Transporting Voice by Using IP
Voice over UDP, not TCP
Small packets, 10 – 40 ms
Occasional packet loss is not a catastrophe
TCP: connection set-up, ack, retransmit → delays
5 % packet loss is acceptable if evenly spaced
Resource management and reservation techniques
A managed IP network
In-sequence delivery
Mostly yes
UDP was not designed for voice traffic
Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications
RFC 1889
RTP – Real-Time Transport Protocol
RTCP – RTP Control Protocol
Packets may be lost or out-of-sequence
RTP over UDP
A sequence number
A time stamp for synchronized play-out and for delay and jitter calculation
Does not solve the problems; simply provides
additional information
A companion protocol
Exchange messages between session users
# of lost packets, delay and inter-arrival jitter
The actual voice packets are carried within RTP packets.
RTCP packets are used for the transfer of the quality feedback.
RTCP is implicitly open when an RTP session is open
E.g., RTP/RTCP uses UDP port 5004/5005
RTP Payload Formats [1/2]
RTP carries the actual digitally encoded voice
RTP header + a payload of voice/video samples
UDP and IP headers are attached
Many voice- and video-coding standards
RTP must include a mechanism for the receiving end to know which coding standard is being used
A payload type identifier in the RTP header
Specified in RFC 1890
New coding schemes have become available
GSM Enhanced Full-rate (EFR) coder
See Table 2-1 and Table 2-2
A sender has no idea what coding schemes a
receiver could handle.
RTP Payload Formats [2/2]
Separate signaling systems
Capability negotiation during the call setup
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and SDP (Session Description Protocol)
A dynamic payload type (payload type numbers 96 to 127) may be used.
Support new coding scheme in the future
The encoding name is also significant.
Unambiguously refer to a particular payload specification
Should be registered with the IANA
RED, “Redundant” payload type
Voice samples + previous samples
May use different encoding schemes (more bandwidth- efficient)
Cope with packet loss
RTP Header Format
The RTP Header [1/4]
Version (V)
Padding (P)
The padding octets at the end of the payload
The payload needs to align with 32-bit boundary
The last octet of the payload contains a count of the padding octets.
Extension (X)
1, contains a header extension
The RTP Header [2/4]
CSRC Count (CC)
The number of contributing source identifiers
Marker (M)
Support silence suppression
The first packet of a talkspurt, after a silence period
Payload Type (PT)
In general, a single RTP packet will contain media coded according to only one payload format.
RED is an exception.
Sequence number
A random number generated by the sender at the beginning of a session
Incremented by one for each RTP packet
The RTP Header [3/4]
The instant at which the first sample in the payload was generated
The receiver
Synchronized play-out
Calculate the jitter
The clock freq depends on the encoding
E.g., 8000Hz
Support silence suppression
If no packets are sent during periods of silence, the next RTP packet may have a timestamp significantly greater than the previous RTP packet.
The initial timestamp is a random number chosen by the sending application.
The RTP Header [4/4]
Synchronization Source (SSRC)
32-bit identifier
The entity setting the sequence number and timestamp
Normally the sender of the RTP packet
Chosen randomly, independent of the network address
Meant to be globally unique within a session
May be a sender or a mixer
Contributing Source (CSRC)
An SSRC value for a contributor
Used to identify the original sources of media behind the mixer
0-15 CSRC entries
RTP Header Extensions (e.g., additional
information for payload format)
Mixers and Translators
Enable multiple media streams from different sources to be combined into a single stream
If the capacity or bandwidth of a participant is limited
An audio conference
The SSRC is the mixer
More than one CSRC values
Manage communications between entities that does not support the same coding scheme
The SSRC is the participant, not the translator.
The RTP Control Protocol [1/3]
A companion control protocol of RTP
Periodic exchange of control information
For quality-related feedback
A third party can also monitor session quality and detect network problems.
Using RTCP and IP multicast
Five types of RTCP packets
Sender Report:
used by active session participants to relay transmission and reception statistics
Receiver Report:
used to send reception statistics from those participants that receive but do not send themThe RTP Control Protocol [2/3]
Source Description (SDES)
One or more descriptions related to a particular session participant
To identify session participants
Must contain a canonical name (CNAME)
Separate from SSRC which might change
When both audio and video streams were being transmitted, the two streams would have
different SSRCs
the same CNAME for synchronized play-out
The end of a participation in a session
For application-specific functions
The RTP Control Protocol [3/3]
Two or more RTCP packets will be combined
SRs and RRs should be sent as often as possible to allow better statistical resolution.
New receivers in a session must receive CNAME very quickly to allow a correlation between media sources and the received media.
Every RTCP packet must contain a report packet (SR/RR) and an SDES packet
Even if no data to report
An example of RTP compound packet
Encryption Prefix (optional)
RTCP Sender Report
Header Info
Sender Info
Receiver Report Blocks
Profile-specific extension
Header Info
Resemble to an RTP packet
Padding bit
Padding octets?
RC, report count
The number of reception report blocks
If more than 31 reports, an RR is added
PT, payload type (200)
Sender Info
SSRC of sender
NTP Timestamp
Network Time Protocol Timestamp
The time elapsed in seconds since 00:00, 1/1/1900 (GMT)
32 MSB: the number of seconds
32 LSB: the fraction of a seconds (enabling a precision of about 200 picoseconds)
RTP Timestamp
The same as used for RTP timestamps in RTP packets
For better synchronization with the sender of the report
Sender’s packet count
Cumulative within a session
Sender’s octet count
Cumulative within a session
RR blocks [1/2]
The source identifier of the session participant to which the data in this RR block pertains.
Fraction lost
Fraction of packets lost since the last report issued by this participant
By examining the sequence numbers in the RTP header
Cumulative number of packets lost
Since the beginning of the RTP session
Extended highest sequence number received
The sequence number of the last RTP packet received
16 lsb, the last sequence number
16 msb, the number of sequence number cycles
RR blocks [2/2]
Interarrival jitter
An estimate of the variance in RTP packet arrival
Last SR Timestamp (LSR)
The last SR received from the source
Used to check if the last SR has been received
Delay Since Last SR (DLSR)
The duration in units of 1/65,536 seconds
Between the reception of the last sender report
from the source and the issuance of this receiver
report block
RTCP Receiver Report
Issued by a participant who receives RTP packets but does not send, or has not yet sent
Is almost identical to an SR
PT = 201
No sender information
RTCP Source Description Packet
Provides identification and information regarding session participants
Must exist in every RTCP compound packet
V, P, SC, PT=202, Length
Zero or more chunks of information
An SSRC or CSRC value
One or more identifiers and pieces of information
A unique CNAME (user@host) does not change within a given session.
Email address, phone number, name
RTCP BYE Packet (PT=203)
Indicate one or more media sources (SSRC or CSRC) are no longer active
Application-Defined RTCP Packet (PT=204)
For application-specific data
For non-standardized application
Calculating Round-Trip Time
Use SRs and RRs
Report A: A, T1 → B, T2
Report B: B, T3 → A, T4
RTT = T4-T3+T2-T1
RTT = T4-(T3-T2)-T1
Report B
LSR = T1
DLSR = T3-T2
T2 T3
Calculating Jitter
The variation in delay
The mean deviation of the difference in
packet spacing at the receiver compared to the packet spacing at the sender for a pair of packets
This value is equivalent to the derivation in transit time for a pair of packets.
i= the RTP timestamp for packet i
i= the time of arrival
D(i,j) = (R
i) = (R
j) - (R
The Jitter is calculated continuously