“综合服务质量”表现,是否有助于提高消费者忠诚度 H5::::: 消费者与移动通信服务提供商的认知关系质量越高,忠诚度越高。
計畫成果自評 計畫成果自評 計畫成果自評 計畫成果自評
服务链整合的实施效益可以作为参考,帮助移动通信服务提供商未来提高客户忠诚度。研究结果表明,移动通信服务提供商采用的两种供应链整合策略对关系质量、转换成本和客户忠诚度的建立具有不同的影响。因此,本规划建议服务提供商在制定服务链整合战略时,首先要确认其带来的实际效益与战略目标的契合度。总之,在服务链一体化的发展趋势下,服务质量的提升必须依赖于合作伙伴的不断完善,服务项目的提供也应根据不同的客户需求灵活调整。这项研究的结果可能会重复原来的应用计划。华拟结合供应链视角和市场细分变量,探讨服务质量提升策略的主要目标。研究成果在学术刊物上发表或申请专利: 论文: □ 已发表 □ 未发表稿件 ■ 准备中 □ 未申请专利: □已获得□申请中■无 注:本项目实施过程中,已完成学术研讨会论文两篇,其中其他人则获得了提交给国际研讨会的最佳论文奖。并且该计划预计在论文编辑完成后将论文提交至I级国际期刊。目前,期刊文章已进入投稿阶段,发表的研讨会文章相关信息显示如下:
Effect of Service Chain Integration on Customer Loyalty: An Examination of Taiwan’s Mobile Telecommunication Service
Effect of service chain integration on customer loyalty: A study of Taiwan's mobile telecommunication service. In short, in a market as competitive as M-Telecom, the ability to deliver a high level of customer loyalty services through service chain integration (SCI) is essential for providers to stand out from their competitors. As for the service industry, the focal point of many companies' marketing activities is the loyalty of customers to their products or services (Vesel & Zabkar, 2009).
Therefore, this study uses customer loyalty as a critical index to evaluate service performance and to develop a model of the relationship between service chain integration and customer loyalty. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to propose a SCI quality-customer loyalty model in the M-Telecom context by examining the mediated effects of relationship quality and switch costs on such a relationship. Thus, the literature regarding service quality and customer loyalty is reviewed, followed by a discussion of the mediated effect of relationship quality and switching costs.
Conceptual Background
- The mediated effect of relationship quality
- The mediated effect of switching cost
That is why maintaining or even increasing customer loyalty is one of the most important goals of relationship marketing. This is in line with what the service quality perspective proposes; that is, service quality evaluations substantially boost customer loyalty in service industries. Recently, this idea has prompted some researchers to investigate the impact of the mediated role of satisfaction on service quality – customer loyalty relationship.
According to previous research, relationship quality is an important way to better understand and predict customer loyalty programs. This is consistent with what the relationship marketing perspective suggests, that is, customer commitment to the service provider significantly drives customer loyalty in service industries. Moreover, the indirect influence of service quality on customer loyalty exists only when it is accompanied by satisfaction and trust.
Quality Function of Service Chain Integration
This study intends to use factor loading as a basis for service chain integration performance evaluation. Assess the quality performance of the individual elements that make up the service chain (i.e. mobile telephony services, telecommunications services and value-added services). The estimated performance of a quality element (Fpi) is the product of the level of satisfaction perceived by consumers and the factor loading.
Evaluate the integrated (quality) performance of the service chain (i.e. M-Telecom service chain and mobile value-added service chain). The evaluated quality performance of the service chain (SCIt) is the product of the performance of quality elements obtained from the previous stage. Suppose e t) represents the quality performance of mobile, telecommunication and value-added services, respectively, evaluated from the previous stage.
Research Design
- Samples and Data Collection
- Measurement: constructs of interest Customer loyalty
- Psychometric properties
The integrated quality of the M-Telecom service chain defined in this study comes from the comprehensive assessment by consumers of services provided by different members of the service chain (i.e., mobile phone provider, upstream; telecommunications service provider, focal company; value-added service, downstream). Therefore, this study intends to develop a SCI scale with the connotation of product or service provided by members of the service chain. First, in terms of mobile phone providers, this study develops indices to assess phone quality based on eight measures: performance, features, consistency, reliability, durability, after-sales service, appearance and customer perception of quality with reference to Garvin's point of view. (1987).
As for M-telecom providers, this study assesses service quality using nine items, referring to Aydin and Ozer's (2005) study. In light of the influence of IT applications on the delivery of value-added services, this study uses the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness proposed by Davis (1984) in the technology acceptance model for the application of technologies as a basis for development of rating indexes. The discriminant validity test was conducted to determine the distinction between the constructs used in this study.
Statistical Results
Convergent validity is supported if the standardized factor loadings of the observed items on the latent constructs are above 0.50 (Bagozzi &. The results show that all chi-square difference values were statistically significant at p < 0.05, which means that discriminant validity supported Taken together, relationship quality and switching costs were found to be important factors in determining customer loyalty.
Of the seven hypotheses, five hypothesized relationships were supported at a significance level of p < 0.05, while the direct effect of downstream SCI on loyalty will be significant at a level of p < 0.1. The standardized path coefficient estimate indicates that downstream SCI had a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty (β = 0.18), satisfaction (β = 0.23), and relationship quality (β = 0.20), supporting of H1, H2 and H4. The direct impact of perceived satisfaction on customer loyalty (H3) was not significant, while this was mediated by switching costs with an indirect effect of.
Relationship Marketing in a B2C Context: The Moderating Role of Personality Traits, Journal of Retail and Consumer Services. Understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty: An empirical study of mobile instant messaging in China, International Journal of Information Management. The Impact of Supply Chain Integration on Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach, Journal of Operations Management.
Effects of relationship quality and switching barriers on customer loyalty, International Journal of Information Management, Article In Press. The effect of supply chain integration on the relationship between diversification and performance: Evidence from Japanese and Korean firms, Journal of Operations Management. Buyer Focus: Evaluating a New Concept for Supply Chain Integration, International Journal of Production Economics.
Managing customer loyalty through the mediating role of satisfaction in the DIY retail loyalty program, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. An empirical investigation of employee loyalty, service quality and performance of service sector firms, International Journal of Production Economics.
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