• 沒有找到結果。


本試驗於彩葉鳳梨育苗至本葉展開時,每週施用含 0、2、4、6、8、10 mM K 的養液一次,處理 12 週後之植株外觀如圖 24 所示。

於 K 濃度處理 79 天時,以可攜式光合作用測定儀量測全株淨光合作用速率。

結果顯示彩葉鳳梨全株最大淨光合作用速率約在 0.5-1.5 μmol·m-2·s-1,隨養液 K 濃 度由 0 提高至 8 mM,全株淨光合作用速率增加,而 10 mM K 處理則全株淨光合 作用速率降低(圖 25)。隨養液 K 濃度增加,0-120 μmol·m-2·s-1全株淨光合作用速率 增加(圖 26)。經由換算光合參數顯示,養液 0 和 2 mM K 處理者光補償點、光飽和 點、暗呼吸速率較高,4 至 10 mM K 處理者光補償點、光飽和點、暗呼吸速率較 低;隨養液 K 濃度由 0 增加至 8 mM,最大光合作用速率提升,10 mM 最大光合 作用速率下降(表 13)。

試驗期間,介質 EC 值介於 1.0-2.0 dS·m-1,於處理間無顯著差異(圖 27A)。介 質溶液的 pH 值隨處理後天數增加而下降,0 至 4 mM K 處理者介質溶液 pH 值較 低,6 至 8 mM K 處理者次之,10 mM K 處理者較高(圖 27B)。

養液 K 濃度由 0 提高至 10 mM 時,地上部及地下部乾重呈提升趨勢,根冠比 間無顯著差異(表 14)。

養液 K 濃度由 0 至 6-8 mM 時,葉片長度、長寬比、厚度增加,8 至 10 mM K 處理間葉片長度、長寬比、厚度變化趨緩不再增加(圖 28A、B、D)。葉片寬度隨 養液 K 濃度由 0 增加至 10 mM 而呈線性提升趨勢(圖 28B)。總葉片數隨養液 K 濃 度增加至 10 mM 而呈線性提升趨勢,葉面積變化無顯著差異,葉綠素計讀值則隨 養液 K 濃度增加至 10 mM 而呈線性下降趨勢。葉片 Fv/Fm 值皆於 0.62-0.68 之間 (表 15)。

取樣烘乾並分析植體元素濃度,結果顯示,隨養液 K 濃度增加,植體 C、N 濃 度呈線性下降(圖 29A、B)。0 至 4-6 mM K 處理之植體 P 濃度增加,8 至 10 mM K 處理之植體 P 濃度則下降(圖 29C)。而隨養液 K 濃度由 0 至 8 mM 提升,植體 K 濃度增加,8 至 10 mM K 處理之植體 K 則不再顯著增加(圖 29D)。養液 K 濃度對 植體 Ca、Mg 影響無顯著差異(圖 29E、F)。

圖 1. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交組合‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A)、‘Pink Sensation’× ‘Gold Fever’ (B)、‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C)、‘Tricolor’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (D)種子發芽外觀 之影響

Fig. 1. Effect of temperature on seed germination appearance in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’

בPoney’ (A), ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (B), ‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C), and

‘Tricolor’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (D). Bar = 1cm.

圖 2. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交組合‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A)、‘Pink Sensation’ ×

‘Gold Fever’ (B)、‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C)、‘Tricolor’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (D)種 子發芽反應曲線之影響

Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on seed germination response curve in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A), ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (B), ‘Gold Fever’ ×

‘Tricolor’ (C), and ‘Tricolor’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (D) seeds. Bars were LSD0.05 value at respective day. Coefficients fitted to the seed germination response curves in tested Neoregelia at four temperatures:

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’

20/15℃: y = 85.4 / [1 + e – (X-19.5) / 1.2], R2 = 0.97***

25/20℃: y = 88.4 / [1 + e – (X-13.9) / 0.8], R2 = 0.95***

30/25℃: y = 83.5 / [1 + e – (X-11.8) / 0.3], R2 = 0.91***

35/30℃: y = 37.2 / [1 + e – (X-17.8) / 0.8], R2 = 0.91***

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

20/15℃: y = 90.1 / [1 + e – (X-17.7) / 2.0], R2 = 0.95***

25/20℃: y = 83.1 / [1 + e – (X-11.8) / 0.3], R2 = 0.96***

30/25℃: y = 99.0 / [1 + e – (X-14.7) / 1.7], R2 = 0.96***

35/30℃: y = 50.3 / [1 + e – (X-16.7) / 1.5], R2 = 0.96***

‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’

20/15℃: y = 78.4 / [1 + e – (X-18.4) / 1.8], R2 = 0.97***

25/20℃: y = 85.7 / [1 + e – (X-11.8) / 0.2], R2 = 0.92***

30/25℃: y = 80.9 / [1 + e – (X-11.8) / 0.2], R2 = 0.91***

35/30℃: y = 57.3 / [1 + e – (X-15.8) / 2.0], R2 = 0.92***

‘Tricolor’ × ‘Gold Fever’

20/15℃: y = 48.5 / [1 + e – (X-24.6) / 3.0], R2 = 0.88***

表 1. 溫度對四種彩葉鳳梨雜交組合最大種子發芽率之影響

Table 1. Effect of temperature on maximum seed germination percentage of four Neoregelia crosses.

z Means followed by the same lowercase or uppercase letters were not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 within columns and rows, respectively.

表 2. 溫度對四種彩葉鳳梨雜交組合由播種到 50%種子發芽率時間(T50)之影響 Table 2. Effect of temperature on time from sowing to 50% seed germination of four

Neoregelia crosses.

Day/night temperature (oC)

‘Pink Sensation’

× ‘Poney’

‘Pink Sensation’

× ‘Gold Fever’

‘Gold Fever’

× ‘Tricolor’


× ‘Gold Fever’

20/15 19.5 a B z 17.7 a C 18.5 a BC 25.0 a A 25/20 13.9 b A 11.9 d A 11.8 c B - 30/25 11.8 c A 14.4 c A 11.8 c A -

35/30 - 16.8 b A 15.9 b B -

z Means followed by the same lowercase or uppercase letters were not significantly different by LSD test at P < 0.05 within columns and rows, respectively.

- Did not reach 50% germination.

圖 3. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交實生穴盤苗地上部和地下部外觀之影響。參試組合分別 為‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A)、‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (B)及‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C)。

Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on shoot and root appearanece of Neoregelia hybrid plug seedlings. Tested hybrids were ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A), ‘Pink Sensation’ ×

‘Gold Fever’ (B), and ‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C). Bar = 2 cm.

Photosynthetic photon flux (µmol.m-2.s-1)

Whole plant net photosynthesis (µmol CO2

. m

0 500 1000 1500 2000


‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’

35/30: y = -0.6101+ 1.2860 × [1-e(-0.0004x)] 30/25: y = -0.5196 + 2.5166 × [1-e(-0.0026x)] 25/25: y = -0.7602+ 2.8265 × [1-e(-0.0021x)] 20/15: y = -0.3473+ 1.8580 × [1-e(-0.0037x)] 15/13: y = -0.5315+ 1.8677 × [1-e(-0.0028x)]

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

35/30: y = -0.3337 + 1.9350 × [1-e(-0.0038x)] 30/25: y = -0.1582 + 1.7956 × [1-e(-0.0026x)] 25/20: y = -0.7708 + 3.3177 × [1-e(-0.0036x)] 20/15: y = -0.3817 + 2.6715 × [1-e(-0.0030x)] 15/13: y = -0.3535 + 1.1846 × [1-e(-0.0055x)]

‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’

35/30: y = -0.3557+ 1.1655 × [1-e(-0.0058x)] Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ (B)、‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’ (C)處理後 49 天之全株 淨光合作用速率之影響

Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on whole plant net photosynthesis in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’ (A), ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ and (B), ‘Gold Fever’ ×

‘Tricolor’ (C) hybrid plug seedlings at 49 days after treatements. Measurements were taken at 25℃, 2.0 kPa (vapor pressure deficit), and 400 ppm CO2. Bars represent LSD0.05 at respective photosynthetic photon flux and genetic cross (n=3).

The equation of the response curve is y = y0 + a × [1-e(-bx)].

表 3. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交實生穴盤苗地上部乾重、地下部乾重、冠根比之影響 Table 3. Effects of temperature on shoot and root dry weights, and shoot to root ratio in

Neoregelia hybrid plug seedlings.

Day/night temperature (oC)

Dry weight (mg per plant) Shoot to root ratio Shoot Root

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’

15/13 18.4 bz 3.3 b 5.6 c

20/15 24.6 b 3.3 b 7.5 bc

25/20 49.2 a 5.2 a 9.5 b

30/25 57.9 a 4.2 ab 13.8 a

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

15/13 7.3 c 2.7 b 2.7 b

20/15 27.4 b 2.8 b 9.8 ab

25/20 65.3 a 7.1 a 9.2 ab

30/25 25.9 b 2.1 b 12.3 a

‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’

15/13 9.6 b 2.2 b 4.3 c

20/15 15.2 b 2.1 b 7.2 b

25/20 46.0 a 5.6 a 8.2 b

30/25 38.2 a 2.2 b 17.4 a

z Mean separation within columns and crosses by LSD test at P < 0.05.

表 4. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交實生穴盤苗葉數、葉面積、葉綠素計讀值及 Fv/Fm 值之 影響

Table 4. Effects of temperature on leaf number, leaf area, SPAD-502 value, and Fv/Fm value in Neoregelia plug hybrid seedlings.

Day/night temperature

(oC) Leaf no. Leaf area (cm2/plant)

SPAD-502 value

Fv/Fm value

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’

15/13 8.3 cz 5.2 c 19.4 b 0.44 b

20/15 9.3 bc 12.7 b 22.9 b 0.46 b

25/20 12.3 a 27.1 a 37.5 a 0.68 a

30/25 11.5 ab 14.0 b 34.8 a 0.77 a

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

15/13 8.2 b 7.5 c 20.1 b 0.51 b

20/15 10.7 ab 13.7 b 25.1 b 0.59 b

25/20 11.8 a 18.9 a 36.0 a 0.72 a

30/25 11.8 a 13.3 b 34.9 a 0.74 a

‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’

15/13 6.7 c 5.6 c 20.1 c 0.21 c

20/15 11.0 ab 10.4 b 24.7 b 0.55 b 25/20 11.3 ab 16.3 a 37.5 a 0.69 a

30/25 14.0 a 11.7 b 34.0 a 0.72 a

z Mean separation within columns and crosses by LSD test at P < 0.05.

表 5. 溫度對彩葉鳳梨雜交實生穴盤苗處理後 102 天後之介質 EC 及 pH 值之影響 Table 5. Effect of temperature on medium EC and pH in Neoregelia hybrid plug

seedlings grown under different temperatures for 102 days.

Day/night temperature (oC) EC (dS⋅m-1) pH

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Poney’

15/13 0.73 az 7.14 b

20/15 0.47 b 7.42 a

25/20 0.54 b 7.10 b

30/25 0.43 b 7.46 a

‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

15/13 0.48 a 7.33 b

20/15 0.54 a 7.35 ab

25/20 0.57 a 7.10 c

30/25 0.46 a 7.46 a

‘Gold Fever’ × ‘Tricolor’

15/13 0.57 a 7.25 b

20/15 0.54 ab 7.28 ab

25/20 0.57 ab 7.28 ab

30/25 0.46 b 7.34 a

z Mean separation within columns and crosses by LSD test at P < 0.05.

圖 5. 遮光與養液濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗生長表 現、地上部和地下部外觀之影響

Fig. 5. Effects of shading and nutrient solution concentration on growth performance, shoot and root appearance in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedling. Bar = 1 cm.

S h ad ing ( %) 70 50 20

圖 6. 遮光程度對施用全量強生氏養液之彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

實生穴盤苗處理後 52 天全株淨光合作用速率之影響

Fig. 6. Effect of shading level on whole plant net photosynthesis in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’plug seedlings supplied with full strength Johnson’s solution for 52 days. Measurements were taken at 25℃, 2.0 kPa (vapor pressure deficit), and 400 ppm CO2. Bars represent LSD0.05 at respective photosynthetic photon flux (n=3). The equation of the response curve is y = y0 + a × [1-e(-bx)].

20% shading : y = -0.4525 + 1.6031 × [ 1 – e (-0.0052x)] 50% shading : y = -0.5235 + 1.6839 × [ 1 – e (-0.0064x)] 77% shading : y = -0.3661 + 1.3954 × [ 1 – e (-0.0086x)]

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

20% shading 50% shading 77% shading

W hol e pl ant ne t phot os y nt he si s (µ mo l C O


. m


. s



Photosynthetic photon flux (µmol.m





表 6. 遮光程度對施用全量強生氏養液彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實 生穴盤苗處理後 52 天光補償點、光飽和點、最大光合作用速率及暗呼吸速率 之影響

Table 6. Effects of shading level on light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP), light saturated rate of photosynthesis (Amax), and dark respiration rate (Rd) in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings supplied with full strength Johnson’s solution for 52 days.

Shading (%)









20 63.9 az 639.9 a 1.10 a 0.5 a

50 59.8 a 526.3 b 1.10 a 0.5 a

77 32.3 b 383.7 c 0.98 b 0.4 b

LSD (P = 0.05) 7.4 25.9 0.04 0.05

z Mean separation within columns by LSD test at P < 0.05.

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2

3 200% J

100% J 50% J 0% J

W hol e pl ant ne t phot os y nt he si s (µ mo l C O


. m


. s



Photosynthetic photon flux (µmol.m





圖 7. 強生氏養液濃度對遮光 20%之彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生 穴盤苗處理後 52 天全株淨光合作用速率之影響

Fig. 7. Effect of Johnson’s solution (J) strength on whole plant net photosynthesis in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings grown under 20%

shading for 52 days. Measurements were taken at 25℃, 2.0 kPa (vapor pressure deficit), and 400 ppm CO2. Bars represent LSD0.05 at respective photosynthetic photon flux (n=3). The equation of the response curve is y = y0 + a × [1-e(-bx)].

200% J : y = -0.7470 + 2.5073 [ 1 – e (-0.0049x)] 100% J : y = -0.4525 + 1.6031 [ 1 – e (-0.0052x)] 50% J : y = -0.3912 + 1.5967 [ 1 – e (-0.0054x)] 0% J : y = -0.1562 + 0.9841 [ 1 – e (-0.0065x)]

表 7. 強生氏養液濃度對遮光 20%之彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生 穴盤苗處理後 52 天光補償點、光飽和點、最大光合作用速率及暗呼吸速率之 影響

Table 7. Effects of Johnson’s solution strength on light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP), light saturated rate of photosynthesis (Amax), and dark respiration rate (Rd) in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ grown under 20% shading for 52 days.

Johnson’s solution (%)






(μmol CO2·m-2·s-1)


(μmol CO2·m-2·s-1)

0 29.5 cz 487.5 d 0.8 c 0.11 d

50 55.2 b 606.8 c 1.1 b 0.40 c

100 63.9 ab 639.9 b 1.1 b 0.45 b

200 74.0 a 683.6 a 1.7 a 0.74 a

LSD (P = 0.05) 11.9 28.0 0.08 0.03 Significance L***Q*** L***Q** L***Q* L***Q***

z Mean separation within columns by LSD test at P < 0.05.

*,**,*** Significant at P < 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001, respectively. Linear = L, quadratic = Q.

表 8. 遮光與養液濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗地上 部乾重、地下部乾重及冠根比之影響

Table 8. Effects of shading and Johnson’s solution strength on shoot and root dry weights, and shoot to root ratio in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings.


Dry weight (mg per plant) Shoot to root ratio Shading (%) Johnson’s

solution (%) Shoot Root

20 0 1.0 dz 0.3 e 3.3 b

50 5.0 bcd 1.2 bc 4.2 b

100 6.9 bcd 1.4 b 4.9 b

200 17.0 a 2.9 a 5.9 ab

50 0 1.1 d 0.3 e 3.7 b

50 6.7 bcd 0.9 bcde 7.4 ab

100 9.3 bc 0.6 cde 15.5 a

200 2.3 cd 0.4 de 5.8 ab

77 0 1.0 d 0.3 e 3.7 b

50 11.3 ab 1.4 b 8.1 ab

100 6.8 bcd 1.5 b 4.5 b

200 4.1 cd 1.1 bcd 3.7 b

LSD (P = 0.05) 7.15 0.68 6.56


Shading (S) NS NS NS

Johnson’s solution (J) L* L** NS

S × J ** *** NS

z Mean separation within columns by LSD test at P < 0.05.

NS, *, **, *** Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively. Linear = L.

表 9. 遮光與強生氏養液濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤 苗葉片數、葉面積、葉綠素計讀值及 Fv/Fm 值之影響

Table 9. Effects of shading and Johnson’s solution strength on leaf number, leaf area, SPAD-502 value, and Fv/Fm value in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’

plug seedlings.

z Mean separation within columns by LSD test at P < 0.05.

NS, *, **, *** Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.05, 0.01, or 0.001, respectively. Linear

= L, quadratic = Q.

表 10. 遮光與強生氏養液濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤 苗介質 EC 及 pH 值之影響

Table 10. Effects of shading and Johnson’s solution strength on mediun EC and pH of Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings

Treatment EC

(dS⋅m-1) pH Shading (%) Johnson’s solution (%)

20 0 0.25 cz 7.26 a

50 0.27 c 7.13 ab

100 0.76 ab 6.94 bc

200 0.88 ab 6.40 d

50 0 0.50 bc 7.08 ab

50 0.42 bc 7.27 a

100 0.62 abc 6.97 abc

200 1.04 a 6.76 c

77 0 0.61 abc 7.00 abc

50 0.64 abc 7.19 ab

100 0.84 ab 6.98 abc

200 0.89 ab 6.33 d

LSD (P = 0.05) 0.48 0.31


Shading (S) NS NS

Johnson’s (J) L*** L***


z Mean separation within columns by LSD test at P < 0.05.

NS, *** Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.001, respectively. Linear = L.

圖 8. 養液氮濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗生長表現、


Fig. 8. Effect of nutrient solution nitrogen concentration on growth performance, shoot and root appearance in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings.

Bar = 2 cm.

圖 9. 養液氮濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗處理後 78 天全株淨光合作用速率之影響

Fig. 9. Effect of nutrient solution nitrogen concentration on whole plant net photosynthesis in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings at 78 days after treatments. Measurements were taken at 25℃, 2.0 kPa (vapor pressure deficit), and 400 ppm CO2. Bars represent LSD0.05 at respective photosynthetic photon flux (n=3). The equation of the response curve is y = y0 + a × [1-e(-bx)].

Photosynthetic photon flux (µmol.m





0 500 1000 1500 2000

Whol e pl ant net phot os ynt hes is (µ mo l. m


. s



圖 10. 養液氮濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗處理後 78 天於較低光強度下之全株淨光合作用速率之影響

Fig. 10. Effect of nutrient solution nitrogen concentration on whole plant net photosynthesis in Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings at 78 days after treatments measured at lower photosynthetic photon flux (PPF).

Measurements were taken at 25℃, 2.0 kPa (vapor pressure deficit), and 400 ppm CO2. Bars represent LSD0.05 at respective PPF (n=3). The equation of the response curve is y = ax + b.

W hol e pl ant ne t phot os ynt he si s (µ mo l. m


. s



Photosynthetic photon flux (µmol.m





表 11. 養液氮濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗處理後 78 天之光補償點、光飽和點、最大光合作用速率及暗呼吸速率之影響

Table 11. Effects of nutrient solution nitrogen concentration on light compensation point (LCP), light saturation point (LSP), light saturated rate of photosynthesis (Amax), and dark respiration rate (Rd) of Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings at 78 days after treatments.

N concn (mM)









0 54.4 424.9 0.7 0.2

4 48.7 418.9 1.0 0.3

8 49.9 401.6 1.1 0.5

12 52.7 507.0 1.2 0.4

16 65.7 559.3 1.2 0.5

20 52.3 680.3 1.1 0.4

24 48.2 705.9 1.5 0.5

28 52.4 723.6 1.5 0.5

32 58.0 709.0 1.5 0.5

Significance NS L*** L*** Q*** L***Q**

NS, **, *** Nonsignificant or significant at P < 0.01 or 0.001, respectively. Linear = L, quadratic = Q.

圖 11. 養液氮濃度對彩葉鳳梨‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’實生穴盤苗介質 EC 值及 pH 值之影響

Fig. 11. Effects of nutrient solution nitrogen concentration on mediun EC and pH of Neoregelia ‘Pink Sensation’ × ‘Gold Fever’ plug seedlings. Bars represent LSD0.05

among treatments on a given day.

0 20 40 60 80