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G/SPS/7/Rev.4 4 June 2018 (18-3406) Page


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Members should follow these procedures when notifying rules as required by paragraph 5 or 6 of Annex B to the SPS Agreement. The regular notification form (see Annex A-1 to these procedures) should be used for notifications in accordance with paragraph 5 of Annex B of the SPS Agreement, whereas the emergency notification form (see Annex B-1 to these procedures) should be used for notifications which set out in point 6 of Annex B to the SPS Agreement. Paragraph 5(d) of Annex B to the SPS Agreement obliges Members to provide a reasonable period for the submission, discussion and consideration of comments.

Where national regulatory mechanisms allow, the 60-day comment period should normally begin with the circulation of the notification by the WTO Secretariat. Members are required to provide copies of the proposed regulation to other Members upon request in accordance with paragraph 5(c) of Annex B to the SPS Agreement. Where national regulatory mechanisms allow, the 60-day comment period should normally begin with the circulation of the notification by the WTO Secretariat.

See Annex E of these procedures for more information on the format for notification of the determination of the recognition of equivalence of sanitary or phytosanitary measures. Title of the proposed or adopted (in case of late submission) sanitary or phytosanitary regulations. A summary of the proposed or adopted (in case of late submission) sanitary or phytosanitary regulations, clearly indicating the content and purpose of health protection.

The date by which Members may submit comments in accordance with Annex B, paragraph 5(b) of the SPS Agreement.

Notifying Member: SPS1A

Products covered (provide tariff item number(s) as specified in national schedules deposited with the WTO; ICS numbers should be provided in addition,

Regions or countries likely to be affected, to the extent relevant or practicable

Description of content: sps6a

Objective and rationale: [sps7a] food safety, [sps7b] animal health, [sps7c] plant protection, [sps7d] protect humans from animal/plant pest or

Is there a relevant international standard? If so, identify the standard

Other relevant documents and language(s) in which these are available: sps9a sps9b

Proposed date of entry into force: [sps11c] Six months from date of publication, and/or (dd/mm/yy): sps11a

Final date for comments: [sps12e] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the notification and/or (dd/mm/yy): sps12a

The following communication, received on DateReceived, is circulated at the request of the Member's Delegation. Comment period: (If the addendum extends the scope of the previously notified measure in respect of products and/or potentially affected Members, a new deadline for the receipt of comments must be provided, usually of at least 60 calendar days. Under other circumstances, such as e.g. .as an extension of originally announced final date for comments, the comment period provided in the appendix may vary.). SixtyDayCirculation] Sixty days from the date of circulation of the addendum to the notice and/or (dd/mm/yy): DateComment.

The following communication, received on DateReceived, is circulated at the request of the Member's Delegation. Member notifying the government, including the competent authorities of the European Union, which makes the notification. The geographical regions or countries likely to be affected by the notified regulation must be identified to the extent relevant or practicable.

If a Member submits the text of the draft Regulation or a summary or translation thereof in PDF format together with the notification, the WTO Secretariat will facilitate access to this text via a hyperlink in the notification format. A summary of the proposed or adopted sanitary or phytosanitary regulation clearly indicating its content and health protection objectives. The summary should be as complete and accurate as possible to provide a full understanding of the proposed regulation.

Where possible, it should also include a summary of the specific sanitary measures that the regulations will apply. When a regulation contains both SPS and TBT measures, it must be notified under the SPS and TBT Agreements, preferably with an indication of which parts of the regulation are under the SPS Agreement and which parts are under the TBT Agreement. Indication of the underlying reasons for taking emergency measures, eg incursion of import-related pests, outbreak of a disease in supply areas, etc.

If an applicable international standard, guideline or recommendation exists, put a cross in the box provided for the appropriate standard-setting organization and give the appropriate reference of the existing standard, guideline or recommendation, e.g. Codex standard number, ISPM number, EIA code chapter. If it is necessary to charge for documents provided, the amount of the charge must be indicated. The agency or authority designated to handle the comment must be indicated.

Such statements in no way relieve the national inquiry point concerned of its responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of Annex B, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the SPS Agreement. If the Member of Parliament submits the text of the draft regulation in PDF format together with the notification, a hyperlink to this text will be published under this item.

Other relevant documents and language(s) in which these are available: sps10a sps10b

Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [CommentNNA] National Notification Authority, [CommentNEP] National Inquiry Point. Agency or authority designated to handle comments: [sps12a] National Notification Authority, [sps12b] National Inquiry Point. 2 DETERMINATION OF ANNEXES TO THE WTO. a) Attachments must be submitted electronically to the Central Registry of Notifications (crn@wto.org) together with the corresponding WTO SPS notification.

In accordance with the Decision on Equivalence (G/SPS/19/Rev.2), a Member that has made a determination recognizing the equivalence of sanitary or phytosanitary measures of another Member or Members must notify the other Members through the Secretariat of the measure ( s) recognized as equivalent and of the products affected by this recognition. For the purposes of this notification, equivalence is defined as the condition in which the sanitary or phytosanitary measures applied in an exporting Member, although different from the measures applied in an importing Member, achieve, as demonstrated by the exporting Member and recognized by the importing Member , the appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection of the importing Member. A determination of recognition of equivalence may be in relation to a specific measure or measures relating to a certain product or category of products, or on a system wide basis.

Title of any formal or informal agreement, Memorandum of Understanding or other document determining the provision of recognition of equivalence. Parties involved Name of the exporting member or members whose benchmark has been determined to be equivalent. Date of when procedures, regulations or other measures based on the determination of recognition of equivalence came into force.

Tariff item number(s) (usually HS, chapter or tariff heading and number) as contained in the national schedules deposited with the WTO for the product(s) being imported under an equivalence determination. Clearly indicate the nature of the recognition of equivalence, including which measures of the exporting Member have been found to be equivalent and which elements of the normal requirements of the importing Member are met by those equivalent measures.

Member notifying: 1A

Date of entry into force of the determination of the recognition of equivalence and any associated procedures or regulations: 4a 4b



For devices with bare ZrO2and HMDS- modified ZrO2, the mobility nearly remains constant even though the permittivity increases, whereas the mobility of the devices with PαMS-modified