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te tewri wri decode e


Academic year: 2022

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Advanced Architecture

Computer Organization and Assembly Languages p g z y g g Yung-Yu Chuang

with slides by S. Dandamudi, Peng-Sheng Chen, Kip Irvine, Robert Sedgwick and Kevin Wayne

Basic architecture

Basic microcomputer design

• clock synchronizes CPU operations

l i (CU) di f

• control unit (CU) coordinates sequence of execution steps

• ALU performs arithmetic and logic operations

data bus


Central Processor Unit (CPU)

Memory Storage Unit

ALU l k

I/O Device


I/O Device

#2 CU

ALU clock

control bus CU

address bus

Basic microcomputer design

• The memory storage unit holds instructions and data for a running program

data for a running program

• A bus is a group of wires that transfer data from t t th (d t dd t l) one part to another (data, address, control)

data bus


Central Processor Unit (CPU)

Memory Storage Unit

ALU l k

I/O Device


I/O Device

#2 CU

ALU clock

control bus CU

address bus



• synchronizes all CPU and BUS operations

hi ( l k) l i f i l

• machine (clock) cycle measures time of a single operation

• clock is used to trigger events

one cycley 1


• Basic unit of time, 1GHz→clock cycle=1ns

• An instruction could take multiple cycles to p y complete, e.g. multiply in 8088 takes 50 cycles

Instruction execution cycle

program counter

• Fetch

PC program

instruction queue

• Fetch

• Decode

• Fetch

I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 p g


memory fetch


• Fetch


• Execute

I-1 instruction register op1


registers read


• Execute

• Store output


te decodete

wri ALU e



( t t) flags



Multi-stage pipeline

• Pipelining makes it possible for processor to execute instructions in parallel

execute instructions in parallel

• Instruction execution divided into discrete stages

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5




Example of a non- 1 I-1 2 3 4

I-1 I-1

I-1 I-1

Example of a non- pipelined processor.

For example, 80386.

Cycles 56

7 I-2

I-1 I-1


Many wasted cycles.

8 9 10 11

I-2 I-2

I-2 I 2 11


I-2 I-2


Pipelined execution

• More efficient use of cycles, greater throughput of instructions: (80486 started to use pipelining)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5


S6 For k stages and n instructions the


es 23

I-1 I-2 I-1

I-2 I-1

n instructions, the number of

required cycles is:


4 5 6

I-2 I-1 I-2 I-1

I 2 I 1

q y

k + (n – 1) d t k*

6 7

I-2 I-1 I-2

compared to k*n

Pipelined execution

• Pipelining requires buffers

E h b ff h ld i l l – Each buffer holds a single value

– Ideal scenario: equal work for each stage

S i i i ibl

• Sometimes it is not possible

• Slowest stage determines the flow rate in the ti i li

entire pipeline

Pipelined execution

• Some reasons for unequal work stages

A complex step cannot be subdivided conveniently – A complex step cannot be subdivided conveniently – An operation takes variable amount of time to

execute, e.g. operand fetch time depends on where , g p p the operands are located

• Registers Cache

• Cache

• Memory

– Complexity of operation depends on the type of C p y p p yp operation

• Add: may take one cycle M lti l t k l l

• Multiply: may take several cycles

Pipelined execution

• Operand fetch of I2 takes three cycles

Pipeline stalls for two cycles – Pipeline stalls for two cycles

• Caused by hazards

– Pipeline stalls reduce overall throughputPipeline stalls reduce overall throughput


Wasted cycles (pipelined)

• When one of the stages requires two or more clock cycles clock cycles are again wasted clock cycles, clock cycles are again wasted.



S1 S2 S3 S4 S5



2 I-1 I 2 I 1


For k stages and n instructions the


2 3 4 5

I-2 I-3

I-1 I-2 I-3

I-1 I-2 I 3

I-1 I 1

instructions, the number of required cycles is:

Cyc 5

6 7


I-2 I-1 I-1

8 I 3 I 2



cycles is:

k + (2n – 1)

8 9

I-3 I-2 I-2

10 I-3


11 I-3


A superscalar processor has multiple execution pipelines In the following note that Stage S4 pipelines. In the following, note that Stage S4 has left and right pipelines (u and v).


S1 S2 S3 u S5


S6 v

S4 For k states and n instructions, the

S1 S2 S3 u S5



2 3

I-1 I-2 I-3

I-1 I-2 I-1

v number of required cycles is:

Cycles 4

5 6

I-4 I-3 I-4

I-2 I-3 I-4


I-3 I-1

I-2 I-2 I-1

k + n

7 I-4 I-2 I-1

8 9

I-3 I-4

I-2 I-3

10 I 4

I-4 I-3

Pentium: 2 pipelines P ti P 3

10 I-4 Pentium Pro: 3

Pipeline stages

• Pentium 3: 10 P i 4 20 31

• Pentium 4: 20~31

• Next-generation micro-architecture: 14

• ARM7: 3


• Three types of hazards

Resource hazards – Resource hazards

• Occurs when two or more instructions use the same resource also called structural hazards

resource, also called structural hazards – Data hazards

• Caused by data dependencies between instructions

• Caused by data dependencies between instructions, e.g. result produced by I1 is read by I2

– Control hazardsControl hazards

• Default: sequential execution suits pipelining

• Altering control flow (e g branching) causes

• Altering control flow (e.g., branching) causes problems, introducing control dependencies


Data hazards

add r1, r2, #10 ; write r1 sub r3 r1 #20 ; read r1 sub r3, r1, #20 ; read r1

fetch decode reg ALU wb fetch decode reg ALU wb

fetch decode stall reg ALU wb

Data hazards

• Forwarding: provides output result as soon as possible


add r1, r2, #10 ; write r1 sub r3, r1, #20 ; read r1 fetch decode reg ALU wb

fetch decode stall reg ALU wb

Data hazards

• Forwarding: provides output result as soon as possible


add r1, r2, #10 ; write r1 sub r3, r1, #20 ; read r1 fetch decode reg ALU wb

fetch decode stall reg ALU wb

fetch decode stall reg ALU wb

Control hazards

bz r1, target add r2, r4, 0 add r2, r4, 0 ...

target: add r2 r3 0 fetch decode reg ALU wb

target: add r2, r3, 0

fetch decode reg ALU wb

fetch decode reg ALU wb

fetch decode reg ALU wb fetch decode reg ALU


Control hazards

• Braches alter control flow

R i i l tt ti i i li i – Require special attention in pipelining

– Need to throw away some instructions in the pipeline


• Depends on when we know the branch is taken Pipeline wastes three clock cycles

• Pipeline wastes three clock cycles – Called branch penalty

R d i g b h lt – Reducing branch penalty

• Determine branch decision early

Control hazards

• Delayed branch execution

Eff ti l d th b h lt – Effectively reduces the branch penalty

– We always fetch the instruction following the branch Wh th it ?

• Why throw it away?

• Place a useful instruction to execute h ll d d l l

• This is called delay slot Delay slot

add R2,R3,R4 branch target

branch target add R2,R3,R4

sub R5,R6,R7 . . .

sub R5,R6,R7 . . .

Branch prediction

• Three prediction strategies

Fi d – Fixed

• Prediction is fixed

– Example: branch-never-takenExample: branch-never-taken

» Not proper for loop structures

– StaticStatic

• Strategy depends on the branch type – Conditional branch: always not taken – Loop: always taken

– Dynamic

• Takes run-time history to make more accurate predictions

Branch prediction

• Static prediction

I di ti Fi d

– Improves prediction accuracy over Fixed

I i I i P di i C

Instruction type Instruction Distribution



Branch taken?

Correct prediction


( ) ( )

Unconditional branch

70*0.4 = 28 Yes 28

Conditional 70*0 6 = 42 No 42*0 6 = 25 2 Conditional


70 0.6 42 No 42 0.6 25.2

Loop 10 Yes 10*0.9 = 9

Call/return 20 Yes 20

Overall prediction accuracy = 82.2% p y


Branch prediction

• Dynamic branch prediction

U ti hi t

– Uses runtime history

• Takes the past n branch executions of the branch type and makes the prediction

makes the prediction

– Simple strategy

• Prediction of the next branch is the majority of the j y previous n branch executions

• Example: n = 3

If two or more of the last three branches were taken the – If two or more of the last three branches were taken, the

prediction is “branch taken”

• Depending on the type of mix, we get more than 90%

di i

prediction accuracy

Branch prediction

• Impact of past n branches on prediction accuracy


Type of mix

n Compiler Business Scientific 0 64.1 64.4 70.4 1 91.9 95.2 86.6

2 93.3 96.5 90.8

2 93.3 96.5 90.8 3 93.7 96.6 91.0

4 94 5 96 8 91 8

4 94.5 96.8 91.8 5 94.7 97.0 92.0

Branch prediction

00 0101

Predict no branch 00

Predict no branch

branch no


no branch

branch no

branch branch

10 no 11

10 Predict branch

11 Predict

branch branch

no branch


• OS can run multiple programs at the same time.

M l i l h d f i i hi h

• Multiple threads of execution within the same program.

• Scheduler utility assigns a given amount of CPU time to each running program.

• Rapid switching of tasks

– gives illusion that all programs are running at onceg p g g – the processor must support task switching

– scheduling policy, round-robin, priorityscheduling policy, round robin, priority




data bus

Central Processor Unit (CPU)

Memory Storage Unit registers

I/O Device

#1 I/O Device


ALU clock

#1 #2

control bus CU

Tran Access Needs

address bus

Tran. Access Needs

per bit time refresh? Cost Applications SRAM 4 or 6 1X No 100X cache memories

DRAM 1 10X Y 1X M i i

DRAM 1 10X Yes 1X Main memories, frame buffers

The CPU-Memory gap

The gap widens between DRAM, disk, and CPU speeds.

100 000 000

1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000

1 000 10,000 100,000


Disk seek time DRAM access time SRAM access time

10 100 1,000

CPU cycle time


1980 1985 1990 1995 2000

year year

register cache memory disk

Access time 1 1-10 50-100 20,000,000


, ,

Memory hierarchies

• Some fundamental and enduring properties of hardware and software:

hardware and software:

– Fast storage technologies cost more per byte, have less capacity and require more power (heat!) less capacity, and require more power (heat!).

– The gap between CPU and main memory speed is widening


– Well-written programs tend to exhibit good locality.

• They suggest an approach for organizing

• They suggest an approach for organizing memory and storage systems known as a memory hierarchy

memory hierarchy.


Memory system in practice


registers on-chip L1 cache (SRAM) L1:

Smaller, faster, and more expensive (per byte) storage devices

off-chip L2 cache (SRAM) L2:

byte) storage devices

Larger, slower, and

main memory (DRAM) L3:

Larger, slower, and cheaper (per byte)

storage devices local secondary storage (virtual memory) (local disks)


remote secondary storage

L5: (tapes, distributed file systems, Web servers)

Reading from memory

• Multiple machine cycles are required when reading from memory because it responds much more slowly from memory, because it responds much more slowly than the CPU (e.g.33 MHz). The wasted clock cycles are called wait states.

L1 Data 1 l l t 1 cycle latency

16 KB 4-way assoc Write through

Regs. L2 Unified

128KB--2 MB Main

Write-through 32B lines L1 I t ti

4-way assoc Write-back Write allocate

MemoryMain Up to 4GB L1 Instruction

16 KB, 4-way 32B lines

32B lines

Processor Chip Pentium III cache hierarchy

Cache memory

• High-speed expensive static RAM both inside and outside the CPU

and outside the CPU.

– Level-1 cache: inside the CPU L l 2 h t id th CPU – Level-2 cache: outside the CPU

• Cache hit: when data to be read is already in h

cache memory

• Cache miss: when data to be read is not in cache memory. When? compulsory, capacity and conflict.

• Cache design: cache size, n-way, block size, replacement policy p p y

Caching in a memory hierarchy

8 9 14 3

Smaller, faster, more Expensive device at level k 4 10

level k caches a subset of the blocks f l l k+1 Data is copied between levels

from level k+1

4 10


in block-sized transfer units

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

Larger, slower, cheaper Storage device at level level 44 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

Storage device at level k+1 is partitioned into blocks.




12 13 14 15


General caching concepts



• Program needs object d, which is stored in some block b


12 q



12 stored in some block b.

• Cache hit

– Program finds b in the cache at

9 3

level 1414

14 12

0 1 2 3


12 Program finds b in the cache at

level k. E.g., block 14.

• Cache miss

9 3

k 14


12 Request 12

4 12

– b is not at level k, so level k cache must fetch it from level k+1.

E.g., block 12.


E.g., block 12.

– If level k cache is full, then some current block must be replaced (evicted) Which one is the “victim”?

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

level k+1


(evicted). Which one is the “victim”?

• Placement policy:where can the new block go? E.g., b mod 4

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15



• Replacement policy:which block should be evicted? E.g., LRU


• Principle of Locality: programs tend to reuse data and instructions near those they have used y recently, or that were recently referenced themselves.

– Temporal locality: recently referenced items are likely to be referenced in the near future.

Spatial locality:items with nearby addresses tend to – Spatial locality:items with nearby addresses tend to

be referenced close together in time.

• In general, programs with good locality run In general, programs with good locality run faster then programs with poor locality

• Locality is the reason why cache and virtual Locality is the reason why cache and virtual memory are designed in architecture and operating system. Another example is web p g y p browser caches recently visited webpages.

Locality example

sum = 0;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += a[i];

• Data

return sum;

• Data

– Reference array elements in succession (stride-1 reference pattern): Spatial locality

reference pattern):

– Reference sum each iteration:

• Instructions

Spatial locality

Temporal locality

• Instructions

– Reference instructions in sequence:

C l th h l t dl

Spatial locality

T l l lit

– Cycle through loop repeatedly: Temporal locality

Locality example

• Being able to look at code and get a qualitative sense of its locality is important Does this sense of its locality is important. Does this function have good locality?

int sum_array_rows(int a[M][N]) {


int i, j, sum = 0;

for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (j = 0; j < N; j++)

sum += a[i][j];

sum += a[i][j];

return sum;

} stride-1 reference patternp


Locality example

• Does this function have good locality?

int sum_array_cols(int a[M][N]) {


int i, j, sum = 0;

for (j = 0; j < N; j++) for (i = 0; i < M; i++)

sum += a[i][j];

sum += a[i][j];

return sum;

} stride-N reference patternp

Blocked matrix multiply performance

• Blocking (bijk and bikj) improves performance by a factor of two over unblocked versions (ijk by a factor of two over unblocked versions (ijk and jik)

– relatively insensitive to array size.relatively insensitive to array size.

50 60



kji jki kij ikj

20 30

Cycles/ite ikj

jik ijk

bijk (bsize = 25)

0 10

bijk (bsize 25) bikj (bsize = 25)


25 50 75 100 125

150 175

200 225

250 275

300 325

350 375

400 Array size (n)

Cache-conscious programming

• make sure that memory is cache-aligned

• Split data into hot and cold (list example)

• Split data into hot and cold (list example)

• Use union and bitfields to reduce size and increase localityy



Trade-offs of instruction sets

high-level language machine code compiler

high-level language machine code semantic gap

C, C++

Lisp, Prolog, Haskell…

• Before 1980, the trend is to increase instruction

l i ( i if ibl )

p g

complexity (one-to-one mapping if possible) to bridge the gap. Reduce fetch from memory.

S lli i b f i i

Selling point: number of instructions, addressing modes. (CISC)

• 1980, RISC. Simplify and regularize instructions to introduce advanced architecture for better performance, pipeline, cache, superscalar.


• 1980, Patternson and Ditzel (Berkeley),RISC Features

• Features

– Fixed-length instructions Load store architecture – Load-store architecture – Register file

• Organization

• Organization

– Hard-wired logic

– Single-cycle instructionSingle-cycle instruction – Pipeline

• Pros: small die size short development time

• Pros: small die size, short development time, high performance

• Cons: low code density not x86 compatible

• Cons: low code density, not x86 compatible

RISC Design Principles

• Simple operations

Simple instructions that can execute in one cycle – Simple instructions that can execute in one cycle

• Register-to-register operations

Only load and store operations access memory – Only load and store operations access memory – Rest of the operations on a register-to-register basis

• Simple addressing modes

• Simple addressing modes

– A few addressing modes (1 or 2)

• Large number of registers

• Large number of registers

– Needed to support register-to-register operations – Minimize the procedure call and return overhead – Minimize the procedure call and return overhead

RISC Design Principles

• Fixed-length instructions

F ilit t ffi i t i t ti ti – Facilitates efficient instruction execution

• Simple instruction format

– Fixed boundaries for various fields

• opcode, source operands,…



• CISC – complex instruction set

large instruction set – large instruction set

– high-level operations (simpler for compiler?) requires microcode interpreter (could take a long – requires microcode interpreter (could take a long


– examples: Intel 80x86 familyp y

• RISC – reduced instruction set

– small instruction setsmall instruction set

– simple, atomic instructions

– directly executed by hardware very quicklydirectly executed by hardware very quickly

– easier to incorporate advanced architecture design – examples: ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) and DEC p ( )

Alpha (now Compaq), PowerPC, MIPS



(Intel 486) (MIPS R4000)

#i t ti 235 94

#instructions 235 94

Addr. modes 11 1

Inst. Size (bytes) 1-12 4

GP registers 8 32


• Simple instructions are preferred

Complex instructions are mostly ignored by – Complex instructions are mostly ignored by


• Due to semantic gapg p

• Simple data structures

– Complex data structures are used relatively p y infrequently

– Better to support a few simple data types efficiently

• Synthesize complex ones

• Simple addressing modes

– Complex addressing modes lead to variable length instructions

• Lead to inefficient instruction decoding and scheduling

• Lead to inefficient instruction decoding and scheduling

Why RISC? (cont’d)

• Large register set

Effi i t t f d ll d t

– Efficient support for procedure calls and returns

• Patterson and Sequin’s study

– Procedure call/return: 1215% of HLL statementsProcedure call/return: 12 15% of HLL statements

» Constitute 3133% of machine language instructions

» Generate nearly half (45%) of memory references

S ll ti ti d

– Small activation record

• Tanenbaum’s study

– Only 1 25% of the calls have more than 6 argumentsOnly 1.25% of the calls have more than 6 arguments – More than 93% have less than 6 local scalar variables – Large register set can avoid memory references


ISA design issues

Instruction set design

• Issues when determining ISA

I t ti t – Instruction types – Number of addresses

Add i d

– Addressing modes

Instruction types

• Arithmetic and logic D

• Data movement

• I/O (memory-mapped, isolated I/O)

• Flow control

– Branches (unconditional, conditional)Branches (unconditional, conditional)

• set-then-jump (cmp AX, BX; je target)

• Test-and-jump (beq r1, r2, target)Test and jump (beq r1, r2, target) – Procedure calls (register-based, stack-based)

• Pentium: ret; MIPS: jrPentium: ret; MIPS: jr

• Register: faster but limited number of parameters

• Stack: slower but more general

• Stack: slower but more general

Operand types

• Instructions support basic data types

Ch t

– Characters – Integers

Fl ti i t – Floating-point

• Instruction overload

– Same instruction for different data types – Example: Pentium

mov AL,address ;loads an 8-bit value mov AX,address ;loads a 16-bit value mov EAX address ;loads a 32 bit value mov EAX,address ;loads a 32-bit value


Operand types

• Separate instructions

I t ti if th d i

– Instructions specify the operand size – Example: MIPS

lb Rdest address loads a b te lb Rdest,address ;loads a byte lh Rdest,address ;loads a halfword

;(16 bits)

;( )

lw Rdest,address ;loads a word

;(32 bits)

ld Rdest,address ;loads a doubleword

;(64 bits)

Number of addresses

Number of addresses

• Four categories

3-address machines – 3-address machines

• two for the source operands and one for the result – 2-address machines2 address machines

• One address doubles as source and result – 1-address machine

• Accumulator machines

• Accumulator is used for one source and result – 0-address machines

• Stack machines

• Operands are taken from the stack

• Result goes onto the stack

Number of addresses

Number of

instruction operation addresses instruction operation

3 OP A, B, C A ← B OP C

2 OP A, B A ← A OP B


0 OP T (T 1) OP T

0 OP T ← (T-1) OP T

A, B, C: memory or register locations AC: accumulator

T: top of stack

T 1: second element of stack T-1: second element of stack



) (D E C


Example: RISC machines, TOY

SUB Y, A, B ; Y = A - B

) (D E C 

p ,

opcode A B C

MUL T, D, E ; T = D


E ADD T, T, C ; T = T + C DIV Y, Y, T ; Y = Y / T


) (D E C


Example: IA32

MOV Y, A ; Y = A


) (D E C 


opcode A B

SUB Y, B ; Y = Y - B MOV T, D ; T = D MUL T, E ; T = T


E ADD T, C ; T = T + C DIV Y, T ; Y = Y / T


) (D E C


Example: IA32’s MUL (EAX)

LD D ; AC = D

) (D E C 

p ( )

opcode A



E ADD C ; AC = AC + C

ST Y ; Y = AC

LD A ; AC = A

SUB B ; AC = AC – B DIV Y ; AC = AC / Y

ST Y ; Y = AC


) (D E C


Example: IA32’s FPU, HP3000



) (D E C 

p ,




PUSH C ; A-B, C PUSH D ; A-B, C, D PUSH E ; A-B, C, D, E

MUL ; A-B, C, D× E

ADD ; A-B, C+(D× E)

DIV ; (A-B) / (C+(D× E)) POP Y


Number of addresses

• A basic design decision; could be mixed Fewer addresses per instruction results in

• Fewer addresses per instruction results in – a less complex processor

h t i t ti – shorter instructions

– longer and more complex programs – longer execution time

• The decision has impacts on register usage p g g policy as well

– 3-address usually means more general- purpose registers

– 1-address usually means less

Addressing modes

Addressing modes

• How to specify location of operands? Trade-off for address range address flexibility number for address range, address flexibility, number of memory references, calculation of addresses

• Operands can be in three places

• Operands can be in three places

– Registers

• Register addressing mode

• Register addressing mode

– Part of instruction

• ConstantConstant

• Immediate addressing mode

• All processors support these two addressing modes

– Memory

• Difference between RISC and CISC

• CISC supports a large variety of addressing modes

• RISC follows load/store architecture

Addressing modes

• Common addressing modes

Implied – Implied

– Immediate (lda R1, 1) – Direct (st R1, A)Direct (st R1, A) – Indirect

– Register (add R1, R2, R3)g ( , , ) – Register indirect (sti R1, R2) – Displacementp

– Stack


Implied addressing

• No address field;

operand is implied by



operand is implied by

the instruction



CLC ; clear carry

• A fixed and unvarying dd


Immediate addressing

• Address field contains the operand value

instruction operand


the operand value

ADD 5; AC=AC+5


operand opcode

• Pros: no extra memory reference;


• Cons: limited range

Direct addressing

• Address field contains the effective address

address A opcode


the effective address of the operand

address A opcode

Memory ADD A; AC=AC+[A]

• single memory



• Pros: no additional address calculation

• Cons: limited address


• Cons: limited address space


Indirect addressing

• Address field contains the address of a

address A opcode


the address of a pointer to the operand

address A opcode



ADD [A]; AC=AC+[[A]]



• multiple memory references


• Pros: large address space p

• Cons: slower


Register addressing

• Address field contains the address of a

R opcode


the address of a register

R opcode


• Pros: only need a small address field;

shorter instruction


and faster fetch; no memory reference


R i t

• Cons: limited address space



Register indirect addressing

• Address field contains the address of the

R opcode


the address of the register containing a pointer to the operand

R opcode


pointer to the operand

ADD [R]; AC=AC+[R]


• Pros: large address space

• Cons: extra memory reference

R i t operand Registers p

Displacement addressing

• Address field could contain a register

R opcode



contain a register address and an address


R opcode

Memory A


• EA=A+[R×S] or vice versa



• Several variants

– Base-offset: [EBP+8]


Base-offset: [EBP+8]

– Base-index: [EBX+ESI]

– Scaled: [T+ESI*4]

R i t operand


Scaled: [T+ESI 4]

• Pros: flexible

• Cons: complex

Registers p

• Cons: complex

Displacement addressing


Of i ll d


instruction A


• Often, register, called indexing register, is

d f di l t


Memory A


used for displacement.

• Usually, a mechanism


is provided to

efficiently increase the

+ indexing register.

R i t operand


Registers p


Stack addressing

• Operand is on top of the stack



the stack

ADD [R]; AC=AC+[R]


• Pros: large address space


• Pros: short and fast fetch

• Cons: limited by FILO order

St k



Addressing modes

Mode Meaning Pros Cons

Implied Fast fetch Limited instructions

Immediate Operand=Ap No memory refy Limited operandp

Direct EA=A Simple Limited address space

Indirect EA=[A] Large address space Multiple memory ref Register EA=R No memory ref Limited address space Register

indirect EA=[R] Large address space Extra memory ref Displacement EA=A+[R] Flexibility Complexity

stack EA=stack top No memory ref Limited applicability stack EA=stack top No memory ref Limited applicability

IA32 addressing modes Effective address calculation (IA32)


A dummy format for one operand

base index s displacement

3 3 2 8 or 32

y p



file shifter adder adder memory


Based Addressing

• Effective address is computed as

base + signed displacement base + signed displacement – Displacement:

– 16-bit addresses: 8- or 16-bit number – 32-bit addresses: 8- or 32-bit number

• Useful to access fields of a structure or record

B gi t i t t th b dd f th t t

• Base register  points to the base address of the structure

• Displacement  relative offset within the structure

• Useful to access arrays whose element size is

• Useful to access arrays whose element size is not 2, 4, or 8 bytes

• Displacement  points to the beginning of the array

• Base register  relative offset of an element within the array


To be used with S. Dandamudi, “Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design,” Springer, 2003.

S. Dandamudi Chapter 11: Page 81

Based Addressing

Indexed Addressing

• Effective address is computed as

(index * scale factor) + signed displacement (index scale factor) + signed displacement – 16-bit addresses:

– displacement: 8- or 16-bit number l f

– scale factor: none (i.e., 1)

– 32-bit addresses:

– displacement: 8- or 32-bit numberp – scale factor: 2, 4, or 8

• Useful to access elements of an array

(particularly if the element size is 2 4 or 8 (particularly if the element size is 2, 4, or 8 bytes)

• Displacement  points to the beginning of the arrayp p g g y

• Index register  selects an element of the array (array index)

• Scaling factor  size of the array element

• Scaling factor  size of the array element

Indexed Addressing


add AX,[DI+20]

add AX,[DI+20]

– We have seen similar usage to access parameters off the stack

add AX,marks_table[ESI*4]

A bl l k bl b t t (i

– Assembler replaces marks_tableby a constant (i.e., supplies the displacement)

– Each element of marks_tabletakes 4 bytes (the scale factor value)

– ESI needs to hold the element subscript value

add AX,table1[SI]

add AX,table1[SI]

– SI needs to hold the element offset in bytes

– When we use the scale factor we avoid such byte counting


Based-Indexed Addressing

Based-indexed addressing with no scale factor

Eff i dd i d

• Effective address is computed as

base + index + signed displacement

• Useful in accessing two-dimensional arrays

• Displacement  points to the beginning of the array

• Base and index registers point to a row and an element within that row

Useful in accessing arrays of records

• Useful in accessing arrays of records

• Displacement  represents the offset of a field in a record

• Base and index registers hold a pointer to the base of the

• Base and index registers hold a pointer to the base of the array and the offset of an element relative to the base of the array

Based-Indexed Addressing

• Useful in accessing arrays passed on to a procedure


• Base register  points to the beginning of the array

• Index register  represents the offset of an element l i h b f h

relative to the base of the array

Example Example

Assuming BX points to table1

mov AX [BX+SI]

mov AX,[BX+SI]

cmp AX,[BX+SI+2]

compares t o s ccessi e elements of t bl 1 compares two successive elements of table1

Based-Indexed Addressing

Based-indexed addressing with scale factor

• Effective address is computed as

base + (index * scale factor) + signed displacement

• Useful in accessing two-dimensional arrays g y when the element size is 2, 4, or 8 bytes

• Displacement ==> points to the beginning of the array

• Base register ==> holds offset to a row (relative to start of array)

• Index register ==> selects an element of the row

• Index register ==> selects an element of the row

• Scaling factor ==> size of the array element



• Last data pointer stores the memory address of the operand for the last non-control instruction. Last instruction pointer stored the address of the last

A constant offset is added to a data label to produce an effective address (EA) The address is dereferenced to get effective address (EA). The address is dereferenced to get

– Number of TLB entries are restricted by clock cycle time, so a larger page size maps more memory, thereby reducing TLB misses. • Reasons for a smaller

• When paging in from disk, we need a free frame of physical memory to hold the data we’re reading in. • In reality, size of physical memory is

 Calling program stores return address in a specific register.

• The memory storage unit holds instructions and data for a running program.. • A bus is a group of wires that transfer data from one part to another (data,

(B)Data Bus 是在 CPU 和 Memory 之間傳送資料,所以是雙向性 (C)Address Bus 可用來標明 Memory 或 I/O Port 位址的地方 (D)Data Bus 的長度和 Address

In particular, in the context of folded supersymmetry it is pointed out in Ref.[4] that production of the squirk-antisquirk pair ˜ Q ˜ Q ∗ at the large hadron collider (LHC)