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Notification of Pandemic Prevention Measures to be Followed When a Non-Home Quarantined Person Cares for an


Notification of Pandemic Prevention Measures to be Followed




因您需要照顧居家檢疫者,為降低可能傳播風險,保護您自己和親友及周 遭人士健康,依傳染病防治法第36條規定,請您於___年___月___日至___年___



(一)留在家中(或嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎中央流行疫情指揮中心、地方政府指定 範圍內),禁止外出,亦不得出境或出國。

(二)請於配合防疫措施期間,自主詳實記錄體溫及健康狀況(如後附表格),並 配合提供手機門號、回復雙向簡訊健康情形等必要之關懷追蹤機制(包含 以手機門號進行個人活動範圍之電子監督)。

(三)如有發燒、咳嗽、腹瀉、嗅味覺異常或其他任何身體不適,請佩戴醫用口 罩,主動與當地衛生局聯繫,或撥1922,依指示方式儘速就醫,未經上述 程序不得逕行外出就醫就診,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。

二、拒絕、規避或妨礙上述應遵守事項者,將依傳染病防治法第70條裁處新臺 幣3,000元以上1萬5,000元以下罰鍰。


(一)請維持手部清潔,保持經常洗手習慣,原則上可以使用肥皂和清水或酒精 性乾洗手液進行手部清潔。另應注意儘量不要用手直接碰觸眼睛、鼻子和 嘴巴。手部接觸到呼吸道分泌物時,請用肥皂及清水搓手並澈底洗淨。

(二)請於配合防疫措施期滿後繼續自我健康監測7天,若出現嚴重特殊傳染性 肺炎相關症狀請佩戴醫用口罩,主動與當地衛生局聯繫,或撥1922,依指 示方式儘速就醫,且禁止搭乘大眾運輸工具前往。

(三)如您於取消配合防疫措施日後有出境或出國需要,請攜帶本通知書,以免 移民署人員因註記系統的時間誤差,延誤您通關時間。


(五)如不服本處分者,得自本處分送達翌日起30日內,繕具訴願書逕送原處分 機關,並由原處分機關函轉訴願管轄機關提起訴願。






Notification of Pandemic Prevention Measures to be Followed When a Non-Home Quarantined Person Cares for an

Individual Placed in Home Quarantine

Dear Mr./Ms:

As your job involves looking after someone placed in home quarantine, in order to reduce the risk of you becoming infected, protect the health of your relatives, friends and those around you, Article 36 of the Communicable Disease Prevention Act requires you to observe pandemic prevention measures from XX/XX/XX to XX/XX/XX. This includes the following regulations and additional precautions:

1. Regulations to be Observed

(1) Stay at home (or within the parameters designated by the CECC or local government), do not go outside, do not leave the country.

(2) During the period you are adhering to pandemic prevention measures, regularly record your temperature and health status (see appended table), while also cooperating with necessary care tracking mechanisms, by providing your cell phone number and responding to health related text messages (including electronic supervision of your movements through your cell phone).

(3) If you develop a fever, cough, diarrhea, abnormal sense of smell, taste or any other physical discomfort then wear a medical grade mask and contact the local health authorities, or 1922 Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline and immediately seek medical attention as directed. Anyone who has not followed the above procedures must not go outside to seek medical attention and is forbidden from using public transport to do so.

2. In accordance with Article 70 of the Communicable Disease Prevention Act anyone who refuses, avoids or otherwise obstructs the observance of the above regulations will be fined NT$3,000 to NT$15,000

3. Additional precautions

(1) Please wash your hands frequently and maintain hand cleanliness. In principle, hands can be washed using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. In addition, do not directly touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands. In the event your hands do come into contact with respiratory tract secretions then wash them thoroughly using soap and water.

(2) After the period of cooperating with these pandemic prevention measures ends, please continue to observe self health monitoring for 7 days. If in that period you experience COVID-19 related symptoms then wear a medical grade and contact the local health authorities or call the 1922 Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline. Immediately seek medical attention as directed, but do not use public transport to do so.

(3) If after the cancellation of these pandemic prevention measures you need to leave the country, please take this notification with you to ensure immigration officials do not delay your customs clearance as a result of a time error in the annotation system.

(4) If you require psychological counseling please call the toll free 24-hr 1925 Counseling Hotline.

(5) If a fine is contested than an application for administrative appeal must be filed within 30 days of the fine being received, with the agency that imposed the fine sending the appeal and original letter imposing the fine to the agency with appeal jurisdiction.

The latest information can be found on the official website of the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (https://cdc.gov.tw/)




我該如何照顧家中的 COVID-19 確診病患?

若您家中或同住者有 COVID-19 確診病患,在尚未安排住院前,您 可以這麼做:


1. 提供確診病患生活所需,提醒他們多休息與飲水,可視醫囑服用 藥物,或於發燒時服用退燒藥劑。

2. 大多數病患為輕症,在休息數天後症狀可恢復,請等候衛生單位 通知,但須注意症狀是否惡化。

3. 若出現以下症狀時,請立即聯繫 119、衛生局或撥打 1922:

喘、呼吸困難、持續胸痛、胸悶、意識不清、皮膚或嘴唇或指 甲床發青。


1. 若您本身是 COVID-19 重症高風險族群(包括 65 歲以上,免疫 力低下或有潛在疾病等),請不要直接照顧確診病患。

2. 照顧過程中,盡量避免與 COVID-19 確診病患直接接觸。確診者 在家中請單獨一人一室,盡量不要離開房間並使用不同的衛浴 設備。

3. 若不得已需共用空間,應開窗確保空氣流通,如需共用衛浴設 備,請於浴厠備妥稀釋後的漂白水或酒精,於每次使用後進行消 毒。

4. 禁止訪客。COVID-19 確診者與照顧者均不應和同住者以外的人 觸。

5. 避免與確診者共餐、共用物品。

參考資料 4



6. 若您本身是 COVID-19 重症高風險族群(包括 65 歲以上,免疫 力低下或有潛在疾病等),請不要直接照顧確診病患。


1. 照顧者若需進入確診病患房間時,雙方均須佩戴口罩。

2. 確診病患若離開個人房間,或身邊有其他家人時,雙方均須佩戴 口罩。

3. 接觸可能被確診者血液或體液汙染之物品或表面時,另須佩戴手 套。

4. 請使用稀釋後的漂白水或酒精清潔確診者經常觸摸的物體表面。


5. 照顧確診者前後均需執行手部衛生(使用肥皂和水洗手,或使用 酒精),即使有佩戴手套。

6. 注意經常且正確洗手、避免以手碰觸口、鼻、眼睛等。


1. 照顧者本身若為確診者之密切接觸者(與確診個案於其症狀發生 前三天至隔離前曾有共同用餐、共同居住或未佩戴口罩下面對面 15 分鐘以上的接觸), 不得外出。

2. 照顧者在照顧期間,亦須注意自己的健康狀況,監測是否出現發燒、

咳嗽、呼吸急促等 COVID-19 感染相關症狀。

3. 照顧期間結束後,應自最後一次與確診病患接觸日起居家隔離 14 天。