• 沒有找到結果。

Formally Introducing and Requesting the Teachers

在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 38-42)

As the Vinaya states, the nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone only formally request the karman ācārya, there is no need to request the other teachers. Nonetheless, the disciples must rely on the upādhyāya for instructions on how to receive the precept-body and the transmission of the sacred teachings. They also rely on the instruction ācārya for guidance on the Vinaya and comportment

rules. The seven bhikṣu teachers are crucial in determining whether the ordination karman is valid or invalid. Based on this reasoning, the disciples should request all these teachers.

Guide: Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, turn and face the Buddha. Half-bow, spread the full sitting cloth. At the sound of the bell, sincerely bow three times. Lift your robe. Protect your bowl.

(disciples bow) Half-bow. Kneel with palms joined.

Guide (palms joined): When a clear mirror is mounted on its stand, it reflects whatever form it meets. When a large bell is mounted on its frame, it rings whenever it is struck. To completely receive the three sets of pure precepts, you must rely upon the three main teachers. To identify the seven cases of invalid karmans, you must rely upon the seven witnesses. Today, we have respectfully invited the ten teachers from the bhikṣu saṅgha on your behalf, so that you may ascend the platform and receive full ordination. Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, raise your heads and look at your teachers. You should know and remember the faces and names of your upādhyāya and all these teachers before you. Do not forget them. The first is Vinaya Master _____. He is your upādhyāya for the full ordination.53

Guide on the right: The second is Vinaya Master _____. He is your karman ācārya.

Guide on the left: The third is Vinaya Master _____. He is your instruction ācārya.

Guide on the right: The fourth is Vinaya Master _____. He is your witness ācārya.

In this sequence till the tenth teacher, the guides on the left and right announce their names and introduce them so that those requesting full ordination are able to clearly recognize and remember them.

Guide on the left: Everyone stand. At the sound of the bell, sincerely bow three times. Lift your robe. Protect your bowl. Kneel with palms joined.


[0738c24] (如律所明。本法尼止請羯磨師。餘無請法。然開道戒體。傳宣聖教。必由和尚 指示律儀。務須教授。羯磨成壞。重在七師。今以理推之。故須伸請)。

[0739a03] 引禮師云。

[0739a04] 諸本法尼等。一齊向上排班 問訊展大具聞磬聲至誠頂禮三拜撩衣護鉢(拜已) 問訊 長跪 合掌。

[0739a06] 引禮師合掌白云。

[0739a07] 夫明鏡當臺。遇形則鑑。洪鐘在架。有扣則鳴。圓成三聚。須假於三師。舉撿 七非。全憑於七證。今。在此大僧之中。為汝等恭請十師。登壇受具。諸本法尼一齊擡頭 認師。各各記取得戒和尚。及現前諸師。相貌名字。不得忘失。

[0739a12] 第一位(上某下某)律師。為汝等作具足戒和尚。

[0739a13] 右班引禮云。

[0739a14] 第二位(某甲)律師。為汝等作羯磨阿闍黎。

[0739a15] 左班引禮云。

53 The nuns receive the formal bhikṣuṇī ordination during the one-motion three-proclamations karman with the twenty monastics from both saṅghas. Their actual preceptor is the bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā whom they would live and train with following their ordination.

[0739a16] 第三位(某甲)律師。為汝等作教授阿闍黎。

[0739a17] 右班引禮云。

[0739a18] 第四位(某甲)律師。為汝等作尊證阿闍黎。

[0739a19] (乃至第十位。左右引禮亦如是宣名示相。令諸求戒者。一一記識分明。如是宣 已。左班引禮呼云)。

[0739a21] 一齊起立 聞磬聲至誠頂禮三拜 撩衣 護鉢 長跪 合掌。

Guide on the left: Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, now on your behalf I will request Vinaya Master _____ to be your upādhyāya for the full ordination. You are supposed to make the request yourself. I am concerned you might not know how to do this, so now I will guide you. State your Dharma name. (after they state their names) Repeat after me:

Virtuous one, please listen wholeheartedly. I, a nun ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, _____ and others now request the virtuous one to be our upādhyāya for the full ordination. May the virtuous one be our upādhyāya for the full ordination. By relying on the virtuous one, we will receive the full ordination. Please accept our request with compassion. (3x) (In this way, sincerely request three times and bow three times.)

Upādhyāya: Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, since you have earnestly requested three times, I will agree to be your upādhyāya for the full ordination. After you receive the precepts, you must observe them purely. Do not transgress them.

All: We shall do so with utmost respect.

Guide: Everyone stand. At the sound of the bell, sincerely bow three times. Lift your robe. Protect your bowl. (disciples bow) Half-bow. Kneel with palms joined.

[0739a23] 左班引禮師云。

[0739a24] 諸本法尼。今為汝等。恭請(某)堂上(上某下某)律師。為汝等作具足戒和尚。請 師之語。汝合自陳。恐汝未能。我今教汝。各稱法名。(稱已)其餘言詞。皆隨我道。

[0739b03] 大德。一心念我本法尼(某甲)等。今請大德。為具足戒和尚。願大德。為我作 具足戒和尚。我依大德故。得受具足戒。慈愍故(如是至誠三請三叩首)。

[0739b06] 和尚云。

[0739b07] 諸本法尼。汝既慇懃伸請。可爾。為汝等作具足戒和尚。汝等受戒之後。人人 要清淨守持。不可毀犯。(答)頂戴受持。

[0739b10] 引禮呼云。

[0739b11] 一齊起立 聞磬聲至誠頂禮三拜 撩衣 護鉢(拜已)問訊 長跪 合掌。

Guide on the right: Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, now on your behalf I will request all the teachers present to be the karman ācārya, instruction ācārya, and witness ācāryas. You are supposed to make the request yourself. I am concerned you might not know how to do this, so now I will guide you. State your Dharma name. (after they state their names) Repeat after me:

Virtuous one, please listen wholeheartedly. I _____, a nun ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone and others now request the virtuous ones to be our karman ācārya, instruction ācārya, and witness ācāryas. May the virtuous ones be our karman ācārya, instruction ācārya, and witness ācāryas. By

relying on the virtuous ones, we will receive the full ordination. Please accept our request with compassion. (3x) (Make three requests and bow three times.)

Karman ācārya: Nuns ordained by the bhikṣuṇīs alone, since you have earnestly requested, all the teachers present and I will be your karman ācārya, instruction ācārya, and witness ācāryas. You must be pure in your conduct; do not let yourself be uncontrolled.

All: Yes, we will do as directed.

Guide: Everyone stand. At the sound of the bell, bow three times. Lift your robe. Protect your bowl. (disciples bow) Pick up the sitting cloth. Half-bow. Face the central aisle.

Upādhyāya: Everyone chant the homage to the Buddha and ascend the ordination platform.

Guide: Homage to our fundamental teacher Śākyamuni Buddha.

[0739b13] 右班引禮云。

[0739b14] 諸本法尼。今為汝等恭請現前諸師。作羯磨阿闍黎。教授阿闍黎。尊證阿闍黎。


[0739b17] 大德。一心念我本法尼(某甲)等。今請大德。為羯磨教授尊證阿闍黎。願大德。


[0739b20] 羯磨師云。

[0739b21] 諸本法尼。汝既慇懃伸請。我現前諸師。為汝等作羯磨阿闍黎。教授阿闍黎。


[0739b24] 引禮師云。

[0739c01] 一齊起立 聞磬聲作禮三拜 撩衣 護鉢(拜已)起具 問訊 分班。

[0739c03] 和尚云。

[0739c04] 大眾念佛登壇。

[0739c05] 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛

When the homage to the Buddha begins, sound the Dharma drum loudly. Two guides ring hand-bells alternately and lead the procession with the resident bhikṣus going first. Another two guides ring hand-bells alternately and lead the newly ordained to follow after them. After the disciples, the ten bhikṣuṇī teachers follow with the last in line going first. One person bears incense in front of the seven teachers. One incense-bearer walks in front of the instruction ācārya. Two guides ring hand-bells alternately and with another incense-bearer, walk in front of the upādhyāya. The attendant follows behind. The bhikṣu saṅgha and disciples arrive at the ordination platform and stand in rows on the left and right. The guides resume their places. The bhikṣuṇī teachers stand facing each other in front of the steps. The three incense bearers stand next to them. When the upādhyāya approaches the incense burner table, stop the homage to the Buddha and the drums at the same time.

[0739c06] (佛號方舉。法鼓大擂。二引禮雙鳴引磬。領站班大僧前行。又二引禮雙鳴引磬。

引新戒序前而行。新戒走完。尼十師未【末】後前行。接上而去。然後一執香者在七師前 行。一執香者。在教授師前行。二引禮雙鳴引磬。及一執香者。俱在和尚前行。侍者隨後。

大僧及新戒至戒壇。左右班立。引禮復位。尼十師在堦前對面而立。三執香者又次之。和 尚近香案前。佛號鼓聲。一齊停止)。

在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 38-42)
