• 沒有找到結果。

As previously mentioned, characterization of the material components is tantamount to developing competitive MRAM devices. In our lab, the workflow for researching material systems suitable for MRAM devices is as follows:

1. Materials Growth

• Sputtering

• Lithography

• Ion-beam Etching 2. Device Measurement

• Characterization of Magnetic Anisotropy

• Hall Measurements

• Current Switching Measurements

• Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements 3. Data Analysis

• Cleaning Data

• Extracting Figures of Merit

• Compiling Results

Depending on the results of each step this process can be repeated any number of times,

generating a large amount of data from a wide range of measurements for any number of

materials systems. The key focus in this process is developing a material system to extract

several key figures of merit. This work focuses on the measurement and analysis steps and

creating a system that is both flexible enough to be quickly tailored to user specifications

while also providing a framework for quality measurements and data analysis. The

mea-surement and data analysis programs presented in this work were built to both increase the

speed and accuracy of measurements and data analysis while allowing the user to focus

on the research process instead of on back-end tasks.

Chapter 2


This section aims to provide a brief introduction of the underlying physics measurements

presented in this paper and the importance of the analysis of these measurements in regards

to MRAM devices.

2.1 Hall Effects

The Hall effect, also called the Ordinary Hall effect (OHE), was first discovered in 1879

by Edwin Hall, from which is derives its name [24]. The Hall effect is the difference in

voltage across a conductor when a current is applied in the presence of an applied magnetic

field (Fig. 2.1). The voltage change across the conductor is due to the Lorentz force acting

upon the charge carriers to be deflected to the edges of the material transverse to the current

flow direction. Since its discovery, several similar phenomenon that lead to accumulation

of electric charges or spin in material systems have come to share the Hall namesake.

Figure 2.1: Example of the Hall Effect

2.1.1 The Anomalous Hall Effect

Following his discovery of the OHE, Edwin Hall reported the discovery of an effect

sim-ilar to the OHE but of a much larger magnitude in ferromagnetic conductors which was

later named the Anomalous Hall effect (AHE) [25]. After over a century since it was

first discovered, it is now understood that the origins of the AHE can be understood as

a combination intrinsic and extrinsic effects (as shown in Fig. 2.2) [26]. The intrinsic

contribution to the AHE is related to the band structure and its interaction with electric

fields, which were more formally defined through Berry phase and Berry curvature. The

external contribution to the AHE comes from spin dependent scattering of carriers off of

impurities [2]. The combination of these effects gives rise to the relation:

ρxy = ROHz+ RAmz (2.1)

This equation shows the dependence of the transverse resistance ρxy, to the contribution

RO from the OHE with the application of an external field and also to RA, a material

specific parameter, and the magnetization in the z direction given by mz (Fig. 2.3) [2].

Generally the anomalous effect is larger than the ordinary Hall effect contribution.

Detec-tion of the AHE is possible in materials with populaDetec-tion differences in carriers or through

injection or excitation of non-equilibrium spin polarized currents [27]. This signal can

fur-ther be used to measure the magnetic orientation of samples with perpendicular magnetic

anisotropy (PMA).

Figure 2.2: The intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms giving rise to the AHE [2]

2.1.2 The Spin Hall Effect

Originally proposed by in 1971 by Dyakonov and Perel and then again by Hirsch in 1999,

the Spin Hall effect (SHE) is in many ways analogous to the AHE, but instead of a charge

response, the SHE deals with the spin of the carriers as shown in as seen in Fig. 2.3

[28, 29]. The origins of the Spin Hall effect may come from extrinsic scattering effects as

originally postulated by Dyakonov and Perel or from the intrinsic interaction of spin orbit

coupling in the absence of scattering [3]. Since the first direct observation of the SHE in a

semiconductor by Kato et al. and the subsequent detection of an electrical signal through

the inverse Spin Hall effect (ISHE) by Saitoh et al. the Spin Hall effect has garnered

significant attention [30, 31].

Figure 2.3: Comparison of the AHE, SHE and ISHE [3]

The interest in the SHE and ISHE lead to a significant number of discoveries when

cou-pled with ferromagnetic samples [3]. Utilizing spin currents generated by spin pumping

allows for measurement of magnetization dynamics. Similarly generation of spin currents

through the SHE can induce spin torques, a key element in the creation of competitive

MRAM devices. The fundamentals of magnetization dynamics and spin torques along

with their importance to MRAM devices are explained in more detail in the next section.

The effects of the SHE are especially apparent in nonmagnetic materials with large

spin-orbit interactions. Application of a charge current through such a material will result

in a transverse spin current which can be described by:

Js= ¯h

2eΘSH(σ× Je) (2.2)

where Je is the charge current density, σ is the spin polarization unit vector, ΘSH is

the spin hall angle and Jsis the spin current density [32].
