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Production system into the application of NPS and management : A case study of A company 陳進裕、賴?民


Academic year: 2022

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Production system into the application of NPS and management : A case study of A company 陳進裕、賴?民

E-mail: 325171@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Lean production (Lean Production) originated in the Toyota Production (Toyota Production System, TPS), is the core concept of customer-oriented basis and eliminate unnecessary waste, the establishment of a small amount of fluid of a multi-production system.

Research by academia and industry, the re-integration and improvement into the current lean production, and to construct a mind of its principles - lean thinking, so in addition to the concept of lean manufacturing, but can be also used in other industries, and even different industries, different countries and different cultural background, can be successfully imported from the Japanese lean production. Liberalization and internationalization trend, the latest weapon production transformation. Faced with fierce

competition and a small amount of diverse, rapidly changing market demands, the traditional mass production can not meet market needs. How appropriate time an appropriate amount of production, while reducing inventory, eliminating unnecessary manpower, time and material waste industry has become an urgent problem. NPS (New Production System) is to address the problem, based on

"Toyota Production System" improved from not only overcome the mass production and inventory problems, and could tell the operating line hidden defects. A Case Study at the same time, indicating that the use of NPS production system, its patterns of information flow and logistics, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its implementation process and hope that this research can be used by other companies interested in importing a reference when NPS production system lessons .

Keywords : Toyota Production System (TPS)、lean production

Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要                  ABSTRACT           誌謝         目錄    圖目錄                       表目錄             第一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究動機 1.3 研究目的 1.4 研究步驟 1.5 研究限制 第 二章 文獻探討 2.1豐田生產方式的起源 2.1.1豐田生產的內涵 2.1.2何謂JIT生產方式 2.1.3及時化生產主要執行方法 2.2 NPS 文獻探討 2.2.1 何謂NPS 2.2.2 何謂自主研究會 2.2.3 NPS的導源 2.2.4 NPS的內涵 2.2.5 NPS與傳統生產模式的區別 2.2.6 QCC與TPM基本思維與進行架構 2.2.7 NPS與QCC及TPM改善模式的區別 第三章 研究方法 3.1 個案研究方法 3.2 研究架構 及方法 第四章 個案分析 4.1 研究個案背景 4.2 案公司現況分析 4.3 個案公司導入NPS生產模式過程 4.3.1 主題選定 4.3.2 目 標設定 4.3.3 現況調查 4.3.4 要因分析 4.3.5 改善對策 4.3.6 效果確認 4.3.7 效果維持 第五章 結論與建議 參考文獻


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