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用英语介绍中国美食 - 万水书苑-出版资源网


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Beijing Roast Duck,

Imperial Food Appetizing the Whole City

烤鸭是京城著名菜式,在全球享有盛誉,被赞为“天下美味”。从其色泽红润、肉 质香嫩、肥而不腻的特质中,我们可以体会到中国烹调的精湛技艺和中国艺术的工巧绝 妙。在品尝者的心目中,北京烤鸭已远远不仅是一道谋口福的菜肴,而是领略东方文明 的一扇窗口。

Whenever guests come to Beijing for a visit, the host will arrange a "Roast Duck Feast" to treat them. There is a saying goes in Europe: " Things are discussed and fixed during meals, which dominate people's affairs." Delicious food is not favored

by common people but more important to officials and merchants. It's not known when the catch phrase such as "The feeling that the visit is not complete if you don't go to the Great Wall, you will feel regret if you don't eat roast duck when coming to Beijing" is popular.

There are many famous brands of Beijing Roast Duck Restaurants, such as Quanjude, Bianyifang, DaDong and Dayali. Bianyifang Roast Duck Restaurant and Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant represent two different schools of roasting duck, both of which have a history of over one hundred years.

Founded in 1855, Bianyifang advocated that flames shall not go directly onto the duck which is baked by charcoal fire in the oven and hot furnace wall. Before being put into the oven, a duck is filled with specially-made soup to make it possible to roast the duck outside and boil it inside at the same time. Quanjude is better known (founded in 1864), with duck roasted over the fire, hung in the oven and roasted by the flame of the fruit-tree wood. At the same time, the duck needs constant flipping so that the whole is evenly heated. The cooking time lasts for forty minutes.

When roasted and dried, the duck will look brilliantly purplish red, with crisp skin, charred outside and juicy within. It's hard for people to resist the temptation of enjoying it. Beijing Roast Duck is not only popular with tourists at home and abroad,



Chapter 1



but admired by foreign leaders. Many foreign leaders can't wait to have a Duck Feast when coming to visit China.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and and his wife Akie Abe arrived in Beijing to attend the APEC informal leadership meeting on Nov. 9th, 2014, they were found in Beijing DaDong Roast Duck restaurant to eat Roast Duck on that day. Not only Abe, but Michelle Obama and Bush family are all fans of Roast Duck.

As the symbol of local culture, we see from food people's wisdom created from life and essence of civilization. Beijing Roast Duck will continue to serve as the Cuisine Card bettering Beijing to become an international and innovative city.


dominate [5dmInnt] v. 支配,影响;占有优势;在……中拥有最重要的位置

例如:He tended to dominate the conversation. 他往往左右着谈话的内容。

catch phrase 口头禅,流行语

represent [7riprI5zent] vt. 代表;象征

例如:The union represents over 200,000 teachers. 工会代表着 20 万余名教师的利益。

make...possible 使……成为可能

例如:The chance makes it possible to realize my dream. 这个机会使我实现梦想成为可能。

brilliantly [5brIljntlI] adv. 辉煌地;灿烂地 近义词:outstandingly,splendidly

例如:She has the one of the most brilliant minds in the country. 她是全国最有才气的人之一。

temptation [temp5teISn] n. 诱惑

常用短句:give way to / yield to temptation 经不住诱惑

例如:I was tempted by the dessert menu. 甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴。

informal [In5fml] adj. 非正式的 反义词:formal 常用短句:formal meeting 正式会议

essence [5esns] n. 精华;本质

例如:The teacher can't pin down the essence of ancient poetry. 老师不能清楚的解释古代诗歌的本质。

innovative [5InveItIv] adj. 创新的 常用短句:innovative city 创新型城市

文化深度游 • 360°全景看透透



《用英语介绍中国美食 》 004 有食客经常问:烤鸭是连皮带肉片好呢?还是皮肉分片好呢?更多人认为,还是皮肉分片比较 地道。因为北京烤鸭的特色就是皮酥肉嫩。如果皮肉一起吃,感觉略显单调的。只有皮肉分开吃, 才能在舌尖体会皮脆和肉嫩的完美融合。在冬季,装片好鸭肉的盘子不能太凉,最好能用微 波炉转一下。现在有些专业店在鸭盘下面放一个酒精炉,让小火苗保持燃着的状态以维持盘子 的温度,这个做法很值得借鉴和推广。一只烤鸭到底能片多少片?通常会达到90 片以上。烤 鸭佐餐配料一般包括荷叶饼、大葱、花瓜条、甜面酱,有的店创新还纳入哈尔蜜瓜条、芝麻酱、 白砂糖,把这些佐料与烤鸭一起卷上吃,会让口感更清新、更香甜。

精美译文秀 • 地道文化同步学

每当外地宾客来北京时,东道主通常会安排一次品尝烤鸭以款待来宾。欧洲外交界有一 句俗谚说得好:“世间万事定于餐桌,而支配人类的就是宴会。”美食不只是普通人的爱好, 上至达官显贵更为之动情。“不到长城非好汉,不吃烤鸭真遗憾。”不知何时,来到京城的 游客都知道这句口头禅了。 北京烤鸭店有很多知名品牌,比如全聚德、便宜坊、大董和大鸭梨。便宜坊和全聚德是 两家百年老字号的烤鸭店,是烤鸭制作工艺两大流派的代表。 便宜坊创始于1855 年,采用焖炉的方式进行烤制,特点是“鸭子不见明火”,由炉内炭 火和烧热的炉壁焖烤而成。在进烤炉之前,鸭身要涂满一种秘制的汤料,使得鸭皮在外烘烤 之时,鸭肉也能同时焖熟。全聚德的名气更大(创始于1864 年),采用挂炉的烤制方法,把 鸭身挂在炉内,以果木烧制的明火进行烤制,需要用杆子翻动鸭子的位置,保障周身受热均匀。 烤制时间为40 分钟。 烤好之后,鸭身呈枣红色,皮层酥脆,外焦里嫩,人们无法抗拒享受这道美食的诱惑。 北京烤鸭不仅被中外游客所喜爱,还受到国外领导人的推崇。不少国外领导人来华访问都迫 不及待地要吃一次北京烤鸭。 2014 年 11 月 9 日,日本首相安倍晋三携夫人安倍昭惠抵达北京,出席亚太经合组织领 导人非正式会议(APEC),当天晚上安倍就被发现在北京大董烤鸭店吃烤鸭。其实不止安倍, 米歇尔·奥巴马、布什家族都是烤鸭的粉丝。 食物是地方文化的符号,它传播了人们生活的智慧和文明的精髓。北京烤鸭也将继续成 为北京打造世界城市、创新城市的一张美食名片。


1. What to eat is a choice; how to eat is wisdom. 吃什么是一种取舍,怎么吃是一种智慧。

2. If you don't regain life through creation, you will lose vitality in repetition. 不在创新中重生,就在重复中湮没。


005 Chapter 1 吃在北京 : 胡同深处的京味



Traditional Beijing Noodles—Hey, Welcome!

如果您想在最复古的环境中,以最实惠的价格享用最地道的北京美食,选择炸酱面 馆准没错。还没踏进店门,一股浓浓的京味儿已扑面袭来:木窗木门、大红灯笼、鸟笼高 挂、八仙桌长条凳,以及身穿长袍、肩搭毛巾的小二吆喝着“来了,您呐!”打心眼儿 里您一定是感觉要多舒坦有多舒坦!

In Northern China, people tend to make food by flour as the staple food, such as steamed rolls, buns, pancakes, noodles and so on. By contrast, people are more likely to eat rice in Southern China. Noodles imply "long life", therefore, there is a custom in Northern China that as long as someone observes his/her birthday, the family members will cook a bowl of

noodles for the longevity god, wishing him/her everlasting health. There is another popular saying that "eat dumplings arriving and noodles when departing", which means that we eat dumplings to celebrate the reunion with friends or family members who come back home while we eat noodles before we see them off. Why? People tend to believe that long noodles are just like lines reminding those who prepare to leave to come back earlier. It's an aspiration to meet again as early as possible.

In daily life, Beijingers seem to be more fond of noodles. When people talk of Traditional Beijing Noodles (referred to "the Noodles" below), they say they will never

get tired of eating it. In the past, only the dilapidated nobility can eat the Noodles. But nowadays, despite of social status, people can go to the restaurant to order it at any time they want, not only for the atmosphere but more for good taste. You can order some local side dishes such as fried sausage, cool cabbage with wasabi in pier shape, fried creak..., then two seasonal dishes, and finally the Noodles. How indescribably comfortable!

The Noodles is of good taste and also easy to make. Prepare well all the vegetables including cucumbers, toons, bean sprouts, green beans, soybeans as the auxiliary ingredients. Put the diced meat, ginger and other food into the pan,




add yellow soybean paste or sweet soybean paste to cook and then have the paste done. You can pour the vegetables and paste into the noodles directly from the boiling water or first have the noodles dipped into the cool water and then pour the vegetables and paste into the bowl according to personal preferences.

Until now, you can still see in the warren in small lanes called Hutong in Beijing inner city that neighbors in communities nearby gather together during meal time holding the Noodle bowls with one cucumber in it. Squatting down in the courtyard or door opening, they are chatting and playing chess while eating noodles and having a bite of cucumbers at times.

This is common but warm, which tells people's eating habits and also records the neighborhood life. In such a metropolitan as Beijing, what matters is not a bowl of hot noodles, but also the mutual companionship and the warm heart caring others behind.


by contrast 相反地;相比之下

近义词组:in contrast to; sharp/stark/striking contrast 鲜明的 / 显著的对比

observe one's birthday 过生日

celebrate [5selIbreIt] vt. 庆祝,庆贺

例如:I was in a mood to celebrate. 我很想庆祝一番。

aspiration [7Qsp5reISn] n. 强烈的愿望;期待

例如:He nurses an aspiration to be a poet. 他心怀当诗人的愿望。

get tired of 厌倦 近义词组:be tried of,fed up with

nobility [nu5bIlItI] n. 高贵;贵族;庄严;雄伟 同义词:royal

preference [5prefrns] n. 优先;偏好,偏爱 常用短句:personal preference 个人爱好 ☻ metropolitan [metr5plIt()n] n. 大城市;大都会 常用短句:metropolitan opera 纽约大都会歌剧院 ☻ companionship [km5pAnjnSIp] n. 陪伴;伙伴关系;友谊 近义词:friendship,fellowship


007 Chapter 1 吃在北京 : 胡同深处的京味

文化深度游 • 360°全景看透透

不止面味香浓,还营养多多 一首老北京童谣唱得好:“青豆嘴儿、香椿芽儿、焯韭菜切成段儿……顶花带刺儿的黄 瓜要切细丝儿;心里美,切几批儿,焯豇豆剁碎丁儿,小水萝卜带绿缨儿……”,把炸酱面的7、 8 种菜码都罗列齐了。这么多的食材,吃下去对身体的作用也一定是多元化促进呢!据说,炸 酱面有助于增强抵抗力,具有清热利湿、养气补血、美容护发、健脑安神的作用。 在北京,味道纯正、环境古朴的连锁店很多,人均消费都在30-50 元不等。著名的品牌 有海碗居、老北京炸酱面大王、一碗居等,还有许多地道的私房菜馆做得也很好,如刘宅食府、 六哥菜馆等。

精美译文秀 • 地道文化同步学

在北方人的餐桌上,主食一般都以面食为主,包括花卷、馒头、烙饼、面条等等。南方 则多以米饭为主食。面条寓意“长寿”,所以在北方有一个习俗,只要家里有人过生日,大 家就要送他一碗长寿面,希愿他平安健康到永远。还有一种流行的说法,“下车饺子上车面”: 与亲朋好友团聚时吃顿饺子庆贺,送别亲朋好友离开时吃碗面,意味着用长长的面条拴住他们, 表达了一种“早日再团圆”的期待。 日常生活中,北京人貌似更喜欢吃面。老北京的炸酱面有百吃不厌的美誉。虽说在以前, 炸酱面是破落贵族的吃食,但在现代,无论男女老少、官员百姓都爱吃上一口。不仅是奔着 气氛,主要还是因为吃得舒服,点上几种有滋味的京味小菜,像炸灌肠、芥末墩儿、炸咯吱…… 再弄两个时令炒菜,最后来一碗炸酱面,可别提多美了! 炸酱面不仅好吃,还特别好制作。将黄瓜、香椿、豆芽、青豆、黄豆切好直接食用或煮 好,做成菜码备用,然后将肉丁及葱、姜等放在油里炒,再加入黄豆制作的黄酱或甜面酱炸炒, 即成炸酱。按照自己的偏好,既可以将面条煮熟之后捞出,浇上炸酱,拌以菜码,一碗香气腾 腾的炸酱面就可以开吃了;也可以将面条捞出后用凉水浸洗再加炸酱、菜码,也就是 “过水面”。 直到现在,在北京胡同里的大杂院,仍可以见到这样的情景:街坊四邻在吃饭点儿聚齐 在一堆儿,端着碗炸酱面,碗里搁一根脆黄瓜,在当院或门洞里一蹲,吃两口炸酱面,咬一 口脆黄瓜,既不耽误聊天,又不耽误下棋。 这是一幅平凡却凸显温暖的画面,传达了人们的饮食习惯,记录着左邻右舍的街坊生活。 在北京这样一座巨大的都市里,重要的不止是热腾腾的炸酱面,更可贵的是在相互陪伴和关 爱中,牵挂他人的那颗温暖的心。


1. All good things come to an end. 天下无不散之筵席。






Fried Red Berries, I'm Sweet and Sour Me

炒红果是一种老北京小吃。看起来晶莹剔透,吃起来更是酸酸甜甜,是很地道的北 京美味。这道小吃的主要原料是山楂,山楂具有开胃、软化血管的功效,富含多种高营 养成份,对高血压、心脑血管病具有一定的疗效。各个年龄层次的人群都爱享用这道小吃, 年轻人拿它当开胃零食,中年人拿它当解酒秘方,老年人吃它可以软化血管,真是既休 闲美味又保健益体哟!

Fired red berries was ever one of the famous snacks

during the Qing Dynasty. Red berries contain vitamins, minerals, citric acid, hawthorn acid, malic acid and other nutrients, whose nutrients are six times higher than those of apple.

Esterase solution promotes the astric secretion, accelerates the digestion of high-calorie food, thus helping metabolism and fitness. Therefore, nearly all the Beijing taste restaurants list the snack as the appetizer on the menu. Its sweet and sour taste attract many customers.

Red berries are mainly produced in Hebei province, Shandong province, Shanxi province and Jixian county of Tianjin and Xinglong Mountainous area nearby, boasting of high quantity and good quality. When cooking the red berries, you'd better pay attention that red berries can't be fried raw. It's rational to clean the red berries first and put them in the pot with cool water in it. As the water gradually heated until the red berries are half cooked, take them out, peel off the skin and have them stoned. Add water and boil the sugar into juice. The timing is very important. Put the red berries into the sugar juice and boil it in slow fire until it becomes semitransparent, in which process they need constant turning, otherwise they would be overcooked.

Even though it's just a snack, it's necessary to use the best ingredients, cook in the right order and finish by complete steps. Only in this way can the most delicious taste can be achieved. It's important to follow the process, but what's more important is the good spirit of providing others delicious and healthy food with



Chapter 1



can make big success.


snack [snAk] n. 小吃;点心;小菜一碟(informal)

例如:It'll be a snack. 这不过是小事一桩。

nutrient [5njutrInt] n. 营养成分

常用短句:a lack of essential nutrient 基本营养物质的缺乏

digestion [dI5dZestSn, daI5dZestSn] n. 消化;领悟

常用短句:good/poor digestion 消化能力强 / 弱 ☻ quality [5kwlItI] n. 质量,品质 形相似词:quantity 数量 ☻ peel off 剥离;脱落;撕下 ingredient [In5gridInt] n. 成分;配料;要素 常用短句:active ingredient 活性成分

vigorous [5vIgrs] adj. 积极的;大力的;蓬勃旺盛的


文化深度游 • 360°全景看透透

煮出来的“炒红果” 曾经闻名京城的是一家叫“刘记”的炒红果铺子,掌门人是刘鸿印,作为最早“进驻” 东安市场的商贩之一,已成为与老北京往事连在一起的历史传奇人物。虽然叫炒红果,但其 实并不是炒,而是用糖水煮出来的。先要筛选出最上乘的红果,洗干净放到凉水锅里,在开 锅之前要保证把红果焯透,如果水开了,红果就会崩裂变成烂酱。 所以,控制水温就成了“焯”这道程序的关键所在。然后将焯好的红果去籽去皮,放到 熬好的糖浆里,熬糖的技术也是一大关键。按刘家的标准,须“熬糖要熬出筋骨来”。看似 小小的红果,背后却是大大的学问和辛勤的付出啊!

精美译文秀 • 地道文化同步学

炒红果曾是清朝宫廷名小吃之一。红果中含有多种维生素、矿物质、柠檬酸、山楂酸、 苹果酸等营养物质,营养成分比苹果高六倍。其中的解酯酶能促进胃液分泌,加速脂肪类食物 的消化,从而起到帮助消化和减肥的作用。所以,各类的京味儿饭馆都将炒红果列为开胃头盘, 其酸酸甜甜的口感也获得了不少顾客的青睐。 红果的产地主要分布在河北省、山东省、山西省以及天津市的蓟县和附近的兴隆山区,


《用英语介绍中国美食 》 010 不仅产量大,而且质量还特别好。制作红果的时候要注意,红果不能生炒,要先把红果洗净, 凉水下锅煮到水热,直至红果到半熟状,捞出剥皮去核。将砂糖加水熬汁,一定要熬到火候, 再将处理好的红果放入,用文火稍翻,到红果瓣呈半透明状即可。放红果后需要不时搅动, 否则会由于汁过浓而容易糊锅底。 哪怕再小的一道菜,都需要用最佳的食材,以全圆的工序按步骤来完成才会有最上乘的 滋味。除了严格遵守每一道程序,更重要的是本着为他人提供最美味、最健康饮食的善巧发 心来制作,加以耐心、恒心和智慧,小买卖也能成就大事业。


1. Without extreme pains, one will not gain the ultimate happiness. 未曾经历极端的痛苦,不会体验极致的大乐。

2. Things will develop in the opposite direction when they go beyond too far. 全则必缺,极则必反。



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