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英文 解析


Academic year: 2021

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107 學年度學科能力測驗試題



考試時間:100 分鐘



˙單選題共 56 題




˙選擇題用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答;更正時,應









第 壹 部 分 : 單 選 題 ( 占 7 2 分 ) 一 、 詞 彙 題 ( 占 1 5 分 )

1. Mangoes are a fruit here in Taiwan; most of them reach their peak of sweetness in July.

(A) mature (B) usual (C) seasonal (D) particular


(A) adj. 成熟的 (B) adj.通常的;平常的 (C)adj.季節性的 (D) adj.特別的

◆後文提到 in July, 故選擇(C)季節性的為正確答案。

2. Writing term papers and giving oral reports are typical course for college students.

(A) requirements (B) techniques (C) situations (D) principles 寫期末


(A) n. 要求 (B) n. 技巧 (C) n.情況 (D) n. 原則


3. If we work hard to our dreams when we are young, we will not feel that we missed

out on something when we get old.

(A) distribute (B) fulfill (C) convince (D) monitor

如果我們在年輕的時候努力達成自己的夢想,當我們年老時,我們就不會覺得我們錯過了什 麼。

(A) v. 分配 分發 (B) v. 達成 (C) v. 說服 (D) v.監控 n. 監視器

◆後文提到不會覺得錯過什麼,表示前面要搭配的動詞為正面的。又搭配的受詞為夢想,故 選擇達成。

4.Few people will trust you if you continue making promises and never make efforts to keep


(A) chilly (B) liberal (C) hollow (D) definite


(A)adj. 冷峻的 (B) adj. 自由的 (C) adj. 空洞的 (D) adj. 明確的

◆ 前文提到否定字 few,很少人會相信你,故後面要搭配修飾 promises 的形容詞為負面的。 後文又提到不努力實現,故選擇空洞不實的。

5.Becky her ankle while she was playing tennis last week. Now it still hurts badly.

(A) slipped (B) dumped (C) twisted (D) recovered

Becky 上禮拜打網球的時候扭傷了腳踝。 現在腳踝仍是非常地痛。 (A) v. 滑倒 (B) v. 丟棄 (C) v. 扭到 (D) v. 復原 ◆後面提到腳踝現在還是非常地痛,選擇的動詞為負面。搭配腳踝,選擇扭傷腳踝。 說明︰第 1 題至第 15 題,每題有 4 個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫 記在 答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多 於一個選 項者,該題以零分計算。


- 2 -

(A) decisions (B) beliefs (C) styles (D) degrees

研究指出,男生跟女生思考方式大不同。舉例來說,他們對於他們人生中婚姻的定義就有著 相當不同的想法。

(A) n. 決定 (B) n. 信仰 ; 信念 (C) 風格 (D) 程度

◆ 前文提到 think differently,表示強調想法不同。故選擇 beliefs。

7. The new manager is very . For instance, the employees are given much shorter deadlines

for the same tasks than before.

(A) persuasive (B) tolerable (C) suspicious (D) demanding

這位新上任的經理要求非常高。舉例來說,相較與以前,員工被給予更短的截止日期完成同 樣的任務。

(A) adj. 有說服力的 (B) adj. 能容忍的 (C) adj. 有嫌疑的 (D) adj. 苛刻的

8.While the couple were looking for their missing children, the kids were

actually having fun in the woods nearby.

(A) anxiously (B) precisely (C) evidently (D) distinctly


(A) adv. 焦慮地 (B) adv. 精確地 (C) adv. 明顯地 (D) adv. 清楚地

9. After delivering a very powerful speech, the award winner was by a group of fans asking for

her signature.

(A) deposited (B) reserved (C) vanished (D) surrounded


(A) v. 存款 (B) v. 預定 (C) v. 消失 (D) v. 環繞

10. The interviewees were trying very hard to the interviewers that they were very capable

and should be given the job.

(A) credit (B) impress (C) relieve (D) acquire


(A) v. 歸因 歸功 (B) v. 使…印象深刻 (C) v. 舒緩 (D) v. 獲得

11. After the first snow of the year, the entire grassland disappeared under a of snow.

(A) flake (B) blossom (C) blanket (D) flash


(A) n. 片 (B) n.開花 (C) n. 毯子 (D) n.閃光

12. Peter likes books with wide , which provide him with enough space to write notes.

(A) angles (B) margins (C) exceptions (D) limitations

Peter 喜歡留白很多的書,這樣可提供他足夠的空間寫筆記。


receive a low grade as a .

(A) hardship (B) comment (C) bargain (D) penalty


(A) n. 困難 (B)n. 評論 (C) n. 討價還價 (D) n. 處罰

14. Various studies have been in this hospital to explore the link between a high-fat diet and


(A) conducted (B) confirmed (C) implied (D) improved


(A) v. 執行 (B) v. 確認 (C) v. 暗指 (D) v.改善

15. Intense, fast-moving fires raged across much of California last week. The firestorm has claimed the lives of thirty people.

(A) efficient (B) reliable (C) massive (D) adequate

濃烈迅速的大火上週蔓延加州大部分地區。 這場大火已經奪走了三十條人命。



二 、 綜 合 測 驗 ( 占 1 5 分 )

第 16 至 20 題為題組

It has long been assumed that creativity is some unusual trait enjoyed by the few. However, according to a wide array of scientific and sociological research, creativity is 16 a sign of rare genius than a natural human potential. Thus, it can be nurtured and encouraged.

長久以來,我們一直認為創意是少數人所擁有的特殊特質。 然而,根據一系列的科學與社

會研究,16.與其說創意是個罕見的天賦,16.不如說它是個人類的潛能。 因此,它是可以被


It is believed that taking breaks from a problem can help 17 a moment of insight or stimulate new ideas. Unconventional solutions can also be explored. That is why some of the most successful companies in the world, such as 3M and Google, encourage their employees to 18 all sorts of relaxing activities, such as playing pinball and wandering about the campus. During such breaks, the mind turns inward, 19 it can subconsciously puzzle over subtle meanings and connections. 一般認為,遇到問題時稍作休息可以幫助17.激發不同的看法或是刺激出新的想法。也可以 探索出不同於以往的解決方式。這就是為什麼有些世界上頂尖的公司,像是 3M 與 Google,鼓勵他們的員工18.參加各式各樣的舒壓活動,像是打彈珠檯或是在園區裡面晃 晃。在這段休息的時間,思緒是往內的,19.在這樣的思緒中,能讓我們下意識地去思考微小 的涵義與問題的連結性。

Another way to increase creativity is to take risks. This is because many breakthroughs come up when people venture 20 their usual routines or areas of expertise. This can be done by, for example, learning new skills or traveling to new countries.

另外一個增加創意的方式就是冒險。這是因為當人們做些20.超過他們日常生活的常規或是 專業領域時,許多突破就會伴隨而來。舉例來說,這可以透過學習新的技能或是去新的國 家旅行,來達成冒險的目的。 說明︰第 16 題至第 30 題,每題一個空格,請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答 案 卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選 項者, 該題以零分計算。


16. (A) more (B) less (C) better (D) worse

(A) 比較多 (B) 比較少 (C) 比較好 (D) 比較差

◆與其說是 A 不如說是 B 的句型。強調要說的不是 A,重點在 B;跟 B 來相比,A 要強調 的是比較少的。從文章後面的支持論點中判斷出,作者不認為創意是少數人所擁有的特 質。

17. (A) spark (B) carve (C) drill (D) grind

(A) 激發 (B) 刻劃 (C) 鑽孔 (D) 研磨

◆可以從 or 對等連接詞來判斷前後連結的單字具有相關性。後面出現 stimulate,故找相關 於激發、啟發等相關意思的單字。

18. (A) refer to (B) answer for (C) take part in (D) put up with

(A) 提及 (B) 為...負責 (C) 參加 (D) 忍受

◆此題考搭配詞:take part in+活動:參加活動

19. (A) if (B) but (C) where (D) which

(A)假如 (B)但是 (C)哪裡 (D)哪個

◆ where 為關係副詞,後面接完整的子句,which 為關係代名詞,後面接的是不完整的子 句。此句後面為完整子句(S 為 it 、動詞為 puzzle over 、受詞為 subtle meanings and connections),故選 where。

20. (A) into (B) without (C) under (D) beyond

(A)進入 (B)沒有 (C)在…之下 (D)超出



第 21 至 25 題為題組

Hair usually gets greasy when it has not been washed because it soaks up oil—hence the need for shampoo! 21 this oil-absorbing feature might not always be so great for our hygiene, it can be great for the environment.


需求。21. 雖然這樣吸油的特性對個人衛生來說不是件好事,但對環境可是很好的。

Matter of Trust, a nonprofit organization, has an innovative solution for removing the large-scale oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, using the ultimate renewable 22 : human hair, of which there is an unlimited supply. Since its founding in 1998, Matter of Trust has collected donations of human hair and animal fur to 23 the thousands of oil spills that happen each year. The hair and fur are made into mats and brooms and sent to 24 waters to absorb the oil.

Matter of Trust 這個非營利組織,有個創新的方式清除了 2010 年墨西哥灣的大規模漏油事

件,就是使用了這個永續的再生22.資源:無限量供應的人類毛髮。自從它 1998 年成立以

來,這家公司收集了捐贈的人類與動物的毛髮以23.清除每年數千起的漏油事件。 這些毛髮


Across the United States each day, 300,000 pounds of hair and fur are cut. Matter of Trust is

helping organize the collection of this 25 hair and fur through thousands of salons, pet groomers, and ranchers. Individuals can also speak to local hair stylists and pet groomers about sending in leftover hair and fur.

在美國,每天有三十萬磅被剪掉的人類與動物的毛髮。Matter of Trust 協助從數千家的美髮沙



21. (A) For (B) While (C) In case (D) As long as

(A) 為了 (B) 雖然 (C) 假如 (D) 只要

◆空格後為句子,A 選項先刪除。前後文與預期相反,所以要選擇雖然來連接。

22. (A) equipment (B) ingredient (C) product (D) resource

(A) 設備 (B) 成份 (C) 產品 (D)資源


23. (A) get away with (B) clean up after

(C) run out of (D) look down upon

(A) 做壞事沒被發現,僥倖逃過之意 (B) 清理

(C) 用完 (D) 瞧不起

◆依照前後文是表達目的為清理漏油。所以選擇 B 選項

24. (A) pollute (B) polluting (C) polluted (D) pollution

(A)汙染 (B)汙染的 (C)受汙染的 (D)汙染物

◆動詞當形容詞,Ving 表主動或進行,Vpp 表被動或完成。此為表示被汙染的水域。所以選 擇 C 選項

25. (A) unneeded (B) overthrown (C) excluded (D) disconnected

(A)不需要的 (B)被推翻的 (C)被排除的 (D)未連結的



第 26 至 30 題為題組

You must have had this kind of experience: While in the middle of a normal dream, you suddenly realize that you are dreaming. This kind of dream is called a “lucid dream.” The term “lucid” means clear; lucid dreamers know that they are dreaming and 26 they are dreaming of. It is different from daydreaming. When a person is having a lucid dream, the person’s body is 27 ; when a person daydreams, his/her body is awake. Thus, daydreams are really just waking thoughts. In lucid dreams, however, we are completely immersed in the dream world.

Yet, lucid dreaming is 28 just having a clear dream. It is your chance to play around with the extraordinary abilities buried in unused parts of your brain. 29 , it is a way for you to put the deepest areas of your brain to good use while you’re sleeping. You can be an everyday Jane Doe or John Smith while awake but a superhero while sleeping, 30 who you are in real life. All the obstacles of reality can be set aside and you are able to accomplish tasks that you could

never manage in waking reality.

你一定有過這樣的經驗:當你做夢時,突然發現自己在做夢。這種夢被稱為清醒夢。 lucid 這個字是清楚的意思。做清醒夢的人知道他們正在做夢,也知道他們夢的內容是26.什 麼。與白日夢不同的是,人在做清醒夢時,人的身體已進入27.睡眠狀態。而做白日夢時, 他/她的身體是清醒的。因此,白日夢就真的只是人醒著時的想法。但在清醒夢,我們是完 全沉浸在夢的世界。 然而,清醒夢28.不只是個清楚的夢而已。 它也是個讓你可以和被埋在腦中未使用部分的特 別能力玩耍的機會。29.換句話說,當你在睡覺的同時,這是一個你可以好好使用腦袋最深處 的一個方式。當你醒著時,你是個平凡人,然而,30.不管你在現實生活當中的身分為何,在 夢中都可以是個超級英雄。所有現實生活中的阻礙都能放在一旁,而你也能完成在現實生 活當中無法做到的任務。

26. (A) what (B) why (C) when (D) which

(A)什麼 (B)為何 (C)何時 (D)哪個

◆of 後面要填受詞,所以選擇複合關係代名詞 what=先行詞+關係代名詞

27. (A) apart (B) absent (C) alone (D) asleep

(A)分開的 (B)缺席的 (C)單獨的 (D)睡著的

◆與後面的 awake 清醒的做對比,故選擇睡著的。

28. (A) related to (B) aside from (C) more than (D) nothing but



29. (A) In other words (B) By no means

(C) At any cost (D) On the contrary

(A) 換句話說 (B) 絕不

(C) 以任何的代價;無論如何 (D)相反地 ◆後文表達和前面句意相同,故選擇換句話說。

30. (A) such as (B) regardless of

(C) with respect to (D) on behalf of

(A)像是 (B)不管

(C)關於 (D)代表

◆不管,不考慮之意。依照後文,表示不考慮現實生活中的身份。 三 、 文 意 選 填 (占 10 分 )

第 31 至 40 題為題組

Fortune cookies, commonly served after meals at Chinese restaurants in the U.S., are characterized by a fortune, which is written on a small piece of paper tucked inside the cookie. There are several 31 stories about the origin of the fortune cookie. None of them, however, has been proven to be entirely true.




One of these stories 32 the cookie’s origin back to 13th- and 14th-century China, which was then occupied by the Mongols. According to the legend, notes of 33 plans for a revolution to overthrow the Mongols were hidden in mooncakes that would ordinarily have been stuffed with sweet bean paste. The revolution turned out to be 34 and eventually led to the formation of the Ming Dynasty. This story may sound highly credible, but there seems to be no solid evidence that it inspired the creation of the 35 we know of today as fortune cookies.

其中一個故事,可以32.追溯至十三到十四世紀被蒙古統治時的中國。根據傳說,寫著33.祕 密革命計畫要推翻蒙古的紙條被塞在平常內餡為甜豆沙的月餅裡。革命最後34.成功了,最 後也建立了明朝。雖然這故事可能聽起來可信度很高,但沒有明確的證據顯示這跟我們現 說明:第 31 題至第 40 題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的 (A) 到 (J) 選項中 分 別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答 對者,得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。



Another 36 claims that David Jung, a Chinese immigrant living in Los Angeles, created the fortune cookie in 1918. Concerned about the poor people he saw wandering near his shop, he made cookies and passed them out free on the streets. Each cookie 37 a strip of paper inside with an inspirational Bible quotation on it.

另一個36.說法聲稱, 1918 年,一個住在加州的中國移民 David Jung,發明了這個餅乾。他



However, the more generally accepted story is that the fortune cookie first 38 in either 1907 or 1914 in San Francisco, created by a Japanese immigrant, Makoto Hagiwara. The fortune cookie was based on a Japanese snack, but Hagiwara sweetened the recipe to appeal to American 39 . He enclosed thank-you notes in the cookies and served them to his guests with tea. Within a few years, Chinese restaurant owners in San Francisco had copied the recipe and 40 the thank-you notes with fortune notes. Such fortune cookies became common in Chinese restaurants in the U.S. after World War II.


出現在 1907 年或 1914 年,由一位來自日本的移民 Makoto Hagiwara 在舊金山所發明的。幸運餅乾是依據一種日本點心所發明,但 Hagiwara 增加了它的




取代。這樣的幸運餅乾在二戰後的 美國中式餐廳裡就變得十分常見了。

(A) account (B) appeared (C) competing (D) contained (E) replaced

(F) secret (G) successful (H) tastes ( I ) traces (J) treats

31. 此格要修飾後面的名詞 stories,故選擇形容詞。後文提到沒有一個故事是真的,故選


32. 此格填動詞,並與後面 back 為搭配語,後面又有 to+時間,故選「追溯」。。

33. 此格修飾後面的名詞 plans,選形容詞,後文提到這個東西要被藏起來,所以選擇「祕


34. turn out to be 後面加上形容詞,當主詞補語修飾前面的 revolution。


35. 定冠詞後面加上名詞,後面的 as fortune cookies,可知這個名詞就是指 fortune cookies,



選「說法」。 37. 此格填動詞,句型:S(大主體)+包含+O(小單位) 由前後文推測餅乾中包含紙條,選「包含」。 38. 此格填不及物動詞,由前文中有 1907 年或 1914 年這兩個年份,選「出現」。 39. American 為形容詞,後面加名詞。前文說到增甜為了吸引美國人的「口味」。 40. 此格填動詞,後面要搭配 with, 表達把感謝紙條換成祝福話語,選「以……取代」。


第 41 至 44 題為題組

For more than two hundred years, the White House has stood as a symbol of the United States Presidency, the U.S. government, and the American people. In 1790, President George Washington declared that the federal government would reside in a district “not exceeding ten miles square … on the river Potomac.” As preparations began, a competition was held to find a builder of the “President’s House.” Nine proposals were submitted, and the Irish-born architect James Hoban won the gold medal for his practical and handsome design. Construction began when the first cornerstone was laid in October of 1792. Although President Washington oversaw the construction of the house, he never lived in it. It was not until 1800, when the White House was nearly completed, that its first residents, President John Adams and his wife Abigail, moved in.

American presidents can express their individual style in how they decorate the house and in how they receive the public. Thomas Jefferson held the first inaugural open house in 1805; many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U.S. Capitol simply followed him home. President Jefferson also opened the house for public tours, and it has remained open, except during wartime, ever since. In addition, Jefferson welcomed visitors to annual receptions on New Year’s Day and on the Fourth of July. Abraham Lincoln did the same, but then the inaugural crowds became far too large for the White House to accommodate comfortably, and this also created a security issue. It was not until Grover Cleveland’s first presidency that some effective crowd control measures were implemented to address the problem caused by this practice.

At various times in history, the White House has been known as the “President’s Palace,” the “President’s House,” and the “Executive Mansion.” President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.

白宮兩百多年以來一直是美國總統、美國政府與美國人民的象徵。在 1790 年,喬治華盛頓 總統宣佈,聯邦政府要居住在波多馬克河上不超過十平方英里的地方。當準備工程要開始 時,辦了一場競賽,以找到這個蓋總統房子的建造者。共有九個提案送審,出生於愛爾蘭 的建築師詹姆斯•霍班最後以實用又美觀的設計贏得了金牌。建造工程於 1792 年十月第一顆 基石被砌下後開始。雖然華盛頓總統監督了這棟房子的建設工程,但他從未住過這。直到 1800 年,白宮幾近完工時,它的首批居住者,也就是約翰•亞當斯總統與他的妻子 Abigail, 才入住。 歷任美國總統,可以從他們如何佈置房子還有如何接待大眾的方式來表達自己的個人風 格。湯瑪士•傑佛遜在 1805 年舉辦了第一次白宮就職公開遊覽;其實當時許多來國會山莊參 加宣誓就職典禮的賓客只是單純地在典禮後跟著總統回家。傑佛遜總統也是第一位開放白 說明︰第 41 題至第 56 題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫 記 在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 2 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多 於一個 選項者,該題以零分計算。


遜還會在每年新年與獨立紀念日時舉辦招待會宴請賓客。亞伯拉罕•林肯也這麼做,但那時 候參加就職典禮的人數已經多到白宮無法舒適寬裕地容納,而且這也製造了維安上的問 題。一直到格羅弗•克里夫蘭第一任期內,才開始針對這項活動執行一些有效的群體管控措 施。 在歷史上的不同時期,白宮曾被稱為「總統的宮殿」、「總統府」還有「行政官邸」。在 1901 年時,西奧多•羅斯福總統正式訂定白宮為現在通用的名稱。

41.What is this passage mainly about?

(A) The design of the White House. (B) The location of the White House.

(C) The importance of the White House. (D) The history of the White House.

41. 本文主旨為何? (A)白宮的設計。 (B)白宮的位置。 (C)白宮的重要性。 (D)白宮的歷史。

42. What does “this practice” refer to in the second paragraph? (A) Holding an inaugural open house.

(B) Accommodating the crowds comfortably. (C) Decorating the White House.

(D) Joining in the swearing-in ceremony. 42. 第二段的「this practice」指得是什麼? (A)舉辦就職公開遊覽白宮。

(B)舒適充裕地容納群眾。 (C)佈置白宮。


43.Who initiated the construction of the White House?

(A) John Adams. (B) James Hoban.

(C) George Washington. (D) Thomas Jefferson.

下列何人發起了白宮的建設工程? (A)約翰•亞當斯。

(B)詹姆斯•霍班。 (C)喬治•華盛頓。 (D)湯瑪士•傑佛遜。


(B) The designer of the White House was an American president. (C) People were not allowed to visit the White House during wartime. (D) The White House is located in a district not larger than ten miles square. 44.根據本文,下列哪個關於白宮的敘述有誤?


(B)白宮的設計者是位美國總統。 (C)在戰爭時期人們不能參觀白宮。


第 45 至 48 題為題組

West Nile is a tropical disease that begins in birds, which pass it on to mosquitoes that then go on to infect human beings with a bite. Most people who contract West Nile do not experience any symptoms at all, but, if they do, symptoms typically develop between 3 to 14 days after a mosquito bite. About 1 in 5 persons suffers fever, headaches, and body aches, usually lasting a week or so. A far less lucky 1 in 150 experiences high fever, tremors, paralysis, and coma. Some—especially the elderly and those with weak immune systems—die.

That is what made the major outbreaks of West Nile in the U.S. in the summer of 2012 so scary. The situation was particularly bad in Dallas, Texas, where the West Nile virus killed 10 people and sickened more than 200. The city declared a state of emergency and began aerial spraying of a pesticide to kill the mosquitoes, even though residents argued that the pesticide could be more dangerous than the disease.

Why was the summer of 2012 so hospitable to the West Nile virus and the mosquitoes that carry it? Blame the weather. An extremely mild winter allowed more mosquitoes than usual to survive, while the unusually high temperatures in that scorching summer further increased their number by speeding up their life cycle. The economic crisis may have also played a role: Homeowners who were not able to pay their bank loans were forced to abandon their properties, sometimes leaving behind swimming pools that made excellent mosquito breeding grounds.

The severity of tropical diseases is also a matter of whether governments are capable—and willing— to defend their populations against infections. Dallas County was not doing some of the key things to slow the spread of West Nile, such as testing dead birds and setting mosquito traps to test for the presence of the disease. Tropical infections are thus as much related to government inaction as they are to climate.

西尼羅河熱是種始於鳥類的熱帶性疾病,傳給蚊子後,再透過叮咬傳染給人類。大部分感 染西尼羅河病毒的人完全沒有症狀,不過若是有症狀,通常會在被叮咬的三到十四天內出 現。大約五人中會有一人受發燒、頭痛及身體疼痛所苦,症狀通常持續一週左右。更倒楣 的是,一百五十人中會有一位更不幸的患者經歷高燒、顫抖、癱瘓與昏迷。有些人――特 別是年長者及免疫系統虛弱的人――會死亡。 這也是為什麼 2012 年夏天在美國爆發的大型西尼羅河熱的疫情會如此恐怖。疫情在德州的 達拉斯特別嚴重,有十人因西尼羅河病毒死亡,並有超過兩百人發病。達拉斯政府宣佈了 緊急狀態並開始在空中噴灑殺蟲劑以消滅病蚊,雖然有些居民抗議殺蟲劑相較於疾病本 身,可能比蚊子還要更危險。


一個極度溫暖的冬天讓比以往更大量的蚊子存活下來,同時那年炎熱夏天不尋常的高溫也 加速了蚊子的生命週期以致數量大增。經濟危機可能也是一個原因:無法償還銀行貸款的 屋主們被迫拋棄他們的房產,有時候被留下的游泳池造就了了蚊子繁衍的聖地。 熱帶疾病的嚴重程度也和政府是否有能力――與有意願――來捍衛人民不受感染有關。達 拉斯郡並沒有做到一些關鍵的事,以減緩尼羅河熱的擴散,例如抽驗死掉的鳥類以及設置 捕蚊陷阱來篩檢疾病是否存在。因此,熱帶傳染病與政府的無作為也和與氣候的關聯一樣 密切。

45. What is this passage mainly about? (A) West Nile and methods to fight it. (B) West Nile and governmental efficiency.

(C) West Nile and the conditions its virus thrives in. (D) West Nile and its relation to tropical diseases. 45.此文主旨為何?

(A)西尼羅河熱及其對抗防治方式。 (B)西尼羅河熱及政府效率。

(C)西尼羅河熱及病毒適合生長的條件。 (D)西尼羅河熱及其與熱帶疾病的關聯。

46.Which of the following statements is true about West Nile? (A) Its symptoms usually appear within two weeks.

(B) It is spread through air and water in tropical areas.

(C) Over 20% of people who contract it will suffer severe symptoms. (D) It comes from direct human contact with birds infected with the virus. 46.下列關於西尼羅河熱的敘述,何者為真?


(B)透過熱帶地區的空氣及水源擴散。 (C)超過 20%的感染者會出現嚴重症狀。 (D)來源為人類直接接觸被病毒感染的鳥類。

47.What did Dallas County do to fight off West Nile? (A) They sprayed pesticide from the air.

(B) They asked citizens to stay away from dead birds. (C) They encouraged citizens to get vaccinations. (D) They drained the swimming pools in the county.


47.達拉斯郡做了什麼來對抗西尼羅河熱? (A)從空中噴灑殺蟲劑。

(B)請居民遠離死掉的鳥類。 (C)鼓勵居民接種疫苗。 (D)將郡裡的游泳池水排乾。

48.Which of the following is a reason why Dallas was hit most seriously in the U.S. in 2012? (A) The increasing population in Texas raised the risk of contracting the disease.

(B) The government did not issue a warning about the disease in time. (C) The residents worried about the county’s decision and action. (D) The weather of the previous winter was not as cold as usual. 48.下列何者是達拉斯在 2012 年為美國疫情最嚴重地區之原因? (A)德州不斷增加的人口提升了染病的風險。

(B)政府沒有及時發佈疫情警報。 (C)居民擔心郡的決策與行動。 (D)前一年的冬天不如往常寒冷。


can be in short supply in many arid regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia, where there are limited water resources. As the world population continues to grow, shortages of fresh water will occur more often and the need for additional water supplies will become critical. Some may ask, “Since the ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, why not just get drinking water from the ocean?”

To turn seawater into fresh water, we need to remove the salt in seawater, that is, to desalinate seawater. The problem is that the desalination of water requires a lot of energy. Salt dissolves very easily in water, forming strong chemical bonds, and those bonds are difficult to break. The energy and technology to desalinate water are both expensive, and this means that desalinating water can be costly.

There are environmental costs of desalination as well. Sea life can get sucked into desalination plants, killing small ocean creatures like baby fish and plankton, upsetting the food chain. Also, there is the problem of what to do with the separated salt, which is left over as a very concentrated brine. Pumping this super-salty water back into the ocean can harm local aquatic life. Reducing these impacts is possible, but it adds to the costs.

Despite the economic and environmental hurdles, desalination is becoming increasingly attractive as human beings are using up fresh water from other sources. At present, desalinating seawater is the only viable way to provide water to growing populations in rural areas of the Middle East and North Africa. Therefore, the race is on to find a cheaper, cleaner, and more energy-efficient way of desalinating seawater, and promising new findings are being reported.

台灣大部分地區都能有足夠的飲用水。淡水在許多乾燥地區是相當短缺的,例如像水資源相 當有限的沙烏地阿拉伯。隨著世界人口持續增加,淡水短缺將會發生地更頻繁,且對於額外 的供水需求將變得更重要。有些人可能會問“既然海洋佔了超過地球百分之七十,那我們為 什麼不從海洋取得飲用水呢? 要將海水轉變成淡水,我們需要移除海水中的鹽分,也就是說,將海水淡化。問題是海水淡 化需要很多能源。鹽非常易溶於水,形成很強的化學鏈結,這也非常難破解。將海水淡化所 耗費的能源與科技都相當昂貴,這也意味著海水淡化的成本會很高。海水淡化也需要耗費環 境成本。 海洋生物會被吸入海水淡化廠,也會殺死許多小型的海洋生物,例如幼魚及浮游 生物,進而破壞食物鏈結。再者,如何處理這被分離開的鹽也是個問題,這些剩下的鹽會形 成濃度非常高的鹽水。將這濃度超高的鹽水倒回海洋會傷害我們的海洋生物。 減少這些衝擊是可能的,但相對地也增加了花費。 儘管這些經濟與環境上的困難,將海水淡化這個方案,隨著人類即將耗盡淡水更吸引人。目 前,海水淡化是給在中東、還有北非持續增加的人口水源唯一可行的方式。因此,這場尋找 更便宜,更乾淨,也能更有效率使用能源的方式還在尋找中,而現在已出現令人看好的新發


49.Which of the following is closest in meaning to “arid” in the first paragraph?

(A) Occupied. (B) Isolated. (C) Dry. (D) Remote.


(A)被佔領的。 (B)孤立的。 (C)乾燥的。 (D)遙遠的。

50. What is the second paragraph mainly about? (A) The high cost of desalinating seawater.

(B) The major chemical characteristics of seawater. (C) The urgent need to turn seawater into fresh water.

(D) The amount of energy produced in the desalination of seawater. 50. 本文第二段主旨為何?

(A)海水淡化的高額支出。 (B)海水的主要化學特性。

(C)將海水轉為淡水的緊急需求。 (D)海水淡化過程中所產生的能源。

51.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Mixing salt with water is not as easy as removing salt from seawater.

(B) Desalinating seawater may kill some sea creatures and disturb the food chain. (C) Covering 70% of the Earth, the ocean has always satisfied human needs for water. (D) The increasing population in Saudi Arabia has resulted in shortages of fresh water. 51. 根據本文,下列哪者敘述為真?

(A)將鹽分與水混和沒有像將鹽分從海水中移除容易。 (B)海水淡化過程可能會殺死某些海洋生物並破壞食物鏈。 (C)覆蓋地球 70%表面的海洋一直以來滿足了人類對水的需求。 (D)沙烏地阿拉伯不停增加的人口導致了淡水的短缺。

52.Which of the following best describes the author’s attitude toward the future of desalination?

(A) Amazed. (B) Doubtful. (C) Conservative. (D) Hopeful.

52. 作者對於海水淡化的未來發展抱持怎樣的態度?


Four millennia ago, an ancient Babylonian wrote down what is possibly the first lullaby. It is a rather threatening lullaby, in which the baby is scolded for disturbing the house god with its crying and warned of terrifying consequences. It may have got the baby to sleep, but its message is far from comforting: If he/she does not stop crying, the demon will eat him/her. This lullaby may sound more scary than sleep- inducing, yet it is true that many lullabies—including those sung today—have dark undertones.

Research has shown that lullabies, when used correctly, can soothe and possibly even help to heal an infant; but it is the caretaker’s voice and the rhythm and melody of the music that babies respond to, not the content of the song. Then, what is the function of the content? According to studies, some lullabies provide advice, like the Babylonian lullaby, and quite a few others offer the space to sing the unsung, say the unsayable. Lyrics to those lullabies can indeed be interpreted as a reflection of the caregiver’s emotions.

Researchers believe that a large part of the function of lullabies is to help a mother vocalize her worries and concerns. The mother’s fear of loss especially makes sense since the infant/toddler years of life are fragile ones. Since there is a special physical bond between mother and child during this period, mothers feel they can sing to their child about their own fears and anxieties. Lullabies, therefore, serve as therapy for the mother. In addition, the songs are seemingly trying to work some magic—as if, by singing, the mother is saying, “Sadness has already touched this house; no need to come by again.”

四千年前,一位古巴比倫人寫下可能是世界上第一首的搖籃曲。它是一首相當具有威脅性 的搖籃曲,歌詞中,嬰兒被責備因為哭聲會打擾到家神,並被警告會有可怕的後果。這首 搖籃曲也許能讓嬰兒睡著,但它歌詞裡面所提供的訊息根本和安慰或是舒緩人心一點關係 也沒有。如果他不停止哭泣,惡魔就會吃了他。這搖籃曲聽起來比較可怕而不是讓孩子入 睡,不過,包含現今仍然所傳頌的許多搖籃曲,都有著黑暗的潛藏意義在裡面。 研究指出,當搖籃曲被使用正確,確實是可以安撫,並可能幫助治癒嬰兒,但嬰兒其實是 對於照顧他的人的聲音節奏與音樂的旋律作出回應,而非歌曲的內容。那,內容的功能是 什麼呢?根據研究指出,有些搖籃曲,像是那首巴比倫人的搖籃曲,它提供了建議,且還 有許多其他的搖籃曲,提供了給照顧他的人表達出無法以言語傳達的感情的機會。 這些搖 籃曲的歌詞的確可以被詮釋為照顧他的人的情緒反射。 研究專家相信,搖籃曲最大的功能是幫助媽媽唱出他的焦慮與擔憂。 媽媽在嬰兒這個脆弱 時間會非常擔心失去小孩是很合理的。 因為媽媽跟小孩在這個時期,彼此之間有特殊的生


說是種療癒的方式。除此之外,這些搖籃曲似乎像是變魔術一般,彷彿媽媽藉由著歌唱說 出“悲傷已經來過這個家,不要再來了。”

53.Which of the following titles best describes the main idea of this passage?

(A) The Origin of Lullabies (B) The Functions of Lullabies

(C) Threatening Lullabies (D) Sleep-Inducing Lullabies

53. 下列哪個標題最適合描述這篇文章的主旨?

(A) 搖籃曲的起源 (B) 搖籃曲的功能

(C)威脅性的搖籃曲 (D) 引人入睡的搖籃曲

54.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “undertones” in the first paragraph?

(A) Consequences. (B) Vocals. (C) Whispers. (D) Messages.

54. 下列哪個字的意思最接近第一段所提到的“undertones”?

(A) 結果 (B)聲音 (C)低語 (D)訊息

55.What does the author use to support the idea that lullabies can have a soothing effect?

(A)Research reports. (B) Examples found in history.

(C) Stories of caretakers. (D) The author’s personal experiences.


(A) 研究報告 (B) 歷史上被找到的例子

(C) 照顧者的故事 (D) 作者的個人親身經驗

56.According to this passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Scary lullabies better help babies fall asleep.

(B) Mothers prefer to sing lullabies with a joyful melody. (C) Lullabies comfort not only the baby but also the mother. (D) Babies react to both the music and the lyrics of lullabies. 56. 根據此文,下列何述正確?

(A) 可怕的搖籃曲比較能幫助小孩睡著

(B) 媽媽們喜歡唱著有愉悅輕快旋律的搖籃曲 (C) 搖籃曲不只安撫了嬰兒還有母親。



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