2022

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舉 行 。 教 育 局 將 於 2022 年 6 月 2 日( 星 期 四 )起 透 過 網 上 校 管 系 統 (WebSAMS)的 聯 遞 系 統 向 學 校 發 送 個 別 學 生 的 甄 選 安 排 資 料 , 以 供 派 發 給 有 關 學 生 。

2. 為 預 防 傳 染 病 擴 散,課 程 提 供 機 構 會 採 用 非 面 對 面 的 甄 選,例 如 網 上 面 見 / 評 估 等,詳 情 見 下 表。如 學 生 參 與 網 上 面 見 / 評 估 遇 到 技 術 問 題 , 請 學 校 提 供 協 助 , 例 如 開 放 校 舍 及 安 排 有 關 上 網 設 備 / 電 腦 讓 學 生 使 用 。 3. 倘 若 天 文 台 發 出 八 號 或 以 上 熱 帶 氣 旋 警 告 信 號 或 紅 色 / 黑 色 暴 雨 警 告 信 號 , 而( a) 該 警 告 信 號 於 甄 選 開 始 前

兩 小 時 仍 然 生 效 , 或 (b)該 警 告 信 號 是 在 甄 選 開 始 前 兩 小 時 之 內 發 出 , 受 影 響 的 甄 選 將 會 延 期 舉 行 。 有 關 安 排 將 會 由 課 程 提 供 機 構 另 行 通 知 學 校 。 若 上 述 警 告 信 號 於 甄 選 開 始 前 兩 小 時 取 消 , 甄 選 將 如 期 舉 行 。

4. 甄 選 安 排 如 有 更 新 , 個 別 課 程 提 供 機 構 會 另 行 透 過 學 校 通 知 學 生 。 學 生 如 因 特 殊 情 況 未 能 依 時 參 與 甄 選 , 請 透 過 學 校 與 課 程 提 供 機 構 聯 絡 ( 課 程 提 供 機 構 的 聯 絡 資 料 見 第 28 頁 )。

Notes to Schools and Students

1. Student Selection (Mode 1) for Applied Learning courses to be offered at Secondary 5 of the 2022/23 school year will be held on 11 June 2022 (Saturday) and 18 June 2022 (Saturday). The Education Bureau will inform schools about the selection arrangement of individual students via the Communication Delivery System in the WebSAMS from 2 June 2022 (Thursday) onwards for distribution.

2. To prevent the spread of communicable disease, course providers will arrange non face-to-face mode of selection such as online interview/assessment, with details specified in the table below. Should students have technical problems in participating in the online interview/assessment, may schools please provide support such as opening up the school premises and arranging relevant equipment/computers accessible to the Internet for student use.

3. If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above or Red/Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, and (a) the Warning Signal is still in effect two hours before the selection session, or (b) the Warning Signal is issued within two hours before the selection session, the affected selection will be postponed. Further arrangement will be notified to schools by the course providers. If the Warning Signal is cancelled two hours before the selection session, the selection will be held as scheduled.

4. If there are any updates to the selection arrangement, individual course providers will notify relevant students via their schools separately.

In case students are not able to participate in the scheduled selection due to special situations, please liaise with the course providers via schools (Contact information of course providers are specified on page 28).


2 創意學習 Creative Studies



Fashion Image Design

VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022


Online Questionnaire

對時裝形象設計行業的興趣、性格取 向、溝通及語言能力

Interest towards the fashion image design industry, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:


668 室內設計

Interior Design VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對室內設計行業的興趣、性格取向、溝 通及語言能力

Interest towards the interior design industry, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



3 717

數碼年代—珠寶設計 Jewellery Design in

Digital Age

VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對珠寶設計行業的興趣、性格取向、溝 通及語言能力

Interest towards the jewellery design industry, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



電腦遊戲及動畫設計 Computer Game and

Animation Design

VTC 11.06.2022 –18.06.2022

網上問卷 Online Questionnaire



Interest towards multimedia related industries, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



4 707

數碼漫畫設計與製作 Digital Comic Design

and Production

HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online assessment

對數碼漫畫和創意產業設計及製作的興 趣

Interest in design and production of digital comic and creative industry

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-dcdp


流行音樂製作 Popular Music Production

HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對流行音樂創作、表演及/或製作的興 趣

Interest in popular music creation, performance and/or production

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,連同甄選影片/錄音和個人檔 案(如有),電郵至 apl@hkct.edu.hk。有關 詳情將透過以下網頁公布:


Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire with a video / audio, and a personal profile (if any), and send them to apl@hkct.edu.hk on or before 18 June 2022.

Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



5 599

舞出新機-舞蹈藝術 Taking a Chance on


HKAPA 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上評估及網上遞交 錄製影片

Online assessment and Online submission of

recorded video

對舞蹈藝術及相關行業的興趣、相關的 能力及經驗、學習態度、溝通及語言能 力

Interest in Dance Arts and the related industry, related skills and experiences, learning attitude, communication and language skills


Details will be announced via HKAPA webpage https://hkapa.edu/study-areas/ccs/edb-applied- learning-courses/taking-a-chance-on-dance


由戲開始.劇藝縱橫 The Essentials of

Theatre Arts


11.06.2022 & 18.06.2022

10:00 – 19:00

網上評估及網上面試 Online assessment and

Online interview

對劇場藝術及相關行業的興趣、相關的 能力及經驗、學習態度、溝通及語言能 力

Interest in Theatre Arts and the related industry, related skills and experiences, learning attitude, communication and language skills


Details will be announced via HKAPA webpage https://hkapa.edu/study-areas/ccs/edb-applied- learning-courses/the-essentials-of-theatre-arts


6 媒體及傳意 Media and Communication


數碼媒體及電台製作 Digital Media and

Radio Production

HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online assessment

對數碼媒體、互聯網廣播、廣播主持或 電台製作有興趣;溝通及語言能力 Interest in digital media, internet broadcasting, radio host or radio

production; Communication and language skills

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-dmrp

702 電影及超媒體

Film and Transmedia VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對電影及超媒體相關行業的興趣、性格 取向、溝通及語言能力

Interest towards film and transmedia related industries, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



7 718

數碼品牌傳播 Digital Brand Communication

HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 & 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online assessment

對傳播、數碼媒體及製作有濃厚興趣 Strong interest in communication, digital media and media production

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/copy-of-hku- space-dbc-reg2224


多媒體故事 Multimedia Storytelling

HKBU(SCE) 11.06.2022 / 18.06.2022 10:00 – 13:00

網上小組面試 Online Group Interview

學生對多媒體故事的興趣和志向 Students’ interest and their aspiration in multimedia storytelling

有關網上小組甄選會面詳情於面試日期前透 過電郵向中學發放。

Secondary Schools will be informed of the details of online selection group interview arrangement by email before the interview date.


8 708

公關及多媒體傳訊 PR and Multimedia


HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對公關及在網絡社交平台宣傳產品或服 務的興趣、溝通能力

Interest in public relations and promotion products/services on online social media platform, and communication skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:

www.hkct.edu.hk/en/applied-learning 商業、管理及法律 Business, Management and Law


電子商務會計 Accounting for e-


CityU(SCOPE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 Online Assessment 網上評估

對相關行業的興趣、溝通、分析及語言 能力。

Interest towards related industries, communication, analytical and language skills.


Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 評估。

Students are required to complete an online assessment on or before 18 June 2022.


9 720


AI in Business CityU(SCOPE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 Online Assessment 網上評估

對相關行業的興趣、溝通、分析及語言 能力。

Interest towards related industries, communication, analytical and language skills.


Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 評估。

Students are required to complete an online assessment on or before 18 June 2022.


商業數據應用 Data Application for


HKIT 18.06.2022 10:00 – 13:00

網上面見 Online interview / 問卷 Questionnaire


Interest in related industries


Relevant details will be announced to applicants via their Secondary Schools


市場營銷及網上推廣 Marketing and Online


CityU(SCOPE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 Online Assessment 網上評估

對相關行業的興趣、溝通、分析及語言 能力。

Interest towards related industries, communication, analytical and language skills.


Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 評估。

Students are required to complete an online assessment on or before 18 June 2022.


10 672

香港執法實務 Law Enforcement in

Hong Kong

HKBU(SCE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對相關行業的興趣、溝通和語言能力及 自我紀律

Interests towards related industries, communication and language skills, and self-discipline


https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo 並經香港浸會大學持續 教育學院甄選,以評估其對報讀課程的興 趣、志向和能力等。

Applicants are required to complete an online assessment

https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo to assess their interests, aspiration and abilities, etc. for the Programme, which will be used by the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for selection.

服務 Services


新派東南亞菜 Modern Southeast

Asian Cuisine

HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Questionnaire

對烹調技巧及飲食業,尤其製作東南亞 菜及新派菜餚有興趣

Interest in culinary skills and catering industry, especially for southeast Asian cuisine and modern cuisine

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



11 688

甜品及咖啡店營運 Pâtisserie and Café


HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Questionnaire

對烹調技巧及飲食業,尤其製作特色西 式甜品、糕點及咖啡有興趣;以及對營 運特色甜品及咖啡店有興趣

Interest in culinary skills and catering industry, especially for dessert, pastry productions and coffee; interest in the operations of pâtisserie and café restaurant

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布: www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


616 西式食品製作

Western Cuisine VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對課程和行業的興趣、儀容整潔、面試 時的積極態度和熱情、溝通技巧及反應 能力

Interest in the course and the industry, grooming standards, positive attitude and enthusiasm during the interview,

communication skills and responsiveness

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



12 709

機場客運大樓運作 Airport Passenger Terminal Operations

HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對航空行業或機場運作有興趣 Interest in aviation industry or airport operations

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



酒店服務營運 Hospitality Services in


CityU(SCOPE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 Online Assessment 網上評估

對相關行業的興趣、溝通、分析及語言 能力。

Interest towards related industries, communication, analytical and language skills.


Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 評估。

Students are required to complete an online assessment on or before 18 June 2022.



615 酒店營運

Hotel Operations VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對課程和行業的興趣、儀容整潔、面試 時的積極態度和熱情、溝通技巧及反應 能力

Interest in the course and the industry, grooming standards, positive attitude and enthusiasm during the interview,

communication skills and responsiveness

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



幼兒發展 Child Care and


CICE 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online Assessment

對幼兒教育或教導幼兒有興趣、樂意學 習

Interest in early childhood education or teaching young children, willingness to learn

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日至 2022 年 6 月 18 日期間填妥網上表格及完成評估 Students are required to complete an online form and assessment between 11 June 2022 and 18 June 2022



14 665

幼兒教育 Child Care and


VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對幼兒教育行業的興趣、性格取向、溝 通及語言能力

Interest towards the child care and education industry, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:



美容學基礎 Fundamental Cosmetology


11.06.2022 & 18.06.2022

10:00 – 17:00

網上評估 及 網上面 試

Online Assessment and Online Interview

對化妝設計及美容健康護理有興趣、樂 意學習

Interest in make-up design and beauty health care, willingness to learn

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 9 日前填妥網上評估。

稍後,我們會根據同學所選的選修科,以電 郵通知安排網上面試

Students are required to complete an online assessment on or before 9 June 2022, online interview will be arranged according to the elective preference.



15 應用科學 Applied Science


食品創新與科學 Food Innovation and


HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online assessment


Have an interest in food and nutritional science

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-fis

689 動物護理

Animal Care CityU(SCOPE)

11.06.2022 10:00 – 17:00


18.06.2022 09:00 - 12:30

網上面見 Online Interview

對接觸動物有興趣、樂意學習有關動物 的知識、會關懷人和動物、有良好的人 際交往能力和語言能力、喜歡戶外學 習。

Interest towards animals, willing to acquire scientific knowledge related to animals and a caring attitude towards people as well as animals, interpersonal and language skills;

comfortable with outdoor-learning.


Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:


同學須於 2022 年 5 月 31 日或之前填妥網上 表格。

Students are required to complete an online form on or before 31 May 2022.


16 592


Foundation in Chinese Medicine

HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上評估 Online assessment


Interest in Chinese Medicine, willingness to learn

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-cm

詳情可瀏覽以下網頁 For details, please refer to:


618 健康護理實務

Health Care Practice CICE 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online Assessment


Interest in health care, willingness to learn

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日至 2022 年 6 月 18 日期間填妥網上表格及完成評估 Students are required to complete an online form and assessment between 11 June 2022 and 18 June 2022



17 660

醫務化驗科學 Medical Laboratory


HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online assessment


Interest in medical laboratory science

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-mls


復康護理實務 Rehabilitation Care


CICE 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上評估 Online Assessment


Interest in rehabilitation care, willingness to learn

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日至 2022 年 6 月 18 日期間填妥網上表格及完成評估 Students are required to complete an online form and assessment between 11 June 2022 and 18 June 2022




662 應用心理學

Applied Psychology LIFE

網上評估:11.06.2022 或之前;


18.06.2022 09:00 – 17:00 Online assessment: On or

before 11.06.2022;

Online interview (if applicable): 18.06.2022

09:00 – 17:00

網上評估;如有需要 將安排網上面試

Online assessment;

online interview will be arranged if necessary


Interest in psychology, performance in interview

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 11 June 2022.

https://lingnan.asia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7 W07z9BtUfunqsK

如有需要,個別學生會獲邀出席面試(2022 年 6 月 18 日),詳情將以電郵通知。

If necessary, individual students will be invited to attend an interview (18 June 2022), and informed of the detailed arrangement via email.



691 實用心理學

Practical Psychology HKBU(SCE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire


Interest in psychology, good interpersonal and communication skills


https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo 並經香港浸會大學持續 教育學院甄選,以評估其對報讀課程的興 趣、志向和能力等。

Applicants are required to complete an online assessment

https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo to assess their interests, aspiration and abilities, etc. for the Programme, which will be used by the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for selection.


運動及體適能教練 Exercise and Fitness


HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對運動教練有興趣(學生可提供運動獎 項/參與證明)

Interest in sports coaching (students could provide proofs of sports achievement / participation)

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



20 627

運動科學及體適能 Exercise Science and

Health Fitness

HKBU(SCE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

外向、主動及開朗的性格、良好人際溝 通技巧、對運動及體育訓練的興趣

Outgoing, active and pleasant personality, good interpersonal and communication skills, interest in exercise, physical education and training


https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo 並經香港浸會大學持續 教育學院甄選,以評估其對報讀課程的興 趣、志向和能力等。

Applicants are required to complete an online assessment

https://hkbuhk.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9 SOzwsvq8AGK5Xo to assess their interests, aspiration and abilities, etc. for the Programme, which will be used by the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for selection.


21 工程及生產 Engineering and Production


電機及能源工程 Electrical and Energy


VTC 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對電機及能源工程相關行業的興趣、性 格取向、溝通及語言能力

Interest towards electrical and energy engineering related industries, aptitude, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請及評估表格,有關詳情將透過 VTC 應用 學習課程網頁公布。

Students are required to complete an online application and assessment form on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via VTC Applied Learning Courses website:




AI and Robotics HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上評估 Online assessment

對人工智能與機械人有興趣 Interested in AI and Robotics

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-ai-robotics


22 684

電腦鑑證科技 Computer Forensic


HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上評估 Online assessment

對電腦鑑證科技有興趣 Interested in Computer Forensic Technology

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-cft



eSports Technology HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022

網上評估 Online assessment

對電競科技、電競活動策劃或串流技術 有興趣

Interest in eSports technology, eSports event planning or streaming technology

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-es



Tech Basics HKBU(SCE)

11.06.2022 / 18.06.2022 10:00 – 13:00

網上面試 Online interview

對資訊科技行業及新興科技的興趣 Interest towards the IT industry and new technologies

Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage :


https://www.sce.hkbu.edu.hk/tc/programme/appl ied-learning-tech-basics/



640 航空學

Aviation Studies HKU(SPACE) 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022


Online assessment


Interest in Aviation Studies,

communication and presentation skills

同學須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 18 June 2022 https://www.apl.hkuspace.hku.hk/reg-as

698 鐵路學

Railway Studies HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

對鐵路營運及科技有興趣 Interest in railway operations and technology

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



24 跨學習範疇 Cross Areas of Studies


應用學習(職業英 語)—英文傳意 Applied Learning (Vocational English) –

English Communication


11.06.2022 & 18.06.2022

09:30 – 17:30

網上面見 Online interview

對職業英語的興趣、學習態度及溝通能 力

Interest towards Vocational English, learning attitude and communication skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥網上 申請表格,面試安排將透過中學向學生公 布,有關詳情可瀏覽 VTC 應用學習課程網 頁。

Students are required to complete an online application form on or before 18 June 2022.

Interview arrangements will be announced to students via their secondary schools. Please visit VTC Applied Learning Courses website for relevant details:



25 723

應用學習(職業英 語)—商用服務英語

Applied Learning (Vocational English) –

English for Business Services

HKCT 11.06.2022 – 18.06.2022 網上問卷 Online Questionnaire

有興趣學習職業英語,以加強日後升學 或從事商用服務行業的語文能力 Interest in learning Vocational English to enhance language skills for further studies and/or a career in the business services sector

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 18 日或之前填妥一份 申請表和問卷,有關詳情將透過以下網頁公 布:www.hkct.edu.hk/tc/applied-learning

Students are required to complete an application form and a questionnaire on or before 18 June 2022. Relevant details will be announced via the following webpage:



應用學習(職業英 語)—服務業專業英

語 Applied Learning (Vocational English) –

English for Service Professionals


18.06.2022 10:00 – 13:00

網上面試 Online interview

有興趣加強英語溝通技巧,以便將來升 學或從事服務行業

Interest in developing English

communication skills for further studies and/or a career in the service sector

請在面試前3 天瀏覽以下網頁查看網上面試


https://www.hkuspace.hku.hk/cc/page/detail/411 12

Please visit the link below three days before the online interview for the detailed arrangement.

https://www.hkuspace.hku.hk/cc/page/detail/411 12


26 725

韓國語文及文化 Korean Language and



網上評估:11.06.2022 或之前;


18.06.2022 09:00 – 17:00 Online assessment: On or

before 11.06.2022;

Online interview (if applicable): 18.06.2022

09:00 – 17:00

網上評估;如有需要 將安排網上面試

Online assessment;

online interview will be arranged if necessary


Interest in Korean language and culture, performance in interview

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 11 June 2022.

https://lingnan.asia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0 ohnRFvEB4hvFUq

如有需要,個別學生會獲邀出席面試(2022 年 6 月 18 日),詳情將以電郵通知。

If necessary, individual students will be invited to attend an interview (18 June 2022), and informed of the detailed arrangement via email.


27 726


Practical Translation (CHI-ENG)


網上評估:11.06.2022 或之前;


18.06.2022 09:00 – 17:00 Online assessment: On or

before 11.06.2022;

Online interview (if applicable): 18.06.2022

09:00 – 17:00

網上評估;如有需要 將安排網上面試

Online assessment;

online interview will be arranged if necessary


Interest in translation, communication and language skills

學生須於 2022 年 6 月 11 日或之前填妥網上 表格及完成評估。

Students are required to complete an online form and assessment on or before 11 June 2022.

https://lingnan.asia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3 jxnJLjBNrahtWK

如有需要,個別學生會獲邀出席面試(2022 年 6 月 18 日),詳情將以電郵通知。

If necessary, individual students will be invited to attend an interview (18 June 2022), and informed of the detailed arrangement via email.


28 Community Education 陳先生(健康護理實務 / 復康護理實務)

Mr CHAN (Health Care Practice / Rehabilitation Care Practice)

 3610 3700


香港城市大學專業進修 學院

School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong



Mr Victor KO/ Mr Jason NG

 3442 5433/ 3442 5441


香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy

for Performing Arts

李朗軒先生 Mr. LI Long Hin

 2584 8425


香港浸會大學持續教育 學院

School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong

Baptist University


Ms LEUNG (Multimedia Storytelling/ Tech Basics)

 3411 1930

莫小姐(運動科學及體適能/香港執法實 務)

Ms MOK (Exercise Science and Health Fitness/ Law Enforcement in Hong Kong)

 3411 4397


Ms LAU (Practical Psychology)

 3411 5431 HKCT

香港專業進修學校 Hong Kong College of



Applied Learning Team

 2265 6986 HKIT

香港科技專上書院 Hong Kong Institute of



Mr Walter CHAN

 2120 4454 LIFE

嶺南大學持續進修學院 Lingnan Institute of

Further Education

應用學習組 Applied Learning Team

 2616 7293


香港大學專業進修學院 School of Professional and

Continuing Education, The University of Hong


 2975 5887 蔡小姐(航空學)

Ms CHOI (Aviation Studies)

 3762 0839


Mr CHAU (Computer Forensic Technology)

 3762 0051


Ms WONG (Food Innovation and Science)

 2520 4613


Ms LI (Medical Laboratory Science)

 2975 5683


Ms KONG (Foundation in Chinese Medicine)

 3762 4127

周小姐(電競科技 /數碼媒體及電台製 作)

Ms CHOW (eSports Technology / Digital Media and Radio Production)

 2975 5678


Ms HUNG (AI and Robotics)

 3762 0831


Ms LIU (Digital Brand Communication)

 2910 7638 / 2910 7645

許小姐(應用學習(職業英語) - 服務業專業 英語)

Ms HUI (Applied Learning (Vocational English) - English for Service Professionals)

 3762 2251

查詢熱線 Enquiry hotline

 3416 6338



The A-Level Biology Curriculum aims to provide learning experiences through which students will acquire or develop the necessary biological knowledge and

Household Application Form for Student Financial Assistance Schemes is submitted on or after 1 November 2022 and can pass the means test, payment of STS (if applicable) may be

In Learning Objective 23.1, students are required to understand and prove the properties of parallelograms, including opposite sides equal, opposite angles equal, and two

In this Learning Unit, students are required to solve compound linear inequalities in one unknown involving logical connectives “and” or “or”, quadratic inequalities in one

Moderation of test papers and appropriate assessment tools will be provided if needed to monitor the progress of our students and to provide assistance as appropriate...

Regarding the course timetable and the commencement arrangement, information will be sent to you via email upon completion of online registration in mid-September 2022.

Regarding the course timetable and the commencement arrangement, information will be announced via email upon completion of online registration in early September.. Lessons will

Note: Except for Applied Learning (Vocational English) or otherwise specified, all taster programmes will be conducted in Cantonese (supplemented by English, if