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98 年公務人員高等考試三級考試試題


Academic year: 2022

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98 年公務人員高等考試三級考試試題 代號:

類 科: 國際文教行政(選試英文)、新聞(選試英文)、僑務行政


科 目: 英文(包括作文、翻譯與應用文)

考試時間: 2 小時 座號:

※注意: 禁止使用電子計算器。


31180、31380 全一頁 32780、33280

一、將下列英文翻譯成中文:(20 分)

During the fashion boom that began in the 1980s, the relationship between fashion and its customers was the same as the one between art and its rich, often unlovely patrons: all that money sloshing around led to excessive consumption, but it also created a fertile soil in which works of beauty and integrity could develop. Last year when the financial crisis hit New York, that boom ended with breathtaking rapidity and finality.

二、將下列中文翻譯成英文:(20 分)

做夢並非壞事。透過夢,我們更了解自己內心世界,察覺生活中被壓抑的真實情感 及嚮往,白天無法抒發的壓力及負面情緒,在夜晚經由做夢得到調解。

三、應用文:(20 分)

面臨經濟不景氣,很多公司面臨裁員或是減薪,請以國際跨國公司老闆的身分,寫 一封英文信給員工,除了說明絕不裁員的決心,並採取多樣措施,希望員工努力打 拼,度過難關,再創公司的榮景

四、英文作文:請依下面題目寫一篇約 300 字的英文文章:(40 分)

Crisis and Leadership



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1 As an aside, I don’t know if this is the best way of motivating the definition of the Fourier transform, but I don’t know a better way and most sources you’re likely to check

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