• 沒有找到結果。

結果一:不同濃度巴拉刈(P ARAQUAT )與嘉磷塞(G LYPHOSATE )對韮


雜草防治效果評估,以大花咸豐草約 20 株生長至 5 公分時施用藥劑,

在四種蔥蘭、韮蘭中,施用二週後所有藥劑濃度皆可達到 90%雜草控制效 果。第四週後巴拉刈各種濃度雜草控制率皆明顯降低,特別是 50%施用濃 度。嘉磷塞處理則是在第六週控制效果才緩慢降低,濃度越低者,容易喪 失雜草控制效果,但至第八週仍有 85%以上的控制率(圖 5.4-1)。依外觀評 估顯示不同濃度巴拉刈處理對雜草控制並沒有顯著的影響,而高濃度嘉磷 塞明顯得較低濃度具雜草控制效果(圖 5.4-2、5.4-3)。

採收後獲得雜草乾重顯示,所有藥劑無論各濃度皆失去雜草控制效 果,特別是低濃度(12.5%)巴拉刈與嘉磷塞處理之雜草乾重甚至高於未除草 之對照組(表 5.4-1)。


巴拉刈不論各濃度,處理後第二週皆造成四種蔥蘭、韮蘭葉片完全褐 化、萎凋等嚴重藥害,嘉磷塞 100%、50%及 25%濃度也造成小韮蘭與大韮 蘭外觀之明顯傷害。嘉磷塞 12.5%濃度毒害癥狀最輕微。只造成葉片部分傷 害,皆能維持在可接受程度。藥劑濃度越低,藥害消退速度越快,隨時間 增加而減少。藥後第八週所有處理中除 100%巴拉刈對四種蔥蘭、韮蘭未能 回復正常生長外。其他濃度處理均已恢復正常(圖 5.4-4~7)。


性分析,濃度與藥害之間只在小韮蘭顯示具顯著相關性,即濃度降低會減 少小韮蘭藥害影響。植物藥害越明顯,雜草控制效果越好,顯示巴拉刈同 時對蔥蘭、韮蘭及雜草皆有顯著毒害之效果,隨施藥經過時間越長,雜草 也逐漸失去控制(表 5.4-2~5)。嘉磷塞顯示濃度越高對蔥蘭、韮蘭傷害越嚴 重,但對雜草控制無顯著相關。而藥害的增加也與雜草控制具顯著正相關,

推測濃度增減也會影響雜草控制效果。隨施藥後時間越久,對植株傷害及 雜草控制也明顯降低 (表 5.4-6~9)。

此結果顯示巴拉刈不論濃度對韮蘭屬皆造成嚴重藥害,雜草控制也隨 時間增長而降低。嘉磷塞於高濃度可有效防治雜草,但也造成嚴重要藥害,

相對的,濃度降低,藥害減少,雜草控制力也隨之降低,兩種除草劑反應 顯示改變濃度無法兼顧改善藥害與藥效問題。



蔥蘭、韮蘭開花似乎都受到藥劑影響,花數皆低於人工除理對照組,特別 在八月及十月開花數量極低,小韮蘭幾乎不開花。不過嘉磷塞 25%濃度對 淡黃與黃花蔥蘭開花沒有影響,數量顯著高於對照組,12.5%嘉磷塞在黃花 也有相同情形。兩藥劑比較,巴拉刈對三種蔥蘭、韮蘭開花影響低於嘉磷 塞處理(圖 5.4-8~10)。


兩藥劑各 4 種濃度與兩對照組比較皆降低四種蔥蘭、韮蘭總鮮重、葉 片重、球根數量及重量。巴拉刈與嘉磷塞兩藥劑濃度越低,對四種蔥蘭韮 蘭生長越好。與對照組比較,只有巴拉刈 12.5%不影響黃花蔥蘭生長,其他 處理皆顯著降低。嘉磷塞除了 50、12.5%對淡黃蔥蘭與大韮蘭生長不影響 外,其他處理生長皆顯著降低(表 5.4-10~13)。

圖 5.4-1 不同濃度巴拉刈與嘉磷塞除草劑施用後 2-8 週對大花咸豐草之控制效果變化 Fig 5.4-1The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate on the control of

Bidens pilosa L. post application 2-8 weeks.

WAT: Weeks after treatment.

Data were mean of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level

Fig 5.4-2 Effects of four concentration of Paraquat on growth of Biden 5.4-2 四種巴拉刈(Paraquat)濃度施用後 5 週大花咸豐草生長情形

s pilosa L. post

5.4-3 四種嘉磷塞濃度施用後 5 週,四種蔥蘭、韮蘭生長情形

ens pilosa L. post

application 5 weeks.

Fig 5.4-3 Effects of four concentration of Glyphosate on growth of Bid application 5 weeks.

Treatment Dose Z. candida Z. citrina Z. rosea Z. carinata (kg a.i./ha)

100%Paraquat 0.56 0.91ab 2.14b 1.37b 0.66a

50%Paraquat 0.28 1.75ab 1.19bc 1.68b 0.68a

25%Paraquat 0.14 1.36ab 1.85b 0.62b 0.56ab

12.5%Paraquat 0.07 4.42a 1.1bc 0.9b 0.9a

100%Glyphosate 0.82 0.62ab 0.21c 2.37ab 0.75a

50%Glyphosate 0.41 0.21ab 1.06bc 1.02b 0.74a

25%Glyphosate 0.21 1.85ab 1.39bc 0.77b 0.34ab

12.5%Glyphosate 0.10 1.94ab 3.68a 4.98a 0.45ab

CK - 0.68ab 1.15bc 0.45b 0.56ab

H.CK - 0.00b 0.00c 0.00b 0.00b

(g)/per pot

表 5.4-1 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)除草劑處理對四種蔥蘭、韮蘭盆 內雜草乾重之影響

Table 5.4-1The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate on weed dry weight of 4 Zephyranthes species/cultivars.

ata were means of 20 replications.

ot significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.


The same letters within a column are n

圖 5.4-4 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)處理後 2-8 週白花蔥蘭外觀藥害 評估

ig 5.4-4 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. candida 2-8 weeks after treatment of different oncentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate.

ata were means of 20 replications.

AT: weeks after treatment.

lant injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

he same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

5.4-5 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)處理後 2-8 週黃花蔥蘭外觀藥害

ig 5.4-5 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. citrina 2-8 weeks after treatment of different oncentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate.

ata were means of 20 replications.

AT: weeks after treatment.

lant injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

e same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.


圖 5.4-6 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)處理後 2-8 週小韮蘭外觀藥害評

Fig 5.4-6 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. rosea 2-8 weeks after treatment of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate.

Data were means of 20 replications.

WAT: weeks after treatment.

Plant injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

圖 5.4-7 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)處理後 2-8 週大韮蘭外觀藥害評

Fig 5.4-7 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. carinata 2-8 weeks after treatment of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate.

Data were means of 20 replications.

WAT: weeks after treatment.

Plant injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Concentration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.488 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.055

eed control Pearson Correlation -0.093 0.458 1

Sig(2-tailed) 0.732 0.074

ime Pearson Correlation 0 -0.804** -0.672** 1

Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.000 0.004



Concentration Injury Weed control Time oncentration Pearson Correlation 1


njury Pearson Correlation 0.286 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.283

d control Pearson Correlation -0.355 0.540* 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.177 0.031

Pearson Correlation 0 -0.772** -0.685** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0 0.003

C I Wee Time

表 5.4-2 白花蔥蘭施用巴拉刈(Paraquat)不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關 聯表

Table 5.4-2 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and e of Z. candida after Paraquat treatment.

表 5.4-3 黃花蔥蘭施用巴拉刈(Paraquat)不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關 聯表

able 5.4-3 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and me of Z. citrina after Paraquat treatment.

Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

T ti


**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

centration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.629* 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.009

Weed control Pearson Correlation -0.061 0.150 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.824 0.578

Time Pearson Correlation 0 -0.676* -0.389 1 Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.004 0.136

表 5.4-4 小韮蘭施用巴拉刈不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關聯表 Table


Concentration Injury Weed control Time oncentration Pearson Correlation 1


Sig(2-tailed) 0.391

620 0.280

Time Pearson Correlation 0 -0.888 -0.542* 1

Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.000 0.030


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.230 1

Weed control Pearson Correlation -0.134 0.287 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.

5.4-4 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


fferent concentrations, injury, weed control and me of Z. carinata after Paraquat treatment.

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

time of Z.rosea after Paraquat treatment.

表 5.4-5 大韮蘭施用巴拉刈不同濃度與藥害 Table 5.4-5 Pearson correlation analysis on di ti

Concentration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.768** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.001

Weed control Pearson Correlation 0.620* 0.561* 1

Sig(2-tailed) 0.010 0.041

Time Pearson Correlation 0.00 -0.563* -0.309 1

Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.023 0.245

表 5.4-6 白花蔥蘭施用嘉磷塞不同濃度與藥

Concentration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.693* 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.003

Weed control Pearson Correlation 0.622* 0.698* 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.010 0.003

Time Pearson Correlation 0.000 -0.659* -0.542* 1 Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.006 0.030

害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關聯表 able 5.4-6 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and

e of Z. candida after Glyphosate treatment.

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

表 5.4-7 黃花蔥蘭施用嘉磷塞不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關聯表 Table 5.4-7 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and time of Z. citrina after Glyphosate treatment.

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

T tim

Concentration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.723** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.002

Weed control Pearson Correlation 0.467 0.752** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.068 0.001

Time Pearson Correlation 0.000 -0.612* -0.657** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.012 0.006

表 5.4-8 小韮蘭施用嘉磷塞不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關聯表

Table 5.4-8 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and time of Z. rosea after Glyphosate treatment

Concentration Injury Weed control Time Concentration Pearson Correlation 1


Injury Pearson Correlation 0.646** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.002

Weed control Pearson Correlation 0.463** 0.561** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 0.000 0.000

Time Pearson Correlation 0.000 -0.549** -0.545** 1 Sig(2-tailed) 1.000 0.000 0.000


Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Co relation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

5.4-9 大韮蘭施用嘉磷塞不同濃度與藥害、雜草控制與時間間之皮爾森關聯表

able 5.4-9 Pearson correlation analysis on different concentrations, injury, weed control and me of Z. carinata after Glyphosate treatment.

*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

* r

T ti

圖 5.4-8 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate) 8、9、10 月平均開花數之影響

Table 5.4-8 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate on average flower count of Z. candida during August-Octobe

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan le range test at 5% level.




’s m

圖 5.4-9 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate) 施用對黃花蔥蘭 8、9、10 月平均開花數之影響

Fig 5.4-9 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate on average flower count of Z. citrina during August-October.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

圖 5.4-10 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)施用對小韮蘭 8、9、10 月平均開花數之影響

Fig 5.4-10 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate on average flower count of Z. rosea during August-October.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Treatment Dose Total fresh Plant height Leave Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb (kg a.i./ha) wt.(g) (cm) wt.(g) no. no. wt.(g) diameter(cm) no. wt.(g)

100%Paraquat 0.56 1.02f 9.78f 0.22f 0.8d 0.6c 0.76e 6.44d 0.3d 0.04e

aquat 0.28 2.41ef 19.59de 1.13ef 0.9d 0.7c 1.22de 8.65cd 0.2d 0.02e

aquat 0.14 5.19de 26.34cd 2.45def 1.3d 1.0c 1.95cd 11.4bc 0.2d 0.07e

12.5%Paraquat 0.07 5.59de 34.83ab 2.90de 1.5d 1.0c 2.08cd 11bc 0.4d 0.13de

100%Glyphosate 0.82 3.26ef 15.60ef 1.61ef 1.6d 0.8c 1.04e 8.89cd 0.6cd 0.39cd

phosate 0.41 10.91bc 30.64bc 6.51bc 3c 1.2c 3.09b 10.78bc 1.5bc 0.33de

phosate 0.21 11.97b 40.01a 7.48b 3c 0.9c 3.25b 10.88bc 2.2b 0.64bc

12.5%Glyphosate 0.10 7.96cd 32.41abc 4.58cd 1.8d 1.0c 2.78bc 11.77bc 0.7cd 0.21de

CK - 23.17a 40.76a 14.87a 7.1a 1.7b 3.35b 13.16ab 5.4a 0.91ab

H.CK - 23.9a 39.97a 14.21a 4.9b 4.4a 4.33a 15.36a 0.4d 1.14a

50%Par 25%Par

50%Gly 25%Gly

表 5.4-10 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)除草劑施用對白花蔥蘭營養生長之影響

Table 5.4-10 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate treatment on growth of Z. candida.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Treatment Dose Total fresh Plant height Leave Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb (kg a.i./ha) wt.(g) (cm) wt.(g) no. no. wt.(g) diameter(cm) no. wt.(g)

araquat 0.56 2.78c 24.82d 0.74ef 1.1ab 1.0a 1.97c 12.73c 0.1a 0.04a

50 Paraquat 0.28 3.07c 30.85cd 1.03def 1.0b 0.9ab 2.02c 12.33c 0a 0a

25%Paraquat 0.14 3.97c 31.57bc 1.44d 1.1ab 1.0a 2.45c 14.14bc 0.1a 0.03a

12.5%Paraquat 0.07 7.76b 40a 3.19ab 1.1ab 1.0a 4.93ab 17.06a 0.1a 0.06a

100%Glyphosate 0.82 2.75c 12.72e 0.38f 1.1ab 0.8b 2.29c 12.78c 0.1a 0.03a

50 Glyphosate 0.41 7.11b 31.53bc 2.44c 1.3a 1.0a 4.41b 16.06ab 0.1a 0.06a

25 Glyphosate 0.21 8.47ab 34.35abc 2.71bc 1.1ab 1.0a 5.71a 16.4ab 0.1a 0.08a 12.5%Glyphosate 0.10 4.03c 34.46abc 1.3de 1.0b 1.0a 2.61c 12.77c 0.1a 0.02a

CK - 9.52a 38.25ab 3.72a 1.0b 1.0a 5.59a 17.82a 0a 0a

H. - 8.05b 34.41abc 2.74bc 1.1ab 1.0a 5.14ab 16.88a 0.1a 0a






表 5.4-11 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)除草劑對黃花蔥蘭營養生長之影響

Table 5.4-11 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate treatment on growth of Z. citrina.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Treatment Dose Total fresh Plant height Leave Total bulbs Large bulb

(kg a.i./ha) wt.(g) (cm) wt.(g) no. no. wt.(g) diameter(cm) no. wt.(g)

100%Paraquat 0.56 0.33e 2.99d 0.04d 2.0f 0.5f 0.22e 2.92d 0.4e 0.02d

50%Paraquat 0.28 1.55de 12.79b 0.48d 3.2de 1.2cde 0.58e 5.97c 1.4cd 0.11cd

25%Paraquat 0.14 3.76bc 18.4a 1.46bc 4.1cd 1.5cd 1.18cd 8.37b 2.5ab 0.28b

12.5%Paraquat 0.07 4.98b 19.97a 1.68b 4.8bc 2.2b 1.14cd 9.49ab 2.2bc 0.27b

100%Glyphosate 0.82 0.37e 4.22d 0.08d 1.6f 0.6ef 0.22e 4.25cd 0.6de 0.05d

50%Glyphosate 0.41 0.99e 8.08c 2.44d 2.6ef 0.9def 0.47e 6.33c 1.2de 0.07d

25%Glyphosate 0.21 2.74cd 14.96b 0.29d 2.6ef 1.3cd 1.02d 8.45b 1.0de 0.19bc

12.5%Glyphosate 0.10 4.61b 19.61a 1.87b 3.2de 1.8bc 1.5c 9.5ab 1.2de 0.21b

CK - 7.08a 19.23a 2.69a 5.6ab 2.3b 1.98b 11.39a 3.3a 0.41a

H.CK - 8.21a 21.49a 2.89a 6.0a 3.6a 3.68a 11.37a 2.6ab 0.45a

Small bulb 表 5.4-12 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)除草劑對小韮蘭營養生長之影響

Table 5.4-12 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate treatment on growth of Z. rosea.

Data were means of 20 replications.

ot significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

The same letters within a column are n

Treatment Dose Total fresh Plant height Leave Total bulbs Large bulb

(kg a.i./ha) wt.(g) (cm) wt.(g) no. no. wt.(g) diameter(cm) no. wt.(g)

100%Paraquat 0.56 2.84de 18.19bc 0.46d 1b 0.7ab 2.14cde 11.76c 0b 0b

50%Paraquat 0.28 1.41ef 9.42cd 0.18d 1b 0.5c 1.18ef 7.3d 0b 0b

25%Paraquat 0.14 3.48cd 23.82b 0.71d 1b 0.7bc 2.26cd 12.16bc 0b 0b

12.5%Paraquat 0.07 2.35def 17.46bc 0.37d 1.1ab 0.7bc 1.65def 9.92cd 0b 0.02b

100%Glyphosate 0.82 1.14f 5.58d 0.17d 1b 0.5c 0.97f 6.9d 0b 0b

50%Glyphosate 0.41 1.89def 10.81cd 0.43d 1b 0.6bc 1.45def 8.91cd 0b 0b

25%Glyphosate 0.21 4.72c 24.42b 1.67c 1b 0.8ab 2.96c 12.89abc 0b 0b

12.5%Glyphosate 0.10 7.13b 34.92a 2.81b 1b 1.0a 4.24b 16.42ab 0b 0b

CK - 7.49b 39.58a 2.91ab 1b 1.0a 4.49b 17.2a 0b 0b

H.CK - 10.26a 36.26a 3.47a 1.1a 1.0a 5.84a 16.41ab 0.1a 0.11a

Small bulb 表 5.4-13 不同濃度巴拉刈(Paraquat)與嘉磷塞(Glyphosate)除草劑對大韮蘭營養生長之影響

Table 5.4-13 The effects of different concentration of Paraquat and Glyphosate treatment on growth of Z. carinata.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level

五、結果二:不同濃度本達隆(Bentazon)與環磺隆(Cyclosulfamuron)對 韮蘭屬盆內雜草大花咸豐草之防治


藥劑處理後大花咸豐草控制效果顯示,四種蔥蘭、韮蘭環磺隆 3 種濃 度處理持續對雜草具有良好的控制率,達 90%以上控制效果。本達隆則在 處理後 2 週,各濃度對大花咸豐草有顯著抑制效果,但 4 週後控制率開始 降低,以 100%控制效果最差,而高濃度本達隆經過 6 週後控制率也逐漸下 降(圖 5.5-1)。本達隆施藥後五週,不同濃度處理對大花咸豐草的控制情形 相似。環磺隆則是各濃度處理都提供良好的控制效果(圖 5.5-2、5.5-3)。


