• 沒有找到結果。


第四章、 量子顯示技術產業發展現況

第二節、 專利權人與技術領域分析

5.2.2 產業價值鏈中游企業

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assignment 7087832 assignment 6878871 Nanosys& Sharp Nanosys& Sharp - 8216440

- 8129768


台灣企業於上游僅有 Genesis Photonics Inc.有專利在量子點顯示領域,US7279716 在 核准專利當中排名 43,上游專利排名第 5,為台灣企業在產業上游最有價值的專利。由 上述分析可見相關企業對於量子點使用於背光源的研究並不多,然而背光源是影響顯示 器畫面顏色重要因素之一,企業應針對中下游產品之需求進行研究,了解現有產品研發 應朝何方向前進,如此研發成果也較易為市場所接受。

5.2.2 產業價值鏈中游企業

一、 重點專利分析


(一) 專利號 US 6697403 (主成分 1 分數:-0.74,主成分 2 分數:2.2,總分:0.88) 專利名稱 Light-emitting device and light-emitting apparatus using the same

專利權人 Samsung Display Co., Ltd. 原申請人 Samsung Display Co., Ltd.

申請日期 2002/04/16 核准日期 2004/02/24 發明人 Lee; Eun-kyung, Choi; Byoung-lyong, You; Jae-ho 國際分類號 H01L 33/00 、 H01S

005/00、H01L 029/227

美國分類號 372/43.01; 257/98;


被引證次數 22 專利家族 11

摘要 A light-emitting device and a light-emitting apparatus using the same. The

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light-emitting device includes an n-type or p-type substrate, a doped region formed on a first surface of the substrate with a predetermined dopant to be an opposite type from that of the substrate, to an ultra-shallow depth such that light is emitted from a p-n junction between the doped region and the substrate by a quantum confinement effect, a resonator which improves the selectivity of wavelength of the light emitted from the p-n junction, and first and second electrodes formed on the first surface and a second surface of the substrate, respectively, for injection of holes and electrons. The light-emitting device includes the ultra-shallow doped region so that it can emit light with a quantum confinement effect in the p-n junction. A resonator structure to resonate only a particular wavelength range of light is added to the light-emitting device so that the selectivity of light wavelength is markedly improved with excellent efficiency. The intensity of light emission is amplified by the resonator structure, and the directional property of the emitted light can be improved further than that of conventional light-emitting devices.

資料來源:US 6697403、本研究整理

此專利為一發光設備,包含 n-type(或 p-type)的半導體物質、一共振器 可增進從 p-n 接面放出的特定波長的光,此共振器包含第一反射層及第二 反射層、第一及第二電極。量子點可參雜在半導體中,透過量子效應形成 光電轉換。

此發明可以提供較高的發光效率以及特定波長的光強度,可應用在照 明系統或顯示系統。圖 5-7 說明此實施例其中一視角,15 為參雜區域,17 及 19 是電極,提供電子與電洞,13 為一控制層,使參雜區域可以形成一 極淺的深度。

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圖 5-7 US 6697403 發明實施例 資料來源:US 6697403

此專利可用於顯示器中作為背光源件,屬於基礎專利,也多為上游相 關企業所引用,包含 QD Vision, Inc.專利引用 3 次、Qualcomm Mems Technologies, Inc.專利引用 7 次,目前尚未有訴訟或轉讓等法律事件,此專 利所揭露之技術不僅顯示器可使用,照明系統也可使用,市場應用價值高。

(二) 專利號 US 7733310 (主成分 1 分數:4.93,主成分 2 分數:0.27,總分:


專利名稱 Display systems having screens with optical fluorescent materials 專利權人 Prysm, Inc. 原申請人 Prysm, Inc.

申請日期 2006/01/19 核准日期 2010/06/08

發明人 Roger A. Hajjar, David Kindler, Patrick Tan, David Kent, Phillip H.



G09G 3/34

美國分類號 345/84; 348/744; 359/457

被引證次數 5 專利家族 114

摘要 Fluorescent screens and display systems and devices based on such screens using at least one excitation optical beam to excite one or more

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fluorescent materials on a screen which emit light to form images. The fluorescent materials may include phosphor materials and non-phosphor materials such as quantum dots. A screen may include a multi-layer dichroic layer.

資料來源:US 7733310、本研究整理

此發明為利用至少一激發光激發一個或以上之螢光物質發射光以形 成影像之顯示系統。此顯示系統包含一螢幕,有複數個平行螢光物質條紋,


可以掃描一個或以上被激發光,並轉換影像,此光學模組包含一監控影像 資訊的機制、一二極體雷射作為激發光源、一雷射控制。螢光物質可以是 由量子點組成,包含可發出紅、綠、藍光的量子點,螢光物質平行排列形 成像素。

此專利在綜合品質指標計分排名第 2,另與第 3 名專利 US8803772、

第 5 名專利 US7791561 屬同一專利家族,以分析範圍內的專利來說,此專 利家族規模龐大,共 114 件專利,被專利引用次數為 5 次。

(三) 專利號 US 7090355(主成分 1 分數:1.13,主成分 2 分數:5.57,總分 2.99) 專利名稱 System and method for a transparent color image display utilizing

fluorescence conversion of nano particles and molecules 專利權人 SUN INNOVATIONS,


原申請人 Superimaging, Inc.

申請日期 2004/5/18 核准日期 2006/8/15 發明人 Liu;Jianqiang, Sun;Xiao-Dong

國際分類號 G03B 21/14 美國分類號 353/79, 353/122 , 353/452

被引證次數 78 專利家族 35

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摘要 A system and a method of a transparent color image display utilizing fluorescence conversion (FC) of nano-particles and molecules are disclosed. In one preferred embodiment, a color image display system consists of a light source equipped with two-dimensional scanning hardware and a FC display screen board. The FC display screen board consists of a transparent fluorescence display layer, a wavelength filtering coating, and an absorption substrate. In another preferred embodiment, two mechanisms of light excitation are utilized. One of the excitation mechanisms is up-conversion where excitation light wavelength is longer than fluorescence wavelength. The second mechanism is down-conversion where excitation wavelength is shorter than fluorescence wavelength. A host of preferred fluorescence materials for the FC screen are also disclosed. These materials fall into four categories: inorganic nanometer sized phosphors; organic molecules and dyes; semiconductor based nano particles; and organometallic molecules. These molecules or nano-particles are incorporated in the screen in such a way that allows the visible transparency of the screen. Additionally, a preferred fast light scanning system is disclosed. The preferred scanning system consists of dual-axes acousto-optic light deflector, signal processing and control circuits equipped with a close-loop image feedback to maintain position accuracy and pointing stability of the excitation beam.

資料來源:US 7090355,本研究整理

此 專 利 描 述 一 種 應 用 奈 米 粒 子 或 分 子 的 螢 光 轉 換 (fluorescence conversion)的彩色影像顯示方法。其中一實施方法包含一二維掃描硬體的 光源及螢光轉換的顯示屏幕,螢光轉換的顯示屏幕有一透明螢光顯示層、

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濾光層及一吸收物質。另一實施方法,應用兩種光激發機制,一是激發光 波長大於螢光波長,是利用波長大於 700 奈米之紅外線雷射激發螢光粒子,

另一種是激發光波長短於螢光波長,通常是用波長小於 500 奈米之紫外光 激發螢光粒子,光源包含固態雷射、半導體雷射、氣態雷射、染料雷射等 等。適合的螢光材料也有被揭露,包含四個種類:無機奈米尺寸之螢光物 質、有機分子及染料、半導體奈米粒子及有機金屬分子。快速掃描的系統 也有被揭露,包含導光板、訊號處理及控制線路,可以維持良好的位置準 確度及激發光束的定位穩定,要使多種顏色在屏幕上顯現,所使用的方式 是混合由螢光粒子發出的三原色。

此 專 利 權 原 為 Superimaging, Inc. 所 有 , 2011 年 轉 移 給 SUN INNOVATIONS, INC.,專利家族為 35 件。專利被引用次數為 78 次,其中 GM GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS LLC 引用 37 次為最多,PRYSM 引用 25 次為次多,QD VISION, INC.引用 7 次,其餘企業引用小於 5 次。

二、 技術領域分析

美國專利分類號於 1803 年建立,以「主類/次類」兩段表示,主類是描述範圍較廣 的綜合性類目,主類之下再細分若干次類,目前美國專利分類號約有 450 個主類,將 近 16 萬個次類,編號不連續,以留作往後增加新類時之用。

檢視中游企業共計 77 件專利(包含有效專利及無效專利),主要分佈於 257、313、

349 此三主類,主類號 257 為主動式固態裝置,顯示器之中包含的驅動元件、背光模組 與此相關,主類號 313 及 362 與發光、照明裝置有關,也有將近一半的專利於專利說 明書標示主類號 362,而名稱為液晶元件與系統的主類號 349 理所當然名列其中,以下 為較多專利之美國專利分類號定義:

USPC Definitions




This class provides for active solid-state electronic devices, that is, electronic devices or components that are made up primarily of solid materials, usually semiconductors, which operate by the movement of charge carriers - electrons or holes - which undergo energy level changes within the material and can modify an input voltage to achieve rectification, amplification, or switching action, and are not classified elsewhere.



This is the generic class for electric lamp and electric space discharge device structure.

Examples of such devices are electric incandescent lamps, gas or vapor filled electric discharge tubes, including lamps, mercury arc devices, vacuum discharge tubes, radio tubes, cyclotrons, cathode-ray tubes, photosensitive discharge devices, secondary emission electron multipliers, spark plugs, and open air arc and spark devices.


This is the generic class for cells, elements, and systems which include molecules of a material having both liquid and crystalline properties. Elements or systems included in this class are those which have a significant liquid crystal cell detail or liquid crystal response or properties, and in which the liquid crystal controls or changes the optical properties of electromagnetic radiation such as direction,

phase, amplitude, frequency, or polarization state. This class also provides for nominal manufacturing methods for producing significant liquid crystal cell structure.



This class is the residual locus of means and processes for casting visible radiant energy in at least one direction to render objects in that direction visible.

資料來源:USPTO,本研究整理 同調光的裝置,313/498 為固態之發光裝置,257/98 不同於前面幾類號,其並未表示發 光或照明用途,定義為光學元件(反射鏡、透鏡、折射層、發光物質等)整合的裝置或裝

257 313 349 362 345 428 353 359 977 438 445 348



USPC Definitions

313/506 Plural layers

Subject matter including more than one layer of material disposed between two electrodes and wherein one of the layers is luminescent.


Incoherent light emitter

Subject matter wherein the device emits incoherent light.


Solid-state type

Subject matter in which the luminescent material is an insulating material that emits light based on the principle of intrinsic luminescence

257/98 With reflector, opaque mask, or optical element (e.g., lens, optical fiber, index of refraction matching layer,

luminescent material layer, filter) integral with device or device enclosure or package


Electroluminescent light source

Subject matter wherein the liquid crystal device is lit by a layer which emits fluorescent light when electrically driven by electrodes.


Formed of planar

Subject matter including a continuous layer or a layer of individual elements separate from an illumination source

phosphor or fluorescent layer separate from illumination source

wherein the layer emits light when excited by radiant energy.

圖 5-9 美國專利分類號主項/次項統計

檢視中游企業 77 個專利後,可發現目前企業應用量子點於顯示器主要方式,是使 用量子點層(layer)或薄膜(thin films)裝配在顯示器模組中,在 Samsung 的專利中常見到 此種方式,以 US7,649,594 為例說明此種方式實施例:

專利名稱 Photo-luminescent liquid crystal display 專利權人 Samsung Electronics Co.,


原申請人 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

申請日期 2006/4/25 核准日期 2010/1/19

發明人 Kim; Byung-ki , Im; Seoung-jae , Choi; Jae-young , Lee; Eun-sung , Jang;

Eun-joo , Cho; Jae-hee

國際分類號 G02F 1/1335 美國分類號 349/71, 349/61, 349/69,

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被引證次數 5 專利家族 5

摘要 A photo-luminescent liquid crystal display (PL LCD) includes: a light control unit which includes a liquid crystal (LC) layer modulating the UV light and electrodes driving the LC layer; and a light emitting layer which emits light by the UV light transmitted through the light control unit. The light emitting layer includes inorganic phosphors and semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) having a quantum confinement effect. The PL LCD includes adding QDs having a high quantum efficiency into luminescent substances having lower light utilization efficiency than other colors, for example, red phosphor having very low quantum efficiency to improve the light utilization efficiency, thereby improving the color balance.

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17 為發光層(light emitting layer),包含 RGB 三色發光層,量子點使 用的方式有二:將量子點加入紅色發光層,或是將量子點薄膜置於 紅色螢光層及背光層 20 之間,背光層是由紫外光燈 21 及導光元件 22 所組成,利用紫外光的能量激發量子點及螢光粉使其發出特定波 長的光。


將電子點置放於顯示器結構中某一層或是使用量子薄膜的專利及使用此類進行發 明的企業非常多,除上例所述,亦有將量子薄膜置於背光層、量子點摻雜於濾光片等 方法。以檢索範圍內的專利來看,較多將量子點層或量子薄膜放於發光層,或摻雜在 螢光粉中,此種方式也是主要專利權人 Samsung 及 LG 的專利較常使用的方式。

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將量子薄膜置放於背光模組的實施例可見 AU Optronics Corp.之專利 US8622600,

將量子薄膜置放於背光模組的實施例可見 AU Optronics Corp.之專利 US8622600,