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The Development and Validation of a Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire


Academic year: 2021

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其語教學 .E句“反正Teacfiing



34.3(Fa1l2010): 1-50

The Development and Validation

of a Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire

Hui-Ming Lucy Lee

Mong-Na Lo Huang

NationalPingtung University ofEducation National Sun Yat-senUniversi可

hmllee@mail.npue.edu.tw lomn@math.nsysu.edu.tw

Wan-Ping Hung

National Sun Yat-sen University hungwp@math.nsysu.edu.tw


Listening comprehension is a critical first step toward communicative

competence and language acquisition. Nevertheless, second/foreign

language listening comprehension is probably the least explicit and the most difficult skill to learn among the four language skills

(Vandergrift, 2004). Although the most general language learning

strategy is‘'practicing" (Bialystok, 1981),it remains unclear exactly

how English as a foreign language (EFL) learners practice listening

and how often they do it.The two main purposes of the present study

were to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire to assess EFL students' listening practice strategies and to examine practice frequency. A total of 306 Taiwanese English majors from nine universities participated in this study. An exploratory factor analysis

yielded five valid factors: problem-solving, d:主liberate practice,

language processing, aural immersion, and English-comprehension

practice. The analysis showed high reliability with a Cronbach' s alpha of .92. The five practice factors received moderately low to

medium usage. Aural immersion practice was used most often,while

English-comprehension practice was used the least. The findings

suggest that 由is scale is a useful tool for both listening strategy

training and future research on the relationship between practice strategies and listening proficiency.

Key Words: EFL/L2 listening comprehension, language learning


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其言喜歡學 'Eng(is丘吱ac似可 dLeaming 34.3 (Fall 2010)

great deal of conscious effort. In fact,deliberate practice appears to be

more like Bialystok's formal practice, which is concerned with the

language code and involves drills and exercises so as to automatize

explicit knowledge to implicit knowledge. Formal practice, however,

failed to have any significant effect on all tasks in Bialystok's study.

In EFL environments like Taiwan, Bialystok's functional

practice has been further challenged in terms of effort constraint. One

of the major sources of authentic and interesting aural input is English

media such as films or shows on TV, DVD, VCD, video, or in a

movie theater. However, owing to the preference for entertainment

rather than serious learning, the convenience of reading Chinese

captions, and the difficulty in comprehending authentic oral English,

aspects of learners' efforts in watching films or shows remain unknown.

With these problems in mind, this exploratory study aims to

design a valid and reliable listening practice strategy questionnaire and identify EFL listener practice strategies used in outside-of-class learning situations. The two major research questions are as follows:

1. What are the factor categories of listening practice strategies of Taiwanese university English majors?

2. How often do these EFL listeners use the listening practice strategies?


Lee,Lo Huang,Hung: Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire


Theoretical Foundations of Listening Comprehension

Lundsteen (1971) defined listening as

the process by which

spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind" (Lundsteen,

1971,p. 297). Similar to one prevalent view of L 1 reading,listening

comprehension might also be identified as a meaning-construction

process served by lower-level linguistic processing, such as sound

discrimination and word decoding, and by higher-level

knowledge-based processing in a given context (Lee & Schallert,

1997; McLaughlin & Heredia, 1996).

Many have acknowledged that L2 listening comprehension

involves active and complex problem-solving processes (Byrnes,

1984; Clark, 1978). The most influential model appears to be

Anderson' s(1995) three interrelated and recursive stages of language

comprehension: perceptual processing, parsing, and utilization. In

perceptual processing, the acoustic message in echoic memory is

initially encoded. In the parsing process,the words in the message are

transformed into meaningful mental representations in short-term

memory. There are three characteristics at this stage. First, to

understand a language,listeners need to recognize various phrases and

then concatenate the phrase meanings into a meaningful

representation of a full sentence. Second,using syntactic cues,such as

word order and function words,the meanings of individual words can

be combined to arrive at the meaning of the full sentence. Third,

listeners integrate both syntactic and semantic cues to interpret

sentences. At the utilization stage, listeners relate mental

representations of text meanings to prior knowledge,actually use the


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lnoq它可訂戶 q 正::m;)qp 寸Ig 日,Slg U1UgI g可 l 'lSlH ·SgIq 盯 1UA 正15glU1lS pU它 P!Igqgl!sod 凹0;) g l[ l Ugg必 19qsd! l[suoq 它Ig1 lu它3 日!U15!S O M. l glg必 glg可 l 'UO! l! PPU uI﹒正 nUgnbg1J lSOrupgSn glg必 Sg!15glU1lSuoqusugd 凹0;) pu它 Sg! 15g l凹 lS g;)!pU1d-IU10 IU凹 10J ‘OSIV "Sg!pnlS IUml;) nJ lS IU Ull OJ pu它 g;)!PU1d JO g;)U它 1l0d U1! g l[ l pg月 U150;)gl SlU gpnlS 正UU U1 's lInSg1 g l[ l Ol 15U!P10;);)V ·('T1IS) 15同U1 Ug'l g15Un15UU 'l 10J正 10 lU g AUI正 15gl凹 lS (066{) S ,P10JXQ S它必 Sg! 15g l凹 lS15 叮叮盼[ g15un15uuI 15U!mS昀 ru 10JpgSn lU gru nJ lSU!g l[ l ·Sg! 15g l盯 lS 15U! U1 Ugl g15un15uUIJO gsnl!g l[ l pUU15U! U1 Ugl g15它 n15U它 I woq它可 gqgq ,SlUgpnlS A l! slgA!Un 'l直立 gSgU它必 !Ul ~O~ gl它 15PSgAU!Ol 正pnlS 它pgllodg1 (666 Iτ66I) 15U它λ ‘gloru1g l[llnd "S)[S它llUru 叮叮15 pu它當 UP!l~ 九 '15U!PU叮當 U!UglS!I uo lUg凹 gAg!l[ ;)U 10J 正15gl 凹lS lU ullodru! lSOru 叫l SU M. g;)!pu1d Iuuo!punJ lU l[ l pgpnpUO;) )[OlS正 IU!H ·g15Un15uul PUO;)gS Usu l[ ;)Ug1d 15U! U1 UgI s lU gpnlS IOO l[ ;)S l[ 15! l[ L~ I JO Sg!15glU1lS 15U!U1 它gl g15它 n15U它 Ig 可l SSgSSU Ol gIU;)S lu!od-p它呵呵必 Sg11它 uuopsgnb pgAOldrug )[OlSAI刮目 ·S15UmgS U1 001SSUP IU Ull OJ puo正 gq gmsodxg g15Un15U 它I gS昀J;) U! 0l sldrugn 它‘ SlgU1昀 I Ol pgp!月 8訂閱純正 pnlS S阿 l U~ 正15gl 凹lS g;)!P盯 d g l[ l JO uomuqgp 15U月 10M. g l[ l ·lUg凹 gAg!l[;)它 g15Un15U它 I uo gsn 正15gl 凹lS JO SpgJJg g l[ l puu Sg!15glU1lS 15U! U1 Ug[ g15Un15U它 I gmSUg U1 Ol (L 861) 耳OlSAI 盯缸 瓦q pgl;)npuo;) S它純正 pnlS IUU!U1 gS 它‘15UI U1昀L 'l d 3/Z 'l UI ·SIgAgI g;)U它Ull Oj1 gd‘叮叮 UqO!A g l[ lOl pgl它 p1glg 必g;)!P 盯d glU1gqng p JO uopnq!1lS!p pu它 lunoU1 U g l[ l lU l[ l pgpnpuo;) "I它 19UOSS;)!l 宜心IIUUH "llOJP pg1!nbg1 gUOl它 g;)!PU1d‘ UOP!PP它 UI "Uggl l[ 15!g g15它正 q gUOIU g;)!P凹 d JO lunoruu叫 l JO SU1 1叮叮叮叮叮 IO!Apg15 它-gIPP!ru IUUO!個可 Old pUU SlS!同 IO!A 15uno正 lSgq g l[ l Ugg必 19q g;)Ug1gJJ!P lU它 3日 IU15β OU S它必 glg l[ l ‘ 19AOg lO W ·sdn Ol 15 lSgq O M. l g l[ l Ugg必 19q g;)Ug1gJJ!P OU S它必 glgl[ llnq‘ Slg呵呵 gl;)!snru 叫l pu它 sdnOl 15 lSgqO M. lg l[ l Ugg必 19q g;)!PU1d JO uopnq!lls!P puu lunoU1它 gl[ l U! Sg;)Ug1gJJ!P lUU;)q!U15!S (QI


t: lIUd) £"17£ Bu山 VJ7ll' BunpvJ]; 1j s lJ Bu ::J, ffi' qj 幸彗星空 f


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英語教學 C£ngus丘 'Teacfiingrtf,Learning




The participants in this study consisted of 306 university students in Taiwan (244 females and 62 males) ranging in age from eighteen to twenty-six. Cluster sampling was employed with the

classroom as the unit of sampling. As shown in Tables 1 and 2



classes were selected from nine universities. The eleven listening classes were taught by eleven different English teachers employed at the nine universities. There were two missing cells: no private university of science and technology (UST) for freshmen and no national UST for sophomores. The subjects included 128 freshmen from three schools and 178 sophomores from six schools. Of the total

number of subjects, 176 students came from six regular universities

and 130 hailed from three USTs. Furthermore, 141 students

represented five national universities while 165 represented four

private universities. Geographical旬, universities U#l, 2, and 3 are

located in northern Taiwan, university U#6 is in central Taiwan,

university UST#l is in south-central Taiwan, and universities U#4

and 5,as well as UST#2 and 3 are in southern Taiwan.

Table 1

Division of Freshmen by University Type

Technical Univ. (UST)



2 classes

Regular Univ.

National Univ. U#1


1 class




Private Univ. U#2


1 class

(n= 57) Subtotal n


79 (n


49) Nil Subtotal n


49 Subtotal n


71 Subtotal n


57 Total N= 128


Lee,Lo Huang,Hung: ListeningPraιtice Strategy Questionnaire Table 2

Division of Sophomore by University Type Technical Univ. (UST) Nil Regular Univ. U#3 = 2 classes (n=33) U#4= 1 class (n


18) U#5


1 class (n= 19) U#6= 1 class (n


27) National Univ.

Private Univ. UST#2


1 class

(n= 37) UST#3


1 class (n


44) Subtotal n


97 Subtotal n


81 Subtotal n


70 Subtotal n


108 Total N= 178

Instrumentation and Data Collection Procedures

The instruments for the study included the Listening Practice

Strategy Questionnaire (LPSQ) (see Appendix A) and the

Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale (M-CSDS) (Reynolds,

1982; Yang,1992). The LPSQ was developed and then translated into

Chinese by the researcher (see Appendix B). Regarding the data

collection of this study, the researcher administered both of these

surveys in the subjects' regular listening classes for pilot and formal studies.

The LPSQ aims to assess the frequency with which students use

various listening practice strategies. The development of the

questionnaire involved three phases of a pilot study before being used

in the formal study. During the first phase of the pilot study, eight

successful and eight less successful English majors from three


葵語教學笠πrg(is丘 'Teachil矽己tLeaming 34.3 (Fall 201 0)

colleges in southern Taiwan were recruited for exploratory interviews.

The audio-taped interviews were transcribed and analyzed to

fonnulate the items to be used in the LPSQ. Moreover, the listening

comprehension items were also derived from the Listening

Comprehension Strategy Questionnaire in the researcher' s thesis (Lee,

1996, 1997). The initial English and Chinese questionnaires of the

LPSQ were examined and verified by three translation professionals.

First, an associate professor teaching at a national university in

southern Taiwan and a lecturer teaching at a national university of technology and science in northern Taiwan examined the English and Chinese questionnaire items independently for readability. Revisions

were made based on their suggestions. Second,the lecturer in the first

stage and an associate professor teaching at a graduate institute of

translation and interpretation in northern Tai wan verified

the compatibility of the two language versions through

back translation from Chinese into English. Their results indicated the accuracy of translation.

The original questionnaire was comprised of fifty-one items categorized into five main types of practice strategies. According to

Bialystok (1978), practice, the most general strategy, refers to

learners' attempt to increase their exposure to the target language.

Thus, the feature

exposure to language" characterized the following

types of practice. First, there were two main sources of

exposure-media and human interaction. Media,the primary focus of

this study, was further classified into replayable and

non-replayable/on-line exposure according to the controllability of the

oral input. From the perspective of cognitive processing,practice was


£1 Sa!~alIU1S a;) !l ;)B .I d ~U!U呵呵'I IB;)!l aqlO d正 H JOarnaq;)s U0 !l B;) y! SSB I:) I a.I n~!且 CJ :J !J.JD .l d UO!S.lCJ ωω! /V .l nv CJ , J!J :J V .l d CJJV.lCJq! fCJσ CJ , J!PV .l d 2u! U.l vCJ/CJ2vn2uv7 CJ :J !pV .l d 2u!凡 /os-ω CJfqO.ld CJ;) !pV .l d /v !-J 0S :UO!l;)lU叮叮 UB山 nH ;un日odX ;J 10lunoW \f l;)nllSUO;) luuoqP. A!lO則 ;5 U!SS; lJ 01d ;J A !l !U ;5 0;) :SMOnOJSB I d Jn'a!d U!PdlUdSdld S!日 d!'a d l B1 lS d :J !PBld d日dlll JO d凹 3可:J S U0 !l B :J !J!SSBP dlLL 'd :J!l:J Bld 戶口OS 0l SldJdl UO!P叮叮叮 uBwnq JOUO!SUdW!P dql凹的 !PBld心 IIBUH 'dABqSl Ud pnlS d Jn sodxd d'a 它n 'auBI JO lunOWB dql 0l 日dJd l d :J !PBld UO!Sld叮叮 T IBlnB '1恥 Odl0到 'U1 BdI Ol 口0JJd 叮叮呵!IdP B 'aU!)[ 它W SdAIOAU! d:J!l:J Bld ‘UOISUd 叫!p IBU0!l BA!l 0由 10 dA!PdJJB dql JO dA !l:J ddsldd dql WOld 'lXdl dql W01J lB叫田 Bl'a 10 ''aUBIS ‘呵呵呵d 'A1BInqB :J OA iωu 'aunu 昀I SB q:Jns ‘呵!l!A!PB (POOl 'lJ!l'a ldpUBA) “田間I 0l 'a U!UdlS!I" 回AIOAU! 1dl lB Idq J,. (SlXdl 'aU!PUd 可dldwo :J ldljB SlUduod 田0;) :J!l s!n 'a u!I 'a U! U1 BdI 間的!PBld


Sd!l!A!PB 'a U!U1BdI d 'a Bn 'a UBI pUB (SlXdl ]0 ;Jl!UUuoqS ;Jno 正;5;JW1lS ;J ;)!PU1d ;5 U!U ;J lsq :;5 unH ‘;5 UUTIH0 '1‘;J;J'l


·PilllSUO;)snOnUpUO;) ~U抖 pgpun UB gmldB;)Ol SBOS gIB;)S :).I g)[ !'l lU!od 古Bump JgqlBJgIB;)S lU !od-OI Bpgsn gJ!BUUO!lSgnbgql 'SgIqB!JBAgql JO uopnq!月 S!P IB lliJ OUB JOuopdumssB gql ~U!JgP!su0:J ·Jgl日9 凹gS sno!AgJd gql U! JO!A它 qgqg;)!P 即d ~UlU叮叮 I , S lU gpnlS gu!umxg Ol pgpUglU! SB M. gIB;)S g甲、 nql ·IDOl J訂閱凹的 ~U!Jds gqlJO ~U!UU!~gq gql l它 pgpnpuo;)SBII 九正pnlS IBUIJoJgql ﹒凹的Ol duop 即1叮叮 UIpB gql ~u!mpgJ!BUUOP 日gnb gqllnoq 它 suopsgnb )[SB Ol pg~BmmUg gJg必 SlU gpms "t'#lS 凡UIOJJ Oil九l-正:).I0J pUB 9#凡 UIOJJ ggJql-AlJ OJ-SlU gpm日 gA!]-Alq~!g 田OJJ sgsuodsgJ JO P叮叮 SUO;) gIdUIBS IBU!] gql ‘ pgpJB;)S!P gJg必 BlBp P!I它 AU! gql JO IIBJgUV ·Sg!pnlS IB lliJ oJ pu它 WEd gql qloqJOJ pgl!ill;)gJ S它必 9#凡 ·UBII九陀 l Wgqlnos U! (t'#lS 口) 正FSJgA!Un IB;)!uq;)gl BlB lUg 田g~ 它UBW JO g~gII0:J gql UIOJJ SJO!Unf gA!]-正lJ oJ pUB UBII九!Bl IBJlUg;) U! (9#凡)正 l!SJgA!Un glBA !1 d JBln~叫它刊啦 !I~U3 JO lUgl日 lJBdg位 gql UIOJJ sgJOUIoqdos gU!U-AlJOJ ql!必 pgpnpum S它必正 pnlS WEd gqlJO gSBqd pJ!ql gql

OSd 'l gql JO正 l!EqB!PJpUB 正l!P!I 它A gql ~U!pJB~g 沮 ·SUIgl!叫 1 A J! pOUIOl pgsn gJg必 SlInsgJ gql·SgIB;)S gqluo suo!u!doJ!gql S lU gpmS gql ql! M. pgssn呵 !p Jgq;)J 它的 gJ gql ‘ pglgldUIo;) gJg M. SgJ!Buuopsgnb gql JgUV "gUO qSH~u立 gql ~U!OP gJOpq UO!SJgA gSgU!q :J gql UO pg)[JOII九 H dnoJ£) SBgJgqll 九‘ gUO gSgU!q :J gql uo pg平 OM. Ugql pUBOSd 'l gqlJO UO!SJgA qS!I~U3 gql pgJg必 SUB VdnoJ£) "SdnOl~ IBnbg O M. l 0l pgU~!SSB正 IUIoPU 凹 gJg必 pUB U!B~它 Ugsoq;) gJg必必 glAJ叮叮 sno!AgJdgql UIOJJ SJOfBUI qS!I~U3 Ugl "OSd 'l gqlJO UO!SJgAgSgU!q :J gqlpUB UO!SJgA qS!I~U3IBU!~!JO gql Ugg必 19q正 FEqpBdUImpu 它正l!mp gql SSgSS它 Ol pgldUIgUB正 pmS WEd gql JO gSBqd pumgs gql (mOl IP~d)


Lee,Lo Huang,Hung: Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire

Data Analysis

Pilot data. All the quantitative data analyses were computed using version 16.0 of SPSS to address the second and third stages of

the pilot study. First, an intraclass correlation was employed to

examine the relationships between the English and Chinese versions

of the questionnaires. Specifically, a

single measure" test was used

because only one language was used for the rating scores. In addition,

the “absolute agreement" was chosen to resolve any systematic

differences between the two languages. Second,to assess the validity

of the LPSQ, the Pearson product-moment correlation was employed

to explore the correlations between the LPSQ items and the M-CSDS.

Third, Cronbach's alpha was used to examine the LPSQ's internal

consistency reliability.

The results of the pilot study showed that there seemed to be

adequate cl旺ity and compatibility between the English and Chinese

versions of the LPSQ. The LPSQ tended to be valid and reliable in

examining the students' listening practice behaviors. Finally, the

findings of the pilot study and discussions with the first two translation professionals and the subjects were used to modify the LPSQ for the formal study.

Formal study. Exploratory factor analysis using principal component analysis (PCA) with oblique Promax rotation with Kaiser Normalization was performed using SPSS to identify underlying constructs for the fifty-one practice strategy items on the LPSQ.

According to Stevens (1996), the absolute values of the loadings

should be greater than 2(.149)


.298 for a sample size of 300 subjects.

Factor scores were computed by selecting items that had at least a 0.1 difference in factor loading on multiple factors. Regarding how to


Sg!;)UgpU;n ‘百pgfqns 正q pgpunoJuo;) gq Ol lO u pgl它 gdd它 OSd'l g可 1 ‘g lOPlg 可i ﹒(1760'


d) 960'正 lUOs 它必srugl! 正~gl 即1日 gUO-正U! Jg可 l pUB sas;)-w g可 lUgg 必19q UO!lBPllO;) g可 l 'OSd 'l gIlluo srug l! gUO-A U! J g可 l JO Al!l間的 pl pUBAl!P!lBA 1叮叮叮 3可 l~U!P1B~g 洹'ru001SS 它P gIll gp!SlnO Sg!~gl即 1日 g;)!P盯 d~U!Ugl 日!I JO gSn ‘SlUgpm 日 glO Idxg 0l srugl! OSd 'l gIll JO s!日正 lBU它 gA!l d!1;)日 gp (z) pU它 ~gl!它UU0 !l日gnb g可 l JO Al!P!IBA g可 1 勾!lgA OlOSd 'l gIlluo Srugl!正 ~glBllS g;)!l;)Bld ~U!U叮叮 1gUO-正lJ!Jg 可l JO S!SAIBU它 lOP可 (n:S 口它d U lB ru 0必 l JOpgsodruo;) S! u0!l ;)g日 S!ILL




'SglI它 uuoIl sgnb 3可 l Ol 日9 日UOdSgl 月lUgpnl 日 gIll gZ! lBlUlU nS 0l SSdS ~u!sn pglndruo;) glg必 S;)!l S!l BlSgA !ld !1;)日gp ‘正llBU 日 'gl它 ;)S gIll JO Al! l! qB!lgl 3可 19叫田耽 g Ol pg日ns 它必它可dlB S,Ip 它qU01;) ‘19AOglO 刺'l 日1日 pgl它叮叮 !lg 日它必的UglgJJ!P l日 gllBrus g可 1 可l!必回gl! gIll ‘Slgp 它0lSSOl;) lBlgAg日 glg必 glgIllJI 'pgdd Ol P glg必 1'0 umll SSglJO ~U!P它 0I 10l;)BJ U! Sg;)UglgJJ!P ql!必 srugl!~U!PBOlSS01;) 'pl月 l 'lSl !J pgl它同 ru!P S它必 ~U!P它 01l 日3必 01 gql ql!必回 gl! g可 1‘ 10£﹒ IU叫 l SSgIJO sgnlBAglnlosqB U! S~U!PBOl叫它 m ~UIU叩開 0;)凹 gl! gUO U叫 lglOru 叩必glg 可l JI 'pglglgp glg 1\\ IO£' I U叫 l Ssgl JO sgnIBA glnlosqB ~U!ABqS~U!PBOl U!Bru ql!必 srugl! 'PUO;)gs 'l日1 日 pglBU!由 qg 日它必 lUg!;)!J P0;) lSg必 0I gql 可l!必由gl! gql ‘ srugl! gIq它 l!SgpUn lBlgAgS glg必 glgql JI'SSgl lO 1'0JO SlUg!;) !J P0;)u0 !l Blgll O:J 可l! 必 S田 gl! gAOrugl Ol pgsn s它必 SI日正 I它 U它 U0 !l BIgllO;) 1的 Ol-rugl! pgpgllO:J它已 lSl!d 'lXgU pglglgp gq Plnoqs rugl! q;)!q必 ~U!Ppgp g lO pq SI日AIBUB V;)d lugnbg日qn 日 lUg必 19pUn srugl! ~U!U昀田 gl gql Ug可 l pu它 可ru !l BlB pgAOrugl 日它必glqB!lBA gUO 'srugl! A10l;)呵呵 lBsun glBU!ruqg (0LOZ II早上 I) £:"V£ 8UI似 ViJ了J:i' 8UlyJV iJ,L ysy8u~ 母帶量旦當


6l 'SgJq即 lBA gql15UOWB sd~qSU0!l BIgl 15UOllSgql JOgSnB;)gq 叫“IBUB 10l;)月 15U!l ;)npuO;) 10J gIdwBS s~ql JO A;)Bnbgp它 snOpOl~lg凹 gql 15U!l B;)~PU~ '88' S它必 SIS正 IBUB IBuq gql JO 正;)Bnbgp 它 15U~IdwBS JO gms昀叮叮耳 IO-lg正呵呵寸的白了~ gq .L.(9661 ‘ SUgAglS) lU它110dw~ 10 lU它3 日~U15~S AIIB;)~P 即 d pglgp~SUO;) gq 0l q15nOUg g151BI glg必正 3甲 的nB;)gq UO~lBlgldJ glU~ 10J pgSn glg必 pUB 19lBgl1510 at"正 IglBW~XOldd 它 lI B glg必 SWgl~


t' 15U~U叩凹 gl gqlJO S15U~PBOI gql ‘ glO Ull gq l1 nd '(L pUB ‘ LZ '8£ ‘ 1£ ‘ 9'z I S田 gn) SlgpBOIsSO J;) X~Spu 它‘I o£' I uBql SSgIJO 15u~PBoI lOP月它 pBq q;)~qt,九三 Z Wgn 15u~pnpu~,叩 IqB~它A pglB U~W~Ig UgAgS pgPIg~正 SlI nSgl gq .L 'pg日 I;)gds SBt.九日 Op月 gAq UO pgSBq uO~lnIos B ‘ SWg l! UgA的 -A110J gqlJO SPrulSU O;) 15U!A {l gpUngql gZ~它叫田 ns 19n9q0l 19p1O UI 'pgU!Blglgq PInoqs SlOP可 gAq正 IUO'lgAg 必oq ‘lSgl ggl;)S gql 0l15U!P1 0;) ;)V 'g;)UB~lBA IB lO l gql JO包S"S' 9 10J pglunO;);)它 lBql SlOpBJ Uggl1 ~qlpgPIg~ 正S15u~puq gq .L 'uo~lnIos IB~l呵~ gql 10J pgsn SBt.九 (0961 'lgS!B )l) UO!lg l!J;)“ 1 uBqllgl它 gl15gnlBAUg15 阱,gql ‘glO 血泊q l1nd 'X!llBW UO~lBIgllO;)uO~lBIndod gql U~SgIq 盯lBA gql 15UOW它 SlS~XgUO~lBPll o;) B l它可 l lBql gp它 WS它必 uo~snpUO;) BglOPlgql pUB ‘ IgAgI 100'0 gql lB pgl;)gfglgq PIn O;) S~Sgqlod正 q IInu gqllBql pglB;)!PU~ SWgl! UgA的-正 110J 15UIU自由 glgqllOJ 正lP~lgqds JO lSglS ,ngI l1 BHJO S lI nSgl gq .L 'S~S正 I它U 它 gqlW01J g凹!l它 1它 gUO pgdd01P glg必t't' pu它已 OZ‘ It' ‘ zz SWgn‘訂 SAIBU 它 UO~lBIgll o;) IBlO l-Wgl~ pgpgllO;) gql JO SlInsgl gql uo pgS它包 SJSAl1mV .I0pB 且正.I0lB .l°ldX 3: 'Sg~15glBl lSg;)~l;) 它ld 15U~UglS~I‘ SlU gpnlS 15UISS的叩叫 OSd'l gqlJO Almq它 qgl gql 15U!lB;)~PU!‘SWg l! gUO-AWJgql 10J Z6' pgPIg~正 BqdlB s ,q;)BqU01 :J 'lgAOglO~怔 'Al~I~qBl~Sgp IBpoS pl它必 °l dl~lmuo9s;:mo丘 lldlB1ISdJ 口JB1d 'a U!Udlsq :'a unH ‘ llU Bn H0 '1 'dd '1


其語教學 'Eng{is后 'Teacfiing ~Learning 34.3 (Fall 2010)

The rotated pattern matrix is presented in Table 3. As can be

seen,the five-factor solution accounted for 46.9% of the total variance.

Broken down by factor, this translated into 25.8% of the variance

from factor 1, 8.1%, from factor 2, 5.0% from factor 3, 4.3% from

factor 4, and 3.8% from factor 5. Furthermore, as shown in Table 4,

except for the relationship between deliberate practice and aural

immersion practice, the other factors correlated significantly among

each other at the .01 and .001 levels, varying between .17 (deliberate

practice and English-comprehension) and .46 (problem-solving and

language processing). Cronbach' s alphas of internal consistency reliability were high for the total forty items (.92) as well as for the

problem-solving (.88) and deliberate practice (.84) factors, and

respectable for the language processing (.73), aural immersion (.7日,

and English-comprehension (.74) factors.

As can be seen in Table 3,except for two individual items,the

first factor (problem-solving) included two main clusters of items. The first cluster involved five compensation strategies for dealing

with unknown vocabulary,grammar,etc. When encountering unclear

segments,learners infer meaning from context or intonation (Item 28),

listen closely to the following text to try to understand what was

previously missed (Item 23),listen to unclear segments a couple more

times (Item 24),refer to scripts only when they still fail to understand

(Item 21), and ask speakers to repeat or paraphrase (Item 30). The

second cluster included seven items concerned with cognitive

processing for comprehending aural input. Cognitive strategies

consisted of elaborating or relating new information to personal

experience or one's prior knowledge (Item 18), imagining pictures in


lZ ::l:m ::l1U ::lS 正q ::l ;)U ::l 1U ::l S 1 仇 v


n'o-仇 0'0 9Z'0 Zp·O U ::l q1pUB 1S1~JSB ::lP~ U~BillllU~PUB1S1 ::lPU 凡 8 SPBJ ll! 1S S即::l 1~ 1BdpUn 011l U~Ud1S![正 [P::l 1B ::ld ::l1 ZZ'O 80'0- PO'O-PZ'O £p·O U::l qM正 IUOs1d~ lJS 01 llUP1::lP~ lZ 60'0 6τo 1 1" 0 90'0 Sp·O ::l SB1qdBrud 10 1Bddd101 Sl呵昀 ds llUP[SV O£


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n'o-8S·0 qS![llU耳 ul正 IUOllU 同u~q .L 91 60'0-~1'0 90'0 W'O 6S·。 正[::lAqU ::ln 官llU~U ::l1哩!可 PI W'O- ~O'O-9Z'0 vO υ o 6S·。 llU~Z~lBillums 61 vO'O-£1 '0 IOυAυ AυAυ o £9·。 llUl耳 unq;) OI OZ'O 01'0-I 仇 0'0υ 軒 vl'O υ P9·。 ::llnp~d B llu~u~llB即 I Ll ::lllPdIMOU 司pun Olll 司;)Bq W'O W'O- ~I'O-軒 vOυ o £CO 正ill 01 uoqBilllO JU~ M ::l U lluqBI::l~ 81 P::l SS~ I1BqM PUB1s1dpun £0 '0-I

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(6I rugn) S£gp!U!£UI gU!月 1它叮叮 ns ::l1~BUU09S ::lno 丘'iid1 官11S d;)~PBl d'ii u~U::l 1sq :'ii unH ‘'ii uBnH0 '1‘::l::l i


6ro 99'。 00'0 9['0 0'0 正[snonU9UO ;:l SlX :l lqS![ '3 ua '3U! 正U[d [~ ~O'O-£L"O PO'O 60'0-8['0 s '3 uosqS![ '3 ua0l '3U!U :ll日 q 6P ~O'O Z8'。 'W'O 00'0 £0 '0 正[snonupUO ;:l日'3uos qS![ '3 ua '3U! 正U[d O~ a;) !l ;)C .l d uo!s .l awwI(C .l 0V :1' .I0PC 且 81'0 £:1' 0-lt·O Pl'O 'l TO SlX :l lill Ol JSill :l l! :l'3 un '3 uU[ t.九:l U'3 m日 lU:l i :llO SodX :l [U10 U! ill呵 l'3日 !l:l lunO;:l U:l £TO 80'0-St'O L['O-60'0 正q lU illill Ul'3 10 A1U[nqU ;:l OA '3 U! Ul U :l i Z SU :l P!U!Uill l :l'3 £:1' 0-81'0 tS'。 lO' O 1['0-。l :l;:lU :llU :l日正q :l;:lU :l間的'3U!P UUlSl :lPU 且 6 SU :l P! £:1' 0-00'0 SS·。 lZ'O 00'0 U!Uilll :l'3 0l plO且可;:l U:l日必 Op '3 U!lP A\. £[ 10'0- £0'0-SS·。 Hυ 0'0 90'0 正lIUlU :lill 10正[l:l !nbSP lOt.九'3U!lll :ld :l~ ~ 1 £['0 L['O 6S'。 P['O-PO'O pnO[ lO OSlX :l l '3U!PU :l~ v n'o 60'0 6S·0 £Z'O-80'0 U!P:l凹:l ql U! Sl:l耳凹 ds :l A9UU '3 u9Ul !lli! E 此\:lIA :ll ~O'O- 90'0-L9'。 8Z'O ~ 1' 0-:llOlO J lO J plO品中 U:l ut.九 Op '3 UP!lA\. 5 a;)!pC .l d ~u!ssa;)o.ld a~co~uci :£ .I0PC 且 l :l qlOq ;:l U :l ql!t.九 um日U :lq :lldillO ;:l Z 1' 0-L 1' 0 oro 9 1" 0 zro-'3u 月;:l:l中正q S :l lUillSSUPql!M '3u 月lO A\. Z£ 正lUUO!P!P :l qlU! dnill :l ql '3U! 耳OO[ ~['O-10 仇 V OZ'O 6 1" 0 £Z'O U :l qlpuu SP10t.九:l [q!ssod lno '3 um :l d


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Lee,Lo Huang,Hung: Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire

47 Listening to English and reading -0.07 0.26 0.10 0.47 -0.28

Chinese captions almost simultaneously

43 Watching English movies or TV 0.18 -0.09 0.09 0.42 0.19


Factor 5: English-Comprehension Practice

46 Listening to English without reading 0.13 0.19 -0.07 0.07 0.70

Chinese captions

48 Primarily listening to English first and 0.21 0.03 -0.07 0.01 0.70

referring to Chinese captions only for unknown items

45 Reading English captions -0.09 0.08 0.08 0.01 。.57

Eigenvalues 10.33 3.23 1.99 1.70 1.51

%of variance 25.80 8.10 5.00 4.30 3.80

Cumulative% 25.80 33.90 38.80 43.10 46.90


LPSQ Factor Correlations for the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Cronbach's Alphas (on Diagonal)

Factors Factors 2 3 4 5 1.Problem-Solving Practice .88 2. Deliberate Practice .37*** .84 3. Language Processing .46*** .35*** .73 Practice 4. Aural Immersion .32*** .05 .22*** .75 Practice 5. English-Comprehension .38*** .17** .29*** .31 *** .74 Practice Note. 料 p < .01 ***p < .001

The second factor (deliberate practice) tended to capture a

motivational construct,which centered around seriousness,rehearsal,

regularity, and effort. Seriousness involved listening carefully to

replayable materials (Item 36),on-line(Item 35) English instructional


其語教學 'Eng[isli 'Teacliirψ etlLearning

34.3 (Fall 2010)

radio programs, and textbook-based materials (Item 33). Seriousness

also included practicing all listening tasks assigned by the teacher

(Item 34) and practicing until the tasks were completed, even when

the materials were dull or uninteresting (Item 39). Rehearsal

concerned listening to or watching replayable texts, especially those

with difficult segments, over and over again (Item 37). Regularity

referred to practicing listening according to a self-regulated schedule

(Item 42). Finally, effort was demonstrated when students tried their

best to solve comprehension problems (Item 40), spelled out possible

or similar words and looked them up in the dictionary if they still

could not understand after listening several times (Item 26),and wrote

down what they could comprehend, and checked or supplemented

their comprehension with classmates(Item 32).

The third factor (language processing) concerned bottom-up

processing for comprehending the meaning of texts and acquiring the L2 through oral input and included four items of bottom-up

processing and four items of the language learning component.

Bottom-up processing involved writing down each word or what one

could understand word by word for future review (Item 5) and getting

the main ideas of the text (Item 13), understanding sentence by

sentence and paragraph by paragraph to get the main ideas of the

whole text (Item 9), and repeating words or phrases quietly or

mentally (Item 15). In addition to comprehension, L2 learning

through listening materials involved repeating after native speakers in

the media to imitate their pronunciation,intonation,or accent (Item 3),

reading the text out loud segment by segment, sentence by sentence,

or paragraph by paragraph (Item 4), learning vocabulary words or


~Z .~grql~ .L U!p glUgSgld glBSg B' BlgABgl [llO JB! lgl!l :J g l[.L ·gIB :J S lU!od-~ B UB l[ l 19l[ l盯正 pnlS 間的gld g l[ l U! pgsn SB M. gIB :J S lU!od-01 B g :J U!S pglqnop glg必叩B' BlgAB JO sgnIBA gl[ l ‘白晶晶AB B'U!lgl 由叮叮 lO J slI nsg~ JO gm01 d ('T1IS) B'U! U1B~ g B' Bn B' uB 'l lOJ 正lOlUgAUI 正B' g l B1 lS (00£ ·d‘ 0660丸 PlO JXQ lU 01J pgldBPV ·(9~·Z


as) 80· L 0l (9 1" Z


as) 06·Z lU 01J pg B' UBl S lU gl! 017 g l[ l JO SUBg lU g l[.L S!SA I1m V ;u !ldp;)saa ﹒(~17 Wgn)SUOqdB :J l[S!I B'u 芷B'U!PBgl pUB‘你 17 lU gn) UO!SUg可gld lUO :JB' u月:J g可:J lO J 10 S lU gl! UA九OU 耳un lOJ 正IUO SUOqdB :J gSgU阿 J 0l B' U!ligpl pUB lSl !j l[S!I B'u 芷 0l B'U!U 叮叮I 正glB lU!ld ‘(917 lU gn) SUOqdB :J gSgU! l[ J PBgl 0l lO u B' U!A1 l 10 SUOqdB :J gSgU阿 J B' U!PBgl lnol[ l!A九l[ S!IB' u芷 Ol B'U!U 叮叮I B' u!pnI :J u! 、。ISUg 可gld lUO :J B' U!PBgl pUB B' U!UglS!I l[S!I B'u 芷JO Sg! B' glB1lS g :J !PBld pg lUgSgldgl lO l :J BJS! l[.L ·SlU盯 B'01d A .L 10 S lU m l[ S!I B' ug B'u 阿:JlB M.gI 阿必 SUO!ldB :J JO gsn g l[ l l[l!A 九 pg山 g:J UO:J SB M. (UO!SUg可 gldlU O:J-l[ S!IB' ug) lO pBJ l[lJ! J gl[ l 心IIBUH ·(L17 lUgn) 正IsnogUB lIn lU!S lso lU IB SUOqdB :J gsgm可 J B' U!PBgl pUB l[S!I B'u 芷0l B' U!UglS!I SB l[:J ns

SlXgl gSgU!可 3正 q pglU gl日 gIddns SB IIg必 SB ‘ (£17 lU gn) Slu凹 B'01d A .L 10 Sg!AO lU l[ S!I B' ug B'u 月:JlBA 九SB l[:J ns

UOqB lUlO JU! IBns!A正 q pg l1 0ddnsgq Plno :J g lO sodxg IB lO B , SlUgpnlS 'lgAOgl0間﹒ (617 lU gn) s B' uos l[S!I B'u 芷 0l B'U!U 叮叮I 正q pUB ‘呵呵l 19 l[lO B' U!OP ggl[ A九正 Isnonuquo:J (I ~ lU gn) SIB!lg lB lU l[Sn B'u 芷19 l[lO pUB (O~ lU gn) sB' uos啦 nB' ugB' U!AB[d正 q UO!SlgW lU! IB lO B pg lBgl :J s lU gpnlS ·UO!Slg lUlU! IB lO B l[S!I B'u 芷JO S lU g lU U01!AUg B' UqBgl :J 正q pgZ!lgpB1B l[:J SB M. (UO!Slg lUlU! IB lO B) lO l :J BJ l[l1 noJ g l[.L . (1 lU gn) SlXgl [B lO lU 01J s lU guod lU O :J g B' Bn B' uBI M. gU B' U!Z! lOlU g lU 10 B'U! 山昀I pUB ‘ (Z lU gn) S){ooq lBlU田間B' 10 A1BlnqB :J oA B'U!PB 缸瓦q UB l[ l 19l[ l凹 ;llr它 UU09日 ;mo正 ~;)llUlS ;);)!P1Ud ~U!U;)l日 n:~unH '~UlmH 0']';);)']


JO ·pgsn lOU正 IPUgUg~g1g 必pU 它g~ 它sn !'i.九°1 正IglB1gpOUI pBq lI B q;)~q!'i.九 ‘UO~sugqg1dUIO;) 叮叮I~U 芷pU 它'~UISSg;) Old g~它 n~uBI‘ g;)q;)凹 d glB1gqqgp g1g必 SlO l;)可 gg1ql~U~ 必0IIOJ gq .L ·pgSn Sg由 qg凹的 OSIB SB!'i.九呵 ;)~q!'i.九 'lOl;) 可雪山Alos-UIglq Old gql正 qpg 必°IIOJ ‘SlO p月 gAq gql ~UO叫它 lS1q P叫 U凹 pUB pgSn Sg山 qgUIOSSB !'i.九g~BSn 山n~pg 山qF !'i.九lOpBJ UO~S1g山 UIT IB lO B gq干L ·g~BSn!'i.九 °1正 IglB1gpOUI pBq SlO l;)可 gg1ql pUB g~BSn山 n~pg山 pBq SlO l;)可 g;)q;)B1d~U~U 叮叮I O!'i.九 l lBql pgl它;)!PU~ ~U!puqs~q .L 170·Z 8£·1 6~·1 ~~·I Z6·1


OZ·17 117·17 9γV LC~ a·9


g;)口 3它 1dUO~SUgqg1dUIO;)-qS!I~U 百 g;)刊 ;)B1d~U!SSg;)01d g~它 n~u它可 g;)q;)B1 d glB1gq~pa g;)q;)B1d ~U~AIOS-山 g{q 01d g;)口 3它 1dUO~S1gUIUII IB lO V SlO p它 d -uu


-w1 S.l OpE丘 a;)!l ;)E.ld ~u!U alSnaA! 且aql JO sapuanba.l且 a~E.l aA VpUE S "f UE l[ 9 alqu~ ·9 g{q它一 LU~ pg lU gSg1dg1B S10l;)BJ U白山 gAq叫 l正 q gsn A~glB1lS JO sgpUgnbg1J g甲 、pgfqns 90£ gql正 q pgsn Sg~~gl 凹 lS g;)q;)B1d ~U~U呵呵 gqlg 月1它叫 UIns 0 .1 ·S .l OpVf £:J J1V .l lS J:)!1:J V .l d :JulU 呵呵1 Jit


fo Jsn ala 66·Z 了三 66·17-00·£ 66·9一 OO·~ 66·8-OO·L 00·6之 W p ;:l sn1 ;:l A ;:l UlSOUIIB 101 ;:l A ;:l N p ;:l sn lOU正 llBl;:lU ;:lO P;:l日 n S;:l由 P;:l UIOS p ;:l snAllms (1 p ;:l sn sABt.九 IB lSOUIIB 10 sAB必 IV suopdp::>s ;:l a g~BSn~九 0'1 ;:l~B 日n t.九°1 正P1B1 ;:lP° }i心 ;:l~B 日n wn!p ;:l W ;:l~BSn q~!q正 PW1;:l POW ;:l~BSn q~!H ;:l~BS 凡 asrr正 ~alU.I 1S a;)!l;)U .I d JO Sa~U.I aA V aql .I 0JU! .I al! .I;) S alqu~ (0W Z:Il TI d)£·17£ BUllμ VJ7'P' B Ul yJVJ ,L ysyBu'3; 帝草堂皇當


Lee,La Huang,Hung:Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire

the five practice factors,English-comprehension practice was used the


To have a better understanding of the indicators for the factors,

the use of forty individual items was examined. The results showed

that two of the items were characterized by moderately high usage,

nineteen items by medium usage, eighteen items by moderately low

usage, and only one item by low usage. Table 7 shows the top ten

practice strategies (all with means above 6.00), while Table 8 shows

the bottom six items (with means below 4.00).

Table 7







and Standard Deviations

。fthe Top Ten Practice Strategies

FactorsItem# Content Rank 此f SD

Al 49 Listening to English songs 7.08 2.56

PS 23 Listening closely to the following text to 2 7.05 1.98

understand what I missed

PS 14 Listening attentively 3 6.78 2.32

PS 24 Repeatedly listening to unknown segments 4 6.64 2.26

Al 47 Listening to English and reading Chinese 5 6.48 2.48

captions almost simultaneously

Al 43 Watching English movies orTVprograms 6 6.28 2.75

PS 28 Guessing 7 6.22 2.54

PS 30 Asking speakers to repeat or paraphrase 8 6.21 2.51

Al 50 Playing English songs continuously 9 6.18 2.88

PS 10 Chunking 10 6.16 2.30

Note. AI


Aural Immersion PS



As indicated in Table 7, the top ten practice strategies included

six items from the problem-solving factor and four items from the

aural immersion factor. Items 49 and 23,with moderately high usage,


UOISUg中 ldmo:J -qsnl3 utJ


:JtJ 'l3U!SSg;)O 吐g l3uniluu '1


d'1‘的 !PUld glmgqnga


a ·JJON 91·Z 06·Z OV Ay.m yO'a ~u'a u~:J P:JUld ZV a VZ·Z 81·£ 6£ suopd它:J qsq'au 百'au !p它g"M ~v ;)百 MgIAgl 91τ 6£·£ 8£ g1010J 10J P10M q:J昀 UMOP'a u~lP此 5 d '1 SUI B1'a 01d O~PB1 YUUO~P011su~qsn 'au 百 8v·Z £9·£

gyqu正它 ydgl 01 'au~Ug1Sn 正ysoopgS 9£ q 凹的odxg YU10 u~ UIgq1 'a Upg1UOO :J Ug 9zτ 08"£ 9£ 正q lUUIUI B1'a 10正.m yOqU:J OA'a u~u.m g'1 Z d '1 SUIU1 'a 01d O~PB1 YUUO~P0l 1su~ 6Z·Z 98·£ ~£ qsq'a U百 guq-uo 01 'au~Ug1SH AySOOpgs ~£ q as E有4 )[U 它"M 1Ug1UO;) #山gn slOl:J它 d S;}I~;}l凹陷;};)!l ;)U.I d xIS lU onog;}ql )0 sU0 !l UIA;}QP .I UPUUlS puu‘ SUU;}W‘S}(U U"H ‘S.I OpU且 8 ;}Iqu .L .g日 n A '3 g11U1SJO SUl 1割肉 lSl!J pg)[ U1 U s '3 uos l[S!I '3u 百01 '3U!Ug1 日!l 'gSg l[ lJO ﹒(o~ Wg1日呵呵 11gl[1O '3 U!OP gEl[純 正ISnOnU! lUOJ s '3 uos l[S!I '3u 百'3m 正£Id pu£ ‘ (Lv Wgn) 正Isnogu£Hn Ul!S lsowI它 SUO!ld£;) gSgU!可 J '3U!P 它gl pu£ l[S!I '3u 宜。1 '3 U!Ug 1S!1 '(t: v Ulg耳) s Ul m '3 01d Ai 10 Sg!AO Ul l[ S!I '3 ug '3回l[;)l£ti 九‘(6v Ul gn) s '3 uos l[S!I '3u 宜。1 '3u 叩叮叮I pgpnpu! SWg1! UO!SlgW Ul! I£m£ mOJ g l[l, ·101;)可'3 U!AIOS-Wgyq01d g l[ l U!pgpnpu! oSI£ glg必 (01 Ul gn :'3u 月un l[;)) 間gl! gA! l! U '3 OJ pu£(vI Ul gn :'3 U!101!UO Ul uoqUgn 的Ul g1!gA!1!u '30;)£lg 田 正IUO g l[ l, .(o t: Ulg1 日 dp l[ lO J Slg)[它 gds '3u 月叩 pU它‘你 z Ul gn) '3 mSsgn '3‘ (vZ Ulg恥 Sgwq JO gldno;)它 SlUgUl宮的 Uti九OU 耳un 01 '3u 呵呵呵 呵t:z Ul gn) 1Xg1 '3U! 必0llOJ g l[ l 01 正PSOp '3 U!Ug1S!1 :S Ul g l! Uti九OU 耳un p g1g 1UnO;)Ug日 1Ugpn1SUg l[ti九 Sg!'3 g1£11SUO!l 它SUgd UlO;) mOJ l[l!ti九 H它 gp 正E1£ Ul!ld lOp 它J '3 U!AIOS-Ul glq01d g l[l, ·pgsn Sg Ul !lg Ul OS glg必 g'3它 sn Ul n!pg Ul l[l!ti 九 SUl g1! l l['3 !g '3U!U! 它回gl gl[ l 呵!可瓜干 gsn All£nsn glg必 (0


II它注) E· t' E 8U!WVJ7 'P 8Ull jJ VJ j; ljsy8u :IJ wr可掌聲當


6Z ;:}S;:}U~M~~l JO S;:}~~;:}l~llS;:}J~ lJ~ld ~U~U;:}lS~1 ;:}l[ l SS;:}SS~ 0lP;:}dol;:}A;:}P lSl~J S~M (OSd '1) ;:}l~~uuoqs;:}noS;:}~~;:}lmlS ;:}JqJ~ld~U~U 叮叮'1 ;:}l[ l 's;:}~pmSlU~A;:}I;:}ll;:} l[lO 0l UOS~md Ul OJU~ pU~S;:}~~;:}l~llS ;:}J~lJ md JO ;:}田;:}l[J 日uoq~Jq~ 日S~IJ I~Jq;:}l[ lOd正l[ I~U~~~lO ;:}l[ l JO ll[ ~~1U~ 正pnlS S~l[ l JO SlI ns;:}l ;:}l[ l JO UO~S日nJ 日~p ~正q p;:}必 OnOJ ‘ OSd '1 ;:}l[ l JO正 l~Eq盯 1;:}1pu~ 正l~P~I~A ;:}l[ l S;:}SS;:}lPP它 uoqJ;:}日 S~l[ l ';:}sn 正~;:}l~llS ;:}J~lJ ~ld~U~U 刮目~I JO AJu;:}nb;:}lJ ;:}l[ l ;:}ms~;:}Ul Ol pu~ (SS~IJ JO ;:}p~SWO


suoq~m~s ~U~Ul 昀I 1~1甜甜 UI10I A呵呵 ;:}J~lJ凹 d ,slu;:}pnlS ~UISS;:}SS它 10J (OSd '1) ;:}1~它uuoqs;:}no S;:}~~;:}l~llS ;:}J~lJ它 1d ~U凹的 sq ;:}l[ l ;:}l~pq~A pu它 dOI;:}A;:}P 0l ;:)1;:}必正 pnlS S~l[ l JO Sul陀;:}l[ l




'p;:}日n lOU 正n~l;:}U;:}~ OSI~ 叩必l~ pu~‘ SUl ;:}l~x~s Ul onoq ;:}l[ l ~UOul~Ul ;:}l~uo~su;:} l[;:}ld UlOJ-l[S~I~U3 AIUO ;:}l[ l S~M (~17 Ul ;:}U) suoqd~J l[s~l~u 百 ~U~p它 ;:}1 'An~UH ﹒(~ 凹;:}U) 必;:}IA 訕訕mnJ 10J plO M正 q P10M 1~~l;:}l它叫 ;:}lq~SU;:}l[;:}ld UlOJ UMOP ~U~l! l必 pU~‘ (zUl ;:}U)凹的 odx;:}1~10 U~ Ul;:}l[ l ~u~l;:}lunOJu;:}正 q s;:}ln lJnJ lS mrn田間~ 10 Sp lO M A1~lnq~JOA ~U悶兒 ;:}Ip;:}pnIJU~ 正E1~rn~d Sl;:}U;:}lS~1 正q p;:}sn lOU正 n凹 ;:}U;:}~ SUl ;:}l~~u~ss;:}J01d ;:}~~n~u~1 OMl ;:}l[ l 's田間宜。 1d o~pml~uO~ lJnJlSU~ l[s~I~U3 (~£田;:}l I)呵~I-UO pu~(9£ 田;:}U) ;:}N~A~ld;:}l 0l ~U~U叮叮 I 正IsnO~l;:}S 正q p;:}必 OnOJ ‘(z17 田;:}U) ;:}JqJ~ld血 In~;:}lS~ !I九 正~;:}l~llS ;:}J~lJ md;:}l~l;:}q~I;:}P p;:}sn-ls 它;:}I;:} l[l 'p;:}日n l;:}A;:}U lsornl~ 10l;:}A;:}U S它必 ;:}~~sn MOl l[l~ 此間;:}l~ lS它 I ;:}l[ l pu它 p;:}snlOU 正n~l;:}U;:}~ ;:}1;:}必 ;:}~~sn MOl AI刮目 ;:}pOul l[l~M 日由;:}l! ;:}AH 'Ul;:}l~ UO~日u;:} l[;:}ld UlOJ-l[S~I~U3 ;:}UO pU它‘ SUl;:}l! ~u~ss;:}J01d ;:}~~n~u它 I OMl '日由;:}l~ ;:}JqJ凹 d 刮目;:}qq;:}p ;:};:}l l[ l P;:}AIOAU~s;:}~~;:}l~llS ;:}JqJ凹 dx~s Ul onoq ;:}l[ l '8 ;:}Iq它l U~ UMO l[ SsV ;:upmu 09s;mo 正l5gl 甘llS g;)口 3官ld l5U! Ug lS!可::a unH當 U甘 nH0 '1‘ g;n


英語教學 'Eng{isfi 'Teacfii可 a£eamil月8 34.3 (Fall 2010)

university English majors. The results of the analyses suggest that students' listening practice strategies can be validly and reliably assessed by the forty items on the LPSQ (see Appendix B for the

validated version). In Lee's (2007) study,the LPSQ was also used to

explore the listening practice strategies of 206 non-English major

freshmen at a regular national university in southern Taiwan. In fact,

Lee used a different extraction method (i.e., maximum likelihood) to

identify underlying constructs of the original fifty-one items. Except

for the problem可avoidancefactor,which was replaced by the language

processing factor in the current study,the results of Lee's exploratory

factor analysis validated the four robust factors of the present

study-problem-solving, deliberate practice, aural immersion, and

English-comprehension. The Cronbach' s alpha index of internal consistency reliability for the reduced thirty-five items in Lee's

research yielded .88 and .92 in this study, suggesting the

questionnaire's high reliability.

Problem-solving practice primarily· involved the use of

compensation and cognitive strategies in solving comprehension

problems.First,the findings support the hypothetical problem-solving

construct of practice strategies. In fact, Clark (1978) claims that

“comprehension, in short, calls on people's general capacity to

think-to use information and solve problems" (p. 320). Byrnes (1984)

contends that the conceptualization of listening comprehension as a highly complex problem-solving activity is a challenge to the

traditional concept of listening as a passive, mechanical skill in

language learning. In addition, the problem-solving factor is in line

with the cognitive (e.g., using one's experience and knowledge for


[£ luql PdUI!UP suq (ZOOZ) l日O~ "SlXdl ~U!PUd可 dldUIO;) ldljU (mUIUI 凹 2 pUU'日UO!SSdldXd 'AlulnqU;)OA I'i九dU '"~"d)sludUIdld “別昀I 0l ~U呵呵呵" ql!1'i九 PdU1 d;)UO;) 日! lUduodw O;) ~U!U1 UdI d~un~uuI d可 l 'd lO UIldqllnd 明白dlU! SUIdlsAS ;)!lUUI~Uld puu ';)quu凹的 ';)!PUlUAS

IU;)!XdI ‘IU;)!~OIouoqd q;)!ql'i九 U! 'sIdAdI I B1 dAdS lU 正IsnodUU lInUI! 日 Pd日日 d;)Old S! d~un~uuI 'IdpoUI dA!PUldlU! (~L6 r) S ,lmqldUIn~ 0l ~U!PlO ;);)V "~U!SSd;)Old UOqUUI lO JU! JO sp血汗可 loq sdAIOAU! ~U!UdlS!I Z1 ‘ l;)UJ Ul "lOP 可~l 月Alos-UIdlq01d d可 l JO ;)!l日口呵呵 lUq;) U S!可 ;)I可必‘ ~UI日Sd;)Old UI'i九 op-dOl 0l lS凹 lUO;) U! S! S!可.L "~U!ssd;)old dn-woHoq sdAIOAU! puu p的問 -lX叮叮 luql UO!sudqdldUIO;) ~U!U叮叮 I pdpnpU!10pUJ ~U!ssd;)01d d~un~uuI dql

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lOl;) 叮 3可1.. °g;)!l;)Eld UO!Slg叮叮! ImnE IE;)!lg可lO d正可可 l!必 gU!I U! SEM 10l;)呵呵可 l 'lndu! IEmE Ol gmsodxg JO lU nO Ul E g可 l ~U!P1E~g~ °l! ~U!OP JO gnIEA g可 lpg~pgIMomp 它正3可 l J! UgAg正 PlElgq!Igp~U!;)!PEld Ann;)!JPP g;)Ug口 gdxg IElS Plnoil九 SdE可 19d10 ‘g;)!P 凹d glElgqqgp JO g;)UEllOd Ul! 9可 l JO SSgUgl它必管 9可 l )[;)EI AEUl正 pnlSS! 可l U! Slg叩開 I叫1.. '~U!S!1也 ns lOU g血 g~ESn iI九01 正plmgpO Ul Ol iI九01 JO S~U!puq g可 1 ‘g;)UElgAgSlgd pUE ‘1l0JP ‘四gUSn01lgS ‘IESl 昀可叮咬l!ruln~gl JO S Ul lgl U! ~U!PUE回 gp S! g;)!PEld glmgqqgp lE可 l UgA1~ ‘pEJ UI ﹒正IgSOP UEld g;)!l;)md ~U!U叮叮 I E iI九OnOJ Plno;) SlUgpmS g~gnO;)gSgU 月J gqlJO %8'L 1正 IUO gSnE;)gq g~ESniI九 01pE 可OSIE UEldE ~U!iI九 OnOJ‘反 pnlS (qZOOZ) S月 00 uI 'S lO fE Ul qS!I~U3-UOU正 q pgsn lOU正 nElgUg~SE iI九g~ESn MOl正 PlElgpO即 可l!M g;)!l;)Eld lEln~gl可 ;)1可必叫‘反 pnlS


S ‘ gg '1 JO slInsgl gql 可l! 必P lO;);)E U!SEM ~U!PU!J S!ql ‘ SSgIgqllgAgN 'S lO fE Ul qS!I~U3正 q pgsn 19A9UlSO Ul IE 10 19A9U SEiI九 lEql Ul gl! ,‘g~ESn iI九0I" AIUO g可 l pUE S Ul gl! 017 g可 l~UO UlE A~glEllS pgsn-lsEgI g可 lSE iI九(Z17 叮叮I) g;)!l;)md lEln~gl ‘反nE;)q!;)gds 'g~ESn iI九01 正IglElgpO Ul pgA!g;)gl g;)!l;)Eld glElgqqgp ‘SlO p月 g;)!PEld~U!UglS!I gAq g可 l ~UOUl V 'l! gsn lOU P!P AnElgUg~ 正pnlS lUgllm g可 l U! 日O[E Ul可 S!I~U3gSgUE iI九限于L ‘pgl;)gdxg SEiI九 lE可 M Ol A1El lU O;) 'g;)UE Ul lO Jl gd llgdxg ~U!U!Ull glgp U! IE;)!l! J;) S! g;)p塊 ld glElgq!Igp lE可 l SiI九 oqs gmlElgl!I g可 l 可~n 。可nv 'lOP月 10fEUl PUO;)gS 9可 l SEpgqpUgp! pUE pg日 !lgA Uggq SE可 g;)!l ;)Eld glElgqqgp IE;)pg可lO d正可 、g!~glEllS g;)!PEld JO PrulsUO;) IEUO!lEA!lO Ul g可 l ~U!Ul g;)UOJ “'Ul EgIOl ~U!U叮叮 I"JO SU昀凹 IEpUgSSg UE 曰“U 叮叮I Ol ~U!Ul 昀I" lEql ggl~E (1700Z) U!1 ~lgpUE A pUE lSO~可lOS:﹒ (~U!Uglsq可 ~nOl可 l Z '1 g可 l~U! UlEgO “叩開I Ol ~U呵呵 S!I" 但) pUE ~(Z'1 g可 1 叫 lndu! ~U!pugqgldUl O;)) "U叮叮 I Ol ~U!叫昀 I" (1) :lU g Ul doIgAgp ~U!U叮叮 I Z '1 U! Sgssg;)01d UgAOil 九19lU! Oil九l glE glg可 1 COWZ lIud) SOvS BU lU.J V J 7 ):J Bu月 3問 L肝 l)Bu ?V 喬孺堂皇當


Lee,Lo Huang,Hung: Listening Practice Strategy Questionnaire with medium usage was sometimes employed by the subjects and top-ranked among the five practice factors. To create an aural

environment, listeners played English songs (Item 50) and audio

English texts (Item 51)continuously while doing other tasks,listened

to English songs (Item 49), watched English films or TV programs

(Item 43), and listened to English while reading Chinese captions at

about the same time (Item 4日. In contrast to deliberate practice, this

kind of practice is likely to be viewed as being easy, effortless, and

time-saving, and might therefore be one of the reasons why the

students used these strategies more frequently than the others.

Specifically, listening to English songs (M


7.08) with moderately

high usage was usually employed and was the most frequently used

among the forty items. Similarly, in Lee' s (1997) study of junior

college English majors, one of the main findings from the subjects'

responses to open-ended question items was that listening to English

songs was also the most frequently used strategy. Moreover, this

supports Lee' s (200 I) findings regarding time spent on listening practice in that the subjects in her study tended to spend most of their

time listening to English songs on CDs, radio programs, or MTV.

This strategy seems to be intrinsically interesting and enjoyable to most learners and may at least partially account for these findings.

Hypothetical social practice was replaced by another cluster

dealing with the amount of exposure received (i.e.,

English-comprehension practice). This factor represents the priority of comprehending English aural and written input from English films

and TV programs. Regarding the use of captions,learners listened to

English without reading Chinese captions (Item 46), read Chinese

captions only for unclear parts (Item 48), and read English captions


車主語教學 r£ng[is丘哎呀chilψ r::lLearning 34.3 (Fall 2010)

(Item 45). In fact, according to the researcher's personal teaching

experience,most students really enjoy watching English films and TV

programs (e.g.,the sitcom Friends). The learning challenge,however,

is whether students can resist the“temptation" of just reading Chinese

captions and instead focus on English listening and reading

comprehension. For the English majors participating in this study,this

factor with moderately low usage was generally not employed and ranked last among the five factors. For non-English majors in Lee's

(2007) study,this kind of practice was also generally not used.

Except for the weak relationship between deliberate practice

and aural immersion practice, the other practice factors were

significant!y inter-correlated. Anderson' s (1995) three interrelated

stages of language comprehension involving perceptual processing,

parsing,and utilization might help to explain such interconnectedness

in the present study. Strategy application is not a serial process,but

rather a parallel and simultaneous process with multiple levels of

strategy interconnection. This is described by Vandergrift (2003) 的

“orchestration." In particular, problem-solving practice (primarily

including compensation and cognitive strategies) were correlated with language processing practice and the affective domain of strategy

application (i.e., deliberate practice). The results suggest the

overlapping of comprehending input and L2 learning processes, and a

parallel distribution between top-down and bottom-up processing.

Moreover,McCombs (1988) claimed that one of the most important

pu中oses of training in learning strategy use is to facilitate

self-controlled or self-directed learning, and that being


involved in the self-control of learning is the motivation to learn" (p. 141). Because strategic deployment of practice behaviors involves


~S "SUOIl它 lU~H1 0 [l moqBAqoUI S它 q~ms‘ SlO p可 lUBAgI~Ul~HnO pUB ‘ AJm!J !jOl d 'i3U!U 叮叮I ‘ Sg! 'i3 glBllS gJ!P凹 d'i3 UOUI它 sd!qsuoq它 Igl gql UO qJl它 gSgl 19q1lllJ pUB 'i3mm 即1 正'i3gl 間lS 'i3u~u 呵呵I lO J IOOl Inp叫它 l~叫它叩開 nOJglI 叩uoqsgnb gql JO Al!I! q盯 Igl pUB Al!P!IBA glBnbgp它 gql 'AIIBuH "SPrulSUOJ gA!J gql 'i3UOUI 它pg 日nl 日它gI 何必gJqJBld UO!sugqgldUIOJ-qS!I 'i3u 百gI~q 瓜干3日 n lOU正 IIBlgUg'i3 II它 glg必 SlO p可 UOISUg叮叮 dUIOJ-qS!I 'i3U3 pUB ''i3 U!SSgJ Ol d g'i3 Bn'i3 u叫‘ gJ!PBld g時 19q![ga "pg日 n Sg由 qg凹的 OSIB SB!i九 qJ~qM. 'lOp 可'i3U!AIOS-UIgIq Old gql正 qpg 必°IlOJ '日Op 可gA!J gql 'i3UOUI 它lSl!J pg)[UBl pu它 pgsn Sg間 qg凹的何必 lOp 月 UOI日19 田間! IBlllB gql "g'i3它 sn UIn~pgUI Ol !i九01 正I刮目 gpO山 P它 qSlOP 叮叮!PBld 'i3u~u 呵呵[ gAggql 'gsn 正2 叮叮lS JO正 JUgnbglJ gql 'i3u~P1B 'i3g~ "Am!qB!Iglq 'i3 !q pgl的 !PU~ Z6"JO BqdIB SιqJBqU01:) V "gJU盯 lBA IBlOlgql JO%6 "9P 10J pglunOJJ 它 IgpOUI lOp 可-gAg gql ·gJ~PBld UO!sugqgldUIOJ 呵呵 I'i3 U3 pu它已 UOI日19 田間1 IBlllB ‘ gJ!PBld glBlgq!Igp ''i3u~ss 的Ol d g 'i3 Bn 'i3 uBI ''i3U!AIOS-山gIqOld 'i3u~pnIJu~ ‘SlO pBJ lsnq Ol gAg pgPIg!正 SIS正 IBU它 lOP它J 正10l 它10I dx3 "SuoqBnl!S 'i3u~WBgI SSBIJ-JO-lnO U! 日lO!ABqgq gJqJBld ‘ S lO [BUI qsq 'i3 U 3 ld3 glB'i3 q日gAU! 0l gl!BUuoqsgnb正'i3 gl它II 日 gJ!P它ld 'i3 U!UglS!I 它JO uoqBP!IBA pU它 lugrndoIgAgp gql pglUgSgld SBq正 pnlS S!ql





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The first two books are preparatory books which introduce new vocabulary words, vocabulary practice exercises, and practice tests.. The four test books contain twelve

Goal: predict surrounding words within a window of each word Objective function: maximize the probability of any context word given the current center word..

Goal: predict surrounding words within a window of each word Objective function: maximize the probability of any context word given the current center

Goal: predict surrounding words within a window of each word Objective function: maximize the log probability of any context word given the current center

Goal: predict surrounding words within a window of each word Objective function: maximize the log probability of any context word given the current center

◉ Given an unlabeled training corpus, produce a vector for each word that encodes its semantic information. These vectors are useful because:.. 1) semantic similarity between two

Basing on it, the paper analyzes the subjective and objective causes which An Shigao adopted the strategy, and discusses the influences exerted by word-creating methods used by

• Enhancing Assessment Literacy in the English Language Curriculum at the Secondary Level: (I) Reading and Listening Skills. • Enhancing Assessment Literacy in the English