• 沒有找到結果。

陸、美菲軍事合作和仁愛暗沙事件:2013-2014 年

2013 年 8 月 14 日,在中國持續在南海對菲施壓下,美菲兩國正式 就「增加輪調駐軍」(increased rotation presence)進行談判,期望在新 的合作框架下增加彼此在外交國防事務合作。118根據菲律賓國防部的 聲明,此次談判重點聚焦於美軍與其軍備在菲國的短暫駐留,同時希 望藉由聯合活動,增強菲軍在海事安全、海權意識、災難回應及人道 救 濟 的 能 力 , 以 協 助 菲 國 在 面 臨 領 土 威 脅 時 , 具 備 「 最 低 有 效 防 衛」。119對於菲律賓而言,此次談判目標是希望美國在新協議框架下 針對中國的侵擾行為提供防衛協助與安全承諾,尤其是至關重要的海 事安全。8 月 29 日,雙方在新協議框架上達成三項基本共識,一是美 方不會在菲律賓尋求永久駐軍,二是所有美方人員在進出或使用(軍 事)設施與地域時須先經菲國邀請,三是新協議作為美菲《共同防禦 條約》的延伸,應促進雙方在防衛能力的互利發展。120不過,雙方在 協議效期上仍有歧見,美方希望維持 20 年,菲方則試圖縮短效期。121

118. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “Philippines, US begin formal talks on IRP,” August 14, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/philippines-us-begin-formal-talks-on-irp.html>.

119. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PH panel wants US help in Maritime Security, Humanitarian Relief,” August 16, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.


120. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “Negotiations on Framework Agreement between the Philippines and the United States on IRP/EDC,” August 29, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/20130829171445378.pdf>; Department

緊接著,此後雙方針對協議效期、共同使用軍備問題、軍備設施所有 權,以及監控美軍軍備的機制等議題持續展開談判。122但是,到 2014 年 2 月初,雙方在關鍵事項仍無共識。123此時,中國船艦再次出現於 仁愛暗沙海域,在此壓力下,雙方在三月時取得突破性進展,包括草 稿的擬定、協議內字詞的定義、軍備設施所有權、防務協調,以及爭 端解決等問題,皆達成共識。124四月,菲方在官方新聞稿透露,雙方

of National Defense of the Philippines, “PHL, US resume talks on IRP framework in Washington,” August 29, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/press%20release%


121. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PH, US wrap up second round of talks on IRP framework,” August 31, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/Press


122. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PH panel: No agreement yet on duration, joint use of US equipment,” September 12, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.


123. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PH, US to continue talks on IRP framework agreement,” October 3, 2013, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/PR_IRP_Oct%203.

pdf>; Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PHL-US Panels Successfully Conducted Fifth Round Of Negotiations On Enhanced Defense Cooperation,” February 4, 2014, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/press%20release%20020514.pdf>.

124. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PHL, US conclude sixth round of talks on enhanced defense cooperation,” March 9, 2014, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/irp3092014.

pdf>; Pio Lorenzo F. Batino, “6th Round Negotiations PH-US Agreement on Enhanced Cooperation,” March 14, 2014, Department of National Defense


2014 年 4 月 28 日,隨著歐巴馬抵達菲律賓,時任美國駐菲大使戈 德堡(Philip Goldberg)與時任菲國國防部長加斯明(Voltaire Gazmin)代 表兩國正式簽署為期十年的《強化防務合作協議》(Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, EDCA)。此協議是自 1992 年美軍撤離蘇比克 海軍基地與克拉克空軍基地後,首度獲准以輪調的形式重返菲律賓。

據此,美軍得在雙方協議位置(agreed locations),包括軍事基地、機 場,以及港口等地,進行安全合作演習、聯合訓練、人道援助與其他 在雙方同意下的任何活動,同時得部署核武以外的防禦性設施、裝備 及補給物資。126對美國而言,EDCA 不僅強化美國在亞太的軍事投射 能力,擴大美軍行動自由,它還為歐巴馬的亞洲「再平衡」政策提供 穩固的支柱,使其在衝突熱點的鄰近區域進行軍事部署,以相對彈性 的方式抑制中國對南海的掌控。而且,EDCA 提升菲律賓面對中國壓 力時的議價能力,為雙方創造對等協商的條件,也降低美國直接與中 國進行高成本對抗的風險。

of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/PR%2003-14-14.pdf>.

125. Department of National Defense of the Philippines, “PH-US to resume talks on enhanced defense cooperation; humanitarian assistance and disaster response recognized as key provisions,” April 9, 2014, Department of National Defense of the Philippines, <http://www.dnd.gov.ph/pdf/edc%


126. U.S. Department of State, “Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on Enhanced Defense Cooperation,” April 28, 2014, pp. 1-10, U.S. Department of State, <https://www.state.gov/documents/organization/244799.pdf>; Carl Thayer, “Analyzing the US-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agree-ment,” The Diplomat, May 2, 2014, <https://thediplomat.com/2014/05/analyzing-the-us-philippines-enhanced-defense-cooperation-agreement/>.

誠如前述,黃岩島事件後,中國持續在南海對菲律賓施壓,促成 美菲正式展開基地談判,這可以 2013 年開始的仁愛暗沙對峙為代表。

2013 年 3 月 6 日,廣東海事局宣布針對仁愛暗沙、信義暗沙、美濟礁 與仙娥礁等地進行海空立體巡航任務。雖然任務目的為「採集相關通 航環境信息」與「保障海上交通安全」,127但也透露將在礁上修建助 航標誌,以及常態巡航的決心。5 月 8 日,菲律賓發現兩艘中國海監船 出現在距仁愛暗沙五至六海里處。128此事件引起菲國政府高度關注,

隔日派遣一艘孔雀級巡邏艦(PS-36)、一艘黎剎級巡防艦(PS-74),和一 艘運兵船(PS-71)前往仁愛暗沙海域監視中國艦隻。1295 月 10 日,菲國 外交部向中國駐菲大使館提出抗議,譴責中國船隻上開行動「挑釁且 違法」,要求中國尊重菲律賓國家主權與國際法規範。13019 日,時任 菲律賓駐美大使庫西亞(Jose L. Cuisia Jr.)向美國尋求協助,並表明菲

127. 廣州海事局,〈海事直升機巡航南沙群島海域〉,2013 年 3 月 7 日,《廣 州 海 事 局 》,<https://www.gdmsa.gov.cn/zfzd/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=


128. Redempto D. Anda, “2 Chinese Spy Ships Sighted off PH-Held Shoal,”

INQUIRER.net, May 10, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/74077/2-chinese-spy-ships-sighted-off-ph-held-shoal>.

129. Francisco Tuyay, “PH Sea Patrol Checks out Chinese Ships,” Manila Standard, May 10, 2013, <http://manilastandard.net/mobile/article/99295>;

〈中國驅逐艦進入南海仁愛礁海域,菲軍派 3 艦監視〉,《新華網》,2013 年 5 月 10 日,<http://world.people.com.cn/n/2013/0510/c157278 -21440104.


130. Tarra Quismundo, “PH protests presence of Chinese ships in Ayungin Shoal,” INQUIRER.net, May 21, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/75155/

ph-protests-presence-of-chinese-ships-in-ayungin-shoal>; Nikko Dizon &

Tarra Quismundo, “Philippines weighs move on China incursion,” INQUIRER.

net, May 23, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/75355/philippines-weighs-move-on-china-incursion>.

律賓願意與其他國家共同確保南海航行自由。13121 日,時任菲國外交 部發言人賀南德斯(Raul Hernandez)證實,過去一周內共有 30 艘漁船、

兩艘海監船及一艘解放軍軍艦進入該海域,132同一天,艾奎諾總統在 菲律賓海軍成立 115 周年典禮上,強硬喊話:「我們向全世界傳達的訊 息很清楚:凡為菲律賓所有者,即屬菲律賓。」。133與此同時,菲國 政府也釋放力圖緩和局勢的訊號。在艾奎諾總統對外發表強硬聲明的 同時,菲國海軍中將阿拉諾(Luis Alano)對記者表示:「中國船隻只要 不開採任何自然資源,菲律賓可以接受他們的出現。」1345 月 25 日,

時任菲國總統府副發言人華爾地(Abigail Valte)於受訪時強調,菲國政 府會避免激化局勢,堅持和平解決,並透露漁業水產資源局(Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, BFAR)正協助漁民前往其他近海人 工漁礁捕魚。135

131. Embassy of the Philippines, “Cuisia: Manila will Work with US, Other Countries to Ensure Freedom of Navigation in South China Sea,” May 19, 2013, Embassy of the Philippines, <http://www.philippineembassy-usa.


132. “Philippines vows to defend territory against China,” INQUIRER.net, May 23, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/75407/philippines-vows-to-defend-territory-against-china>.

133. Frances Mangosing & Tarra Quismundo, “Aquino: We can fight back vs any threat,” INQUIRER.net, May 21, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.


134. Michael Green, Kathleen Hicks, Zack Cooper, John Schaus, & Jake Douglas, Countering Coercion in Maritime Asia: The Theory and Practice of Gray Zone Deterrence, p. 175.

135. “Peaceful approach to Ayungin issue – Palace,” Rappler, May 25, 2013,

<https://www.rappler.com/nation/29948-peaceful-approach-ayungin>; “Palace:

No need to convene Security Council yet on Ayungin Shoal row,” GMA News,

2013 年 6 月 1 日,在「香格里拉對話」上,時任美國國防部長黑 格(Chuck Hagel)呼籲各方保持克制,以和平方式解決問題。136此為仁 愛暗沙事件爆發後美國首次表態,基調延續過去不選邊站的立場。隨 後,時任美軍太平洋司令洛克利爾(Samuel Locklear)訪菲,與菲國軍 方高層會談,再次重申美國在區域爭議不選邊,但反對任何國家以武 力改變現狀。137美國持續地不承諾降低菲律賓對中國的議價能力,中 國對菲律賓則是日趨強硬,雙方船艦相互監視與對峙的次數愈加頻 繁,直至 11 月海燕颱風來襲。海燕颱風之後,中國船艦再次出現在仁 愛暗沙海域,1382014 年 3 月 9 日,中國無預警地對菲國在仁愛暗沙的 補給任務進行驅逐與干擾,再次升高雙方對峙情勢。139同時,根據菲

May 25, 2013, <http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/310026/palace-no-need-to-convene-security-council-yet-on-ayungin-shoal-row/story/>;〈菲 稱為防仁愛礁局勢升級,對中國任何挑釁都不回應〉,《鳳凰網》,2013 年 5 月 28 日,<http://news.ifeng.com/mil/1/detail_2013_05/28/25805193_0.


136. Chuck Hagel, “Remarks by Secretary Hagel at the IISS Asia Security Summit, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore,” June 1, 2013, U.S. Department of Defense, <http://archive.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcrip tid=5251>.

137. Frances Mangosing, “Top US Navy commander to visit Manila to tackle security challenges,” INQUIRER.net, June 5, 2013, <http://globalnation.

inquirer.net/76541/top-us-navy-commander-to- visit-manila-to-tackle-security-challenges>; “US admiral urges compromise in Asian sea dispute,”

INQUIRER.net, June 5, 2013, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/76553/us-admiral-urges-compromise-in-asian-sea-dispute>.

138. Jaime Laude, “4 Chinese ships back at Ayungin,” Philstar, February 22, 2014, <http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2014/02/22/1293164/4-chinese-ships-back-ayungin>.

139. 烏元春,〈中國海警船驅離仁愛礁附近菲船,菲外交部抗議〉,《環球

國海軍陸戰隊軍官透露,2013 年 12 月至 3 月間,發生多起中國海監船 驅趕菲律賓和越南漁民事件。140面對仁愛暗沙情勢再度惡化,時任菲 律賓總統府發言人陳顯達(Edwin Lacierda)強調,菲國政府會尋求外交 途徑,因為「外交力量與國際支持至關重要。」141突顯菲律賓對美國 安全承諾的高度期待。

2014 年 3 月 12 日,時任美國國務院發言人莎琪(Jen Psaki)發表措 辭嚴厲的聲明,指責中國驅逐菲國補給船的作法是「引起局勢緊張的 挑釁行為」。142此外,時任美國駐馬尼拉大使館副館長高德貝克(Brian Goldbeck)則以郵電聲明表示,在仁愛暗沙的「馬德雷山號」(BRP Si-erra Madre)為菲軍前哨基地(outpost),菲國對其進行補給和駐軍輪調,

網》,2014 年 3 月 11 日,<http://world.huanqiu.com/exclusive/2014-03/48965 67.html>;Erik De Castro & Roli Ng, “Philippine ship dodges China blockade to reach South China Sea outpost,” Reuters, March 31, 2014,

<https://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-china-reef/philippine-ship-dodges-china-blockade-to-reach-south-china-sea-outpost-idUSBREA2U0272014 0331>。

140. “Filipinos saw China blocking fishermen from shoal—marine officer,” IN-QUIRER.net, April 22, 2014, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/102504/


141. Kristine Angeli Sabillo, “Palace on Ayungin shoal: What’s ours is ours,”

INQUIRER.net, March 12, 2014, <http://globalnation.inquirer.net/100221/

palace-on-ayungin-shoal-whats-ours-is-ours>; Kimberly Jane Tan, “Palace maintains diplomatic approach in South China Sea dispute,” GMA News, March 12, 2014, <http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/nation/352206/

palace-maintains-diplomatic-approach-in-south-china-sea-dispute/story/?re lated>.

142. “US hits ‘provocative’ China move on Philippine ships,” INQUIRER.net, March 13, 2014,

142. “US hits ‘provocative’ China move on Philippine ships,” INQUIRER.net, March 13, 2014,
