• 沒有找到結果。


7.2 Data Analysis Code

7.2.1 AnalysisFunctions.py

import pandas as pd import numpy as np


Functions used in the analysis notebooks. Kept in a seperate file both to maintain


the readability of the notebook (focus is the data, not the code) and also to make easier to


update for all notebooks.


def import_datasets(file_list, normalize_data, norm_to_zero=False):

# From a list of csv files import all data and add normalize y values if normalize_data is True. Returns a DataFrame of all values from the imported files

, ,


if normalize_data:

frame_list = []

# loop through all files and import data frames, normalize their y data and then concatenate full dataframe


for f in file_list:

df = pd.read_csv(f)

# take column 1 (y data) and min max scale from -1 to 1 if norm_to_zero is False:

normed_data = df.iloc[:, 1].apply(lambda x: ((

((x - df.iloc[:, 1].min()) / (df.iloc[:, 1].max() - df.iloc[:, 1].min())) - 0.5) * 2))


else: # take y data and normalize from 0-1 normed_data = df.iloc[:, 1].apply(lambda x: (

(x - df.iloc[:, 1].min()) / (df.iloc[:, 1].max() - df.iloc[:, 1].min())))


df.insert(2, 'Normalized ' + df.columns.values[1], normed_data)



# ignore_index = True makes concatentate axis index from 0 to n-1


full_df = pd.concat((elem for elem in frame_list), ignore_index=True)



full_df = pd.concat((pd.read_csv(f)

for f in file_list), ignore_index=True) return full_df

# drops indexed region via multiindex dictionary and key/values from dictionary


def drop_regions(df, ig_dict, graph_column_list, graph_column, hue_column):


unfound = [] # list where items were not found ignored = []

# iterate over items of dictionary and find their indexes in the df


for key, value in ig_dict.items():

if float(key) in graph_column_list:

for elem in value:


# find indexes of df where key, value element match


indexes_to_drop = df[(df[graph_column] ==

float(key)) & (

# append list with graph value and hue value not found string



'{} graph {} hue values not found in dataframe'.format(key, elem))



# append list with graph not found string unfound.append('{} graph not found in dataframe'.format(key))


# ignored dataframe to plot for visual insprection if ignored != []:

ignored_df = pd.concat((elem for elem in ignored), ignore_index=True)

return df, ignored_df, unfound


Pass in a array, finds two innermost zeros (closest to the middle of the dataset)


and does a linear interpolation between the two points on either side of the zero and returns the x values found,


also returns flag if more than 2 zeros are found. Will check for zeros that have the lowest index and the x value closest


to x average


def find_zeros(xy_array, check_leftright):

zero_list = find_zero_index(xy_array[:, 1], check_leftright) if len(zero_list) > 2: # flag if more than 2 zeros are found

extra_zero = 'True' else:

extra_zero = 'False'

# update zerolist to be just two points

zero_list = find_closest(zero_list, xy_array[:, 0]) x_list = []

for ind_tup in zero_list:

if ind_tup[1] == 0:

x_list.append(xy_array[ind_tup[0], 0]) # x value at index



i = (xy_array[ind_tup[0], 0], xy_array[ind_tup[0], 1]) t = (xy_array[ind_tup[1], 0], xy_array[ind_tup[1], 1])

# two points at index 1, index 2

x_list.append(linear_interpolate_twopoints(i, t)) x_list.sort(reverse=True) # return list from pos to neg return x_list, extra_zero

# finds all zeros in the array, returns list of tuples that are the indexes of those points


def find_zero_index(x, points):

zero_list = []

for index, elem in enumerate(x):

if elem == 0 and compare_array_signs(x[index -points:index], x[index + 1:index + 1 + points]):


# return zero point with index, zero as tuple zero_list.append((index, 0))

elif compare_array_signs(x[index - points + 1:index + 1], x[index + 1:index + points + 1]):


# return to points crossing zero as tuple

zero_list.append((index, index + 1)) else:

pass return zero_list

# check arrays to see if points on both sides are of opposite signs def compare_array_signs(left, right):

# check if array has values, avoids error with array being empty


if left.size > 0 and right.size > 0 and np.sign(left) ==



return True # there is the slim chance left and right are symmetric and so will erroneously return true



return False

# finds the index of the two zeros (one per half of x_data length) with the lowest index that are closest to (x.max + x.min / 2)


def find_closest(index_list, x_data):

# zero in the first half the dataset first_zero = (len(x_data), np.max(x_data))

# zero in the second half in the dataset second_zero = (len(x_data), np.max(x_data)) avg = (np.max(x_data) + np.min(x_data)) / 2 for tup in index_list:

# this method will erroneously grab zeros in low-high loops if data is really bad


if tup[0] >= int(len(x_data) / 2): # check if tuple is in second half


if tup[0] <= second_zero[0] and abs(x_data[tup[0]] -avg) <= second_zero[1]:


# check if index is lower than currently stored value and that distance from x_avg is less than stored value


second_zero = tup else:

pass else:

if tup[0] <= first_zero[0] and abs(x_data[tup[0]] - avg)

<= first_zero[1]:

# linear interpolation between two known points passed in as tuples

# ==================================== PULSE SWITCHING & AMR/USMR ANALYSIS =================================== #


# finds the difference between min and max average values def find_resistance_change(xy_array, data_percent):

# search through and find all indexes that are within data_percent % of abs(x max)


x_array_index = [index for index, x in enumerate(xy_array[:, 0]) if


abs(x) >= abs(np.min(xy_array[:, 0])) -abs((np.min(xy_array[:, 0])) * data_percent / 100)]


y_max = np.zeros(int(len(x_array_index) / 2) + 1) y_min = np.zeros(int(len(x_array_index) / 2) + 1) min_ind = 0

max_ind = 0

# find all y values for x indexes and assign them to min and max arrays


for xy in xy_array[x_array_index, :]:

if xy[0] > 0:

# strip outliers and return the average, don't use zeros (extra length in arrays)


high = average_without_outliers([y for y in y_max if y != 0]) low = average_without_outliers([y for y in y_min if y != 0]) return abs(high - low) # difference between high and low

# discard all data that is beyond certain standard deviation, return the mean of remaining data


def average_without_outliers(data, m=2):

return np.average([d for d in data if abs(d - np.mean(data)) < m

* np.std(data)])


# ==================================== AMR/USMR ANALYSIS

=================================== #


# x, y, normed y data, finds peaks and associated y values def find_peaks(xyn_array):

half = int(len(xyn_array[:, 1]) / 2)

max1_index = np.argmax(xyn_array[:half, 1]) # check first half

# check second half, account for it being second half max2_index = np.argmax(xyn_array[half:, 1]) + half max1_x = xyn_array[max1_index, 0]

max2_x = xyn_array[max2_index, 0]

if max1_x > max2_x:

# return right x peak, left x peak, avg x, right y peak, left y peak, right normed peak, left normed peak


return [max1_x, max2_x, (max1_x + max2_x) / 2, xyn_array[max1_index, 1],


xyn_array[max2_index, 1], xyn_array[max1_index, 2], xyn_array[max2_index, 2]]



return [max2_x, max1_x, (max1_x + max2_x) / 2, xyn_array[max2_index, 1],


xyn_array[max1_index, 1], xyn_array[max2_index, 2], xyn_array[max1_index, 2]]

