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A Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection


Academic year: 2021

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A Deniable Authentication Protocol with Anonymous Sender Protection

Hwang, Shin-Jia and Ma, Juei-Che*

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,

TamKang University, Tamsui, Taipei Hsien, 251, Taiwan, R.O.C.

E-mail: sjhwang@mail.tku.edu.tw, 695411974&95.tku.edu.tw*

Abstract-In deniable authentication protocols,

the senders' right cannot be protected due to the deniable property. The deniable property causes the receiver's implication because the sender cannot prove the sender's identity to the third party. To overcome this problem, Hwang and Ma first proposed their protocol with sender protection to provide evidences for the sender. To protect senders' privacy, it is better that the senders should be anonymous. Therefore, a deniable authentication protocol with anonymous sender protection is proposed. The extra bonus of our sender protection is that, in our protocol, the sent deniable messages can be converted to undeniable signatures without additional computational cost. Then the converted signatures can be directed used in real applications.

Keywords: Deniable authentication protocols, concurrent signatures, authentication.

1. Introduction

Deniable authentication protocols [2, 3] are used to prove the sender's identity of the origin of some messages to an intended receiver. However, the intended receiver cannot convince anyone that the sender has sent the message to the intended receiver. Therefore, deniable authentication protocols must satisfy authentication and deniable properties between two entities over communicating channels. The authentication property means that only the intended receiver can find out the sender's identity of the origin of a received message. The deniable property means that the receiver cannot prove the origin's identity of the message to a third party.

Due to these two properties, deniable authentication protocols are useful in the electronic transaction [7], electronic voting system and secure negotiation [2, 3] over the Internet. There is another application for deniable authentication protocols [11]. Suppose that a customer wants to order goods from a merchant, the customer needs the merchant's quotation. To prevent the misuse of the quotation, the merchant has to make sure that the quotation is used only for the intended

customer but not anyone else.

Aumann and Rabin [2, 3] first proposed their deniable authentication protocol based on the factoring problem. Aumann and Rabin's protocol needs a public trusted directory between the sender and the receiver. Dwork et al. [8] developed a notable deniable authentication protocol based on concurrent zero knowledge proof. However, Dwork et al.'s protocol has a timing constraint because the proof of the knowledge is subject to time the delay during the authenticate process.

Afterward, Deng et al. [7] proposed two deniable authentication protocols based on factoring problem and the discrete logarithm problem, respectively. Unfortunately, Deng et al.'s protocols suffer from the person-in-the-middle attack [20]. Moreover, in Deng et al.'s protocols, a trust public directory is also needed. To maintain the trust public directory is a heavy cost. To remove public trusted directories, Fan et al. [9] proposed another deniable authentication protocol based on the Diffie-Hellman key distribution protocol. Later, Chang et al. [5] points out that the sender did not authenticate the receiver in Fan et al.'s protocol, so that the sender cannot tell who the receiver actually is. In [5], Chang et al. use a signature to avoid the flaw of no intended receiver. But Sun et al. [16] announced that Chang et al.'s protocol cannot resist an adaptive attack, and also proposed a new session key generation scheme by using temporary private/ public key pair in the protocol.

Even though many deniable authentication protocols [2-3, 7, 9] are proposed, all those proposed protocols are interactive protocols. To improve efficiency, Shao [15] proposed the non-interactive deniable authentication protocol based on generalized EIGamal signature scheme. Shao pointed out that interactive deniable authentication protocols cannot prevent the impersonate attack. Moreover, a non-interactive protocol is more efficient than an interactive protocol. Lu et al. [12] proposed a non-interactive deniable authentication protocol by using the improved Rabin signature scheme. But


in Lu et al.'s protocol, an impersonation attack is

easy to disorder the execution of the protocol.

Thus, the intended receiver cannot sure that if the

received message is really sent from the real

sender. To solve this flaw, Lu et al. then modify

[13] the original protocol a little bit by putting the

sender and the intended receiver's identities into

the hash function on transmission. Later, Lee et

al. [11] proposed their protocol whose

communication cost is less than the one of Shao's


Some interesting applications and variances are

proposed by deniable authentication protocol.

Shi et al. [18] proposed an identity-based deniable

authentication protocol by using bilinear pairings

and reduces to the hardness of bilinear

Diffie-Hellman problem. Brown [4] proposed

another deniable authentication protocol for the

multicasting. Lu et al. [14] also address a group

oriented deniable authentication protocol. In this

group oriented protocol, the sender side must be a

group (which means more than one identity) and

there will be a threshold for generating the

message to an intended receiver.

In those proposed protocols, the sender can

deny that he/she sent the message to receiver

because both the sender and receiver have the

same ability to generate the sent messages.

However, the sender has no evidence to prove that

he/she is the real sender to prevent receivers'

implication. Let us consider the situation that a

company wants to buy some product with the

lowest price. The company will ask the product's

providers the quotation. In this situation, the

deniable authentication protocols are used to

provide authenticated but deniable quotations for

the company. However, the deniability is caused

by forgeability of the receiver. The company can

easily forge authenticated but deniable quotations

while the providers cannot prevent this





circumvention, Hwang and Ma [10] proposed their

deniable authentication protocol with sender

protection. Here and after, Hwang and Ma's

protocol is named as DAP-SP.

In the quotation situation, the providers do not

want anyone know their identities to avoid

unnecessary annoyance. But, in the deniable

authentication protocols, the sender's identity is

not protected anymore. That is everyone may

know who the sender is. To protect the sender's

privacy, it is better that the sender's identity is

hidden from the other ones except the receiver.

Therefore, a deniable authentication protocol with

anonymous sender protection is proposed.

In the following section, the


signature scheme iPCS1 [19] and DAP-SP are

reviewed in Section 2. Our new non-interactive

deniable authentication protocol with anonymous

sender protection is proposed in Section 3. The

corresponding security and performance analysis is

given in the same section. The performance

analysis and discussions about our proposed

protocol is given in Section 4. Finally, Section 5

is our conclusions.

2. Review of iPCS1 and DAP-SP

2.1 Review of iPCS1

Wang et al. [19] proposed their concurrent

signature schemes, iPCS1 and iPCS2, to improve

the fairness and ambiguity of Chen et al.'s

concurrent signature schemes [6]. The review of

iPCS1 is given here.

The scheme iPCS1 is consisted of fours

algorithms SETUP, ASIGN, AVERIFY, and

VERIFY, and one protocols. In the following,

these algorithms are first given.


The input of the SETUP algorithm is a

security parameter 1. On this security parameter,

the SETUP algorithm first generates the public

system parameters and public functions. The

public system parameters are two large prime

numbers p and q with ql(p-1), and an element g of

order q in Z



The public function is a

collision-free hash function whose image is Z



The SETUP algorithm also generates the public

key and private key for each user. The private

key of the user i is a random number





the public key of the user i is computed by Y



mod p.


The ASIGN algorithm is used to

generate an ambiguous signature on some message

ms. The input





where Xs is the private key of sender S, Ys is the

public key of sender S,


is the public key of

receiver R, e


is an integer generated by the

keystone generation algorithm h(k), k is a

randomly chosen keystone. Then the output of


YR, Xs, eR,

ms) is an ambiguous

signature as= (fs, es, e


). The concrete algorithm

for ASIGN is given below.


Select a random integer rsc Z



2. Evaluate fs=


mod p).

3. Compute es = (rs — fs)Xs


mod q.

4. Output an ambiguous signature as = (



es, ex)•


Given an

ambiguous-signature-message pair (as,Ys,Y


, ms), the algorithm outputs

accept if the equation fs= h(mslleYs




mod p)

holds; otherwise, the algorithm outputs reject.


is an Then

VERIF Y algorithm returns accept if AVERIFY(as,Ys, YR ,

ms)= accept and the keystone k satisfies the

keystone verification equation eR= h(k). Otherwise,

VERIFY outputs reject.

These algorithms are used to construct the iPCS1 protocol. The interesting reader can refer [19] to find the detail of iPCS1. The following theorem in [19] shows that both iPCS1 and iPCS2 satisfy ambiguity, fairness, and existentially unforgeablity properties under the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem and the bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem.

Theor em 1: Ac cord ing to the for mal definitions given in [6, 17], the protocols, iPCS1 and iPCS2, are secure perfect concurrent signature protocols, under the hardness of discrete logarithm problem and the bilinear Diffie-Hellman problem. In other words, both iPCS1 and iPCS2 have ambiguity, fairness, and existentially unforgeablity under a chosen message attack in the multi-party setting [19].

2.2 DAP-SP

Hwang and Ma's deniable authentication protocol with sender protection (DAP-SP for short) is consisted of two phases: Setup phase and deniable authentication phase. Setup phase is described first and then deniable authentication phase is given.

Setup Phase

A trusted authority (TA for short) is response to generate and publish public system parameters and func tions in this phase . The n the private-public key pair of each user is also generated and certificated by TA. TA first selects two large prime numbers p and q such that q is a large prime divisor of p-1. Then TA finds an element g of order q in GF(p) and defines a collision-free hash function h whose image is Zq*.

The private key of the user i is a random number

Xie Z q* and the public key of the user i is

computed by Yi=


mod p.

Deniable Authentication Phase

Suppose that one user S wants to be authenticated by the intended receiver R to transmit the message ms. The DAP-SP between S and R is described below.

Protocol DAP-SP

Sten 1:Sender S chooses two random numbers k and rse Zq4.

Step 2:

S computes eR = h(k), fs= 11(11S l eS YReR

mod p), and es = (r5— f5)X5-1mod q.

Step 3:S sends (es, eR, f5) and ms to Receiver R.

Sten 4: R performs the validation equation fs

h(msllYSeSgfSYReRmod p) (mod q) to

authenticate S and (es, eR, fs) after

r e ce iving (e s, eR, fs) and ms. If the

validation equation holds, then the intended receiver R is assured that (es, ex, fs) and ms are indeed sent by User S.

3. Our Protocol with


Sender Protection

Our deniable authentication protocol with anonymous sender protection (DAP-ASP for short) is also consisted of two phases: Setup phase and deniable authentication phase. The setup phase is the same as the setup phase in DAP-SP. Only the deniable authentication phase is given.

3.1 Deniable Authentication Phase

Suppose that the sender S wants to be authenticated by the intended receiver R to transmit the message m5. The DAP-ASP

between S and R is stated below.

Ps treopt osleDAPr-SASP1: chooses three random numbers k,

x, and rse Zq*.

Step 2:

S computes A= h(YRxmod p) and



mod p.

3: S computes eR = h(k), fs =

h(msllg r s Yxe R mod p), es =

(rs— f5)X5-1 mod q, and eR' = eR— A

mod q.

4:S sends {g', (es, ex?,fs), ms} to Receiver R.


R recovers A= h((e)xRmod p).Then R

performs the validation f5

hau(ithilselngtfiscYatsees(YSR)eano-; to

(es, mod p) fs) after aq)fter

( m o d receiving (es, eR', f5) and m5. If the

validation holds, then the intended receiver R is assured that (es, ell', f5) and ms are

indeed sent by Sender S.

following shows why the validation can be to validate (es, eR, f5) and m5.

fs h(ms gfsxYsesx (YR)eR÷ Amod p)

h(m511 gfsx (gxs)esx YReRmod p)

- 1

h(m511gfsx (gxs)(rs-fs)xs1xYReR mod p)

h(m511grSYReR modp)

3.2 Security Analysis

Security analysis of DAP-ASP is given below. The sent message {g', (es, ell', fs)} plays

an important r ole in DAP -ASP. The — VERIFY. The input of the algorithm

VERIFY is the tuple (k, (a5,Y5,YR,m5)), where k is

a keystone and (as,Ys,YR,ms)

ambiguous-signature-message pair. Step St e p Step The used


unoforgeability of (es, eR, f5) for a given g' is


show that {g', (es, el2', f5)} can be forged by the

receiver to provide deniability for senders. Finally Lemma 3 shows that no one can compute A= h((eR mod p) to validate {g',


except senders and receivers. By Lemma 3, no one can ensure who the sender is.

Because Lemma 1 is based on the decision Diffie-Hellman problem (DDHP for short), the DDHP is stated first.

Decision Diffie-Hellman problem

Let p and q be two large primes such that cap-1). Let g be a generator with order q. Given ga mod p,

gb mod p, and gc mod p.

Determine whether or not gc. gba(mod p).

DDHP assumption

There is no polynomial time algorithm with at least probability c to solve DDHP problem, where c is negligible.

Lemma 1: Unforgeability of (es, eR, fs) for the given g' and ms.

Being based on the DDHP assumption, there is no polynomial time algorithm to forge our triple (es, ell', fs) with at least probability e except the

sender S and the intended receiver R, where e is negligible.

Proof: Assume that there is a polynomial-time adversary algorithm F to forge (es, eR, fs) for the given g'=


mod p and ms with probability co e. The input of the algorithm F is the tuple (Ys,YR,


ms) and the forged output is(es,el2',fs) such thatfs h(mdgfSYSeSYReRmod p) (mod q) with e


where A= h(YRx mod p). With the help of the

adversary algorithm F, an algorithm I can be constructed to solve DDHP with probability at least e' and at most executing time t1.

Solve DDHP. Algorithm I takes the input (ga mod p,

gb mod p, gc mod p) to determine

whether or not g' gba(mod p). Algorithm I first randomly choose a random integer we Zq* and

computes y = gw mod p. Algorithm I also

rand omly ge nerate s a message M. The n Algorithm I constructs the input (Y5, YR, g',ms)

= (y, ga mod p,

gbmod p, M) for Algorithm F.

With the help of the adversary algorithm F, the algorithm I obtains the forged tuple (es, ex', fs)

satisfies fs h(MlIgfSyeSeeRmod p) (mod q) with abmod p)

probability at least e, where eR= eRLFh(g

mod q.

Now Algorithm I computes e1= eRLFh(gc

mod p) mod q and uses the validation equation fs h(MlIgf syesgaxel mod p) (mod q) to determine

whe the r or not & ga x b (mod p). If fs

h(MlIgf sye sga x e l mod p) (mod q) holds, the

algorithm I determines & gaxb(mod p).

Otherwise, the algorithm I given the answer that gc gXb(mod p).

Consider the situation of the algorithm I outputs wrong answers. The first case is that Algorithm F fails to forge (es, eR, fs) when & gab

(mod p). The probability of this case is (1-w)x(1/q). The second case is that Algorithm F successfully forge (es, ell', fs) but gel gab (mod p).

The necessary successful condition for this case is the c ollision of h oc cur s. Ther efore, the probability of this case is cox(1/q) x(1-1/q). Therefore, the probability of Algorithm I outputting wrong answer is cox (1/q) x(1-1/q)+ (1-w)x(1/q)= (1/q)- co(1/q2). Since co is large than

1-e and q is very large, the probability of Algorithm I with wrong answer is also negligible. Lemma 2: Ambiguity of (es, eR, fs) for the given g' and ms.

Both the sender S and the intended receiver R can construct the triple (es, eR, fs) for a designated message ms, so other contenders cannot

find out who is the real generator of triple (es, eR,

f 5).

Proof: The intended receiver R forges the triple (es, eR", fR) by the following steps:

Step 1:Choose 3 random numbers es, y & rREZq*

Step 2:Compute g" = gYmod p and A'=h(Y RY

mod p).

Step 3:Compute fR = h(mileYSe S 'mod p),

eR = (rR— fR)Xs-1 mod q, eR" = eR

"-A' mod q.

Then R successfully constructs a triple (es, en", fR)

for message m' satisfying fR h(m'llgfRYReR"YSeS'

mod p) (mod q). Since R is able to construct (es, eR", fR), no one can figure out whether or not (es,

ee, fR) is made by S or R except the sender and

the receiver. So the triple (es, eR", fR) provides

the ambiguity.

Theorem 2: The DAP-ASP provides authentication and deniable properties.

Proof: The triple (es, eR, fs) is unforgeable except the sender and the receiver by Lemma 1, so an adversary cannot impersonate as the sender S to cheat the intended receiver. So the DAP-ASP provides authentication property. On the other hand, the triple (es, ell', fs) is only ambiguous

between S and R by Lemma 2, the receiver R cannot uses the triple (es, ell', fs) to prove that S is

the source of the message to the third party. The DAP-ASP provides deniable property.


given g' andYRis based on DDHP.

The computation of A for given g' and YRis

based on the difficulty of the DDHP.

Proof: Assume that there is a polynomial-time adversary algorithm E with probability at least c" to compute A for the given


gx mod p andYR=

gxRmod p. The input of the algorithm E is the

tuple (g', YR) and the output is A such that A =

h(gxxxR mod p). With the help of the adversary

algorithm E, an algorithm J can be constructed to solve DDHP with probability at least c" and taking at most executing time t2.

Solve DDHP. Algorithm J takes the input (ga mod p, gbmod p, gc mod p) to determine

whether or not gc gaxb(mod p). ) Then

Algorithm J constructs the input (g', YR) = (gamod



bmod p) for Algorithm E. With the help of

the adversary algorithm E, the algorithm J make A = h(gaxbmod p) with probability at least c".

Algorithm J uses the validation equation A = h(gc mod p) to determine whether or not gc.gaxb

(mod p). If A= h(gc mod p) holds, the algorithm J

determines thatgc. gaXb (mod p) holds.

Otherwise, Algorithm J gives the answer that gc

mod p #gaxbmod p.

Consider the situation of Algorithm J cannot output correct answers. When Algorithm E successfully computes A but gcmod p # garb mod p,

Algorithm J returns that & gaXb (mod p) holds only when the collision of h occurs. So the probability of this situation is cox (1/q)(1-1/q), where co is the successful probability of Algorithm E. When Algorithm E fails to compute A but gc

mod p=


b mod p, the probability of this case is

(1-w)(1/q). The total probability is wx(1/q)(1-1/q)+(1-w)(1/q)= (1/q)-co(1/q2). Since q is large and co is almost 1, this probability is negligible that Algorithm J cannot output correct answer.

Theorem 3:In DAP-ASP, the anonymity of (es, eit', fs) is provided.

Proof: After obtains ( e s , e R , fs), an adversary

A wants to cheat the receiver R by construct a value of A' whic h satisfied g f S Y S e S Y R e " = g f S YA e S YR e", where YA = gX A mod p is randomly

chosen. Then, the value of A' = es((Xs-XA)/XR) + A. However, the computation of A is harder than the DDHP according to Lemma 3. Since that nobody can compute the value of A, the value of A' is also not easy to be found. Therefore, it is infeasible for anyone except the origin sender and the intended receiver to find out their identity. Thus, the DAP-ASP provides the property of







The performance analysis among DAP-SP, DAP-ASP, and Lee et al's protocol [11] is given in Table 1. Notation TEdenotes the computational

cost of one modular exponentiation andTHdenotes the executing time for one hash operation. Both in DAP-SP and DAP-ASP, multi-exponentiation is used. The multi-exponentiation computational costs foraix1a2x2 and aix1a2x2a3x3are about 1.16TE and 1.25TE, respectively [1]. In DAP-SP, the

major computational cost paid by the sender S is 2TH+1.16TEin Step 2 and TH+1.25TEin Step 4 by

the receiver R. In DAP-ASP, the major computational cost paid by the sender S is 3TH+3.16TEin Step 2 and 2TH+2.25TEin Step 4

by the rece iver R. In [11], the major computational cost paid by the sender is 2TH+2TE

while the cost paid by the receiver is 2TH+1.16TE.

Evidently, the total computational cost of DAP-SP is less than the total cost of Lee et al.'s protocol [11]. The communication cost of the DAP-SP is 34 bits. On the other hand, the communication cost of Lee et al.'s protocol isIP1± 1c11•Since Ipl is usually larger than Iql, the DAP-SP is close to Lee et al.'s protocol [11] in the communication cost. For the DAP-ASP, the communication cost slightly raise to Ip1+314. The additional communication cost of our protocol with anonymous sender protection is 214 bits. Fortunately, due to IP1>>1c11, the additional communication cost is cheap for the anonymous sender protection property.

The security property comparison among DAP-SP, DAP-ASP and Lee et al.'s protocol [11] is given in Table 2. Lee et al.'s protocol [11], DAP-SP, and our protocol conform to the basic properties of deniability and authentication for deniable authentication protocols. These three protocols are all non-interactive. However, both our protocol and DAP-SP provide the sender protection for every session while Lee et al.'s protocol does not. Only the DAP-ASP provides the anonymity for the transmitted message.

The bonus of the anonymous sender protection is that the received deniable evidence can become a formal sender's signature after releasing the keystone. According to the example which is described in Section 1, if a customer decides trading with some merchant after receiving the quotation, he/she claims to the merchant. When the sender who releases his/her keystone, it can complete the unfogeability and make the sent


messages as a legal signature. No additional computation cost is needed to convert sent messages to legal signatures. In the other deniable authentication protocols, senders need generate legal signatures additionally.

5. Conclusions

A deniable authentication protocol DAP-ASP is proposed with not only authentication and deniable properties but also the anonymous sender protection. The DAP-ASP is proposed to protect senders' privacy more completely than DAP-SP. Not only the transmitting message the triple (es,e12%

fs) is ambiguous and unforged, with a special value of A, the sender's anonymity of (es, eii, fs)

can be also provided.

The bonus of (anonymous) sender protection is that the sender can easily convert the sending deniable evidence to legal senders' signatures. That is the converted senders' signature can be directly used for further application without paying any additional computation cost.


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Table 1: Computation and Communication Cost Comparison of Lee et al's Protocol, DAP-SP and DAP-ASP

Lee et al.'s

protocol DAP-SP DAP-ASP

Sender's computation cost 2TH-F2TE 2TH-F1.16TE 3 TH+3 .16TE

Receiver's computation cost 2TH-F1.16TE TH-F1.25TE 2TH+2.25TE

Total computation cost 4 TH+3.16TE 3TH+2.41TE 5TH+5.41TE

Communication cost 11)1+1(41 31C1 1 1 131+ 31 4

Table 2. Security Comparison among Lee et al's Protocol, DAP-SP and DAP-ASP Lee et al.'s protocol DAP-SP DAP-ASP

Deniability Yes Yes Yes

Authentication Yes Yes Yes

Non-interactive Yes Yes Yes

Sender protection No Yes Yes


Table 1: Computation and Communication Cost Comparison of Lee et al's Protocol, DAP-SP and DAP-ASP



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