• 沒有找到結果。

張詩宜(2009)比較 DQI-R,ODI-R 與 AHEI 之飲食指標是否能反應 動態飲食改變的飲食品質。臺北醫學大學保健營養學系研究所 碩士論文。





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第九章 附錄 附錄1. ADA在2008年提出對於糖尿病的飲食建議

ADA, 2008

附錄2. 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會(Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators, TADE)提出的健康飲食金字塔


附錄3. 中華民國糖尿病衛教學會(Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators, TADE)提出的健康飲食原則


附錄4. 人體試驗同意書

附錄5. 運動量表

(Ainsworth et al., 2000)

附錄6. 台灣常見食品營養圖鑑


附錄7. 標準容量器具

附錄8. 收案及 24 小時飲食回憶法記錄單

附錄9. 追蹤及 24 小時飲食回憶法記錄單

附錄10. 3 天飲食記錄本

附錄11. 3 天飲食記錄範例

附錄12. 酒精含量(份)

30mL kaoliang liquor 120mL White and red wine 40mL Brandy, Whiskey and Vodka 200mL Taiwan island beer 70mL Rice wine 250mL Chinese beer 90mL Aged Shaohsing Wine 260mL Taiwan Beer

100mL Shaoshing wine and red rice chiew

(Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation, 2004)

附錄13. 基準期中全部變項的常態性檢定a

Appendix 13. Test of all variables’ normality in baseline a

Variablesb All


c Female p-valuec Male p-valuec Age (y) 0.99 0.1591 0.97* 0.0191 0.99 0.9131 Activity (METmin/d) 0.71*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 0.71*** <0.0001 Body height (cm) 0.99 0.1473 0.98 0.254 0.98 0.1932

WHR 0.99 0.5199 0.98 0.2725 0.96* 0.0093

Energy (kcal) 0.99 0.1762 0.97* 0.0157 0.98 0.2316 Carbohydrate (E%) 0.99 0.1186 0.99 0.8921 0.97* 0.0424 Fat (E%) 0.99 0.0527 0.99 0.5077 0.98 0.0711 Protein (E%) 0.93*** <0.0001 0.88*** <0.0001 0.97* 0.0465 Carbohydrate (g) 0.99 0.4216 0.98 0.1071 0.99 0.5139 Fat (g) 0.89*** <0.0001 0.86*** <0.0001 0.91*** <0.0001 Protein (g) 0.98* 0.0194 0.96* 0.0016 0.99 0.3827 Dietary fiber (g) 0.96*** <0.0001 0.97* 0.0128 0.94* 0.0003 A1C (%) 0.89*** <0.0001 0.92*** <0.0001 0.83*** <0.0001 AC-sugar (mg/dL) 0.86*** <0.0001 0.85*** <0.0001 0.90*** <0.0001 PC-sugar (mg/dL) 0.94*** <0.0001 0.93*** <0.0001 0.96* 0.0049 SBP (mmHg) 0.97* 0.0005 0.97* 0.0112 0.98* 0.1182 DBP (mmHg) 0.95*** <0.0001 0.95* 0.0006 0.93*** <0.0001 TC (mg/dL) 0.98* 0.0076 0.98 0.055 0.97 0.0698 TG (mg/dL) 0.67*** <0.0001 0.78*** <0.0001 0.61*** <0.0001 HDL-C (mg/dL) 0.94*** <0.0001 0.94* 0.0002 0.95* 0.0031 LDL-C (mg/dL) 0.97* 0.0001 0.96* 0.0023 0.97 0.0537

AHEI-T 0.52 0.078 0.99 0.4014 0.97* 0.0419

AHEI 0.99 0.5451 0.99 0.5882 0.98 0.1699

a. Values are w-value of Shapiro-Wilk test.

b. MET = metabolic equivalent, BMI = body mass index, WC = waist circumference, HC = hip circumference, WHR = ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference, E% = percentage of energy, A1C = glycated hemoglobin, AC-sugar = preprandial blood glucose, PC-sugar = postprandial blood glucose, SBP = systolic blood pressure, DBP = diastolic blood pressure, TC = total cholesterol, TG = triglyceride, HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL-C = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, AHEI-T = Alternate Healthy Eating Index for Taiwan, AHEI = Alternate Healthy Eating Index.

c. Statistical significance by Shapiro-Wilk test at p < 0.05.

*** p < 0.0001, * p < 0.05

附錄14. 橫斷性研究中 AHEI-T 及 AHEI 中各變項的常態性檢定a

Appendix 14. Test of variables’ normality within AHEI-T, AHEI and components in baselinea

a. Values are w-value of Shapiro-Wilk test.

b. AHEI-T = Alternate Healthy Eating Index for Taiwan, ex = exchange, P/S ratio = ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid, AHEI = Alternate Healthy Eating Index, E% = percentage of energy.

c. Statistic significance analyzed by using Shapiro-Wilk test at p < 0.05.

*** p < 0.0001, * p < 0.05.

Variablesb All (n = 196)



AHEI-T score and its components

Vegetable (ex) 0.90*** < 0.0001

Duration of multivitamin use 0.44*** < 0.0001

Alcohol (ex) 0.34*** < 0.0001

AHEI-T 0.52 0.078

AHEI socre and its components

Vegetable (ex) 0.95*** < 0.0001

附錄15. 基礎值及第6個月的飲食資料常態性檢定 a

Appendix 15. Test of variables’ normality of dietary data in baseline and 6 months follow-up a

Itemb Baseline

p - value

c 6 months

p - value

c Energy (kcal) 0.98* 0.0331 1.00 0.9675 Protein (E%) 0.91*** <0.0001 0.83*** <0.0001

Fat (E%) 0.96* 0.0025 0.99 0.6058

Carbohydrate (E%) 0.97* 0.018 0.99 0.453 Protein (g) 0.96* 0.003 0.95* 0.0006 Fat (g) 0.85*** <0.0001 0.95* 0.0003

Carbohydrate (g) 0.99 0.3243 0.98 0.2292 Grain products (ex) 0.99 0.8398 0.99 0.6868

Milk products (ex) 0.61*** <0.0001 0.67*** <0.0001 Meat/eggs/fish/beans (ex) 0.94*** <0.0001 0.9*** <0.0001 Vegetables (ex) 0.94*** <0.0001 0.87*** <0.0001 Fruits (ex) 0.88*** <0.0001 0.87*** <0.0001 Oils (ex) 0.90*** <0.0001 0.90*** <0.0001 Dietary fiber (g) 0.95* 0.0006 0.84*** <0.0001 Trans fat (g) 0.62*** <0.0001 0.73*** <0.0001

a. Values are w-value of Shapiro-Wilk test.

b. E% = percentage of energy, ex = exchange.

c. Statistic significance analyzed by using Shapiro-Wilk test at p < 0.05.

*** p < 0.0001, * p < 0.05.

附錄16. 基礎值及第 6 個月的 AHEI-T 及 AHEI 中各變項的常態性檢定 a

Appendix 16. Test of variables’ normality of AHEI-T, AHEI score and theirs components in baseline and 6 months follow-up a

AHEI-T Scoreb AHEI Scoreb

Component (score) Baseline

p – value

c 6 months

p – value

c Baseline

p – value

c 6 months

p – value

c Vegetable 0.88*** <0.0001 0.86*** <0.0001 0.96* 0.0025 0.93*** <0.0001 Fruit 0.86*** <0.0001 0.84*** <0.0001 0.89*** <0.0001 0.89*** <0.0001 Nuts and soy protein 0.72*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 0.72*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 White/red meat d 0.80*** <0.0001 0.83*** <0.0001 0.78*** <0.0001 0.84*** <0.0001 Cereal e 0.84*** <0.0001 0.82*** <0.0001 0.80*** <0.0001 0.89*** <0.0001

Trans fat f 0.07*** <0.0001 - - 0.07*** <0.0001 - -

P/S ratiog 0.76*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 0.76*** <0.0001 Duration of multivitamin use 0.47*** <0.0001 0.47*** <0.0001 0.47*** <0.0001 0.47*** <0.0001 Alcohol 0.36*** <0.0001 0.36*** <0.0001 0.36*** <0.0001 0.36*** <0.0001

Total score 0.98* 0.0462 0.99 0.9266 0.99 0.4540 0.98 0.1310

a. Values are w-value of Shapiro-Wilk test.

b. AHEI-T = Alternate Healthy Eating Index for Taiwan, AHEI = Alternate Healthy Eating Index, c. Statistic significance analyzed by using Shapiro-Wilk test at p < 0.05.

d. AHEI-T: ratio of serving; AHEI: ratio of gram.

e. AHEI-T: whole grain; AHEI: cereal fiber.

f. AHEI-T: gram; AHEI: energy%.

g. Polyunsaturated fatty acid / saturated fatty acid ratio.

*** p < 0.0001, * p < 0.05

附錄17. 低昇糖指數(Glycemic index)飲食金字塔

Ludwig, 2000
