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2.1 Introduction

The applications of new technologies in production have created higher quality products, shorter construction time, and labor productivity, so production efficiency is improved markedly.

Therefore, this study attempts to examine the interaction effects of new technology application, job satisfaction, i.e. that contribute towards achieving organizational goals.

It is strongly viewed that the interactions of these affect job satisfaction.

2.2 The theory of technology

"Technology is a method of machining, fabrication, make status changes, the nature and shape of raw materials or semi-finished products used in the manufacturing process to produce the finished product" (Attar and Sweiss , 2010 P. 45).

Technology has been defined in many ways. According to Arif A. and Karam A. (2001) technology refers either to a practical application of science to address a particular product or manufacturing need, or to an area of specialized expertise. A number of previous studies have shown the effects of technology on people’s behavior.

This study revealed how changes in technology have effects on workers’ job satisfaction in the workplace, while technology changes that did not account for human factors were likely to result in low morale and productivity (Arslan and Kivark, 2007). These findings highlighted the importance of technology in affecting employees’ behavior, thus determining performance.

According to the literature of Vu Cao Dam(2007), the author has three concepts of technology

Concept 1: "Technology is a strict order of operation of the processing material/


Concept 2: "Technology is a means (device) processing material / information, including:

Hardware and Software".

Concept 3 (Model Sharif): "Technology is a body (system) knowledge of the processing material or information on the means and methods of processing material and / or information. Technology consists of four elements: Engineering (Technoware);

Information (Inforware); People (Humanware); Organization (Orgaware)

Definition of ESCAP technology is considered a turning point in the concept of technology. According to this definition, not only produced new material technology that uses technology concepts are extended to all areas of social activity.

UNCTAD (1972) provides the definition of "technology is a necessary input for the production, and as such, it is bought and sold in the market as a commodity is shown in the following format:

z Production materials and sometimes intermediate products, which are bought and sold on the market, particularly associated with the investment decision.

z Human Resources, usually a qualified workforce and sometimes highly qualified manpower and expertise, with the ability to properly use the equipment and techniques and control apparatus and problem solving produce information.

The information, whether it is technical information or business information, launched on the market or be kept secret as part of the exclusive operation.

This definition shows that the essence of technology is the means of production, skilled manpower and information, and targeted inputs needed for production.

In this study, the authors use the concept of technological approach of two selected text Law. Technology is a set of methods, processes, skills, know-how, the means used to transform resources into product reliability. Products here consist of: technological line (line technology is the goal) and specific products are produced from the technological line (line technology serves as the means of production).

Lennart Elg (2014) stated that an innovation may often remain “up in the air” for a long time as a concept of what should be possible to achieve. Einstein described the scientific principles behind the laser more than 60 years before its first application. The competences needed to realize an innovation is far more complex than the scientific foundations of its basic principle.

2.3 New technology’s benefit for Business

Technological innovation is raised from the process of economic and social development.

With the impact of science and advanced technology derived from the actual demand for products and services, the current state of the technology industry constantly improve the foundation for process innovation Technology occurs faster and stronger (Lennart Elg, 2014).

According to Vu Cao Dam (2007) in the system of legal documents without a specific definition and formal for this concept, however, the core can have 5 cases of technological innovation:

(1) Introduce a new product;

(2) provide a new production methods or new trade;

(3) Conquering new markets;

(4) Use of new materials;

(5) The new organization of production units.

Technological innovation success really means if it is the market, socially acceptable.

Society is receiving technological innovation achievements, but also a place to provide resources for the success of technological innovation. Therefore Technological innovation is part of the planned economic development (Lennart Elg,(2014),.

Technological innovation derived from the demands and requirements of the social objective. Technological innovation is also inevitable path to success to be able to gain a competitive edge. Technological innovation is an important part of the development strategy (Geels et. al., 2008). Technological innovation to the growth of the city shifted from developing width to depth, creating production towards modernization, improving efficiency, competitiveness, and sustainable development.

Fagerberg et. al., (2011) show that focus Technological innovation towards creating appropriate technology, energy saving, consuming less resources, environmentally friendly, able to generate high economic value, contributing significantly to the total benefit of company . At the same time increasing levels of science, technology and the

share of localization technology. It should be done Technological innovation a comprehensive and effective to improve the business, ensuring sustainable development, environmental protection. Technological innovation structure towards technology combines multiple levels, acquisition and transfer of technology is the key, to go straight to the modern technologies for key sectors.

Since Granberg et. al., (2006) point out that strategy development of science and technology play an important role in the orientation of technological development and investment of each business to one side there are the incentives and support certain (capital, information ...) Government, on the other hand to ensure the business is going in the right direction, saving resources to avoid unnecessary risks. So Technological innovation content associated with the strategy to develop science and technology.

Tasks of technological innovation the work of all sectors, not only by the benefit but employee satisfaction and developed. Therefore, the company plays a supporting role, managing and tuning components.

Technological innovation the work of all social and economic sectors, not only by the city of deployment. Therefore, the city plays a supporting role, managing and adjusting the composition, where business is done the technological innovation must be taken center.

Technological innovation is associated with company - sustainable development. However, to achieve that is not easy technological innovation must to preserve and protect the natural environment and society, raise the level of intellectual workers, making them adaptable and all machinery technology; and potentially more creative in business and production systems. For the key field, the key to focus resources to innovation sync from investing activities of modern equipment to train people, to change the method of production and Information for production (Granberg et. al., 2006).

Fagerberg et. al., (2011) discus technological innovation must first come from enterprises, the enterprises to actively implement. Technological innovation is an essential content in the manufacturing process of the business and must be done in by the business enterprise choices and conduct. The status of technology and equipment of Haiphong showed machinery systems in the list backward from 2 to 4 generations. So if the business does not actively Technological innovation, access to modern technology through technology

perform innovative research of new technologies, the business cannot succeed on the road to modernization (Granberg et. al., 2006). Base on Jacobsson et. al., (2010) study the most basic reason requires the state to support the technological innovation is to provide incentives for businesses, limiting the risks of investment in the private sector technological innovation. Therefore, the solution of state support should focus on the following two main topics:

+ Need to create and maintain a legal environment - through measures such as patent and antitrust activity - may increase the ability to generate revenues from investment acceptable technological innovation and thereby encourage such investment in the private sector.

In the above measures, financial instruments, especially the stuff about the tax is generally considered important. However, Etzkowitz et. al., (2000) recommend that non-financial instruments such as human resource development and industry standards are also important, particularly for developing countries. The fact is, the financial measures to encourage domestic technological innovation seem only successful if the government created the non-financial support is strong enough. For example, the research supports only work effectively when there are a large number of scientists and engineers with the ability to undertake R & D. Another factor to be included in the selection of the support mechanism innovation process is the innovation policy should be consistent with the needs of the country for a period determined by the development of technology. The policy should also change with the evolution of technology in the company (Etzkowitz et. al., 2000).

The technological innovation should actively promote the role of professional associations, trade unions because it is the influential organization for businesses as well as to the overall management system of the state. These associations can play a role as providers of information, support the strategic direction of the business in the technological innovation.

2.4 Satisfaction theory

Herzberg et al. (1987) argued that there are two groups of factors related to job satisfaction. These factors include motivate achievement, recognition, challenging work, progress, and mature work. Other factors include maintaining corporate policy and

corporate governance, supervision of their superiors, wages, relationship between individuals, working conditions, personal life, and assurance for work. Only these factors can motivate bring satisfaction to employees and otherwise maintain good personal factors will cause dissatisfaction among employees (Rahman, 2014).

Smith (1967) suggests that there are five factors affecting job satisfaction include: job satisfaction, satisfaction with supervision, satisfaction with pay, satisfaction with opportunities for advancement and agreed meet with colleagues.

The index describes the Job Descriptive Index job (JDI) by Smith et al. (1969), using five factors: job characteristics, superior, salaries, training opportunities - promotion and colleagues. The survey job descriptions (Job Satisfaction Survey - JSS) by Spector (1997) and satisfaction questionnaire Minnesota (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionair - MSQ) by Weiss et al. (1967) is typical 3 tools in measuring job satisfaction, which is the second MSQ JDI and tools are widely used both in practice and theory.

Job Satisfaction Scale (KDJS). such as:

.1. I get worthwhile and personal growth from my work .2. I am satisfied with the extent to which I can use my skills .3.I am satisfied with my workload

4.I am satisfied with overall staffing levels

.I am satisfied with the support available to me in my job 6. I am satisfied with the contact I have with colleagues

.7.I am satisfied with the opportunities I have to advance my career .8.I am satisfied with my salary/pay scale

.9. I am satisfied with the amount of job security I have

2.5 The relationship of new technology and job satisfaction

Job satisfaction ha s been widely researched both in terms of its determinants and its predictive power. Researchers have noted that job satisfaction is directly related to employee turnover/retention rates (Shore, Newton et al. 1990, Abdullah (2013); Jehanzeb, K., Bashir, 2012 ) and absenteeism and indirectly to job performance and productivity although the findings for productivity have been somewhat contradictory. Research has been conducted with the general population of workers.

Despite the ever more pervasive presence of technology in the workplace, there have been few empirical studies of the effect of computer use on job satisfaction (Zhu and Wang, 2007). For many workers, their daily activity is now highly dependent on the use of computers. For example, high levels of computer use are a feature of those who have come to be labeled as “knowledge workers,” -- namely those workers whose main tasks involve the collection, manipulation, interpretation and communication of information.

Indeed, for many workers, most information regarding the organization (e.g., contact information, policies and procedures, employee benefits, etc.) is available only electronically ( El-Mashaleh, 2007)

This study enhance the overall assessment of job satisfaction mainly based on James Danziger and Debora Dunkle (2005) questionnaire study and referred other research including Scheer et al., (2007); Oladapo, (2007) and Samuelson, (2008). First, skill development is a 5-point (agree to disagree) scale: “People are encouraged to develop their skills.” We expect that workers who are able to improve and add to their skill set will report higher satisfaction in the job. Second, work autonomy is measured by the extent to which the respondent agrees with the statement “I have a lot of say over what happens in my job.” while third, work influence is measured by the extent to which the respondent agrees with the statement “I can influence my supervisors on work-related matters.” Both high levels of autonomy and influence have been consistently found to be associated with higher levels of job satisfaction. Finally, the extent to which the organization is an information-rich environment might add to job satisfaction. This is measured by the mean score of responses to three 5-point Likert-scaled items:

1. People are encouraged to develop their skills 2. I have a lot of say over what happens in my job

3. I can influence my supervisors on work-related matters 4. I can quickly adapt with new technology that I need for work;

5. The new technology I need for my work is always available 6. The technology that I need for my work is always up-to-date.

7. I can learn new things from new technology

8. We can see the productive efficiency from new technology 9. My job is safer when applying the technology innovation

2.6 Relationship between job characteristics and job satisfaction

Four indicators of job characteristics are used in the analysis. this thesis focus s on indicators which we believe are reflective of jobs in which new technology are necessary for the completion of job tasks. We have identified two measures new technology use such as:

1. My job forces me to learn new things continuously 2. I never seem to have enough time to get my job done 3. In my major work tasks I rely extensively on technology

4. In my major work tasks, much of my time involves with innovation technology 5. I spend a substantial amount of my time in using the machine.

6. With new technology I fell my task is meaning full 7. I can use wide range of my skills with new technology

2.7 Hypothesis and research framework

From the discussion above, this research comes out with the flowing research frame work and hypothesis:

Figure 2.1 Research Framework

Job Satisfaction variable was based on the questionnaire developed to measure job satisfaction of the Yildirim-Kaptanoglu and Demir ( 2013) Job Satisfaction Scale (KDJS) This study have identified New technology applying variable which might enhance the overall assessment of job satisfaction mainly based on James Danziger and Debora Dunkle (2005) questionnaire and referred other researchs as: of Scheer et al., (2007); Oladapo, (2007) and Samuelson, (2008)

Related to job characteristic, this study developed variable and questionnaire based on the research of James Danziger and Debora Dunkle (2005) and Pouran Raeissi (2012).

Table 2.1: Description of Hypothesis

Hypothesis Description

H1 New technology application is positively related to job satisfaction

H2 There is relationship between job characteristics and employees’ job satisfaction H3 There is relationship between New technology and application job characteristics H4 There is a difference among demographics of respondents ( Gender, Age

Position, education, experience) , in job satisfaction New technology applying
