• 沒有找到結果。

分別借取萌前萌後的除草特性延長雜草控制時效,評估萌前與萌後除 草劑綜合防治的成效與可能之藥害變化。

(二)材料與方法 1.植物材料

白花蔥蘭(周徑: 1.2-1.5cm)、淡黃蔥蘭(周徑: 1.2-1.5cm)、黃花蔥蘭(周 徑: 1.4-1.7cm)、小韮蘭(周徑:0.8-1.0cm)、大韮蘭(周徑:1.4-1.7cm)等五種 韮蘭屬。單植於 3 吋黑軟盆,土壤為砂壤土,每盆施用 3.5g 好康多 1 號 180 天型。每種韮蘭屬各 25 重複。


兩種萌前除草劑丁基拉草 Butachlor (草全除,興農公司)、丁拉樂滅 草 Butachlor + Oxadiazon (蓋好除,興農公司)及前試驗未對植株外觀產 生藥害之兩種萌後除草劑本達隆 Bentazon (草霸王,巴斯夫公司)與環磺 隆 Cyclosulfamuron (禾樂,巴斯夫公司)。人工除草對照組即每週一次以 人工除去盆內所有雜草(Hand weed free; H.CK)。不除草對照組,即試驗 期間不除草,放任雜草入侵滋長(CK)。


2009 年 7 月 28 日施用萌前藥劑丁基拉草與丁拉樂滅草,依照單位面積 劑量之適當濃度,以噴灌容器離盆約 50 公分處均勻噴施,10 月 27 日再施 用萌後藥劑本達隆及環磺隆,於 2009 年 12 月 7 日試驗結束。

(三)統計分析 同第三章 3.3。



萌前施用雜草控制情形,以 8 週後開始有雜草回萌,至 12 週時所有處 理對五種蔥蘭、韮蘭盆內雜草已失效,改用萌後除草劑,4 週評估顯示添加 本達隆比環磺隆有效減少雜草量,而 6 週後則是環磺隆處理雜草數量低於 本達隆,最後乾重也顯示,白花、淡黃蔥蘭及小韮、大韮蘭以丁拉樂滅草 添加本達隆對雜草防治效果最差,乾重有顯著差異,且高於未除草對照組。



試驗期間觀察蔥蘭與韮蘭外觀變化顯示,施用萌後藥劑並無對外觀造 成影響,因此只顯示萌前藥劑造成外觀傷害之評估數據。萌前藥劑施用 2 週後丁拉樂滅草對五種蔥蘭、韮蘭藥害程度都高於丁基拉草處理,且藥害 程度高於 4-5 以上不可接受程度內,持續至第 4 週後藥害才逐漸消退。施藥 後 8 週,藥害對五種蔥蘭、韮蘭降低至可接受程度。


兩組萌前與萌後藥劑組合,丁基拉草與丁拉樂滅草添加本達隆對五種 蔥蘭、韮蘭總鮮重、總球數、母、子球生長與人工除草對照組無顯著影響,

甚至有增加生長的趨勢。丁基拉草添加環磺隆對白花、淡黃及黃花蔥蘭生 長比未除草對照組好,小韮蘭及大韮蘭則與未除草對照無顯著差異。另外 丁拉樂滅草添加環磺隆對五種蔥蘭、韮蘭生長不甚良好,營養生長顯著低 於未除草對照組。

Treatment Dose 8 12 4 6 Weed dry weight

(kg a.i./ha) (g)

Butachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.1b 0.0004c

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 0.3c 0.4bc 0.4b 0.2b 0.088c

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 1.4b 1.4b 0.1b 0.2b 0.5493b

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 0.1c 0.6bc 0.2b 0.6b 0.0551c

CK - 2.5a 5.4a 6.7a 6.8a 1.0812a

H.CK - 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.0b 0.000c

Weeks after1st appplicationz Weeks after 2nd appplicationy ---Weed No./per pot---表 6.1-4-1 萌前添加萌後除草劑對白花蔥蘭雜草防除之效果

gence herbicide on weed count and weed dry weight in Z. candida.

: Spray pre-emergence herbicides treatment.

post-emergence herbicides treatment.

A Weeks after treatment.

Table 6.1-4-1 Effects of pre- emergence herbicide followed by post-emer

z y: Spray



Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Treatment Dose 8 12 4 6 Weed dry weight

(kg a.i./ha) (g)

Butachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 0.3c 0.3c 0.0c 0.2c 0.04c

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 0.2c 0.3c 0.9b 0.0c 0.00c

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 1.3b 1.6b 0.0c 1.0b 1.03a

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 1.3b 1.7b 0.3bc 0.2c 0.21bc

CK - 2.2a 2.4a 2.5a 2.84a 0.72ab

H.CK - 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.0c 0.00c

Weeks after1st appplicationz Weeks after 2nd appplicationy ---Weed No./per pot---表 6.1-4-2 萌前添加萌後除草劑對淡黃蔥蘭雜草防除之效果

Table 6.1-4-2 Effects of pre- emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on weed count and weed dry weight in Z. ’Ajax’.


Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

z: Spray pre-emergence herbicides trea

y: Spray post-emergence herbicides treatment.

WAT: Weeks after treatment.

kg a ./ha ---W eks after

Treatment Dose 8 6 e y weight Cyc osul amu


Table 6.1-4-3 Effects of pre- eme rbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on weed count and weed dry weight in

z: Spray pre-emergence herbicide t y: Spray post-emergence herbicid t WAT: Weeks after treatment.

Data were means of 20 replicatio

The same letters within a column o ntly dif ’ ltip est at 5

Z. citrina.

rgence he

s trea ment.

es treatmen . ns.

are n t significa ferent by Duncan s mu le range t % level.

d t

k i. (

Butachlor+Bentazon 1 a 0 .

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1 0 b b . .

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 ab . .

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamur 1 0 ab .1ab . .

CK a 2 .

z: Spray pre-emergence herbicides treatment.

y: Spray post-emergence herbicides treatment.

WAT: Weeks after treatment.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significant f b n s p s % l

g e herbici e fo owe by

ost-ly dif erent y Du can’ multi

and eed dry eigh in Z. rosea.

Treatment Dose 8 12 4 6 Weed dry weight

(kg a.i./ha) (g)

Butachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 1.8b 2.0b 1.6b 1.8b 0.300b

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 0.6cd 1.0d 1.1b 0.6c 0.068b

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 1.1bc 1.2cd 0.5c 1.6b 1.321a

(Butachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 2.8a 2.9a 0.1c 0.1c 0.003b

CK - 1.0c 1.8bc 2.6a 2.8a 0.981ab

H.CK - 0.0d 0.0e 0.0c 0.0c 0.000b

---Weed No./per pot---Weeks after1st appplicationz Weeks after 2nd appplicationy

z: Spray pre-emergence herbicides treatment.

y: Spray post-emergence herbicides treatment.

WAT: eeks after treatment.

Data w re means of 20 replications.

he same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

表 6.1-4-5 萌前添加萌後除草劑對大韮蘭雜草防除之效果

Table 6.1-4-5 Effects of pre- emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on weed count and weed dry weight in Z. carinata.

W e T

eatment Dose 2WAT


(kg a.i./ha)

tachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 3.6b 4.1b


tachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 3.2b 4.3b


utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 5.0a 5.8a


utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 5.1a 5.3a


- 0.0c 0.0c


eatment Dose 2WAT


(kg a.i./ha)

tachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 6c

4c 1.2b

tachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 3c

4.1c 0.7c

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 6b

5.6b 2.5a

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 4a

6.5a 2.5a

- 0d

0.0d 0.0d

eatment Dose 2WAT


(kg a

tachlor+Bentazon 1.92+ 7b

3.8c 0.8c

tachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+ 1b

5.1b 0.8c

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+ 9a

5.9ab 2.4a

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+ 8a

6.7a 1.4b


0.0d 0.0d

Table 6.1-4-6 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. candida 2-8 weeks after pre emergence bicides application.

t injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

a were means of 20 replications.

e letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

6.1-4-7 萌前除草劑對淡黃蔥蘭植株外觀藥害情形

jax’ 2-8 weeks after pre emergence herbicides lication.

t injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

a were means of 20 replications.

e letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s iple range test at 5% level.

6.1-4-8 萌前除草劑對黃花蔥蘭植株外觀藥害情形

Z. citrina 2-8 weeks after pre emergence herbicides


t injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent

injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

a were means of 20 replications.

e letters within a column are not significantly different b iple range test at 5% level.


Plan Dat The sam

Table 6.1-4-7 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. ’A app

Plan Dat The sam

Table 6.1-4-8 The phytotoxicity shown on app y Duncan’s m

eatment Dose 2WAT


(kg a.i./ha)

tachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 4.2b 3.2c 0.7c

tachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 3.7b 4.3b 0.6c

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 7.2a 6.4a 2.5b utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 6.8a 6.7a 3.5a

- 0.0c 0.0d 0.0d

eatment Dose 2WAT


(kg a.i./ha)

tachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 4.2b 1.7c

tachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 4.0b 1.1d

utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 7.1a 2.7a utachlor + Oxadiazon)+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 6.6a 2.3b

- 0.0c 0.0e

Table 6.1-4-9 The phytotoxicity shown on Z. rosea 2-8 weeks after pre emergence herbicides lication.


ry scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

a were means of 20 replications.

e letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

6.1-4-10 萌前除草劑對大韮蘭植株外觀藥害情形

Z. carinata 2-8 weeks after pre emergence

bicides application.

t injury scale: ‘0’ = excellent (no injury), ‘9’=very poor (dead).

a were means of 20 replications.

e letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s mu range test at 5% level.


Table 6.1-4-10 The phytotoxicity shown on her

Plan Dat

The sam ltiple

Treatment Dose Total fresh wt. Plant height Leaves Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb

(kg a.i./ha) (g) (cm) wt. no. diameter(mm) wt.(g) no. no.

Butachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 38.55a 42.22ab 22.84a 10.5a 13.87c 9.99a 3.1b 5.7a

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 27.03b 40.75ab 13.6bcd 6.0bc 15.76b 9.24a 2.5bc 3.5b

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 28.52b 42.33a 16.00b 6.9b 15.08bc 4.63c 3.3b 4.9a

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 21.17cd 41.7ab 12.07cd 5.0bc 17.48a 6.73b 1.5c 3.7b

CK - 19.88d 41.6ab 11.55d 4.0c 14.38bc 3.75c 3.2b 0.9c

H.CK - 26.31bc 40.08b 14.8bc 5.2bc 15.28bc 4.38c 4.6a 0.4c

表 6.1-4-11 萌前添加萌後除草劑對白花蔥蘭生長之影響

Treat ent Dose Total fresh wt. Plant height Leaves Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb

(kg a.i./ha) (g) (cm) wt. no. diameter(mm) wt.(g) no. no.

1.92+1.32 23.66b 39.16ab 11.79b 3.6b 17.15b 9.03b 1.6c 2.2b

1.92+0.05 25.53b 39.42ab 11.92b 4.2b 18.69a 11.39a 2.2b 2.0b




Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 24.67b 40.33ab 12.74b 3.7b 16.80bc 6.47c 1.5cd 2.3b

1.7c 15.75cd 4.42d 1.1d 0.7c

CK - 17.82c 38.3b 7.56c 3.5b 14.20e 3.97d 1.3cd 2.2b

H.CK - 30.93a 40.51ab 17.28a 8.4a 15.11de 4.73d 2.8a 5.6a

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 10.29d 41.18a 5.14d

Table 6.1-4-11 Effects of pre-emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on vegetative growth of Z. candida.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

表 6.1-4-12 萌前添加萌後除草劑對淡黃蔥蘭生長之影響

Table 6.1-4-12 Effects of pre-emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide vegetative on growth of Z. ’Ajax’.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Treatment Dose Total fresh wt. Plant height Leaves Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb

(kg a.i./ha) (g) (cm) wt. no. diameter(mm) wt.(g) no. no.

Butachlor+Bentazon 1.92+1.32 7.11bcd 34.05b 1.95bc 1.1a 15.34c 5.02b 1a 0.1a

Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron 1.92+0.05 8.55a 37.16a 2.41a 1.1a 18.05a 5.91a 1a 0.1a

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Bentazon 1.2+1.32 7.22bc 36.71a 2.41a 1.0ab 15.7c 4.69bc 1a 0a

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 6.75cd 37.55a 2.02b 0.9b 16.91b 4.86bc 1a 0a

CK - 6.24d 33.01b 1.65c 1.1a 14.96c 4.25c 1a 0.1a

H.CK - 8.04ab 34.37b 2.68a 1.0ab 16.78b 5.08b 1a 0a

表 6.1-4-13 萌前添加萌後除草劑對黃花蔥蘭生長之影響

Treatment Dose Total fresh wt. Plant height Leaves Total bulbs Large bulb Small bulb

(kg a.i./ha) (g) (cm) wt. no. diameter(mm) wt.(g) no. no.

1.92+1.32 17.22a 22.32ab 4.78a 7.8a 12.86b 9.85a 4.3a 3.7a

1.92+0.05 11.03c 22.79a 3.98ab 5.8b 12.62b 5.95b 2.9b 2.9ab

1.2+1.32 12.87bc 19.35c 2.61cd 6.1b 15.29a 8.54a 3.3b 2.8ab

3.5c 12.47b 3.17c 1.9c 1.8b

CK - 10.47c 20.34c 3.18bc 5.6b 12.77b 2.24c 3.2b 2.3b

H.CK - 15.51ab 21.27abc 5.05a 6.9ab 15.07a 3.49c 3.8ab 2.6ab


Butachlor+Cyclosulfamuron Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Bentazon

Butachlor + Oxadiazon+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2+0.05 5.64d 20.78bc 1.88d

Table 6.1-4-13 Effects of pre-emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on vegetative growth of Z. citrina.

表 6.1-4-14 萌前添加萌後除草劑對小韮蘭生長之影響

Table 6.1-4-14 Effects of pre-emergence herbicide followed by post-emergence herbicide on vegetative growth of Z. rosea.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

Data were means of 20 replications.

The same letters within a column are not significantly different by Duncan’s multiple range test at 5% level.

wt. Plant height Leaves s Large bulb S

( (cm) wt. m) wt.(g) no.

Buta tazon 1.92 38.82ab 3.57a c 5.93a 0.9b

Buta closulfamuron 1.92 33.97d 1.71b b 4.52bc 1ab

Buta xadiazon+Bentazon 1.2 40.57a 3.59a c 5.12abc 1ab

Buta xadiazon+Cyclosulfamuron 1.2 36.74bc 1.93b a 4.79bc 1.5a

CK 28.88e 1.38b c 4.13c 1ab 0.

H.C 35.49cd 3.20a c 5.49ab 1ab 0.

Treat mall bul


Ta Application of pre- emer i owed by post-emergence her we wth of Z. carinata.

Data s of 20 replications.

The s le within a column are not significan re an’s multiple range test at 5% level.


bicide sho d on gro


淡黃蔥蘭(球徑 1.2-1.5cm)、黃花蔥蘭(球徑 2.2-2.5cm)、小韮蘭(球徑 0.8-1.0cm)三種韮蘭屬商業球根。定植於宜蘭大學園藝系試驗場,長 5 公尺、寬 3 公尺,總面積 15 公尺之露地,區隔成 40*40cm 面積,栽植 距離分別為 1cm*1cm、3cm*3cm、6cm*6cm,每處理 3 重複。肥料在種 植前均勻混入介質土壤中,採用好康多 1 號緩效性肥料 180 天型,病蟲
