• 沒有找到結果。

5.6 Compiling Saved Data

7.1.2 MeasurementClass.py


str(round(_results['time'].value / 60)) + ' mins remaining')


elif _results['time'].value != 0:

time_var.set('<1 min remaining')

# ======================================= Test Version Below

============================================ #


def testf1(output, delay, resources):


print(f'testf1 {output} with {delay}') print(resources)

def testf2(output, delay, resources):


print(f'testf2 {output} with {delay}')

def testx(output, delay, resources):


print(float(output), float(output % 2 + randint(0, 100)), delay, 'testx')


return float(output), float(output % 2 + randint(0, 100)), delay

if __name__ == '__main__':


import numpy as np import tkinter as tk

from pymeasure import instruments from GaussMeterClass import GaussMeter

class Measurement():

# initialize this class, includes passed arguments

def __init__(self, order_dict, gui_results,

gui_graph, pause_flag, quit_flag, save_dir, save_name,


loop, prog_queue, resources, kwargs):

self.kwargs = kwargs

sys.path.append(order_dict['module_path']) # add path to import module


# import specified module

m_func = importlib.import_module(order_dict['module_name'], order_dict['module_path'])

# results data, all shared between processes

self.x = gui_results['x_data'] # a shared array of floats self.y = gui_results['y_data'] # a shared array of floats

# a shared array of floats, for guassmeter readings self.x2 = gui_results['x2_data']

# a shared value (int), tells how many data points have been stored


self.counter = gui_results['counter']

# a shared value (int) -- percent of the task completed (shown in progress bar)


self.p = gui_results['progress']

# a shared value (int) -- tells time remaining self.t = gui_results['time']

self.queue = prog_queue # queue to GUI process

self.pause = pause_flag # flag for if stop is pressed self.quit = quit_flag # flag for if quit is pressed

# resource command functions

# get the specific function from module try:

except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Resource functions not found: ', err) self.quit.set()

# Save function info

self.graph = gui_graph # dictionary of graph titles, also used for saving


self.f1_header = self.graph['fixed_param_1']

self.f2_header = self.graph['fixed_param_2']

self.directory = save_dir # directory where files are saved self.name = save_name # name of file

self.loop = loop # loop type for save file

# int with list of num of measurements, updates every time build_array is called


self.tot_measurement_len = 1

self.progress_counter = 0 # increments and updates progress as time goes on


self.time_counter = 0 # increments and lets user know estimated time remaining


# dictionary with keys that tell which key to use from kwargs for min, max, step, loop direction


self.order = order_dict

# dictionary of resources with names and address, when initialized address becomes instance


self.measurement_resources = resources self.map_sensitivity()

# map sensitivity to a numerical value def map_sensitivity(self):

if "Sensitivity" in self.kwargs:

self.kwargs['Sensitivity'] = sensitivity_dict[self.kwargs['Sensitivity']]


print('sensitivity set to: ', self.kwargs['Sensitivity'])




# save data, including arbitrary data user wants saved def save_function(self, f1, f2):

# save function proper

t = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S',)

string = self.name + '_' + self.graph['gui_title'] + '_' + self.f1_header + '_' + \


self.f2_header + '_' + self.loop + '_' + \

t + '.csv'

# replace all spaces

f = ''.join(['_' if i == ' ' else i for i in string]) try:

with open(self.directory + '\\' + f, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:


savewriter = csv.writer(csvfile, dialect='excel')

# accounts measurements without gaussmeter measurements


if self.graph['x2_title'] != '':

savewriter.writerow([self.graph['x_title'], Type', 'Loop Type', 'Time'])


for num in range(self.counter.value):


else: # save files for data with gaussmeter measurements

for num in range(self.counter.value):

savewriter.writerow([self.x[num], self.y[num], f1, f2,


self.name, self.graph['gui_title'], self.loop, t, ])



return 'File Saved as ' + self.directory + '\\' + f except Exception as err:

return 'Error, could not save file! ' + str(err)

# import charging delay from file, otherwise use standard def charging_delay(self, val):

if val >= 2500:

return 7.0

elif 1500 <= val < 2500:

return 5.0

elif 1000 <= val < 1500:

return 3.0

elif 500 <= val < 1000:

return 1.0

# check resource and attempt to create instance, throw error if can't do that or find matching name/address


for name, address in self.measurement_resources.items():

if name == 'dsp_lockin':


self.measurement_resources[name] = instruments.signalrecovery.DSP7265(



except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Error in initializing ' + str(name) +

elif name == 'keithley_2000':


self.measurement_resources[name] = instruments.keithley.Keithley2000(



except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Error in initializing ' + str(name) +

elif name == 'keithley_2400':


self.measurement_resources[name] = instruments.keithley.Keithley2400(



except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Error in initializing ' + str(name) +

elif name == 'gaussmeter':


self.measurement_resources[name] = GaussMeter(address)


except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Error in initializing ' + str(name) + elif name == 'sig_gen_8257':


self.measurement_resources[name] = instruments.agilent.Agilent8257D(



except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Error in initializing ' + str(name) +

# run through instruments list and shut them down def shutdown_resources(self):

# can add exceptions in to alert user if shutdown fails for any instrument


for name, inst in self.measurement_resources.items():


if name == 'keithley_2400':

inst.ramp_to_current(10e-6) # set current to 10 microAmps


inst.compliance_voltage = 2.1 # set compliance to 2.1 V



elif name == 'dsp_lockin':

inst.dac1, inst.dac2, inst.dac3, inst.dac4 = 0, 0, 0, 0 # turn off all dac outputs


inst.shutdown() else:

inst.shutdown() except Exception as err:

self.queue.put('Failed to shut down ' + str(name) + ':' + str(err))

print(f'Failed to shut down {inst} with error:



# builds numpy arrays determined by the loop direction, updates the total measurement length


def build_array(self, start, end, step, direction):

if step == 0:

return [end]

elif start == step and step == end: # where just one value is needed


return np.arange(0, start, 1) elif direction == 'low-high':

arr = np.arange(start, end + step, step) return np.hstack((arr, np.flipud(arr[:-1:]))) elif direction == 'zero-zero':

arr = np.arange(0, end + step, step)

pos_arr = np.hstack((arr, np.flipud(arr[:-1:]))) return np.hstack((pos_arr, (pos_arr[1::1] * -1))) elif direction == 'high-low':

arr = np.arange(end, start - step, -step) return np.hstack((arr, np.flipud(arr[:-1:]))) else:

# case for normal numpy arrays

return np.arange(start, end + step, step)

# checks if output exceeds limit

def check_amp_limits(self, direction, array):

if direction == 'none': # accounts for loops that don't have hx or hz


pass else:


amp_max = float(self.kwargs['%s Max' % direction]) conversion = float(self.kwargs['%s Conversion' % direction])


except Exception as err:

self.queue.put(str(direction) +

' maximum not found! ' + str(err)) self.quit.set()

if np.max(array) > conversion / amp_max:

self.queue.put(str(np.max(array)) + ' exceeds ' + str(direction) + ' amp output limit!') self.quit.set()



# check the loop direction and return it

def check_direction(self, key):

if 'hx' in self.order[key].lower():

return 'Hx'

elif 'hz' in self.order[key].lower():

return 'Hz' else:

return 'none'

# user passed function, runs the measurement def measure(self):

if self.order['MOKE']:

self.points = {'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }

self.pause.clear() # sets flag to pause

# will run the tkinter window that selects the measurement points


meas_region(self.points, self.pause)

self.pause.wait() # pause until measure region is selected




# check that there are commands to build this loop, otherwise just run 1 time


if all(elem in self.order for elem in ['fix1_start', 'fix1_stop', 'fix1_step']):


# build the arrays of floats to sweep over fix1_values = self.build_array(

# check if amp limits are protected self.check_amp_limits(

self.check_direction('fix1_start'), fix1_values) else:


'No fixed loop one values detected, setting loop to 1')


fix1_values = [1]

# check that there are commands to build this loop, otherwise just run 1 time


if all(elem in self.order for elem in ['fix2_start', 'fix2_stop', 'fix2_step']):

# check if amp limits are protected self.check_amp_limits(

self.check_direction('fix2_start'), fix2_values) else:


'No fixed loop two values detected, setting loop to 1')


fix2_values = [1]

# only x_values are loop dependent, the other two are just ordinary arrays from start to stop by step


# update the total measurement length to the proper value self.tot_measurement_len = len(

fix1_values) * len(fix2_values) * len(x_values)

# check if measurement exceeds array length if len(x_values) >= len(self.x):


'Measurement exceeds array memory length! Please change in GUIBaseClass')



# iteratre through dictionary of machines, turn address time into instance of resource


self.activate_resources() # sets quit flag if fails

# set first fixed values

for f1_count, fix_1 in enumerate(fix1_values):

if self.quit.is_set(): # quits if quit flag is set break

# delay time for charging/ramping to value if necessary if f1_count == 0:

f1_delay = fix_1 else:

f1_delay = abs(fix_1) + abs(fix1_values[f1_count -1])


# run user function

self.fix1func(f1_count, fix_1, self.charging_delay(

f1_delay), self.measurement_resources, self.kwargs)

# set fixed values, update graph

for f2_count, fix_2 in enumerate(fix2_values):

self.pause.wait() # waits for pause flag

if self.quit.is_set(): # check if quit flag is set break

if self.progress_counter == 0: # time one loop t_start = time.time()

# update graph titles

self.graph['fixed_param_1'] = self.f1_header + ': %.

2f' % fix_1


self.graph['fixed_param_2'] = self.f2_header + ': %.

2f' % fix_2



# calculate delay time if f2_count == 0:

f2_delay = fix_2 else:

f2_delay = abs(fix_2) + abs(fix2_values[f2_count - 1])


# run user function

self.fix2func(fix_2, self.charging_delay(

f2_delay), self.measurement_resources, self.kwargs)


# scan x values

for x_count, x_val in enumerate(x_values):

if self.quit.is_set():


# delay time for charging/ramping to value if necessary


if x_count == 0:

x_delay = x_val else:

x_delay = abs(x_val) + abs(x_values[x_count -1])


# run user function depending on if MOKE measurement or not

self.counter.value = x_count + 1 # where data is stored to in the shared array


self.progress_counter += 1

# percent progress completed self.p.value = round(

self.progress_counter / self.tot_measurement_len * 100)


if self.progress_counter == len(x_values + 1):

t_finish = time.time()

time_approximation = t_finish - t_start else:

time_approximation = 0

# estimated time remaing (est. tot time - est. time taken)


self.t.value = round((time_approximation * (len(fix1_values) * len(fix2_values)))


(time_approximation * (f2_count + len(fix2_values) * f1_count)))


try: # accounts for errors with fix_1, fix_2 b = str(round(fix_1, 2))

s = str(round(fix_2, 2)) except Exception:

b = '' s = ''

# only save if quit flag has not been set if not self.quit.is_set():

# saves data, returns string

self.queue.put(self.save_function(b, s))

self.queue.put('Job Finished') # end measurement

# ============================= MOKE FUNCTIONS

====================================== #


# runs a GUI that has a button which selects the measurement region of the screen


def meas_region(p_dict, flag):

reg = tk.Tk()

reg.title("Determine Capture Area Coordinates") reg.configure(bg='#F2F2F2')


reg.attributes('-alpha', 0.8)

det_btn = tk.Button(master=reg, text='Select Region',

command=lambda: select_coords(reg, p_dict),

# button command updates the list to include the coordinates def select_coords(master, p_dict, flag):

p_dict['left'] = master.winfo_x() p_dict['top'] = master.winfo_y()

p_dict['width'] = master.winfo_width() p_dict['height'] = master.winfo_height()

flag.clear() # set the flag to let the measurement continue master.quit() # destroys the GUI window
